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This January 15,a team of fifteen young Chinese people headed for myanmar to work as volunteers in the sectors of agricultural technology,agricultural equipment manufacture,agricultural software devel- opment and rice quality analysis,also to teach swim- ming.Having lived in this beautiful,unspoilt country for six months,they have many stories to tell.  相似文献   

APEC Volunteers     
The APEC OrganizingCommittee has selected 350out of the thousands of appli-cants to be APEC volunteers.These young people aretrained in basic knowledgeand etiquette. They are thefirst batch of volunteers toserve directly at the APECConference.~~APEC Volunteers…  相似文献   

江宗盟 《北京观察》2006,(10):30-31
从赡养老人、抚养孩子,到债务偿还、劳资纠纷,有道是“家家有本难念的经”,生活中许多人都会遇上这类问题。有了问题该如何解决?不少人想去律师事务所咨询又缺乏经济能力。有人竟为此付出了不应有的代价。2003年“三八”妇女节前的一次社区宣传活动中,北京市第一中级人民法院原院长杨庭春和市第二中级人民法院原副院长韩文中等几位退休的法律工作者决定在潘家园南里社区成立一支志愿者队伍,为群众做义务普法宣传、为有需求的人免费进行法律咨询。这支志愿者队伍最大的特点就是由银发老人组成。其中70岁以上的4人,年龄最大的76岁,最“年轻”…  相似文献   

THE magnitude 7.0 quake that struck Lushan County on April 20 was a cruel test of China’s disaster response capabilities.But the country’s emergency responders proved their mettle; compared to the Wenchuan Earthquake of 2008,relief measures were more timely,rational and effective in dealing with the devastation.At times - and despite their best intentions - the large number of volunteers that turned up to assist with relief efforts actually impeded progress. For instance,traffic jams into,rather than out of,the disaster area were a problem.But generally speaking,there’s no doubt China’s private relief organizations have come a long way in five years.  相似文献   

BEFORE going to the James Yen Institute, I met Qiu Jiansheng, one of the founders of the institute and currently director of the school office. He is a man of few words, and the only information he volunteered was that he was trying his best to do something for farmers. When I asked him what he had actually done, he told me, "You'll see when you get there."  相似文献   

Rescue in Action     
<正>International efforts help two quake-stricken countries pull through On February 6,strong earthquakes shook parts of Türkiye and its neighboring country Syria,with Kahramanmara? and Gaziantep in south Türkiye the hardesthit provinces.The death toll from the disaster had climbed to over 42,000 as of February 16.  相似文献   

<正>Xi visits Viet Nam and Singapore in regional swing China has always attached great importance to its relations with nations in Southeast Asia,as demonstrated most recently by two high-profile visits of President Xi Jinping to Viet Nam and Singapore on November 5-7.His mission was to deepen political and economic ties and strengthen relations between China and these important  相似文献   

The preparations for World Expo 2010 Shanghai arein full swing despite the global financial crisis On December 3, 2002, just oneyear after Beijing successfully bidfor the Olympics, Shanghai wonthe right to host the 2010 WorldExpo at a meeting in Monte Carlo, Monaco.Since then, Shanghai has been working hardto prepare for the event.  相似文献   

如何推动信息化条件下群防群治工作的转型升级是当前公安机关亟需解决的重要课题。本文以泰州市公安局海陵分局创新开展"平安义工"建设的实践为样本,就相关经验做法以及现实意义进行了反思,认为"平安义工"建设对于激发广大人民群众主动参与社会治理的积极性、完善立体化现代化社会治安防控体系、健全扬善抑恶、见义勇为的社会引导机制具有重大的现实意义。为进一步深化"平安义工"建设,笔者认为还应从支撑警务实战、加强精细化管理以及推进社会化发展等方面作出努力。  相似文献   

The Chinese Young Volunteers Association has recruited a number of young Chinese people and, after putting them through training courses, sent them to nations such as Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and Ethiopia. From 2002 to 2004, four batches of 37 Chinese volunteers went to Laos, and two groups of 10 went to Myanmar.  相似文献   

社会力量参与矫正工作是社区矫正的内在要求,也符合行刑社会化的发展趋势。社会力量参与社区矫正具有多重价值。我国社会力量参与矫正工作存在志愿者参与度不足、参与形式化、缺乏相应制度和工作机制保障等问题。目前需要探索志愿者参与社区矫正的有效的、可行的形式与方法,以促使更多的社会公众作为志愿者参与到矫正工作之中;可通过社区矫正立法和完善参与规则的制度安排,以及志愿者选拔、职责划分、管理等具体的工作机制来推行新的社区矫正模式。  相似文献   

Initiatives are being taken to protect Expo-related intellectual property rights Human ingenuity is on display at the World Expo. Creativity is showcased in many eyecatching pavilions, exhibition  相似文献   

近年来,公安执法工作中存在一些外在表现上并不十分明显、但危害性一样严重的执法欠作为、缓作为、软作为问题。其危害性表现在对违法犯罪处罚不力,危害社会治安稳定;弱化执法公信力,损害党委政府形象;削弱公安机关战斗力,侵害公安队伍机体。公安机关在推进执法规范化建设中,应通过树立民警正确的执法理念、不断健全执法管理机制、大力完善执法保障机制等方面的工作,预防和解决欠作为、缓作为、软作为问题。  相似文献   

Trade spats are growing between China and the EU. Is there an end in sight?China has initiated anti-dumping duties against imports of toluidine originating from the European Union (EU) as of June28. This is the second recent case of China initiating anti-dumping duties against EU products After the EU levied provisional anti-dumping  相似文献   

Time for Action     
UN member states have committed to a decade of action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)by 2030.There is no time for delay.  相似文献   

TOWARDS the end of 2013, several foreign-funded AIDS prevention and control programs in China successively wound up. They included the five-year Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Health Program, which committed US $50 million to working in partnership with the Chinese government and non-governmental organizations to expand HIV (human immunodeficieney virus) prevention efforts, the Global Fund, the Clinton HIV/ AIDS Initiative (CHAI), the China Global Fund AIDS Program, and the China- MSD HIV/AIDS Public-private Partnership.  相似文献   

正Railway staff are the unsung heroes of the holiday season as annual travel rush kicks off On February 1,the 40-day 2018 Spring Festival travel season,known as Chunyun in China,officially began.As the most important traditional festival in China,the Spring  相似文献   

Successive visits by China’s top leaders to Southeast Asian countries signify diplomatic focusThough President Xi Jinping’s trip to Southeast Asia that included the APEC meeting and Premier Li Keqiang’s presence at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)Summit were among the scheduled visits for China’s two top leaders,their frequent meeting with Southeast Asian nation leaders highlights the importance the new  相似文献   

9·11事件之后,恐怖主义活动这一‘怪胎’日渐趋出,对世界各国的安全构成了一定的威胁。我国的恐怖主义势力也开始复出,他们伙同民族分裂主义分子和极端宗教反动势力相互构结,大肆进行“东突”、“西独”活动,企图达到分裂祖国的目的。武  相似文献   

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