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WANG Guangmei and Soong Ching Ling, honorary president of the PRC and founder of this magazine, had historical contacts in the early years of the new China. Their first meeting was in 1949, at the founding ceremony Of the PRC. Soong Ching Ling, then its vice-president, was in her late fifties, but looked perhaps 20 years younger. She carded herself with dignity, walked with a light step, and had bright piercing eyes.  相似文献   

It’s been 32 years now since Soong Ching Ling, honorary president of the People’s Republic of China, left this world. Today, we continue to cherish her memory and value her contributions to mankind.  相似文献   

Title: The Legendary Life of Soong Ching Ling Author:He Dazhang 346 pages, paperback RMB 46 (Chinese edition) Published by the People’s Literature Publishing House in December 2011 PUT simply, China would not be the same today if Soong Ching Ling, also known as Mme. Sun Yat-sen, had not played such an instrumental role in its founding and development.  相似文献   

I SARAEL Epstein (195-2005) was born in Poland and spent most of the life in China.In his decades-long career as a jour-nalist and author,he witnessed the Chinese revolution and the founding and rise of the people's Republic of China.  相似文献   

本文分析了丁玲前期的生活和写作,并由此探讨“五四”以来女性寻求独立过程中所经历的突破和面临的困境。丁玲独自离家赴异地求学,并以种种实际行动表明了同封建父权制的彻底决裂,从而初步确立了现代女性相对独立的自主地位。在此基础上,丁玲的写作本身既打破了女性在公共空间的“沉默”历史、公开展示了女性隐秘的身体欲望,因而极具颠覆意义和革命力量;同时又因为日记体的特殊体例而重新被置于私人话语的圈子里,削弱了其公共权力和合法性,并且再次把女性作为有待窥视的秘密加以性别化———这构成了丁玲创作的一个悖论。  相似文献   

WEreceived553lettersofresponsestothecontestbytheendoflastDecemberalongwithreaders'congratulationsforthemagazine.Manymorelettershavebeenarrivingevenafterourdeadlineforthecompetition.Theletterscamefromover50countriesandregions,andmostoftheanswersheetsalsoattachedlettersexpressingreaders'bestwishesforourmagazine.EditorsatChinaTodayaredeeplymovedbyourreaders'responsesandwishtoexpressoursinceregratitudefortheirparticipation.Manyofourreadershadclearlydonesomepreparationinordertoparticipateinourcon…  相似文献   

当前中国有组织犯罪的现状、特点、类型和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据对1997年至2010年4月间一审判决的327个黑社会性质组织案件的定量分析,并通过对吉林省、重庆市、河南省和贵州省黑恶势力犯罪的典型调查,对当前中国有组织犯罪的现状、特点、类型以及发展趋势进行了研究。研究发现,当前中国有组织犯罪活动处于活跃期,危害严重,呈现出分布广泛、结构严密、活动多样、势力范围以区县为主、暴力性突出、对政治和经济渗透明显等特点,并出现了结构松散、组织者领导者幕后化、成员临时化、暴力手段软化等新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

当代中国公民社会的成长和创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自市场经济改革以来,中国的第二次改革开放——社会的改革开放催生着中国公民社会的加速成长。当下公民社会组织的重要作用和客观困境,共同呼唤着公民社会从内部结构、外部资源、到文化基础上的创新。  相似文献   

李梅 《探索与争鸣》2006,(12):11-14
近年来,矿难频发。姑且不论难以准确统计的矿难数据大得有多惊人,不论某些地区“5000块钱另加500斤粮”的矿难补偿有多低廉,也不论“70多家矿山抽检中女工多达249人”有多荒唐,仅面对各大媒体披露的矿难前后相关部门的全部反应,复旦大学社会学系学术委员会主任、上海市政府决策咨询专家胡守钧教授不无遗憾地质问:“工会在哪里?工会在干什么?”作为工人表达意愿的重要渠道,作为缓和劳资紧张关系的减压阀,一个组织健全的、功能有效发挥的工会是我们所期盼的;但显然,当下工会的存在状态和作为状态也是为我们所忧虑的。日前,记者就转型期工会的…  相似文献   

