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哲学与法学意义的符号互释   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘进田 《法律科学》2004,22(3):3-12
法学、法理的奥秘在哲学之中。哲学实质上是以非法学的抽象思辨语言在探寻着法的根本精神和理念。哲学和法学之间存在着深刻而广泛的符号及其意义互释关系。哲学的对象是作为"宇宙万物最高统治力量"的"最高的法"或自然法;哲学的产生和发展是借着"命运"、"始基"、"逻格斯"、"善本身"等范畴符号在探求"最高的法";法律的发展演进则是对哲学所揭橥的虚灵超越的价值系统或"最高的法"的不断定在化。  相似文献   

要解决汉语的字词关系问题,必须尊重语言字的发展事实:汉字的表意性使汉字一度以强烈的视觉意象在一定程度上占据了汉语言说的心理空间,但汉字在一定时期内表现出来的特性无法与整个汉语词的发展历程相对应。汉字记录汉语的实际情况说明,字词并非全然对应。汉语字词关系的深层线索在于意义,字的研究不能替代语言研究。  相似文献   

This article examines mental health advocacy,exploring the philosophy of the gift and thepsychology of forensic intervention. Byselectively, though strategically, reviewing the workof Hobbes, Emerson, and Nietzsche,we argue that egoism, charity, and pity displace altruistic, selfless gift-giving. To furtherlegitimize our analysis, we consider Derrida's semiotic deconstructionism and Lacan's psychoanalytic semiotics. Derrida points outhow gift-giving is an aporetic reality; that is,it represents an (im)possibility. Lacandemonstrates how the mirror stage of development givesrise to the self-other ego, in which the subjectis always and already divided. We subsequentlyexplain, therefore, how the gift of mental healthadvocacy must necessarily proceed, in part, from self-interests (i.e., egoism), making the virtuousact of mental health advocacy an (im)possibility.  相似文献   

谢郁 《法学杂志》2020,(7):56-67
探索以信任为前提的科研管理机制,需要回到科研经费制度中进行法理反思,挖掘科研信任关系的本质,进而以此作为科研管理机制建构的理论基础和指引。科研经费制度的规范基础包括正当性理由、实质性理由、必要性理由和否定性理由,与科研工作的创造性活动本质共同规定了科研契约关系的特性。信任是科研契约关系的必要组成部分,在信任结构与熟悉、安心结构的辨析中,专家系统与法律约束有着重要意义。科研管理机制的建构,需要从正反两个方面完成科研信任关系的建立与维系。  相似文献   

当赵作海冤案继佘祥林冤案后又一次出现时我们迫切需要改变传统思维模式,重塑现代司法的新观念:必须从重实体之法轻程序之法经过并重再到尤重程序之法的历史性转变;必须要建立起现代刑事法律关系的新概念;必须从满足"几个基本"的要求到"排除任何合理怀疑"的转变,刑法理论和刑诉理论上所提倡的"疑罪从无"原则本来与"超越任何合理怀疑"原则具有一定的相似性,理应予以坚持贯彻;消除冤假错案、平反冤假错案、避免公民个人的不幸是防止民族悲哀、雪洗国家羞耻,也是预防引发其他社会矛盾的必要条件,我们每一代人特别是每一个有职有权的人都有责任避免这一现象的出现。  相似文献   

货币以其价值尺度、流通手段等基本职能创造了现代社会的商品交换世界.作为现代社会秩序维系的核心要素,货币既是人类个体从主观世界走向客观世界的中介环节,又是国家规范秩序和治理体系的关键所在.货币既是公私法规范体系产生发展的秘密,也是公民权利和国家权力紧张关系的聚焦中心.在权利和权力的合作竞争中,去除金银本位的国家纸币体系应当遵循货币运动的内在伦理边界,寻求货币权力和货币财产权之间的和解,通过货币治理法治化,以货币民主、货币非国家化等规范框架限制货币走向极权的可能性.  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of the ways in which the spatial and illocutionary requirements of English marriage law – which regulate the spaces in which marriages may be solemnized and the words the parties being married must speak – have been used to maintain distinctions between same‐sex and opposite‐sex couples. It shows how religious opponents of same‐sex partnership recognition have relied upon historically entrenched differences between the spatial and illocutionary aspects of ‘civil marriage’ and ‘religious marriage’ to argue in favour of the enactment of law that enables organized religions to exclude same‐sex couples from religious premises and ceremonies that are open to opposite‐sex couples for the purpose of solemnizing marriage. It extends recent international debates about how faith‐based discrimination against same‐sex couples is accommodated by legislators and legitimized by law, and concludes with a consideration of how English law could be amended to end discrimination based on sexual orientation.  相似文献   

和谐社会与公众利益表达制度的法理思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐社会的核心价值是利益和谐。利益和谐是指多元化利益的相互博弈、对话和妥协,进而达成某种利益矛盾的统一共识。利益和谐的前提和基础,取决于利益主体闽的各种利益诉求均有合法通畅的表达渠道。立法听证作为一种科学化、民主化和正当化的公众利益表达制度,可以将各种利益的冲突与矛盾纳入合法有序的制度环节而予以妥善解决,其对构建和谐社会具有十分重要的意义和价值。  相似文献   

