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分时度假法律模式之研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄健雄 《中国法学》2006,(6):135-150
在不同的分时度假法律模式中,买受人拥有的对标的物的权利可能不同,它可以是各种所有权、各种他物权或债权等。在遵循一物之上有且只有一个无期物权即所有权的国家或地区,针对某模式的分时度假,若创设一种有期限限制的所有权,可能造成该所有权与他物权没有实质区别;若创设一种新的他物权,则可既达到相同的效果,又可以避免该问题。基于不同模式下分时度假所共同具有的特征,许多规则是可以普遍适用的。  相似文献   

吴绍琪  陈千  蔡英 《行政与法》2005,(12):62-63
教育作为国家一项公共事业,其准公共产品的性质以及政府的广泛干预,使得教育领域中的租金无处不在,这必然诱使各利益主体参与到对各种教育租金的追逐活动中,因此教育寻租行为是大量存在的。本文旨在通过对“高考查分收费”这一案例的分析,认识教育寻租活动的表现和实质,重点剖析其危害,为有效地制止与预防教育寻租活动提供参考意见。  相似文献   

This paper reports an analysis of the determinants of the level and changes in Polish industrial concentration in the early post-transition era. In particular, the relative effects of foreign and state ownership are examined. The empirical evidence is based on a panel of 144 Polish manufacturing industries over the period 1989–1993. The results suggest that both state and foreign ownership have a significant impact on industry concentration and this relationship is U-shaped. Minimum efficient scale is found to be the only other factor to impact on industry concentration.  相似文献   

新制度经济学的产权理论认为,产权具有残缺性和可分割性的特征.运用产权理论对中国古代土地制度进行分析可以发现,中国古代帝国社会中国家(君主)掌握的是土地产权结构中的所有权,社会成员拥有的是土地产权结构中的占有权和使用权,由此形成的一种具有高度残缺性特征的土地产权制度形态,阻碍了清晰的土地私有观念和土地私有制度的形成.因此,中国古代官僚制最基本的经济基础是全国范围内高度集中的土地所有权,而政治权力与土地所有权在国家层面上的高度统一使得君主成为一国之内最大的地主,官僚制体系主要是作为君主王权的代理者而存在,而能否控制官僚群体对社会的提取限度则成为维系帝国王朝政权存续的基本前提.  相似文献   

Consensus has not been reached on whether a relationsip exists among violent crime, fear of crime, and firearms ownership. The questions addressed here are how, if at all, the neighborhood environments of urban blacks and whites affect their patterns and levels of gun ownership, what their attitudes are toward gun regulation, and whether there is a relationship between gun regulation attitudes and firearms ownership. Data collected through a mail questionnaire from white and black residents of high and low homicide risk neighborhoods in Detroit were used to test the questions. Results indicate, for the most part, that blacks and whites hold different attitudes toward gun regulation, that gun regulation attitudes affect gun ownership patterns, and that only in one instance did neighborhood environment explain gun ownership relatively well.  相似文献   

寻租理论对于律师收费改革中的某些消极现象有着较强的解释能力。律师服务收费办法的制定与政府指导价标准的设立是政府对市场调节的一种行政干预,不可避免地导致寻租机会和寻租活动。正确界定政府在法律服务市场中的角色和作用,使其在充分发挥积极作用的同时有效地避免寻租现象的产生,已成为律师收费制度改革的当务之急。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of foreign ownership levels on domestic firms' exporting behavior in India. Foreign ownership is categorized according to the control exercisable at different levels of ownership by foreign shareholders. The degree of strategic control a foreign shareholder can possess is determined by the institutional structure of the Indian environment that firms operate in. The results show that, after controlling for a variety of firm and environment-specific factors, only when property rights devolve unequivocally to foreign owners do domestic firms display the higher export orientation that is consonant with the process of globalization of their operations.  相似文献   

税兵 《法学研究》2013,(4):4-18
祛除国家所有权的法律神话,遵循解释论立场的研究范式,中国语境中的自然资源国家所有权是一个法规范系统。该系统包含基础性规范、确权性规范、授权性规范及管制性规范四个单元,分别由宪法文本、物权法文本和特别法文本予以载明。具备转介功能的引致条款把各单元串联成一个整体。在现代法秩序中,所有权绝不是由某一个部门法“独家经营”的法律概念。就所有权类型的理论反思而言,自然资源国家所有权蕴含着宪法所有权与民法所有权的双阶构造,纯粹私权说与纯粹公权说均难谓恰当。就自然资源使用的法律调整机制而言,应回归公物与私物二元区分的大陆法传统,并对“非对物采掘类”与“对物采掘类”自然资源作类型化处理,由此形成不同的规范配置。  相似文献   

This article analyzes class actions as a technology that groups may use in their rent-seeking activity, in addition to other rent-seeking methods such as legislative investment within the political market, when they seek to achieve favorable decisions from decision-makers—courts and legislators. It claims that groups may make their choice between various rent-seeking technologies according to their sensitivity to the problem of free riding. Therefore, it analyzes the effect of the legal instruments that facilitate class action lawsuits and collective litigation in most countries upon the rent-seeking strategies of groups, as compared to rent-seeking through legislation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the cross-sectional relation between ownership structure and corporate performance of a sample of 434 manufacturing firms listed on the Chinese stock exchange. Following the agency theory and taking other influential factors into account, such as firm size, leverage ratio, variance of sales, growth of sale and firm age, the results suggest that there is a strong relation between ownership concentration and corporate performance, measured by Tobin's Q. A further classification of owners reveals that while shares held by state play a negative role in corporate governance, domestic institutional and managerial shareholdings improve the firms' performance.  相似文献   

