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冯茜 《金陵法律评论》2005,(4):133-137,143
运用叙事学理论和复调小说理论,对霍桑<红字>的矛盾性进行分析,可以发现这部作品存在多种声音的叙述:第一,叙述者的声音;第二,隐含作者的"声音";第三,小说中海丝特·白兰、丁梅斯代尔、齐灵窝斯三位主人公声音的在场.由于多种声音的出现,读者在解读作品时能真切体会到作者的思想及<红字>中存在的矛盾性.  相似文献   

宋代咏物词的发展可分为承袭期、反正期、高涨期和汇合期四个阶段。承袭期注重描绘物象的外在形态,风格冶艳;反正期开始赋予事物以生命和情感,朝着敦煌、盛中叟原创期咏物词的录城大道反正、回归;高涨期更多借物抒情,托物言志,并在时代因素的作用下,形成家国身世之恨的新主题;在汇合期,家国之恨已成为咏物词创作的社会心理基础,而且不同词派都注重谋篇布局、造语运典、仍律合韵之法,表明南宋后期雅化、诗化已成为词体创作的共同蕲向。  相似文献   

民事主体在不同的发展阶段表现出其个性化的价值特点,对这些个性化的价值进行分析可以找出民事主体整体的价值定位。民事主体除了对社会和个人的价值之外,还应注意到它作为一种制度在整个民法体例构建中所起的作用,即民事主体的体系价值。  相似文献   

附随义务的本质不在于是否由法律规定或合同约定,而在于它是诚实信用原则的派生和发展。  相似文献   

中小城市仲裁工作是一个很容易被人们忽略的角落。笔者以自己的经验和思考,总结出了在中小城市发展仲裁事业的全局思路和具体应该采取的措施,为我国中小城市的仲裁事业发展提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

婚姻关系模型理论与离婚法律制度之间的关联性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚姻关系理论从来都是婚姻制度的实质性基础。如果说离婚制度研究是一种“具体而微”的学术进路,那么婚姻关系理论则反映着整体的、宏观的、基础的婚姻定位、婚姻意识和婚姻观念,它融合了学者对婚姻文化的观察和思考,从“认识婚姻和塑造婚姻”的角度彰显着和实践着婚姻法的根本使命。对婚姻关系有着怎样的认识和定位,从根本上决定着离婚制度的指导思想和离婚案件的处理方式,这是另一种意义上的“塑造婚姻”。婚姻关系理论对个人自由与社会正义的考量,鲜明而深刻地体现在离婚制度中。一、不同婚姻关系模型的理论争锋关于婚姻关系理论,丰富多…  相似文献   

‘Globalization’ implies, among other things, the radical crisis of the metaphysical and theologico-political conceptions of sense. The crisis of the device built upon the concepts of the abstract individual, the nation and the State is at the same time the crisis of the subject as a master and an owner of sense (each time, the sense). But, if human beings are subtracted by the national, historical and metaphysical identities, by the system of the meanings-image, they are exposed to the possibility itself of sense as what precedes and exceeds every constituted identity or reality. This article aims at exploring in Jean-Luc Nancy’s thought the strict relationship between the ‘non-appropriable’ nature of sense and the being-in-common of human beings considered not as abstract individuals, but as multiple-singularities. A community that is the opening itself of sense, is not sacrificed to an originary or future Unity, but it is offered to the event of the present; to the existences as events and to an ‘immediate mediation’ as surprise. The experience of this offer as surprise is what Nancy calls ‘freedom’. Graduate student at the University of Venice, Italy; conducting a study of ‘the centres of temporary detention’ for migrants in Italy. The translations of all extracts are mine unless otherwise provided. These pages are dedicated to the migrants of the Association Solidariedade Imigrante of Lisbon, Portugal (to each one and to all of them, their friendship is for me such a great gift). I would like to thank Vania Trento Miotto and Thanos Zartaloudis with all my heart for the precious help in the revision of this article. Obviously, the responsibility for these pages rests entirely with me.  相似文献   

