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Negotiation analysts have increasingly focused on the internal decision‐making dynamics in the minds of the parties. They ought to give more attention to the ways in which meaning is jointly constituted through sequences of verbal and nonverbal exchanges. The tools of conversation analysis (CA) and discourse analysis (DA) can be helpful in this regard.  相似文献   

India is an ethnographic museum, well-known for its national motto of “unity in diversity”. It is a country of diverse hierarchies where the social reality is intersected by the varied grades of caste and class, among others. Against this backdrop, this article conceptualises the intersections of primordial identities. The concept of intersection underscores how diverse social positions interact in a Tamil village in India. As intersectionality is “the mutually constitutive relations among social identities” (Shields 2008), the interactions of caste, class, and gender in education are conceptualised to understand the formation of capabilities.  相似文献   

Community self-help has been the principal strategy for creating social infrastructure in rural Malawi since independence. One rural community in Balaka district, southern Malawi, embarked on a project to construct a police unit as a response to rising incidents of crime. Begun in 1999, the project remains unfinished. There seems to be no interest in completing the work. This paper finds the explanation in the manner the project was initiated and how the village community was involved in its execution.  相似文献   

This article explores the delivery of strategies for human security,protection and empowerment, using as case study the UN AssistanceMission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) during 2002 and 2003. This UNoperation took place in the context of the international interventionsin Afghanistan and was a direct consequence of the US-led waron terror and the post-conflict state-building process whichensued. It was tasked to address the immediate human insecurity.The analysis of this mission highlights the pertinent issueswhich relate to the development of an effective human securityapproach and which apply to UN operations in general. It isvital, in this respect, to examine the compatibility betweenthe strategies of protection and empowerment, as human securitynow forms a central value of UN operations. This exploration,in turn, questions the distinct role of the UN in dealing withhuman insecurity in post-conflict situations.  相似文献   


Possible explanations are discussed in this article for the paucity of studies regarding political leadership, especially at the state level, in a well-functioning electoral democracy such as India with many parties and leaders. The article argues that such studies can be useful in making sense of the political and economic changes/shifts and developments of a particular state over a period that may have national impact. The article further argues that there has been a perceptible shift not only in terms of social composition but also in the “language” of politics used by the emergent generation of political leaders cutting across the party lines. The change has coincided with the rise of state-level parties and leaders in the post-Congress era followed by the ascendance of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).  相似文献   

Effective use of donor aid is critical in achieving the sixth Millennium Development Goal –reversing the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2015. The Paris Declaration of 2005 identified five key principles for aid effectiveness: ownership, alignment, harmonisation, mutual accountability and managing for results. As civil society organisations play a critical role in implementing HIV/AIDS interventions, it is important that they adhere to these principles. Often, however, they fail to implement interventions conforming with the principles, leading to duplication and inefficiency. Two case studies from AMREF in Kenya demonstrate how the principles of aid effectiveness can be applied to increase the impact of HIV/AIDS interventions.

Rendre l'aide efficace au niveau communautaire : l'expérience d'AMREF

L'utilisation efficace de l'aide apportée par les bailleurs de fonds est cruciale pour atteindre le sixième Objectif du Millénaire pour le développement – inverser l'épidémie du VIH/sida d'ici à 2015. La Déclaration de Paris de 2005 a identifié cinq principes clés pour l'efficacité de l'aide : l'appropriation, l'alignement, l'harmonisation, la redevabilité mutuelle et la gestion en vue de résultats. Comme les organisations de la société civile jouent un rôle crucial dans la mise en ?uvre des interventions en matière de VIH/sida, il est important qu'elles adhèrent à ces principes. Cependant, souvent, elles échouent à mettre en ?uvre des interventions conformes aux principes, ce qui aboutit à des doublons et à l'inefficacité. Deux études de cas d'AMREF au Kenya démontrent la manière dont les principes de l'efficacité de l'aide peuvent être appliqués pour accroître l'impact des interventions de lutte contre le VIH/sida.