物权行为理论与不当得利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙鹏 《现代法学》2003,25(3):113-118
物权行为理论将出卖人的所有权请求权转化为不当得利请求权 ,无可争议地损害了出卖人利益 ,牺牲交易公正。同时 ,该理论不当扩大了不当得利的范围 ,不承认该理论 ,并不影响不当得利制度的构建。  相似文献   

This paper assesses market liberalization in the telecommunications industry from a rent-seeking perspective. Our focus is on United States regulation, with corollary international developments that are spurring competition. The analysis which is general in approach, assesses pervasive government controls which have long shaped the nature of competition in the telecommunication sectors. We find that government has been a means for retarding competition and innovation in the telecommunications sector through the actions of rent-seeking agents. Rapid technological change, however, increasingly is rendering traditional government regulation obsolete. This change is spurring welfare-enhancing competition, regulatory reform, and privatization in the telecommunications sector.  相似文献   

This study develops a property rights explanation of the multi-unit (MU) ownership strategy of the franchise firm. According to the property rights theory, the allocation of residual rights of control (decision and ownership rights) in franchise firms depends on the contractibility of system-specific and local market assets (LMA). We develop and test the following hypotheses: Multi-unit franchising (MUF) is positively related to the franchisor’s intangible system-specific assets and negatively to the franchisee’s intangible LMA. In addition, we argue that impact of financial assets on the tendency toward MUF depends on the contractibility of LMA. Empirical results from the German franchise sector provide partial support of the hypotheses. Compared to the agency theory, which focuses on (complete) incentive contracts that specify residual income rights between the franchisor and franchisee, property rights theory focuses on incomplete contracts that allocate residual control rights between the franchisor and network partners. Furthermore, compared to the resource scarcity theory, property rights theory explains the impact of contractibility of resources/assets on the ownership strategy of the franchise firm.  相似文献   

沉船沉物强制打捞清除的私法解读   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
海域和航道所有权既是公法上的所有权,也是民法上的所有权。沉船沉物强制打捞清除在私法原理上是物权法上排除妨害、妨害防止这种物权请求权的行使过程。海事行政主管机关基于对社会公共利益的保护,行使行政权责令责任人打捞清除沉船沉物。  相似文献   

基于我国自然资源自身的特点和自然资源国家所有权行使的实际情况,"统一代表行使+委托行使"模式成为重构自然资源国家所有权行使模式的现实选择,大体呈现出"代表行使—统一代表行使—委托行使"的层级结构。委托行使模式作为代表行使特别是国务院统一代表行使的具体实现方式,以集中统一行使为前提,以将国家所有权界定为私法所有权和实现国家所有权行使与监管权行使的真正分离为基础,横跨公私法两个疆域。委托行使在法律上的实现不仅要求国家所有权穿越公私法的分界线到达私法所有权的彼岸,而且需要使委托关系超越公私法律关系,成为一种新型法律关系。委托行使模式目前可通过委托协议来建立,将来应当通过自然资源特别法完成相应法律构建。  相似文献   

刘树桥 《政法学刊》2004,21(3):34-36
经过长期变革而形成的我国集体土地所有权制度,存在多级主体并存、权利不完整的缺陷。突破传统物权理论的框架,进一步强调财产利用的价值,从而构造财产所有和财产利用并重的物权二元结构理论。并在此理论指导下,完成对我国集体土地以国家所有、农民占有并利用为内容的权利重构,是我国集体土地所有权制度完善的理想选择。  相似文献   

Using a standard model of uncertain innovation, this paper examines research rivalry and rent-seeking rivalry in innovation markets. Previous literature has not considered the implications of rent-seeking in research markets. We find that greater rent-seeking by the rival unambiguously lowers own profit-maximizing research and rent-seeking activity. On the other hand, greater research spending by the rival also lowers own research and rent-seeking, especially when the probability of own innovation is low. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

借鉴有关股权结构与公司绩效的研究成果,对股权结构与公司绩效关系作出一定的基本假设,再从相对托宾Q的角度对这一关系进行的实证研究表明,国有股比例、法人股比例与公司绩效呈“U”型关系,流通股比例与公司绩效呈显著性负相关,同时股权集中度与公司绩效呈显著性正相关。这一研究结论对优化我国上市公司股权结构,进而改善公司绩效具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

法律监督三辨析   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:36  
本文对法律监督所涉及到的概念、特性、权能进行了分析论证 ,提出了法律监督的基本理论。文中通过对“法律监督”概念的分析 ,指出法律监督是我国法律中的一个专门术语 ,具有其特定的含义 ,并认为 ,只有检察机关的监督才能定义为法律监督。同时论证了法律监督的特殊性 ,并指出检察机关作为法律监督机关 ,应该具有一定的侦查权 ,但是不应该具有实体处分权  相似文献   

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