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《Science & justice》2020,60(3):253-262
Papaver somniferum, commonly known as opium poppy, is the source of natural opiates, which are used as analgesics or as precursors in the creation of semi-synthetic opioids such as heroin. An increase in opioid addiction in the United States has resulted in high rates of illicit opioid use and overdoses. It has recently been shown that P. somniferum DNA suitable for genetic analysis can be recovered from heroin samples. The development of a comprehensive genetic individualization tool for opium poppy could serve to link cases and strengthen programs such as the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Heroin Signature Program, which seeks to combat rising opioid use.The purpose of this study was to develop a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) method for the quantification of opium poppy DNA, compare three commercial DNA extraction kits for their ability to isolate DNA from poppy seeds, and evaluate nineteen opium poppy short tandem repeat (STR) markers for their use in a forensic identification panel. Such a panel could be used for individualizing samples and determining the geographic origin in heroin or poppy seed tea cases. The qPCR method was proven to be reproducible and reliable, specific for P. somniferum, and sensitive enough for forensic case-type samples. Of the three kits tested, the nexttec™ one-step DNA Isolation Kit for Plants was the optimal method and facilitated rapid extraction of DNA from poppy seeds. The majority of evaluated STR primer sets were unreliable or had low discriminatory power, limiting their use for individualization of poppy samples. A six-locus STR multiplex was developed and evaluated according to Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) and International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) guidelines, including the use of a sequenced allelic ladder. The multiplex was found to have low discriminatory power, with greater than two-thirds of samples analyzed having just two different genotypes. The multiplex was determined to be unsuitable for individualization; however, a genotype map was developed as a proof of concept that these markers may be useful for determining the biogeographical origin of samples. Searching the poppy genome for new STR markers and developing new primer sets may be necessary for the creation of a powerful genetic tool for the individualization of P. somniferum.  相似文献   

Li CT  Guo H  Zhao ZM  Li L 《法医学杂志》2008,24(3):214-220
美国联邦调查局建立的联合DNA索引系统即CODIS系统至今已有10年,该系统确定的13个STR基因座及近年来开发的PentaD、PentaE、D2S1338和D19S433基因座被全世界范围内的实验室广泛采用,在亲权鉴定和罪犯数据库建设等方面发挥了重要的作用。本文利用Web of Knowledge核心检索系统和Elsevier等全文数据库及网络资源,对近年来常用STR基因座的基因组学特征和遗传学特征进行了深入地分析,并对这些STR基因座在实践中的应用情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

The allele frequencies for the 15 short tandem repeats included in the Power Plex-16 kit (Promega Corp., Madison, WI, USA) were determined in a sample of 429 unrelated individuals from five provinces of the Northern and Northeastern regions of Argentina. Three Northern provinces including Salta, Formosa and Chaco and two within the region surrounded by the Paraná and Uruguay Rivers commonly known as the Argentine Mesopotamia, including Misiones and Corrientes. Since in this region Entre Ríos Province is also present, previously published results were used for comparison. The calculated parameters: polymorphism information content (PIC); discrimination power (DP); matching probability (MP); typical paternity index (TPI) and power of exclusion (PE) showed Penta E to be the most valuable marker from the studied sample set. All loci met Hardy–Weinberg expectations using the Bonferroni correction for the number of loci analyzed, except D3S1358 in Salta and THO1 in Formosa provinces. Population differentiation test revealed that the Salta population sample data denoted significant differences for various loci when compared with the other province information presented here in, as well as with other published data sets.  相似文献   

The use of X chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) markers has been greatly increasing in the forensic setting. Using guidelines set forth previously for the validation of autosomal and Y STRs, aspects of the feasibility of routine X chromosomal STR use were evaluated. Two mini-X chromosomal STR multiplexes capable of amplifying 15 total markers were developed and utilized to determine allele nomenclature, allele/genotype frequencies, mutation rates, and linkage between markers. Additionally, a concordance study between these multiplexes and a commercially available kit was performed. Here, the authors present an overview of this extensive developmental validation study.  相似文献   

