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The issue of social networks is central to scholars' examinations of China's economic reform and its transitional society. This article presents an effort to examine the impact of the property rights reform on the evolution of entrepreneurs' social networks in the context of rural China. This study proposes three different patterns of social networks: in-group networks, official-centered networks, and market-oriented networks; and examines how the significance of different network patterns has evolved under the context of institutional change. By using data collected in Wuxi city, Jiangsu province, China, this article attempts to explore four significant questions. Do social networks still matter? How is the significance of different patterns of social networks changing? Why could this happen? In which fields do social networks still matter?  相似文献   

我国基础教育资源配置问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在我国经济体制改革和社会转型过程中,经济发展水平出现阶梯性差距,社会阶层分化不断加剧,加之城市化进程中大量农村流动人口的产生,致使我国基础教育资源配置严重失衡。目前实行的以县级政府为主的基础教育资源配置体制,已经不能保障有限的资源在不同区域、城乡、不同学校及不同社会背景的学生之间进行合理配置,由此引发了一系列问题。为了防止问题恶化,必须改变目前这种配置机制,提高政府配置层级,实施弱势补偿制度,充分发挥中央、省级政府和基层政府各个方面的积极性。  相似文献   


Recently, states have enacted teacher-carry laws. While controversial, little scholarship has tapped public attitudes toward such reforms. Because public opinion shapes policy, the public is an important stakeholder in this debate. Thus, we investigated three questions. First, how supportive is the public of arming teachers? Second, what demographic and social divides exist, if any, for reform approval? Finally, do crime-related perceptions, concerning views about public safety, and criminogenic influences shape policy preferences? We test these questions using a 2018 poll of Virginia residents (N = 521). Overall, approval for teacher-carry is split. Crime-related perceptions mediate some of the initial social and demographic divides in opinion but other correlates, such as parental status, remain salient predictors of views. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

民族地区的英语教学一直是教育中的一个难题,教育工作者们为改进其教学方法做了不懈的努力,但都没能从深层上认识英语教学的难点。本文采借社会心理学的理论,对民族地区英语教学中的社会偏见、社会信念与判断、群体影响等进行了分析,为民族地区英语教学研究提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

Zhining Ma 《当代中国》2010,19(67):935-948
As the ‘World's Factory’, China now has the biggest worker/employee class in the world. Though this newly emerging social group has captured much attention, relatively few scholars have paid attention to such sociological questions as raised by this paper: rather than referring to such a huge group of almost 500 million people simply as ‘Chinese workers’ or ‘Chinese employees’, can this social class be stratified and in what way? What is the current situation of the employee class in China's contemporary industrial relations? This paper attempts to concisely answer the above questions by proposing a three dichotomy segmentation approach and a review of the existing literature on the matter, providing a broader picture to the readers with regards to the current situations of different employee groups in the context of China's unprecedented transitional economy.  相似文献   

传统的报应性司法理念在现代文明社会中,由于其具有的惩罚性并不能使受损的社会关系得到根本的修复而受到质疑。与此同时恢复性司法的理念在西方社会应运而生,历经近二十年的司法实践而渐渐取得认同。我国的刑事司法改革若想进行恢复性司法的本土移植,条件是否成熟?在实践操作上是否应有别于西方国家的恢复性司法?本文拟对上述问题进行论证和探讨,以期对中国的刑事司法改革有所裨益。  相似文献   

The author recounts his life and how it led to a career as an activist community psychology practitioner with a focus on issues of social justice. He tells of his upbringing, family and education as the background to a series of positions in various systems. The story shows an evolution from working with individuals to working with whole communities; and from working on issues of remediation and treatment to working on prevention and finally empowerment, social change, and social justice. The story of his life parallels the social issues of the time. Throughout the accounting of his life the author raises the questions that he was struggling with. The sequence of those questions is as follows: Can I emerge as a community leader? What do I do with that leadership? Can my work in psychology have any relationship to the larger social issues? Can my politics, social action and beliefs in social justice, be integrated with my mental health job? Can I find a setting that will tolerate and permit me to do work to create social change and reduce oppression? Can we build competent helping systems with partners from many sectors? Can we mobilize whole communities around community crises? Can we use coalition building to make a difference in quality of life? And finally: How can our spirituality inform our work for social change and how can our social change work to inform our spirituality?  相似文献   