Tornando a Ajuda Efetiva no Âmbito da Comunidade: A experiência da AMREF

O uso efetivo da ajuda dos doadores é crucial para se alcançar o sexto Objetivo de Desenvolvimento do Milênio – reverter a epidemia do HIV/AIDS até 2015. A Declaração de Paris de 2005 identificou cinco princípios-chave para a efetividade da ajuda: apropriação, alinhamento, harmonização, responsabilidade mútua e gerenciamento para resultados. Como as organizações da sociedade civil desempenham um papel crucial na implementação de intervenções relativas ao HIV/AIDS, é importante que elas tenham adesão a estes princípios. Frequentemente, porém, elas falham na implementação das intervenções de acordo com os princípios, levando à duplicação e ineficiência. Dois estudos de caso da AMREF no Quênia mostram como os princípios da efetividade da ajuda podem ser aplicados para aumentar o impacto das intervenções relativas ao HIV/AIDS.

Una ayuda más eficiente a nivel comunitario: la experiencia AMREF

Para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y conseguir que la epidemia del VIH/SIDA retroceda para el 2015, es de vital importancia que la ayuda de los donantes se utilice con más eficiencia. La Declaración de París de 2005 enunció cinco principios clave para que la ayuda sea eficaz: apropiación, alineación, armonización, rendición de cuentas mutua y gestión basada en los resultados. Debido a que las organizaciones de la sociedad civil desempeñan un papel fundamental en la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA, es necesario que éstas respeten los cinco principios. Sin embargo, a menudo éstos no se aplican en la práctica ocasionando duplicidades y falta de eficiencia. Dos estudios de caso de AMREF (siglas en inglés de la Fundación Africana de Medicina e Investigación) en Kenia muestran cómo estos principios de eficacia en la ayuda son útiles para aumentar el impacto de la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA.  相似文献   

甘肃省张掖市某养猪专业村 1999年饲养量达 12 0 0 0多头 ,由于引进仔猪及防疫等方面操作不规范 ,导致暴发猪瘟 ,死亡 2 0 0 0余头。经采取综合防制措施 ,使疫病得到了有效的控制。1 发病情况及临床症状该村某农户从外地猪贩子处购入 16头廉价的生长肥育猪与家中的 5 2头猪合圈饲养 ,当日部分猪即出现体温升高 ,皮肤发紫 ,食欲减退或废绝 ,精神沉郁 ,畏寒 ,行走时后躯不稳 ,背腰拱起 ,眼角有脓性分泌物 ,皮肤有出血点 (或出血斑 )等症状 ;病猪便秘或与腹泻交替发生 ,粪便常有粘液或血液 ;共死亡病猪5 7头 ,死亡率为 83 .8%。以后该病在全村…  相似文献   

The provision of local level electoral rights in Japan for tokubetsu eijūsha (special permanent residents) and eijūsha (permanent residents) has sparked an ongoing controversy between opponents and proponents of extending the boundaries of suffrage. Periodically igniting for over a decade, the debate has involved politicians from across the political spectrum as well as local authorities, non-governmental organizations and academic scholars, yet remains locked into a cycle in which a period of optimism is followed by inaction and stagnation. In January 2008 the leader of the main opposition Democratic Party of Japan reignited the issue once more. Against this background, the goal of this paper is to highlight and trace the way in which the mainstream debate for and against electoral rights is being played out in the public arena. In so doing this paper makes two claims. First, we need to recognize the way that certain historical–social influences emanating from the processes of state-building since 1945 influence the current debates. Second, this must combine awareness of both legal/constitutional and normative aspects, as well as a sense of intra-party and inter-party political contestation.  相似文献   

This article examines parents' views on the causes of students' absenteeism at the secondary level, using a sample of 221 parents from nine schools across Jamaica. The key factors identified as causes are little value for education, lack of resources, and factors within the immediate school environment. Apart from improvements to the school environment, the article underscores the need to provide employment-generating opportunities to enable parents to meet the needs of their children, and emphasises that efforts to address students' absenteeism must involve multi-agency partnerships including parents, community members, and social workers.  相似文献   