This work presents the results obtained from a genetic–population study for the D1S1656 system in the population of Southwest Spain (Huelva, Cádiz and Sevilla), Spaniards of Caucasian origin from North Africa (Ceuta), as well as in the black Central West African and Moroccan immigrant populations in Spain. The results of a study of the autochtonous population of the Canary Islands (n=138), and immigrant Central West African populations in Spain (n=132), obtained for nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci (D3S1358, VWA, FGA, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820), as well as the amelogenin locus, all contained in Profiler Plus™ (Perkin-Elmer) PCR amplification kits, are also presented. Except for the FGA and VWA data on immigrant Central West African populations in Spain, no deviations from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected.  相似文献   

常染色体STR分型鉴定半同胞关系的亲缘关系指数计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的获得双方生母均参与情形下计算两个或三个孩子间半同胞关系指数(half-sib index, HSI)的简化公式。方法在给定的前提假设下,根据HSI值的定义,首先推导出单基因座上HSI值的统一表达式,再获得不同基因型组合下的计算公式,最后归纳出两种鉴定情形下的简化公式。将简化公式应用于1例典型的半同胞关系鉴定,根据39个常染色体STR位点的分型计算不同鉴定情形下的累积HSI值。结果成功地推导和归纳出双方生母均参与情形下计算两个或三个孩子间HSI值的简化公式。实际案例的计算结果显示,当双方生母均参与时,任意两个孩子间的累积HSI值与生母均不参与时相比均发生了数量级的改变,即在半同胞关系情形下大约为10~4~10~6倍,在无关个体情形下大约为10~(-4)~10~(-3)倍。结论所推导出的简化公式可用于计算双方生母均参与情形下两个或三个孩子间的HSI值。  相似文献   

Fifteen autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) markers (D3S1358, HUMTH01, D21S11, D18S51, PENTA E, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSF1PO, PENTA D, HUMvWA, D8S1179, HUMTPOX, FGA) were analyzed in 1734 individuals living in urban areas of cities from six different Argentinian provinces (Buenos Aires, Neuquén, Tucumán, La Pampa, San Luis, Santa Cruz) in order to determine if a common urban database could be used in Argentina for forensic purposes. Frequencies estimates, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), and other parameters of forensic interest were computed. Comparisons between the six populations, and with published data from one Native American population from Argentina and other urban populations from Argentina and Europe were also performed. Our results reveal evidences for population structure, both when testing for genetic differentiation and when comparing frequencies distributions between different pairs of populations. Therefore, caution should be taken when using a common pooled database with general forensic purposes in Argentina.  相似文献   

In the present study the genetic variation of different Peruvian populations was investigated. The samples for this study were obtained from 669 individuals distributed among 11 populations from Peru. All samples were analyzed using 23 autosomal STR markers. The Arlequin v3.5.2.2 software was used to determine the genetic distances (Fst) of the studied populations. Notable population substructure was detected between some populations.  相似文献   

目的观察20个常染色体STR基因座突变在河南汉族人群中的分布情况。方法从3011例确认亲子关系的亲子鉴定案例中筛查基因突变事件,确定突变来源,统计各STR基因座的突变率,分析突变规律并与部分不同地区的人群STR基因座突变情况进行比较分析。结果在20个STR基因座中观察到19个基因座的发生的76次突变事件,平均突变率为0.08%累计突变率达到1.662 9%;父、母源性突变的比率大致为8:1;河南汉族人群在Penta E和D12S391基因座突变率明显低于北方汉族人群(P0.05);在D6S1043、CSF1PO和D12S391基因座突变率明显低于广东人群(P0.05);在CSF1PO基因座突变率明显低于云南汉族人群(P0.05)。结论 STR基因座突变现象较为常见,不同基因座的突变率存在着明显的地区差异。  相似文献   

