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以448名中日两国小学4-6年级儿童为研究对象,采用Asher等人研制的儿童孤独感量表、日本田研式精神健康诊断调查表和亲子关系检查量表考察了中日两国父母的教养态度及其与儿童孤独感的关系.结果显示,中日两国父母的"期待"、"严格·干涉"和"不安·溺爱"教养态度存在显著差异.两国男生与女生在"严格·干涉"和"期待"两种教养态度上存在显著差异.两国四年级与五、六年级学生在"严格·干涉"、"期待"和"不安·溺爱"教养态度方面存在显著差异.中国父母的"严格·干涉"、"期待"教养态度与儿童孤独感呈显著正相关.日本父母的教养态度和儿童孤独感呈显著正负相关.  相似文献   

中日儿童孤独感的跨文化比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以448名中国、日本小学4-6年级儿童为被试,采用Asher等人研制的儿童孤独感量表和日本田研式精神健康诊断调查表,考察了中国和日本儿童在学校和家庭生活中所存在的孤独感.结果表明:日本儿童在学校和家庭中的孤独感均高于中国儿童.中日两国儿童在家庭里的孤独感都高于在学校不能融入群体时的孤独.中国和日本男生的孤独感均高于女生.中国的男生随着年级的升高,孤独感慢慢减少,而日本的男生则相反.  相似文献   

Adult criminality has important roots in childhood. While many studies have established that multiple problem behaviors in childhood increase the likelihood of future crime and deviance, the current study extends this “established” relationship by asking three questions: (1) Do different combinations of childhood behavioral risk factors affect adult offending? (2) Do family risk factors affect adult offending above and beyond these combinations of risks?, and (3) Are there gender differences present with respect to these two questions? Gender-specific cluster analyses identified seven clusters of childhood behavioral patterns based on teacher ratings measured in first grade among an epidemiologically-defined cohort of African Americans. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were utilized to examine the relationship of cluster membership, family risks, and criminal arrests through age 32 for serious violent and property crimes. While some gender differences emerged, both males and females in the multiple problem cluster were more likely to have later arrests for serious crime. Females who were frequently punished as first graders were most likely to have later arrests for serious crimes, while males who were from mother-only families were at higher risk of having serious criminal arrests compared to those from mother–father families. Implications for prevention and intervention strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

In December 2014, the legal blood alcohol limit for drivers in both Scotland and New Zealand was reduced from 80 to 50 mg/100 mL. This paper reports a retrospective study comparing changes in the toxicological findings in deceased drivers and motorcyclists before and after the limit change in both jurisdictions. A year of fatal motor vehicle crashes prior to and following the limit change is examined for both countries. In Scotland, there was an increase in drug prevalence among fatally injured drivers and motorcyclists, with the use of all drug groups increasing after the limit change, with the exception of cannabinoids. In New Zealand, there was a reduction in cases involving drugs only, but increases in the numbers of deceased drivers and motorcyclists positive for alcohol only and co‐using alcohol and drugs.  相似文献   

This paper uses data on tenth graders from the 2016 Caring Communities Youth Survey (CCYS) to examine the lifetime abstainer from drugs. The abstainer has been a part of Life Course Development literature; within each of the several ages of onset models. Using a model which examines the abstainer from each drug and all drugs, the effect of Prosocial Factors (peer and school) are examined. Findings indicate a very low relationship between high protective/prosocial factors and abstaining. The research of Moffitt that there may be several subtypes of abstainers is supported.  相似文献   



Prior research with the Shifting Boundaries (SB) prevention program suggests that it can prevent adolescent relationship abuse and sexual harassment. We assessed the relative impact of a combined set of SB classroom (SBC) and SB building (school-wide; SBS) interventions on adolescent relationship abuse and sexual harassment outcomes when the program is delivered to all three grades in a middle school (full saturation) compared to when only two or one of the three grades receive it.


We randomly assigned 23 middle schools (1,764 students) in New York City to varying saturation levels of SB: 6th grade only, 6th and 7th grade, or 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.


Providing SB to only one grade level does just as well at preventing peer violence and adolescent relationship abuse as treating multiple grades. However, there was evidence that additional saturation led to sexual harassment reductions. Schools that delivered SB to 6th and 7th graders (compared to just 6th graders) reduced sexual harassment victimization 6 months post-treatment.


The results largely support a minimalist approach, in that SB may be effective in preventing peer violence and adolescent relationship abuse outcomes by delivery to one grade level. However, there is a need for more research to continue exploring the potential benefits of a saturated delivery of SB across all grades, building on our finding that 6th and 7th grade implementation of SB was more effective at reducing sexual harassment than 6th grade only implementation.