信仰在社会的发展和人们的生活中有着重要的影响。随着社会的发展,人们思想观念不断变化,人们的信仰观念也受到了不同程度的冲击。时代要求我们应该对信仰正确分析和理解,形成科学的信仰观。正确分析当代中国信仰问题的现状,有效地进行信仰观教育,大力加强信仰建设是当下我们思想政治教育工作重要的现实任务。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的城市化水平得到了大幅度的提高,进入到城镇化的快速发展期。但城市化发展的同时,各种问题也开始不断出现。突出表现在农民工在就业、社保和教育等方面无法享受到市民待遇。而这些问题的根源是传统的二元制度。本文从制度经济学的视角系统地探讨了二元制度的形成、发展和改革。从宏观上分析了改革的总思路,从微观上提出了具体的改革措施。并强调了制度协调的重要性。  相似文献   

上个世纪50年代完成的民主改革,结束了在凉山延续千年的奴隶制度。但与原有社会形态相适应的以"民族内婚、家支外婚、等级内婚、姑舅表优先婚和姨表不婚"等为核心内容的旧有婚姻制度仍然主宰着凉山彝族的婚姻生活,且得到习惯法的严格保护。直至改革开放,凉山彝族旧有婚姻制度才被打破,族际婚姻不断增加和扩展。本文主要讨论凉山彝族婚姻制度之"民族内婚"到"族际通婚"的突破、演变及其影响。  相似文献   

长期以来,在现代性话语的支配下,独龙族社会往往被贴上了“原始”的标签。在充满悖论的现代社会中所形塑的发展话语,其内核是已被意识形态化扭曲了的进化论。它一直产生着极为不幸的多重结果。独龙族三位一体的经济体系呈现出与其他民族社会在经济与文化上的极大差异,蕴含着“低度生产”“不过度攫取”“接受自然馈赠”等不同于现代社会主流价值文化的理念,也正是这种差异,为我们展现了具有丰富内容的不同生活模式和文化特征。全方位地认识和理解这一生计方式的立足基点、行为准则,多样化的生存技能等等,对现代社会单向度生存选择的质疑,具有一种强大的震撼力和冲击力。  相似文献   

新一代信息技术的广泛应用带来了巨大经济效益和社会价值,需要的人才也急剧增加。传统的高职IT教育已经不能够满足行业对人才的需求,它的弊端逐步显露。对此,我们探寻了新一代信息技术与高职教育的切合点,分析了高职学生的特点,对传统的教育模式进行改革,使之更加适合行业的不断发展。  相似文献   

Jie Chen 《当代中国》2005,14(44):445-464
Do ordinary villagers and cadres in the Chinese village share similar attitudes toward major sociopolitical issues? Do these two groups construct their respective attitudes in a similar way? This article addresses these two crucial questions based on the data collected from both villager and cadre surveys in a rural setting. The findings indicate that (1) villagers and cadres had quite different views of the village socioeconomic conditions, the legitimacy of CCP rule, democratic principles, and the effects of post-Mao reforms as a whole, although they did have similar opinions on the role of the individual; (2) these two groups constructed their views on some issues similarly but on others differently; and (3) the relevance and salience of issues were positively associated with the levels of attitude consistency among both cadres and villagers. These findings have strong implications not only for the ongoing interaction between these two sets of political players, but also for sociopolitical stability in rural China.  相似文献   

论垄断对我国职业群体收入的影响及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
垄断是市场经济的产物,在我国经济转轨过程中,垄断又呈现出其特殊形态,即行政性垄断。行政性垄断行业存在职工工资及其他收入的不合理性现象,又会造成职业群体收入差距过大。行政性垄断已对职业群体利益均衡产生了消极影响,破坏了社会分配秩序。必须通过深化改革、强化竞争机制等措施限制行政性垄断,调整职业群体收入的差距,从而实现社会分配的公平和效益。  相似文献   

万建中 《思想战线》2000,26(5):69-72
中心城区教育改革与发展的经验证明,要切实把教育放在优先发展的战略地位,就必须深化改革,积极推进素质教育,牢固树立"大教育”观念.要积极探索提高教育质量的有效途径,大胆实施学历与能力并重的用人机制,转变教育观念,促进教育社会化.  相似文献   

