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浅析青少年的孤独感及其影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孤独感是一种主观的心理感受或体验,是影响青少年健康发展的重要因素。青少年的孤独感与同伴关系、人格因素、社会支持及归因倾向密切相关。分析影响青少年孤独感的因素,采取有效的应对措施.减少孤独感是素质教育的重要课题之一。  相似文献   

网络对青少年社会化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪是网络的时代,网络尤其对正在成长的青少年的社会化将产生深远的影响。网络在社会化学习方式,政治社会化、道德社会化、民族社会化、人格形成、社会角色模仿等方面对传统的青少年社会化将产生全新的影响,认真研究网络、青少年发展、社会的互动关系具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

真人秀节目作为时下非常火爆的电视节目类型,对青少年的学习、生活、价值观产生了深刻影响。对武汉市青少年收看真人秀节目基本情况所进行的调查发现:青少年已成为真人秀节目的固定受众;"综艺娱乐类"真人秀节目最受青少年青睐;青少年收看真人秀节目时间不固定,具有灵活性特点;近9成青少年在收看真人秀节目的态度上较理性;审美娱乐和偶像崇拜是青少年喜欢收看真人秀节目的重要原因;过度秀导致失真是青少年不喜欢看真人秀节目的重要原因;超7成的青少年认为真人秀节目对价值观有影响;青少年普遍认为真人秀节目要发挥以文化人的教育功能。  相似文献   

青少年公民教育是将青少年培养成合格社会公民的通识教育。网络时代和全球化的环境、“80后”与“90后”新生代的特征、社会转型的冲突等因素凸显了青少年公民教育需要大胆创新和突破。青年研究刊物在信息的收集与传播、研究力量的聚集与培养、先进理念的引导等方面对青少年公民教育创新具有重要功能。一定要利用多种途径,促进青年研究刊物为青少年公民教育创新服务。  相似文献   

网络虽然给青少年的成长带来了一些负面影响,但网络环境也有利于青少年利他行为的唤起。网络的表现形式、发生原因、影响因素和社会化的正功能等4个方面表明这种利他倾向具有积极的性质,不仅对于青少年的网络人际关系、个体心理,而且对于当前社会发展所导致的个人中心主义等负面价值观都有积极利他的导向作用。  相似文献   

青少年体育俱乐部作为社区社会福利的一种非营利组织形式,是体育非营利组织中的重要组成部分,是能够在一定程度上依靠自我运营实现公益目的的非营利组织,具有为青少年提供活动场所、社会化环境等方面的保障功能。青少年体育俱乐部运行机制包括组织机制、资源保障机制、发展机制及监督机制。这几个机制具有内在的互相影响的关系,一定程度上体现了青少年体育俱乐部的非营利组织性质和提供公共服务的功能。  相似文献   

网络成瘾是青少年发展过程中面临的严重危机。针对这一现象,从"问题视角"出发的干预策略偏重于成瘾个体的生理、心理或病理方面的治疗,未能超越传统的临床治疗模式。在空间发展的维度上,网瘾成因是多面向的,受到个体、家校、社会等多层次发展生态系统交互作用的影响;在时间发展的维度上,网络成瘾是一个从微小危机情境发展到危机类活动,是具有不同水平的阶段性连续体。未来,青少年网络成瘾的综合干预策略应防治结合,强化发展保护因素与弱化危机情境因素相结合,参照传统临床、社区互动、学校变迁和学校社区等4个层面的实务工作模式,对不同网瘾危机水平的青少年分而治之。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下 ,对青少年事务管理的行为研究十分重要。然而 ,市场经济条件下的社会大背景带来了青少年及青少年事务的变化。政府在管理青少年事务时 ,一是通过构建青少年政策法律法规体系 ,提供政策支持和法律保障 ;二是通过政策主导、青年组织各显其能 ,走社会化管理之路。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,一方面以美国为代表的西方国家青少年犯罪问题日趋严重,逐渐使青少年犯罪成为一个国内和国际性的重要问题,另一方面人权保护从国内领域进入国际视野,全球化浪潮带来各国的法律趋同化,这些因素都促使少年司法制度的国际法有了新发展。  相似文献   

本文根据番禺市的实证调查资料,提出对青少年犯罪的重点防治对象是16至18岁初中毕业生和外来青年其教育对策,对本地青年应加强青少年“生活知识”教育与“一技之长”教育;加强青少年的文化兴趣培养与娱乐技巧培养;提高青少年对市场经济复杂因素的辨识能力;实现青少年法制教育的健康化、兴趣化、有效化.对外来青年应采取开发外来劳动力资源与加强外来青年管理相结合:维护外来青年合法权益,减小激发犯罪的因素;提供健康导向的文化娱乐活动,减少诱导外来青年犯罪的因素;强制性法制教育与自愿参与的职业教育相结合.  相似文献   