The public salience of crime has wide-ranging political and social implications; it influences public trust in the government and citizens’ everyday routines and interactions, and it may affect policy responsiveness to punitive attitudes. Identifying the sources of crime salience is thus important. Two competing theoretical models exist: the objectivist model and the social constructionist model. According to the first, crime salience is a function of the crime rate. According to the second, crime salience is a function of media coverage and political rhetoric, and trends in crime salience differ across population subgroups as a result of differences in their responsiveness to elite initiatives. In both theories, period-level effects predominate. Variation in crime salience, however, may also reflect age and cohort effects. Using data from 422,504 respondents interviewed between 1960 and 2014, we first examine the nature of crime salience using hierarchical age–period–cohort (HAPC) models and then analyze period-level predictors using first differences. We find that 1) crime salience varies mostly at the period level; 2) crime salience trends are parallel (cointegrated) across demographic, socioeconomic, and partisan groups; and 3) crime salience trends within every population subgroup are most consistent with the constructionist model. The crime rate does not exert a significant effect in any subgroup.  相似文献   

Based on data from the 2014 Communities that Care Youth Survey (CCYS), the authors examine the association between risk factors of tenth graders and age of onset (never, 14 or older, 13 or younger) of three antisocial behaviors/delinquency (got arrested; carried a handgun to school; and attacked someone with the intent of seriously hurting them). Risk factors are under four domains: family, community, school, and peer. The age of onset and risk literature are discussed. The purpose of this research is to examine what risk factors are associated with age of onset. Individual risk factors under the peer domain had the strongest association with all three antisocial behaviors.  相似文献   

Weapon-related violence, especially the use of handguns, among adolescents is a serious public health concern. Using public-use data file from the adolescent sample (N = 17,842) in the 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), this study examines the behavioral, parental involvement, and prevention correlates of handgun carrying. Overall, 3.1% of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 reported carrying a handgun in the past year. Results from a series of logistic regression models indicated that males, selling and using illicit drugs, were robustly associated with an increased probability of handgun carrying among adolescents. Furthermore, youth who carry handguns were significantly less likely to report a parent being involved in their lives and were significantly more likely to have encountered violence and drug prevention programming compared with youth who did not carry handguns. Implications of these results for prevention and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

2014年1月7日,广东省法学会禁毒法律政策研究会2013年学术年会在广州市举行,会议主题是"新刑事诉讼法背景下禁毒执法、司法热点问题研究"。会议采取专家论坛与专题论坛相结合的形式,为理论界与实务界两者的契合提供了平台,创新了年会模式。随着新刑事诉讼法的实施,毒品侦查工作面临着严峻挑战与发展机遇,广东毒情严重,网络贩毒、利用物流和快递贩毒、外国人贩毒等成为近年凸显的犯罪形式,毒品案件侦查中证据的收集与运用存在诸多不足,没能形成证据链条,电子证据获取与运用困难,会议就上述几方面展开了热烈的讨论。  相似文献   

According to criminological literature, victimization tends to cluster among the same adolescents. Recent American studies have shown that the poly-victimized youth are different in terms of their whole victimization profile than those children with fewer or no victimization experiences. In this article poly-victimization is studied among Finnish sixth and ninth graders (n = 13,459) based on the Finnish Child Victim Survey 2008. The article will answer questions with regard to accumulation of victimization and its associations with children's psycho-social well-being. The study examines the individual and family level background characteristics which are related to poly-victimization. The accumulations of these risk factors are analysed with poly-victimized children compared with less or non-victimized children. According to the analysis, poly-victimization exists among Finnish children and adolescents. In addition, the characteristics indicated as risk factors of victimization seem to accumulate among poly-victims. With cross-sectional data, no causal conclusions can be made, but poly-victimization is related to higher levels of psycho-social problems. The results confirm earlier findings of poly-victimization as a life condition.  相似文献   


