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<正>Providing neutral,impartial and independent humanitarian assistance in sometimes protracted conflicts and situations of violence can create an environment conducive for development but how is this achieved?Peter Maurer,President of the International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC),spoke to Beijing Review reporter Liu Jian about  相似文献   

CPAFFC Delegation Visits U.S. and CanadaFrom June 24 to July 2, 2006, the World Peace Forum was jointly held in Vancouver by the Vancouver municipal government, and a number of local nongovernmental organizations. CPAFFC Vice President Li Xiaolin and her party attended the forum at invitation, and spoke on "Sino-Japanese relations and postwar reconciliation" at the group discussion on "reconciliation and peace in north-eastern Asia" of the Asia Regional Conference.The theme of th…  相似文献   

Over the Moon     
正If you’re going to express your love for someone special in your life, doing it beneath the light of a full moon is guaranteed to place you at the top of the romance spectrum.In China, during the Mid-Autumn Festival,the moon is the guest of honor and along with connecting hearts, it ushers in the nation’s insatiable desire for the most delicious confectionery in the East:the mooncake.  相似文献   

YANG Ruiqing, head of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Altay, Xinjiang, got a call from Kazakhstan on the first of June this year. "Our vegetable supplies are low, pushing the prices sky high. Would you mind giving a produce fair by the end of the month to cool down the market a bit?" At the other end of the line was Chief of the Foreign Trade Administration for East Kazakhstan State. Before the local harvest season, vegetables there are always several times more expensive than those in neighboring Xinjiang. Yang routinely receives calls for help from his Kazakhstani counterpart at this time of the year.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the CPAFFC, Ms. Elli Aaltonen, Director General of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland, led the Delegation of Local Authorities and Education on a goodwill visit to China from April 7 to 15. Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Abdul’ahat Abdulrixit met the delegation on April 13.  相似文献   

Q: Your Excellency, could you please tell our readers something about Uganda? I think your country may sound a little mysterious to many of them. A: I can understand that. Uganda is a country in East Africa, an old colony of the former British Empire. The British forces arrived - together with the missionaries, as they always did - in 1870. Their intention was to get to the source of the Nile, which was considered very important at that time, because of British interests downriver in thei…  相似文献   

Kathmandu Tale     
Beijing Review: Could you please tell us about the Nepal Pavilion at the World Expo? Tanka Prasad Karki: The Nepalese people are proudly showcasing their traditional architecture at the Shanghai World Expo 2010.The theme of the Nepal Pavilion at the Expo is "Tales of Kathmandu City."The architecture represents the city and its unique designs of houses and temples.Temples of different religious sects exist side by side in Kathmandu,showcasing our harmonious society.  相似文献   

Recently, the territorial and maritime disputes in East Asia have heated up and drawn global attention. In a recent interview with Beijing Review, Wang Xiaodu, Special Representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry for Boundary and Ocean Affairs, reiterated China’s position on the issue. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

正Turkey shifts its strategic focus to the East and enhances economic and political ties with China Occupying a special geographic position bridging Asia and Europe,Turkey has been playing a flexible role in affairs of both continents.In recent years,Turkey has changed its previous strategy of looking predominately to the West and revalued its cooperation with the East  相似文献   

Medical experts sent by the Red Cross Society of China arrive in Iraq's Baghdad International Airport with anti-epidemic materials on March 7.In the face of the challenges posed by the spread of the novel coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)overseas,China is enhancing international cooperation on the prevention and control of COVID-19.  相似文献   

Question: Could you giveus a briefing Italy mainlyher history, culture,sightseeing, current situ-ation and the specialfeature? Answer: Italy is situated on thesouthern border of Europe and herpeninsula, with surrounding islands,reaches almost to the coast of Africa. Justbecause of this geographical position,Italy has direct contact with the main eth-  相似文献   

East Asia economic integration should start with free trade among ASEAN, China, Japan and South Korea Should East Asia pursue economic integration through the East Asia Free Trade Area (EAFTA) or the Comprehensive Economic Partnership  相似文献   

The Delegation of the Aus-trian Association for Promo-tion of Friendship and CulturalRelations with China(AAPFCRC) headed by Ms.Elisabeth Gehrer, council mem-ber of the AAPFCRC and min-ister of education and arts, paid  相似文献   

As East Asian nations strengthen cooperation despite frictions,the United States plays a questionable role Compared with the rocky U.S.and European economies,the continuously vibrant economic scene in East Asia has been a focus of international attention. Meanwhile,  相似文献   

<正>Festival Reunion Dinner The upcoming festival season is the time for family reunions.Celebrate Spring Festival with those you love most with exquisite delicacies at the St.Regis Beijing and please allow us to wish you and your family a happy and prosperous Chinese New year!The impeccably luxurious  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the new century, the United Nations Mil- lennium Summit and the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Children wereconvened in 2000 and 2002 respectively. In 2003, the 6th East Asia and Pacific Min- isterial Consultation on Children was held. The above meetings set global and region- al goals for social and child development. In recent years, in accordance with the spirit of the United Nations and regional conferences as well as the global and regional ac…  相似文献   

Intimate Links     
China and South Asian countries are eyeing a"partnership of common prosperity."At a recent conference in Beijing,scholars and officials explored the potential for collaboration between China and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and came up with a number of proposals for the gov- ernments to consider. SAARC,a major regional cooperation organization in South Asia founded in 1985,groups India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Sri Lanka,Nepal,Bhutan,Maldives and Afghanistan.China became an observer of the organization in 2006 and attended its 14th sum- mit in New Delhi in 2007.The 15th SAARC Summit is scheduled on August 2-3 in Colombo,Sri Lanka. Nihal Rodrigo,an advisor to the president of Sri Lanka on foreign affairs,talked to Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei about China's ties with South Asia as well as some highly charged issues. He was in Beijing for the conference on China-SAARC coopera- tion as former Sri Lankan ambassador to China and former secretary general of SAARC.  相似文献   

Question: China achieved great successes inits diplomatic work in 1998, to whichnongovernmental diplomacy, as an important sup-plement to governmental diplomacy, made its duecontribution. Could you please give a brief accountof the CPAFFC's work in 1998?  相似文献   

The economic recovery in East Asia remains unchanged on its upward trajectory despite the earthquake and devastating tsunami in Japan on March 11.Growth in East Asia slowed after a sharp rebound from the global financial crisis but is improving nonetheless.The World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific Economic Update issued on March 21 projects real GDP growth in East Asia will be smaller than that of 2010 in the following two years.Besides future East Asian economic trends,the report also discusses the impact of the Japanese catastrophe.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

Respected President of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, I am very pleased to extend my warmest congratualtions to you and through you to the friends of your association.  相似文献   

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