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青年文化:青年社会化的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青年文化,作为在青年中流行、并对青年产生重大影响的因子,是青年社会化的主要执行者。同时,随着时代的发展,青年文化又使青年社会化出现了新特点,蕴含着当今青年社会化的二重性。因此,积极加强青年文化建设,对青年社会化的顺利实现乃至社会的发展都有着极大的现实意义。  相似文献   

社会化是个体融入社会、适应社会的必经过程。青年是社会的未来,政治社会化是青年社会化的核心。青年政治社会化是在自身的内化机制和外在教化因素的共同作用下完成的,内在的心理机制是青年政治社会化的关键。青年政治社会化的内在心理机制由认知的三个层次和四个过程体现。激发青年政治社会化内在心理机制要重视“注意”心理因素、政治认知能力、政治实践的重要作用,同时,坚持外部教育因素传播的政治信息的内容的前后一致性和刺激的持续性。  相似文献   

大学时期是大学生逐渐适应社会环境,适应社会角色与道德规范,完成社会化过程的关键时期。因此高校教师应把握好大学生的心理发展特征,通过正确的引导和影响,使大学生能顺应社会和群体的方向,符合社会道德规范的要求,完成社会角色的转变,促进大学生社会化的进程。  相似文献   

编辑面对编辑对象时,总要表现自己的自主性与自为性以及创造性。编辑的自主性决定其要通过对“编辑对象”的改造,既传达个人倾向性又完成“对象化”。而编辑的自为性实际上强调的是在面对编辑对象时所表现出的一种有意识地“突破”种种限制的能力。编辑的“创造性”要求的是编辑个性、特色与受众需要的恰当结合。  相似文献   

群众工作是党和政府的一项重要工作,是沟通党和人民群众的桥梁和纽带,是构建和谐社会的基础。社会转型期的群众工作蕴含在社会政治体系的运作过程之中。做好社会转型期群众工作,必须转变群众工作的理念和工作方法;创新社会管理机制;重视发挥社会组织的作用;充分尊重、发挥基层的群众自治。  相似文献   

前期创造社小说突出自我意识,注重表现人物内心复杂的情感和心理变化,这种向内的呈示使它们具有一种鲜明而独特的主体性艺术特征。这种特征在小说创作中体现为鲜明的自传色彩,浓郁的抒情性,包含梦境、潜意识、变态心理等内容的大量心理描写。  相似文献   

青年组织作为社会组织的一种,具有十分重要的功能.主要包括:满足青年需要,维护青年权益,参与社会,促进社会进步,辅助政党和政府执政,充当意识形态重要载体等.这6个方面的功能相互联系,展示着青年组织功能不断完善的历史脉络.  相似文献   

媒介话语权是个人或群体在社会话语系统中实际地位的重要表征。2000年至2013年间,《工人日报》共刊登319篇含关键词"新生代农民工"的新闻报道。对此样本进行内容分析发现,新生代农民工的媒介话语权状况呈现为"弱主体性表达"。新生代农民工媒介话语权的建设,关键在于提升该群体的传播主体性。  相似文献   

高校法制教育的核心是培养大学生的法治理想、法律信念和法律价值观。然而大学生法律素质的现实反映了我国高校法制教育的欠缺,有必要对其现实问题与困境进行深刻反思,进而探究更为有效的主体性法制教育,实现法制教育的主体性超越。  相似文献   

由农业社会转变为工业社会是走向现代化国家的必经之路,而合理的农村社会的阶层分化有助于这一转变。本文从当代中国农村社会阶层的现状出发,把农民分为八个具有不同社会地位的阶层,并对转型期农民阶层分化的特征进行分析归纳。这有利于执政党对农村社会的科学认知和有效整合。  相似文献   

A number of respected social critics, including the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), have recommended the earlier integration of adolescents into the workplace. The PSAC Panel on Youth (1973) claims that work settings provide opportunities for developing and exercising personal responsibility, taking responsibility for the welfare of others, and establishing more extensive instrumental and social relations with nonfamilial adults. This study of naturally occurring employment among high school students examines these claims about the nature of the workplace. Drawing on interview, questionnaire, and observational data, we argue that the PSAC's expectations are somewhat optimistic. With respect to personal responsibility taking, although many adolescent workers have opportunities for self-management and report performing assigned tasks dependably, very few report going beyond the call of duty. With respect to social responsibility, workers experience only modest levels of task interdependence and centrality to a team effort; yet substantial numbers of adolescent workers feel that their work serves a socially useful purpose. Finally, with respect to intergenerational contact, the workplace fails to induce meaningful interaction with adults. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that if the workplace is to become a truly vital context for adolescent socialization, it needs to be designed more deliberately with such aims in mind.This study is part of a large-scale investigation of the cost and benefits of working to adolescent development. The research program is supported by the National Institute of Education and the Spencer Foundation; dissemination of policy-oriented papers is supported by the Ford Foundation. The authors, who are Co-Principal Investigators of the research program, share equal responsibility for this report.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Harvard University. Main research interests are adolescence and social institutions, life-span development, and social policy.Received Ph.D. in human development and family studies from Cornell University. Main research interests are adolescent development, life-span development, and social policy.  相似文献   