The state-led-economy provisions in the U.S. model BIT, which was released in April 2012, aims to impose strict regulations on the SOEs and exert great influence on state-led economy model. China and the U.S. are now in the midst of negotiating a BIT, and the U.S. government insists on negotiating on the basis of its 2012 model BIT. If China is to accept the 2012 U.S. model for the proposed BIT between the two nations, unprecedented international obligations will be placed in the field of international investment. In this context, in order to provide a reference for the BIT negotiation, the author will analyze, from the perspective of normative jurisprudence, which economic activities are included in the scope of state-led economy provisions, whether China should accept the clauses and the possible impact of accepting it. China’s economy has indivisible relationship with State-owned enterprises (SOEs). At present, most of these SOEs have clustered in those sectors that play crucial roles in the national economy such as energy, telecommunication and finances. Despite several rounds of reform on the SOEs aiming at a separation of governmental functions from corporate management, and a modern market-oriented governance structure, Chinese SOEs remain monopolies or de facto monopolies with exclusive access to many important industries relevant to national economy and people’s livelihood. Further, SOEs can enjoy a lot of privileges in their operation, some even have certain regulatory authority which is supposed to be exercised by the government. This kind of economic model is called State-led economy. The 2012 U.S. model for bilateral investment treaties (BIT) is characterized by the inclusion of the state-led economy provisions, which means that there are more restrictive regulations governing SOEs and their special treatment, and countervailing their competition implication in the host country and their home country. Apart from creating a fair and impartial environment for the investors, this international investment regime, represented by 2012 U.S. BIT model, is in some way, intended to alter the host country’s economic governance regime. In accordance with the decision of the 5th round of the U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, both parties are dedicated to proceeding the BIT negotiations (The 5th Round of the U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: broad consensus achieved and positive progress made, People’s Daily, p 3, 2013). The U.S. government has insisted that they would base its 2012 model as a blueprint of BIT text negotiation. Seemingly to illustrate, the 6th round of the U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue has reached a consensus that an earlier launch of negotiation on the negative list will be expected in 2015 (The 6th Round of the U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: broad consensus achieved and positive progress made, People’s Daily, p 3, 2014; Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, The 14th Round of the U.S.–China Investment Treaty Negotiation is Held in Washington, D.C., 2014). If China is to accept the new BIT model, it will bring China a bundle of increasing obligations under this system and an unprecedented impact on China’s mode for economic development. As a contracting party, China will have to carry out a comprehensively economic reform to comply with the disciplines specified in the BIT. It is also understandable that the incorporation of the state-led economy provision in the China–U.S. BIT will in turn accelerate the domestic economic reforms. In this context, research on the issue of state-led economy in the BIT negotiation will be of significance to China’s dealing with the core issue in the BIT, China’s fulfillment of treaty obligations and its promotion of domestic economic reform via BIT negotiations. In order to provide a reference for the BIT negotiation, the author will identify from the perspective of normative jurisprudence, the economic activities that fall within the scope of state-led economy provisions, project the possible impact of state-led economy provisions and how China should handle negotiation surrounding the state-led economy issue.


The extent and nature of the use of medicinal drugs by drivers who had undergone a blood test on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol was ascertained by analysing some 40,000 case records in which the suspect had been questioned about the use of drugs. No chemical analyses were performed. 9.7% of the road users indicated that they used drugs in combination with alcohol, and more than 50% of the drugs used must be considered to have a negative impact on driving performance. The influence of the combined use of benzodiazepines and alcohol on behaviour was also investigated. The finding here was that drivers using these drugs should be warned against the consumption of alcohol.  相似文献   

While youth violence reduction program is a necessity to prevent long-term criminal and violent offending, its effectiveness in youth violent offenders is not well researched. This study investigated the effectiveness of the Violence Prevention Program (VPP) in addressing the aggression, anger, self-control, and empathy of youth violent offenders. One hundred and seventy youths (mean age 15.8 years) who completed VPP from 2008 to 2014 completed self-report measures on study outcomes both before and after the intervention. Repeated measures analyses revealed significant improvement in youths’ anger, aggression, and self-control at post-treatment, but changes in youths’ empathy were not significant. Subsequent analysis found that only youths with lower empathy scores at pre-treatment showed significant increase in empathy post-treatment. Overall, the results suggest that VPP can reduce aggression and mitigate the criminogenic needs of youth offenders. But its effect on empathy may be contingent on youths’ pre-treatment profiles. Limitations and implications for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

We model the initiation process into cannabis and hard drugs using long-term survivor analysis. This approach hypothesizes two sub-populations: a population that is immune to drugs, who will never use them no matter how long they live, and a population which is susceptible to drugs for whom it is a matter of time until they begin to use drugs. We use data for Israel to test competing hypotheses concerning the timing of drug use initiation and the determination of susceptibility. Cigarettes do not significantly affect immunity to drugs, but they tend to speed up the rate of initiation for those who smoke them. This implies that anti-smoking policy may only delay drug use initiation without affecting immunity. Finally, drug initiation in Israel is not explained by variables that are traditionally associated with criminality.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):541-575
The immigration–crime connection has been the basis for numerous immigration policy decisions. However, there are theoretical arguments and empirical evidence both for and against the positive relationship between immigration and crime. Moreover, much of this research has failed to focus specifically on illegal immigrants. The current study examines drug use patterns among 3,050 recently booked arrestees in Maricopa County, Arizona, from April 2007 to September 2008. Using logistic regression, the authors isolate the effects of immigration status on several types of drug use while controlling for relevant individual and situational characteristics. Findings show that illegal immigrants are generally less likely to use drugs when compared to US citizens, with the exception of powder cocaine use. The paper concludes with a discussion of the study's implications for the larger body of research on immigration and crime, as well for immigration and enforcement policy and practice.  相似文献   