This article argues that accounting for the complexity of interaction in post-conflict democracy promotion is important to understand how interactions influence post-conflict democratisation. Using the case of democracy promotion in Kosovo, the article uncovers two aspects in interaction processes where accounting for complexity is particularly useful: domestic goals and actor constellations. Taking into account the variety of domestic goals helps to understand how democratic reforms are subverted by domestic elites for the sake of their own domestic agenda. Disentangling the complexity of actor constellations demonstrates that interaction dynamics are shaped by the leverage and the number of international actors involved in the negotiation. The article draws on fine-grained local-level data from Kosovo to illustrate the argument.  相似文献   

This article considers the problems of organisational survival, innovation, and inter‐organisational partnerships for unions and for immigrant community‐based organisations. The analysis focuses on the Citizenship Project, a project for assisting and organising Mexican immigrants, launched in 1995 by Teamsters Local 890 in response to the assault on immigrant rights in California. It concludes that new community‐based partner organisations sponsored by existing unions can be one effective response to these problems if the participants establish and sustain an appropriate balance of autonomy and accountability. The article also traces the development of a radical and expansive notion of citizenship by the Citizenship Project, and a related set of methods that integrate organising with service delivery, labelled ‘citizenship work’. It recommends that non‐profit tax‐exempt support centres be established at labour centres, labour councils, and international unions in order to lower the costs of such innovation for local unions.  相似文献   

正Dancing is one of the earliest forms of arts born in the long history of human beings.As a creative dancer,I personally hold that the greatest charm of dancing is that you could use your body language to the largest extent to truly express your thoughts,emotions and insights,so as to strive to achieve genuine communication that transcends languages and writing between the dancers and the audience.  相似文献   

美国站在战略十字路口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“9·11事件”是冷战结束后最具标志性的事件。值此“9·11”五周年之际,《现代国际关系》编辑部举办了“‘9·11’以来国际形势变化与中国外交”专题研讨会,邀请在京二十余位国际问题专家就五年来的国际形势变化、反恐形势、当前国际体系中的深层矛盾、大国关系的调整、国际格局的演变趋势、美国反恐的得与失、美国国际地位及实力的升与降、中国国际地位与国际战略等问题进行了深入分析和探讨。现将与会专家学者的主要观点辑录刊发,以期对读者把握国际战略形势及理解中国对外战略有所裨益。  相似文献   

Complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory is gaining mainstream recognition in development policy and management. This article looks to the correlations between development theory and CAS theory to support an argument for the validity of community level development as a complex adaptive system. The article describes some theoretical and practical implications of using CAS theory as a framework for community level development. This includes a call for researchers and practitioners to understand more thoroughly the contextualised nature of development, and the communities in which development interventions are implemented.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the use of a participatory learning and action (PLA) framework in a strategic planning process (SPP) at a primary school in rural Kenya. Successes and challenges are discussed, focusing on the barriers to fully implementing the PLA framework. Additionally, lessons learnt and ways forward for participatory SPPs are outlined. The PLA framework allowed the project stakeholders to engage in a planning process that gave participants a voice in the process. Although PLA methodology faces shortcomings, the application of this model is a step towards making community development more sustainable.  相似文献   

根据GenBank中登录的绵羊朊蛋白编码基因PRNP序列,设计并合成了可用于单核苷酸多态性(SNP)快速分析的3对引物和7条分别标记了FAM和VIC荧光染料的MGB探针,建立了一种利用荧光定量PCR扩增反应对羊痒病抗性基因进行筛选的方法。结果表明,设计的引物及探针具有特异性和高效扩增性,能够用于PRNP羊痒病抗性基因的快速分型。借助该方法可建立一整套完善的预警监测体系来预防该病的发生,也可用于羊痒病的常规实验室诊断。  相似文献   

On the fifth anniversary of September 11, there are many subjects deserving comment. Here I focus on one issue, the problem of the United States. The world today appears more unstable and uncertain than it was five years ago. This is not surprising, given that the U.S. stands at a strategic crossroads. My judgment is based on the following three arguments:  相似文献   

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