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Fatal falls from great height are a frequently encountered setting in forensic pathology. They present – by virtue of a calculable energy transmission to the body – an ideal model for the assessment of the effects of blunt trauma to a human body.As multislice computed tomography (MSCT) has proven not only to be invaluable in clinical examinations, but also to be a viable tool in post-mortem imaging, especially in the field of osseous injuries, we performed a MSCT scan on 20 victims of falls from great height. We hereby detected fractures and their distributions were compared with the impact energy.Our study suggests a marked increase of extensive damage to different body regions at about 20 kJ and more. The thorax was most often affected, regardless of the amount of impacting energy and the primary impact site. Cranial fracture frequency displayed a biphasic distribution with regard to the impacting energy; they were more frequent in energies of less than 10, and more than 20 kJ, but rarer in the intermediate energy group, namely that of 10–20 kJ.  相似文献   

A body was found in a local river almost completely converted into adipocere. The corpse was identified as a 78-year-old male who was missed for 13 months. It was assumed that he committed suicide by drowning. The postmortem imaging findings utilizing multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in this virtopsy case are presented with special focus on the radiologic appearance of adipocere. The loss of signal in MRI and hyperdensities in MSCT up to 1000 Hounsfield units, as well as the increased assessment of the intracranial structures compared with traditional autopsy, are presented.  相似文献   

The body of a 44-year-old scuba diver was examined using postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and findings were verified by subsequent autopsy. The goal was to find out whether the important pathomorphological findings for the reconstruction of events and the identification of cause and manner of death could be identified using modem digital cross-sectioning techniques. The findings of a massive vital decompression with pulmonary barotrauma and lethal gas embolism were identified in the radiological images. MSCT and MRI were superior to autopsy in the demonstration of the extent and distribution of gas accumulation in intraparenchymal blood vessels of internal organs as well as in areas of the body inaccessible by standard autopsy.  相似文献   

Using postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 40 forensic cases were examined and findings were verified by subsequent autopsy. Results were classified as follows: (I) cause of death, (II) relevant traumatological and pathological findings, (III) vital reactions, (IV) reconstruction of injuries, (V) visualization. In these 40 forensic cases, 47 partly combined causes of death were diagnosed at autopsy, 26 (55%) causes of death were found independently using only radiological image data. Radiology was superior to autopsy in revealing certain cases of cranial, skeletal, or tissue trauma. Some forensic vital reactions were diagnosed equally well or better using MSCT/MRI. Radiological imaging techniques are particularly beneficial for reconstruction and visualization of forensic cases, including the opportunity to use the data for expert witness reports, teaching, quality control, and telemedical consultation. These preliminary results, based on the concept of "virtopsy," are promising enough to introduce and evaluate these radiological techniques in forensic medicine.  相似文献   

The authors studied sexually dimorphic differences in coxal shape using geometric morphometric analysis of 15 osteometric landmarks recorded by multislice computed tomography (MSCT), based on three-dimensional reconstructions of 65 Caucasian adults. Geometric morphometric analysis, principal component analysis, canonical variates analysis, and other discriminant analysis (Goodall's F-test and Mahalanobis distance) were performed for the three separate bones of the left innominate (pubis, ilium, and ischium), the modified pubis (pubis and ischiopubic ramus), the modified ilium (ilium and ischial spine), three bone complexes (ischiopubic, iliopubic, and ilio-ischial), and the complete innominate. A cross-validation test was also performed. All areas studied were dimorphic, but results for sexual dimorphism in decreasing order were as follows: the modified pubis, followed by the ischiopubic complex, the iliopubic complex and the complete innominate, the pubis, the modified ilium, the ilio-ischial complex, the ilium, and finally the ischium. These results show the potential of this approach for future anthropological research.  相似文献   

After a mass fatality incident (MFI), all victims have to be rapidly and accurately identified for juridical reasons as well as for the relatives' sake. Since MFIs are often international in scope, Interpol has proposed standard disaster victim identification (DVI) procedures, which have been widely adopted by authorities and forensic experts. This study investigates how postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) can contribute to the DVI process as proposed by Interpol. The Interpol postmortem (PM) form has been analyzed, and a number of items in sections D and E thereof have been postulated to be suitable for documentation by CT data. CT scans have then been performed on forensic cases. Interpretation of the reconstructed images showed that indeed much of the postmortem information required for identification can be gathered from CT data. Further advantages of the proposed approach concern the observer independent documentation, the possibility to reconstruct a variety of images a long time after the event, the possibility to distribute the work by transmitting CT data digitally, and the reduction of time and specialists needed at the disaster site. We conclude that MSCT may be used as a valuable screening tool in DVI in the future.  相似文献   