As part of the project Impaired Motorists, Methods of Roadside Testing and Assessment for Licensing (IMMORTAL) under the European Commission's Transport RTD Programme of the 5th Framework Programme [I.M. Bernhoft, Drugs in accidents involved drivers in Denmark, D-R4.3 of the project Impaired Motorists, Methods Of Roadside Testing and Assessment for Licensing (IMMORTAL), www.immortal.or.at, 2005], a study regarding drugs in accident-involved drivers was carried out in Denmark. The main objectives of this study were: (1) to collect and analyse samples from injured drivers for the presence of drugs; (2) to give an indication whether drugs may have contributed to traffic accidents; and (3) to get information on the drug-positive drivers and their drug use. This paper focuses on objective 1. Injured drivers who were treated in hospital were asked to give a saliva sample, a blood sample or both. The samples were screened for the following substances: opiates, amphetamines, methamphetamines, incl. MDMA (ecstasy), cannabinoids and metabolites, cocaine and metabolites and benzodiazepines. Screenings were carried out by means of Cozart Microplate EIA kit. Positive screenings were confirmation analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) or liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). In total, 26 out of 330 patients were confirmed positive for one or more of the six drug groups. However, three patients were excluded from the survey for various reasons. Of the remaining 23 drug-positive patients 15 were found positive for one drug group, and in five of these cases alcohol was present in a concentration over the legal limit in Denmark (0.05%). The other eight patients were found positive for two drug groups, and in four of these cases, alcohol was also present in a concentration over the legal limit. Alcohol was found both in combinations with medicinal drugs, with illegal drugs and with both. Based on the saliva or blood concentrations, we estimate that there is a strong suspicion of impairment in 9 out of 23 cases, and in another six cases it was likely that the drivers were impaired.  相似文献   

On the basis of goal/expectation theory, it was predicted that just as in interpersonal relationships, cooperation in social dilemma groups would increase only if both trust was high and group members had a common goal of cooperation. Introducing new measures of both these two processes to the social dilemma arena, the goal of mutual cooperation was assessed by the process of self—other merging (the IOS scale), and trust by assessing the extent to which one trusted others and one believed one was perceived as trustworthy by the others. The results showed that when both self—other merging and trust was high, cooperation was indeed highest. Implications for the specific functions of trust and self—other merging in social dilemmas are discussed.  相似文献   

For the first time in Europe hair and urine testing have been applied to assess drugs of abuse consumption in couples undergoing assisted reproductive technology and the eventual association of toxic habits with other lifestyle, health status and sociodemographic factors was also investigated. Couples attending five assisted reproduction centers in Rome were invited to join the study. When they presented at the Centre for the visit, they were asked to answer a structured questionnaire concerning sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle habits, and at the same time to provide hair and urine samples. Hair and urine testing for drugs of abuse, urinary profile of principal endogenous steroids involved in fertility process (testosterone, epitestosterone, androsterone, etiocholanolone and dehydroepiandrosterone) and of alcohol and tobacco smoke biomarkers were performed with validated methodologies. Of the 594 enrolled individuals (297 couples), 352 (164 couples and 24 single individuals from the couple) completed the questionnaire and gave both hair and urine samples, apart from 3 bald men, who only gave urine samples. Urine testing showed an overall 4.8% (17 individuals) positivity to drugs of abuse: 4.2% to cannabinoids, 1.4% to cocaine and 0.85% to both drugs. Results of 4cm segment hair samples testing matched those from urine samples. Thus, taking together, results of urine and hair testing confirmed repeated use of cannabis, cocaine and both drugs in 3.7, 0.85 and 0.57% examined individuals, respectively. Drug consumers were in a statistically higher percentage active smokers and alcohol drinkers, less prone to physical activity and with a trend towards higher weight than non consumers. Finally, repeated drug consumption was associated with significant lower concentration of urinary testosterone in males and of urinary dehydroepiandrosterone in females. The findings of the present study confirm the suitability of urine testing to disclose recent drugs of abuse consumption and of hair analysis to verify repeated consumption. Association between different toxic habits and sedentary lifestyle is also substantiated by the obtained results in our cohort of couples attending assisted reproduction centers.  相似文献   

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