法治社会的“法”与“治”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“依法治国”,“法治”为其要义。近些年来,学界政界,对法治议论者甚多,其中不乏有胆有识之高论。但何谓法治之“法”,何谓法治之“治”,何“法”可用之于“治”,“法”与“治”关系如何,法治本质与特性如何,似鲜有平心静气、细致深入之论者。就此而言,此处严存生教授之文可谓棋高一筹,令人一新耳目。文中释论人之本性,法之明善及法之属性;治之自治与善治,治之于官而非民,治出于民及其属性等等,均有学理说服与发微启迪之长。推呈学界,或能复引精粹之玉。不仅如此,意味更为深长者,“依法治国”之“法治”,究竟寓意何在?其与“法制”究竟有何不同?前者一定是观念上的进步,抑或传统“治”国之策的另一种表达?  相似文献   

朱志峰 《行政与法》2005,(11):17-18
和谐社会观与依法治国在以人为本、维护人性尊严等方面存在着内在的联系。按照和谐社会观的要求进行系统的法治建设,是目前我国依法治国中面临的一个重要任务。  相似文献   

The English law of theft is confusing and problematic in principle. Since the introduction of the Theft Act 1968 there has been inconsistency in the interpretation of appropriation as court and commentators have grappled with the intuition that appropriation must entail some subjective element and cannot be purely objective. Although subjectivity is traditionally associated with culpability rather than with conduct, it is argued that some acts can be subjective and yet factual and stand as causes to effects. Appropriation is such an act, its necessary and sufficient condition being a mindset, here termed proprietary subjectivity, on the part of the actor. It is argued that clarification of the concept of appropriation can help to resolve misperceived problems. Such clarification will also reveal other problems in the law of theft. Some tentative comments de lege ferenda are made suggesting how these problems can be addressed.  相似文献   

区域交通运输一体化是实现区域经济一体化的重要步骤,涉及区域内地方利益冲突的协调,地方政府之间的利益冲突是地方利益冲突的最直接体现.地方政府间的利益冲突表现在交通规划和基础设施建设、收费权以及行政管理执法等方面.必须制定规范性文件以法律手段协调地方政府利益冲突,改革财政税收分权制度、完善财政转移支付制度、建立地方政府合作制度体系和建立交通运输统一监管执法机制,并将这些利益协调机制纳入区域一体化立法中,才能有效促进区域经济一体化进程的推进.  相似文献   

This article explores the influence of prevailing legal and political theories of inter-state relations on the formation of early American constitutional thought. Emphasis is placed on the manner in which the authors of The Federalist Papers built a legal argument against the Articles of Confederation and for the Constitution of 1786 by invoking principles of treaty law and the law of nations. It is argued that the Articles themselves resembled contemporary international treaties in format and in force. The Federalist's reliance upon such authors as Grotius, Locke, Montesquieu, and Vattel is examined in this light.  相似文献   

论宪法与私有财产权保护   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
编者提按:在任何社会和任何历史时期,财产归属,即所有权制度都是一个决定社会秩序形成、确立的关键因素.我国改革开放和经济体制改革以来,社会经济活动的方式、内容和规则获得了极大发展,几十年的社会主义计划经济模式,已经为越来越广泛的市场经济模式所取代.因此,打破原有所有权概念,重新构建新的所有权制度,并以国家根本法即宪法的形式予以确立,已经成了一个不可回避的重大社会课题.从下文列举的案件来看,可以略知如今我们对于财产所有权问题无论在思想上和实践上,还是在法律上和制度上,都是相当的混乱.此处文章属于思考和探索这一问题解决方案的尝试之一,思考深刻、观点鲜明,合理抑或唐突总是因人而异.谨此示于读者,意在不废一家之言,顺便提及,现今法学界对于物之所有权有不同的表述方法,如:财产权、产权、所有权.对这三个概念的异同,学者间颇有分歧.为尊重作者起见,本刊不要求一律采用传统的、于法有据的"所有权"概念,而保留作者采用的"财产权"概念.  相似文献   

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