目的调查15个STR基因座的突变情况。方法采集817例亲子鉴定的2722份血样本,采用Identi—filerTM系统扩增15个STR基因座分型,共有33060次等位基因传递,统计各基因座发生突变的频率。结果在15个基因座中发现涉及11个基因座共25次突变,平均突变率为0.8×101(95%C10.5—1.1×10-3),其中一步突变20次,两步突变3次,三步突变2次;父、母来源突变比率为2.6:1,不能确定来源突变7次。结论STR基因座等位基因在IdentifilerTM复合扩增系统突变现象较为常见,亲子鉴定时应引起注意。  相似文献   

短串联重复基因座突变率的分析研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
分析亲子鉴定案例进行中的STR基因座的突变率。采用chelex 100快速抽提DNA,DNA扩增,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、银染色法,参照标准品进行DNA分型。在300例已确定亲生关系的案例中,有11例出现STR基因座变异,其中D11S554基因座6例,D19S253基因座2例,SE33、D12S391、D13S631基因座各1例。结果提示:用STR基因座进行亲子鉴定,必须考虑STR基因座突变因素。  相似文献   

Four tribal populations of Andhra Pradesh, South India (1), Chenchu (n=100), Lambadi (n=107), Naikpod Gond (n=104) and Yerukula (n=101) were analyzed for DNA polymorphisms at 15 tetranucleotide and 2 pentanucleotide short tandem repeat (STR) loci in the present study.  相似文献   

目的 调查18个短串联重复序列(Short Tandem Repeat,STR)位点在甘肃省汉族人群中的基因频率分布.方法 采用PCR扩增及毛细管电泳技术对272名个体的18个STR基因座进行分析.结果 共检出202种等位基因,基因频率分布在0.002~0.570之间.18个STR基因型分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P>0.05),杂合度在0.599~0.893之间,个人识别能力在0.771~0.984,多态信息含量在0.534~0.910,非父排除概率在0.290~0.782.结论 本研究结果可为人类群体遗传学及法医学后续研究提供详实可靠的基础数据.  相似文献   

Our study provides population genetic data on two population samples collected in a Hungarian speaking region of Transylvania, Romania. Allele frequency and profile databases were generated on 17 autosomal STR loci (D2S1338, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D19S433, D21S11, VWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, Penta E and Penta D) as well as at the 12 European Y-STR extended haplotype loci (DYS19, DYS389-I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385 loci, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS439). Data were compared to a Central Hungarian (Budapest region) population sample [B. Egyed, S. Füredi, M. Angyal, L. Boutrand, A. Vandenberghe, J. Woller, Z. Padar, Analysis of eight STR loci in two Hungarian populations, Forensic Sci. Int. 113 (2000) 25-27] that was used as a reference group of the Hungarian population. Calculating the F(ST) indices and with the pairwise comparisons of interpopulation molecular variance (AMOVA) the two populations from Transylvania could be fit into the Hungarian population data showing less substructuring effects as compared to the previous findings in Hungary [B. Egyed, S. Füredi, M. Angyal, L. Boutrand, A. Vandenberghe, J. Woller, Z. Padar, Analysis of eight STR loci in two Hungarian populations, Forensic Sci. Int. 113 (2000) 25-27; B. Egyed, S. Füredi, M. Angyal, I. Balogh, L. Kalmar, Z. Padar, Analysis of the population heterogeneity in Hungary using fifteen forensically informative STR markers, Forensic Sci. Int. 158 (2005) 244-249].  相似文献   

目的观察和分析STRtyper-10G系统9个STR基因座的突变特点。方法在7 707例肯定亲子关系的案件中,统计使用STRtyper-10G试剂盒(9个STR基因座)检测发现的突变事件,判断突变等位基因的来源,计算各基因座的突变率,分析突变特点。结果在9个基因座上共发现118个突变事件,均为1步突变;平均突变率为1.69×10-3(95%CI 1.40×10-3~2.03×10-3),各基因座的突变率介于0.78×10-3~2.84×10-3,父、母来源突变比例为9.64∶1;短、中、长等位基因的突变比值约为1∶8∶3,增加和减少重复单位的突变比值为1.29∶1。结论 9个基因座的突变率存在显著差异,实际检案时应结合各基因座的突变率进行PI值计算更为科学。  相似文献   