Weaving together the key themes of subjectivity, Europe, and affects, this article argues that the work of Luisa Passerini constitutes a paradigmatic shift in understandings of contemporary European history, culture, and politics. During the 1990s, Passerini's focus shifted from the history of fascism and memory to the study of ideas and experiences of Europeanness. She reclaimed Europeanism as a research topic for cultural history in order to articulate a critique of Eurocentrism. The coherence of her overarching thematic scope was safeguarded by a constant emphasis on subjectivity. Understanding the correlation between the theoretical privileging of the notion of intersubjectivity and the nurturing of collaborative, transgenerational, and transnational academic practices is thus very important for contextualizing Passerini's historiographical contribution. During the last three decades, Passerini has developed a historiographical framework that crosses many disciplinary boundaries and incorporates practices of teaching, learning, and researching into an integrated mode of producing historical knowledge.  相似文献   

市场经济条件下 ,对青少年事务管理的行为研究十分重要。然而 ,市场经济条件下的社会大背景带来了青少年及青少年事务的变化。政府在管理青少年事务时 ,一是通过构建青少年政策法律法规体系 ,提供政策支持和法律保障 ;二是通过政策主导、青年组织各显其能 ,走社会化管理之路。  相似文献   

广东省青年志愿服务转型与发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东省青年志愿服务近十年来得到迅速发展,但面临21世纪的社会需求,青年志愿服务必须实现转型。其转型背景包括民间需求强烈、社会资源丰富、政府导向明确、国际影响加大;青年志愿服务的结构转型主要的是建立协调中心、管理组织调整、服务团体分化、鼓励自由组合、完善激励机制;青年志愿服务的发展趋势是日常化、普遍化、持久化、社区化、法制化、科学化.  相似文献   

在实行市场经济的新时期 ,出现了收入分配不公的现象 ,一方面平均主义严重 ,另一方面收入差距悬殊。我们在分析收入分配不公产生的原因的基础上 ,探讨解决收入分配不公的措施。  相似文献   

The study examines gender-differential socialization within and across the three major socialization arenas during adolescence—the home, the school, and the informal youth association. The point of departure for this comparative analysis is Erikson's theory of institutionalized moratorium. Elaborating upon the sociological dimension of that theory, institutionalized moratorium is defined here as an open social arrangement that allows for free experimentation and temporary deviation within lenient—albeit normative—boundaries of social control. Accordingly, we delineate three structural components of socialization arenas—openness, control, and deviation—focusing upon the degree to which the levels of openness and control predict the level of deviation in each arena and for each gender. Data were obtained from self-reports of 220 Israeli adolescents who responded to a closed questionnaire designed to assess perceptions of socialization structure. The findings suggest that the deviation of boys is a stronger and more sensitive function of openness and control than that of girls. This gender difference is largest in the school and smallest in the youth movement. Beyond gender differences, the results indicate a common pattern of socialization underlying the three arenas; more specifically, deviation was found to be related to both openness and control. This pattern is most salient in the home and least salient in the youth movement.This paper was written with the support of the NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.She has a Ph.d. in Sociology of Education from the Hebrew University. Her research interests are sociology of education and youth, informal organizations, and gender socialization.  相似文献   

选题是青年调查研究的一个重要环节,也是透视青年学科研究现状的窗口。目前青年调查研究选题存在着选题的狭窄化、选题的热点性、选题的笼统化、选题的现时性等问题。要改变这些问题,1.要不断提高作者自身的选题意识;2.学术刊物要在选题方面发挥积极的导向作用;3.社会要积极提供学术反思、批评的环境和氛围。  相似文献   

The term youth voice has been identified as a mechanism that helps youth who are participating in out-of-school time programs (e.g., 4-H, Boys & Girls Club, Big Brother/Big Sister) achieve successful outcomes such as improved academic and social functioning. Youth voice promotion is commonly enacted in out-of-school time programs when youth workers extend opportunities to youth to provide feedback and make key program decisions. To date, scant research has focused on organizational factors that contribute to program staff (e.g., youth workers) willingness to promote youth voice. A structural equation model using person-environment fit theory within a Positive Youth Development theory framework was constructed to test organizational factors that contribute to youth voice promotion among youth workers. Data from 569 frontline youth workers within out-of-school time programs across the United States indicated that youth workers' abilities to form positive relationships with youth, professional efficacy, and ability to make decisions in their own jobs directly predicted youth workers' endorsement of youth voice. In addition, positive relationships partially mediated the effects of professional efficacy on youth voice promotion. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国“入世”,“深圳青年文化工作”与“入世后的文化需求”和“深圳青年不断更新的文化需求”等三者关系没有理顺,因而产生了制约青年文化工作发展的“四大矛盾”。为此,我们提出“五大工作对策”,供深圳等地的青年工作者参考。  相似文献   

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