The relationship between the sovereign debt of developing countriesand the protection of social rights in those countries has receiveda lot of attention from an economic, political and moral perspective,but relatively little has been written about the legal sideof this relationship. This article addresses the underlyingissues from three different angles. First of all, it analyseswhat is and could be the role of international social rightsobligations in the context of debt repayment policies and decisions,and how conflicts between social rights protection and contractualrepayment obligations can and should be resolved under internationallaw. A second issue is what the protection of social rightsin national constitutions might add to the discussion, particularlywith regard to the justiciability of social rights. Thirdly,it will be examined whether and how social rights can be usedas a defence in proceedings for debt repayment.  相似文献   

法理学、法哲学关系辨析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
当前我国把理论法学与法理学视为一体 ,这不符合理论法学内部学科分工的要求 ,也正是我国理论法学落后的一个重要原因。这特别表现在法哲学与法理学的不分上。法理学研究主要是为了指导一个国家的法制建设 ,使立法、执法、司法工作有一个统一的和明确的指导思想 ,以保持其高度地协调一致和有效地落实在人们的行动中。法哲学研究则要探索所有法的本质、发展规律和发展趋势。显然二者属于不同的理论层面。  相似文献   

通过语言体察法律现象:哈特与日常语言分析哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言不一定要反映现实,而是使现实在语言的层面上得到理解. --题记** 为了真正理解一个思想家的思想,我们必须从思想渊源的角度考察该思想家曾经受到哪些思潮的深刻影响,这种影响是如何体现在思想家本人的著述当中的.  相似文献   

In the classical period of ancient Greece, Logos had a variety ofmeanings, most or all of which connoted one aspect or another ofHeraclitus's conception of the term, ``the rational governing principleof the universe'. The triadic semiotics of Charles Sanders Peircesuggests that, through the linguistic sign, humans construct structuresof meaning, which form the cognitive Worlds in which humans exist, thesubstantive content of consciousness, and which, as such, provide theexplanation for the Cosmos. The three-term Peircean Sign becomestriadic, however, only in conjunction with Peirce's Ground, whichprovides particular substantive values that form the basis ofconstructing the meaningful World. Thus, it is possible, for example, totrace in the heterogeneity of judicial doctrine in United States law thealternative sets of values that are available; the function ofWorld creation proceeds when the Ground is suffused with a particularvalue set. If Logos is conceptualized in terms of these value sets, thenit can be understood in terms of ``the rational governing principle ofthe World.' In this understanding, the substantive content of theGround becomes equated with the Sacred. This conceptualization alsoprovides an alternative way of understanding the opening of the Gospelof John in the Christian Bible and the concept of the Trinity inChristian doctrine in terms of the creative powers of humans through theSign. The fact of this same creative power also provides a way ofunderstanding the strong limitations in ancient Israel on pronouncingthe Tetragrammaton.  相似文献   

The recent Balkan Wars are a phenomenon of violence across psychicboundaries, the value-based cosmological Worlds that humans necessarilycreate as the substantive content of consciousness. This violenceresults from the human tendency to consider alien values perceivedacross a psychic boundary as a threat. This violence cannot beeliminated by eliminating these boundaries because these boundariesthemselves cannot be eliminated. Instead, the problem can be addressedonly in terms of establishing public institutions that honor a pluralismof values, thereby attenuating the threat that alien values pose.  相似文献   

Jaina authors use a pluralistic epistemological model as a tool to claim the superiority of Jainism over the other schools of Indian thought. In this article the general tendency of the Jaina’s epistemic pluralism is discussed and it is shown how the Digambara Jaina Vidyānandin tries to establish the Jainas’ pluralism on rational grounds by identifying erroneous epistemic alternatives through methodological falsification.  相似文献   

国家与公务员间的行政职务关系,实质上是一种基于行政委托行为而产生的委托代理关系,但是我国的公权力委托理论通常认为,行政委托的被委托主体不可以是个人。然而,近些年无论立法还是实践对于这一理论早已有所突破,如辅警等行政编制外人员与行政机关间,同样是一种行政委托关系。基于此,本文认为行政委托理论的内涵应随着社会制度的发展而适当地扩展,其核心在于被委托主体范围对个人的吸纳。  相似文献   

本文以“杨之辉等人诉某市电力局电磁波污染侵权案”为例,从侵权责任的构成要件出发,分析了举证责任的分配和因果关系的地位,明确侵权行为的当事人举证责任的合理分配。并以因果关系的证明标准,对一般民事侵权行为与环境侵权行为进行了定量的比较分析。  相似文献   

刑法中因果关系的层次及其标准   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究刑法因果关系,必须放弃必然性或偶然性的一层次逻辑方式,而以三个层次,分别依不同标准进行判断.在判断条件关系是否成立时,依据一般经验法则;在定量分析时,根据"动力规则";在定性时,则要兼顾罪责刑相适应的原则和刑法的"但书"规定.  相似文献   

《工伤保险条例》第14条第6项以及第16条均以劳动者过错因素作为直接的工伤排除规则,最高人民法院公布的40号指导案例亦采用以无过失为起点的推理逻辑,从而形成了以劳动者过错替代工伤因果关系的刚性规则。工伤排除规则中的过错责任是工伤保险演变的"胎记",与工伤定义并不协调。为防止个人行为或自愿行为具有可责难性成为排除工伤认定的一般规则,进一步周延工伤定义的理论以及完善工伤法律制度,应在因果关系判断中考虑劳动者过错。当劳动者过错足以改变行为(不再是工作行为)的性质时,方可排除工伤认定。在逻辑上,工伤认定规则中的因果关系应该具有周延而完整的解释力。  相似文献   

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