Why do some people say ‘I don't know’, ‘I have no opinion’, or simply refuse to say anything in a public opinion survey? The Western literature on public opinion research suggests two major types of causal factors for the non‐response: the respondent's individual characteristics (e.g. age, education, and occupation), and the survey's contextual characteristics (e.g. the length of the survey, the nature of the question, and the setting of the interview). The emphasis, however, has been on the individual factors. This study applies these theoretical predictions to a pool of 14 survey data collected in China during the 1980s. The results show that both the individual and contextual factors are equally important in determining the occurrence of non‐response. In particular, farmer respondents, questions involved a politically sensitive topic, and surveys sponsored by a government agency are more likely to cause ‘I don't know’ answers. Interaction analysis provides some preliminary evidence to suggest that lack of cognitive ability may be a primary source of non‐response on knowledge‐related questions while fear of political consequences may be responsible for non‐response on political sensitive questions. Based on the findings, we discuss the implications for analysis and interpretation of Chinese survey data.  相似文献   

刘天娥 《中国发展》2011,11(1):70-73
办好农村学前教育对于建设社会主义新农村、构建和谐社会和实现教育与社会公平具有重要意义。然而,当前中国农村学前教育仍存在机构偏少入园率低、教育经费严重不足、师资匮乏质量偏低等问题。该文提出,必须探索强有力的措施,明确发展思路,增加农村学前教育机构,加大财政投入力度和加强师资队伍建设,从而大力发展农村学前教育事业。  相似文献   

This article investigates the status of educational equality in China in the context of the reform of major Chinese economic, political, and social institutions at the turn of the twenty-first century. In the first part of this article, the authors address the importance of the theoretical issue of equality in education and explore the relationship between theories of human capital, modernization, and political culture. They begin with a general introduction of the theme, and then explore the linkages between basic education (literacy and numeracy), the increasing productivity of the labor force, and the essential guarantee of basic human rights—necessary for survival. They then discuss how advanced education provides people with the necessary adaptability and creativity to perform in a world characterized by rapidly developing technology and a complex management system. The second part of the article uses statistical data to describe current educational conditions and the extent of the variance in educational attainment for different groups. They conduct the analysis from two perspectives: (1) comparing the effects of gender, ethnicity (minorities), and disability status on educational attainment; and (2) by comparing the effects of gender, minority status, and disability status on educational attainment in four types of regions, as defined by economic and social development. In the final part of the paper, the authors try to find the particular government policies that are responsible for exiting discrepancies in educational achievement. The article concludes with a number of policy recommendations.  相似文献   

China's central–local relations have been marked by perpetual changes amidst economic restructuring. Fiscal decentralization on the expenditure side has been paralleled by centralization on the revenue side, accompanied by political centralization. Hence, our understanding of China's fiscal relations is not without controversy. This paper aims to make a theoretical contribution to the ongoing debate on ‘fiscal federalism’ by addressing crucial questions regarding China's central–local fiscal relations: first, to what extent do Chinese central–local fiscal relations conform to fiscal federalism in the Western literature? Second, are there any problems with existing principles of fiscal federalism and, if so, how to refine them? Third, how are refined principles relevant to the Chinese case and what policies should the Chinese government pursue in the future? Based on an in-depth and critical review of the theories on fiscal federalism, we develop a refined prototype of fiscal federalism. The model shows that quasi-traditional fiscal federalism is a much closer reality in China, while we argue that the refined fiscal federalism should be the direction of future reform in China.  相似文献   

公安消防部队开展思想工作,应对各种风险的当下发展有清晰而准确的把握,注意各种风险对公民微观生活的影响以及微观生活对风险的累积和塑造。要通过政治机关抓基层强化基层思想教育,不断提高一线官兵应急作战能力。通过各种风险的破坏力和居民微观生活的交互作用,解答公众在现实中遇到的种种问题。要以公安消防部队为指导部门和骨干,在社会上逐步形成遍及社会各个层面、各个领域、各个方位的发展防守的社会安全网络,满足人们的生活安全渴望。通过建立发展防守安全机制,在改革、发展与稳定之间保持必要的张力和平衡。  相似文献   

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