Chen XM  Luo SG  Wang ZX 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):183-184,187
目的探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)及图像后处理在鼻骨骨折法医学鉴定中的应用价值。方法采用MSCT对134例被鉴定人进行薄层扫描并行多平面重建(MPR)和表面遮盖成像(SSD)。比较MSCT与常规X线诊断结果。结果线型骨折55(41.04%)例,粉碎型骨折46例(34.33%),凹陷型骨折27例(20.15%),未见骨折6例(4.48%)。X线平片及CR片漏、误诊48例(35.82%)。MSCT正确诊断133例(99.25%)。两者诊断结果存在显著差异(χ2=45.0816,P<0.001)。结论MSCT及后处理图像应作为鼻骨骨折法医鉴定的主要依据。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was the full-body documentation of a gunshot wound victim with multislice helical computed tomography for subsequent comparison with the findings of the standard forensic autopsy. Complete volume data of the head, neck, and trunk were acquired by use of two acquisitions of less than 1 minute of total scanning time. Subsequent two-dimensional multiplanar reformations and three-dimensional shaded surface display reconstructions helped document the gunshot-created skull fractures and brain injuries, including the wound track, and the intracerebral bone fragments. Computed tomography also demonstrated intracardiac air embolism and pulmonary aspiration of blood resulting from bullet wound-related trauma. The "digital autopsy," even when postprocessing time was added, was more rapid than the classic forensic autopsy and, based on the nondestructive approach, offered certain advantages in comparison with the forensic autopsy.  相似文献   

In forensic autopsies, one of the most important and common signs of violence to the neck is hemorrhages of the soft tissues. The Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern evaluates the usefulness of postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of forensic cases prior to autopsy. The aim of this study was to prove the sensitivity of postmortem MSCT and MRI in the detection of hemorrhages of the neck muscles. A full body scan prior to and a detailed scan of the explanted larynx after autopsy were performed. MSCT detected multiple fractures of the larynx. Detailed MRI was able to demonstrate the hemorrhage of the left posterior cricoarytenoid muscle. The minor hemorrhage of the right posterior cricoarytenoid muscle could not be detected with certainty. Although more experience is required, we conclude that combined MRI and MSCT examination is a useful tool for documentation and examination of neck muscle hemorrhages in forensic cases.  相似文献   

We report 10 autopsy cases involving fatal pathological changes in abdominal organs, for which findings of computed tomography (CT) on admission or after death were compared with autopsy findings. Two of the cases were death due to natural causes and eight were death due to traffic accidents. From the findings at autopsy, the causes of death were considered to be rupture of an aortic aneurysm in one case, gastrointestinal bleeding due to gastric cancer in one case, retroperitoneal bleeding in two cases, laceration of the liver in three cases, and traumatic rupture of the small intestine in three cases. CT findings revealed ascites or retroperitoneal bleeding in eight cases. However, in the cases of small-intestinal rupture, CT findings on admission revealed no free air. Therefore, ascites on CT should be regarded as a useful indicator of blunt abdominal trauma. Hepatic portal venous gas, known to be a post-mortem change, was significantly evident on post-mortem CT in cases of traumatic liver or intestinal injury, and was also seen in cases where the period between the accident and CT examination was long.  相似文献   

This study compared full-body digital radiography (DR) with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in the postmortem evaluation of gunshot wound (GSW) victims. Thirteen consecutive male GSW victims (mean age, 27 years) had full-body DR and MDCT prior to routine autopsy. DR successfully identified all metallic fragments, but MDCT was superior in its ability to precisely determine location because it provided 3-dimensional anatomic localization. In all cases, MDCT more accurately assessed organ injuries and wound tracks. Both DR and MDCT are limited in classifying multiple wounds and major vessel injury, but MDCT is generally superior to DR. MDCT shows significant advantages over DR in the forensic evaluation of GSW victims. This is particularly advantageous for the pathologist retrieving metallic fragments and for describing fracture detail accurately. Use of MDCT instead of radiographs will require medical examiners to become familiar with reading cross-sectional images.  相似文献   