正Despite his over 40 visits to China,it was still a surprise to Luis Schmidt Montes when he was appointed Chilean ambassador to China in 2010.Our interview with His Excellency started with the issue of bilateral trade–for Montes played a major role in the China-Chile free trade pact that came into effect on October 1,2006.  相似文献   

记者:二十多年来,在国企改革取得重大进展的同时,也始终伴随着对改革纷争不断、褒贬不一的讨论.我想这其中既有对改革路径的探讨,也有在实践层面对改革政策的曲解和误读.您能否就这个问题谈点看法?  相似文献   

中国当今社会矛盾的特点与解决途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪90年代以来,也就是近一二十年,中国处于社会矛盾的高发期,也是一些非对抗性矛盾演化为对抗性矛盾的突发期.有一个时期,犯罪率很高,大案、要案居高不下,青少年犯罪十年翻番.  相似文献   

BEFORE leaving for Africa,we held an interview with Emmanuel MBA ALLO,Gabonese Ambassador to China,to talk about Sino-Africa and Sino-Gabon cooperation.  相似文献   

论文从民族志的视角,以交通工具之独轮车、汽车与高铁车辆发展的现实回答有关消费、消费主义文化与当今人类面临的问题,认为应对符号消费或者凡勃伦效应的出口在于践行绿色消费。  相似文献   

CHINA has long had a close relationship with Africa, and in recent years economic and political ties have grown even stronger. Both the Chinese government and private enterprises have significant investments on the African continent. Last November a 20-member governmental delegation came to Beijing from the central-east African nation of Uganda, to talk to Chinese political and business leaders about fostering economic and cultural links between the two countries. Shortly after the delegation's visit, two China Today reporters met with the Ugandan Ambassador, Mr. Charles Madibo Wagidoso, to discuss what was achieved, the ambassador's impressions of China and the upcoming Beijing Olympics.  相似文献   

当代中国社会正为道德滑坡所困惑,当代中国的法治建设也为道德滑坡所拖累,因为法治实现需要伦理精神的支撑和道德力量的维系。当代中国道德滑坡与几千年德治理念的衰落有着直接的关系。扬弃中国传统的德治理念,实现儒家德治理念的现代化是中国法治走出困境的必由之路。  相似文献   

Equal treatment for Chinese enterprises in the U.S. was an agenda item in the second round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). By the end of 2010, American investment in China exceeded US $60 billion, while China’s investment in the U.S. was only one-f ifteenth of that, around US $4 billion.  相似文献   

20世纪 90年代以来 ,我国的治安灾害事故出现持续上升态势。治安灾害事故不仅有它自身的规律 ,而且也有其深刻的社会原因 ,既涉及社会发展过程中的政治、经济、文化、管理、法制建设等方面 ,也涉及生产力和生产手段的发展水平。正确认识和分析我国现阶段治安灾害事故的基本特点和规律 ,分析其发生的社会原因 ,对于有效地预防和遏制治安灾害事故的发生 ,加强社会控制 ,有着重要的意义与作用。  相似文献   

工业化、信息化与跨越式发展--简新华教授访谈录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新世纪之初,我国提出了把工业化与信息化结合起来,以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,实现生产力跨越式发展的战略。这是针对中国经济发展新阶段的任务和特点提出的新的重大战略方针。如何正确理解和切实贯彻这个战略方针,是新世纪中国现代化建设的关键。为此,记者采访了武汉大学经济研究所执行所长简新华教授。记者:目前对生产力跨越式发展的内涵,以信息化带动工业化的必要性、可能性和途径的认识还不统一,理解也不准确和深刻,极需深入思考和探究。这里首先请您谈谈什么是“社会生产力的跨越式发展”,与1958年的“大跃进”和…  相似文献   

在国内的于丹、李零等讲解儒学之际,我们不能忽视当代海外和港澳台地区的五大儒学学派。其中主要有对话之儒杜维明、诠释之儒成中英、继承之儒蔡仁厚、沟通之儒刘述先、教化之儒汤恩佳。  相似文献   

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