常染色体STR遗传标记在同胞鉴定中的应用   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:17  
目的 探讨常染色体STR遗传标记用于鉴定两个体同胞关系的可行性。方法 用Power Plex~(TM)16体系15个STR基因座检测150对同胞个体和150对无关个体,ITO法计算同胞关系指数(PI_(FS))与同胞关系概率(W_(FS)),并比较两组W_(FS)值及两个体间等位基因匹配情况的差异,对前者进行组间差异的x~2检验。结果 100对(66.67%)同胞个体的W_(FS)大于0.9995;无关个体W_(FS)均小于0.8,其中100对(66.67%)W_(FS)小于0.27。同胞个体两个体间等位基因全相同的基因座个数为1~10个不等,平均5.49个,无关个体0~5个不等,平均1.33个;等位基因全不同的基因座个数,同胞个体0~6个不等,平均1.66个,无关个体2~11个不等,平均6.57个;等位基因半相同的基因座个数,同胞个体3~13个不等,平均7.85个,而无关个体1~13个不等,平均7.11个。经x~2检验,同胞个体和无关个体间全相同和全不同的基因座数差异均有极显著意义(P<0.001),半相同的基因座数差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。结论 PowerPlex~(TM)16体系可用于鉴定同胞关系。当两个体全不同基因座个数大于或等于6个,或全相同基因座数为0时,提示为无关个体;当两个体全不同基因座个数小于或等于1个,或全相同基因座数大于或等于6个时,提示为同胞。  相似文献   

中国成都地区汉族群体5个STR基因座的遗传多态性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
采用PCR扩增,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析技术,调查中国成都汉族群体DIS1656、D851179、D9S302、D185535及D195253等5个STR基因座的等位基因频率分布。D1S1656检出11个等位基因,35种基因型;DSS1179检出9个等位基因,32种基因型;D95302检出12个等位基因,50种基因型;D185535检出7个等位基因,20种基因型;D195253检出8个等位基因,28种基因型。5个STR基因座基因型频率分布符合Hardy-weinberg平衡(P>0.05)。个人识别机率(DP)为0.92~0.98。分析了二代3口之家的遗传模式,证明5个STR基因座均符合孟德尔遗传规律。5个STR基因座PCR扩增采用同一条件,方法简单、快速、灵敏、重复性好,可用于法科学亲子鉴定和个人识别。  相似文献   

The allele frequency distribution of 15 short tandem repeats (STR) loci contained in the AmpFlSTR Identifiler PCR Amplification Kit (Applied Biosystems), was determined in two Berber populations from Asni and Bouhria, in Central and Eastern Morocco, respectively. A total of 209 individuals were typed. No deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed for Asni at the 15 STRs loci whereas for the Bouhria samples, two loci (D5S818 and TH01) showed significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations (after Bonferroni's correction). All loci are highly polymorphic and population differentiation tests showed that the Moroccan samples from Asni and Bouhria have significant differences in 4 out of 15 loci (D21S11, D7S820, D16S539 and TPOX). The aim of the study was to obtain accurate allele frequencies relevant for forensic applications. Comparative analyses between our population data and other population samples gathered from the literature are also presented.  相似文献   

中国汉族人群41个STR基因座突变情况的观察分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的调查41个STR基因座在中国汉族人群中的突变情况。方法收集1 932个三联体家系4 546份血样本,采用AGCU_21+1、AGCU_EX22、Global Filer_Express~(TM)系统扩增41个STR基因座分型,统计各基因座发生突变的频率。结果 150个三联体在32个基因座共观察到154次突变,平均突变率为1.0×10~(-3)(95%CI:0.8~1.1×10~(-3)),突变率最高的是基因座SE33。其中一步突变152次(98.7%),两步突变2次(1.3%);146个三联体仅1个基因座发生突变(97.3%),4个三联体在2个基因座发生突变(2.7%);父、母来源突变比率约为4.7:1。结论 STR基因座等位基因突变现象较为常见,亲子鉴定时应引起注意。  相似文献   

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