鼻骨骨折螺旋CT3D成像与X线片对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 评价螺旋CT扫描三维重建成像与X线摄片对比对鼻骨骨折法医学鉴定的价值。方法 使用SOMATOM BALANCE 1s螺旋CT机,对32例复杂鼻部外伤者2mm/2mm扫描,常规进行最大密度投影法(MIP)、多平面重建(MPR)、表面覆盖法(SSD)、容积成像(VR)方式。全貌显示受伤鼻骨骨折影像,并与常规鼻骨摄片比较。结果 螺旋CT三维成像纠正3例X线照片的假阳性和6例诊断骨折类型不准确。结论 螺旋CT三维重建对诊断复杂鼻骨骨折块数目、移位,以及骨折类型优于X线摄片。  相似文献   

This study confirmed post-mortem ethanol concentrations in pericardial fluid and bone marrow aspirate in comparison with those in the blood in medicolegal autopsy cases (n = 140, within 48 h post-mortem). The specimens were examined by head-space gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Ethanol concentrations in the pericardial fluid (y) were approximately equivalent to those in peripheral blood (x): y = 0.99x + 0.02, n = 44, r = 0.972. A high stomach ethanol concentration (>10 mg/ml) appeared to mildly affect the pericardial levels. There was no significant interference in drowning cases. Ethanol concentrations in bone marrow aspirates (y) also showed a good correlation with those in the peripheral blood (x): y = 0.77 x + 0.02, n = 20, r = 0.981. A dissociation was observed in cases of delayed death from hemorrhagic/traumatic shock and elderly victims. These findings suggest that pericardial fluid and bone marrow aspirate can be used as an alternative material when adequate blood specimens are not available.  相似文献   

A comprehensive epidemiological study of the involvement of cannabis and ethanol in motor vehicle fatalities in the Province of Ontario, Canada, is described. The study is based on toxicological analyses of blood and, when available, urine specimens. Ethanol was determined by headspace gas chromatography (GC). For cannabis, the methods employed were radioimmunoassays (RIAs) for screening and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for the determination of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in blood. The study sample consisted of 1169 drivers and 225 pedestrians. THC was detected in the blood of 127 driver victims (10.9%) in concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 37 ng/mL, with a mean of 3.1 +/- 5.0 ng/mL. Ethanol was found in 667 driver victims (57.1%), in concentrations ranging from 9 to 441 mg/100 mL, with a mean of 165.8 +/- 79.5 mg/100 mL. For pedestrians, the incidence of THC and ethanol in the blood was 7.6 and 53.3%, respectively. The incidence of THC in the driver victims in this study constitutes an approximately threefold increase over the results of an Ontario study completed in 1979. At least a part of the increase may be attributed to interstudy differences in analytical methodology for cannabinoids.  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT、普通CT和X线在骨折法医学鉴定中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的比较多层螺旋CT(MSCT)、普通CT与X线3种检查法,评价它们在骨折法医鉴定中的应用价值。方法对366例受检者(已接受其他影像学检查)行MSCT薄层扫描并行SSD,透明化X线模拟投影和MPR处理。统计分析MSCT、CT常规与X线检查在各部位骨折中的诊断正确率和漏、误诊率并行χ2检验。结果鼻骨、肋骨、四肢及关节、眶骨、颅骨骨折MSCT诊断正确率明显高于普通CT或X线(P〈0.01)。MSCT与普通CT对脊柱骨折的诊断正确率无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。MSCT、普通CT与X线的总体诊断正确率分别为99.45%、70.27%和59.17%。常规CT、X线与MSCT诊断结果间存在显著统计学差异(P〈0.001)。结论MSCT对骨折的显示更准确,可作为法医鉴定的重要辅助检查手段。  相似文献   

When a knife is stabbed in bone, it leaves an impression in the bone. The characteristics (shape, size, etc.) may indicate the type of tool used to produce the patterned injury in bone. Until now it has been impossible in forensic sciences to document such damage precisely and non-destructively. Micro-computed tomography (Micro-CT) offers an opportunity to analyze patterned injuries of tool marks made in bone. Using high-resolution Micro-CT and computer software, detailed analysis of three-dimensional (3D) architecture has recently become feasible and allows microstructural 3D bone information to be collected. With adequate viewing software, data from 2D slice of an arbitrary plane can be extracted from 3D datasets. Using such software as a "digital virtual knife," the examiner can interactively section and analyze the 3D sample. Analysis of the bone injury revealed that Micro-CT provides an opportunity to correlate a bone injury to an injury-causing instrument. Even broken knife tips can be graphically and non-destructively assigned to a suspect weapon.  相似文献   

This paper presents a disposable biosensor to detect serum alcohol concentration. The proposed biosensor is fabricated using the cross-linking method to immobilize Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH) and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD(+)) on the screen-printed electrode modified with Meldola's Blue (MB) absorbed on Nafion. It is based on the electrocatalytic properties of MB as an electron transfer mediator, which can catalyze the oxidation of NADH to NAD(+) at a low oxidizing potential, thus avoiding interferences due to the presence of oxidizable substances in the real serum samples. The biosensor response for alcohol is investigated in terms of pH, buffer solution, temperature and some interferents. It presents the good specificity, reproducibility, stability, accuracy and provides a fast response. The biosensor has been satisfactorily used for the measurement of serum alcohol.  相似文献   

Patients affected by cranial trauma with depressed skull fractures and increased intracranial pressure generally undergo neurosurgical intervention. Because craniotomy and craniectomy remove skull fragments and generate new fracture lines, they complicate forensic examination and sometimes prevent a clear identification of skull fracture etiology. A 3-dimensional reconstruction based on preoperative computed tomography (CT) scans, giving a picture of the injuries before surgical intervention, can help the forensic examiner in identifying skull fracture origin and the means of production.We report the case of a 41-year-old-man presenting at the emergency department with a depressed skull fracture at the vertex and bilateral subdural hemorrhage. The patient underwent 2 neurosurgical interventions (craniotomy and craniectomy) but died after 40 days of hospitalization in an intensive care unit. At autopsy, the absence of various bone fragments did not allow us to establish if the skull had been stricken by a blunt object or had hit the ground with high kinetic energy. To analyze bone injuries before craniectomy, a 3-dimensional CT reconstruction based on preoperative scans was performed. A comparative analysis between autoptic and radiological data allowed us to differentiate surgical from traumatic injuries. Moreover, based on the shape and size of the depressed skull fracture (measured from the CT reformations), we inferred that the man had been stricken by a cylindric blunt object with a diameter of about 3 cm.  相似文献   

Virtual anthropology (VA) is based on applying anthropological methods currently used to analyse bones to 3D models of human remains. While great advances have been made in this endeavour in the past decade, several interrogations concerning how reliable these models are and what their proper use should be remain unanswered. In this research, a fundamental assumption of VA has been investigated: if the way we perceive and apply an anthropological method is truly similar when looking at bones macroscopically and through various 3D media. In order to answer, 10 skulls of known age and sex were scanned using a computed tomography (CT) scanner and a 3D surface scanner. Two observers separately applied a defined staging method to eight suture sites on these skulls, first looking at the bone macroscopically, then at the 3D surface scan, and finally on the CT scan. Two rounds of observation were carried out by each observer. Intra- and inter-observer error were evaluated, and two sample t-tests used to evaluate if the different types of medium used yielded significantly different observations. The results show a high degree of inter-observer error, and that data obtained from 3D surface scans differ from macroscopic observation (confidence level 95%, P ≤ 0.05). CT scans, in these settings, yielded results comparable to those obtained through macroscopic observations. These results offer many possibilities for future research, including indications on the kind of anthropological methods and anatomical landmarks that might be reliably transferable to the virtual environment. All current methods used in traditional anthropology should be tested, and if they prove unreliable, new techniques to analyse bones from virtual models should be developed.

Key points

  • Large discrepancies between observation on dry bones and computer-generated 3D models (surface scans or CT scans) could lead to the re-evaluation of the suitability of traditional anthropological methods for application on 3D models.
  • This preliminary study evaluates whether macroscopic, 3D surface scans, and CT scans viewings generate different observations.
  • The results indicate that the data are not always coherent across all three media of observation.
  • Explanations include the aspect given to the bone by the 3D software, differences between handling bones in real life versus on a computer, and level of expertise of the observers.

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