Loneliness at adolescence: Correlates,attributions, and coping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study provides much needed empirical data on the adolescent loneliness experience. One hundred adolescents were given measures of loneliness, loneliness attributions, coping styles, and personal characteristics. Loneliness was positively related to state and trait anxiety, an external locus of control, depression, self-consciousness, and social anxiety and negatively related to self-reported attractiveness, likability, happiness, and life satisfaction. Lonely adolescents were also less willing to take social risks. Adolescents most often attributed loneliness to boredom and most often coped with loneliness by watching TV or listening to music. The implications of these findings for adolescent social development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study concerns the prevalence of loneliness in a sample of adolescent Australian college students and examines the predictors of loneliness in this group, in particular the impact of social network characteristics, social network appraisal, the functions of friendship, and the psychosocial variables of identity and intimacy (Erikson, 1978) within the context of de Jong-Giervald's (1987) model of loneliness. One hundred and thirty- eight college students aged between 17 and 20 years from one regional and one city tertiary institution were surveyed to ascertain the level of experienced loneliness as measured by the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russellet al., 1980). Measures of intimacy and identity were obtained using the Erikson Psychosocial State Inventory (Rosenthalet al., 1981) while the functions of friendship in general and of a specific same- sex close friend were those established in a previous study (Moore and Boldero, 1987). Comparison of the levels of loneliness reported with those found by other studies suggested that Australian adolescents are no less vulnerable to the experience of loneliness than their American counterparts. In addition, while no quantitative sex differences in loneliness were found, qualitative differences emerged. Specifically, although psychosocial intimacy was the best predictor of loneliness for both male and female, the other independent predictors were different. For males having fewer same- sex friends and an inability to share feelings with a specific same- sex friend predicted loneliness whereas for females social network appraisal, the ability to engage in mutual aid with a specific same-sex friend, living with family, and psychosocial identity were important. These differences were discussed in terms of the impact that the differential socialization of male and female has on ability of adolescents to engage in close and satisfying interpersonal relationships. Suggestions for intervention were made.This research was supported by a grant from the Research and Development Committee, Melbourne College of Advanced Education.An earlier verison of this paper was presented at the Children and Families at Risk Conference, Ballarat, Australia, April 1989.Received M.A. in Psychology from University of Auckland, New Zealand. Ph.D. in Psychology at University of Melbourne currently being assessed. Current interests include interpersonal relationships of adolescents and adults.Received Ph.D. in Counseling from Florida State University. Current interests include psychology as applied to educational issues and adolescent development.  相似文献   

Components of loneliness during adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predictors of adolescent loneliness were investigated in two samples of high school students (n=92)and college undergraduates (n=192).Results were similar across samples. Among the high school sample loneliness was significantly predicted by a combination of alienation, a lack of social facility and acceptance, inferiority feelings, negative school attitudes, and a lack of social integration. Among college students loneliness was negatively related to social facility, regularity, approval, and involvement and positively related to alienation, parental disinterest, negative school attitudes, and inferiority feelings.Research interests include loneliness and self-concept.Received Ph.D. in social psychology from Oklahoma State University. Research interests include loneliness and friendships.  相似文献   

A multidimensional loneliness measure was administered to 444 subjects in the 11–17 age range. The four-scale instrument probes for loneliness in relationships with parents and peers, and for aversion to and affinity for aloneness. All subscales were shown to exhibit high reliability and excellent factorial validity. With regard to age effects, a marginally significant increase was found for parent-related loneliness, accompanied by a sudden drop at the seventh-grade level. A decreasing age trend emerged in both peer-related loneliness and aversion to aloneness. A set of variables pertaining to subjects' social integration (number of friends, quality of friendships) and psychological functioning (outlook on the future) accounted for a sizable portion of the variance in all four scales, particularly in peer-related loneliness. Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are outlined.Portions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, May 1985.Received his Ph.D. from that university in 1973. Current interests include loneliness in children and adolescents and life-span psychology.Current interests are cognitive development in adolescence and its concomitants in the social and personality realms.Current interests include adolescent loneliness.  相似文献   

Utilizing longitudinal, 3-wave data collected from multiple informants (fathers, mothers, and target children) in 374 families, the potential effects of sibling relationships on adolescent development across early and middle adolescence were investigated. Adolescents who perceived their sibling relationships more positively at Time 1 tended to have better friendships and higher self-esteem at Time 2, which, in turn, were associated with less loneliness, less depression, and fewer delinquent behaviors and less substance use at Time 3. Moreover, a bidirectional relationship was found between adolescent self-esteem and the quality of their sibling relationships, suggesting that a more positive sibling relationship helps to enhance adolescent self-esteem, and that higher adolescent self-esteem predicts a more positive sibling relationship. A bidirectional relationship was also found between adolescent sibling relationships and adolescent friendships. However, a much stronger association between adolescent sibling relationships at Time 1 and adolescent friendships at Time 2, than between adolescent friendships at Time 1 and adolescent sibling relationships at Time 2, may suggest that the quality of an earlier sibling relationship is more predictive of the quality of a later friendship for adolescents rather than the other way around.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the relationship between adolescent loneliness and the following factors commonly associated with adult loneliness: attributional style, self-esteem, social anxiety, and social skills. Subjects were 186 ninth-grade students (107 males and 79 females) who were asked to complete seven different paper-and-pencil measures. Data were analyzed by calculating separate stepwise multiple regression equations for the total sample, males and females. Three significant predictors were found for the total sample: student social skills rating scale, self-esteem, and the perception of stability in interpersonal situations (attributional style). A different pattern of predictors emerged for males and females. Loneliness could be predicted for males from three variables: low self-esteem, the perception of uncontrollability in noninterpersonal situations, and self-perceptions of poor social skills. The best multiple predictors of loneliness for the females were self-perceptions of poor social skills, high social anxiety, and stable attributions for interpersonal situations.This study is based on a master's thesis submitted by the first author to Wake Forest University, May 1986. A portion of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland, April 1987.Received Ph.D from West Virginia University. Current interests include social competence and social skills of adolescents and the adjustment of sexually abused children and adolescents.Received Ph.D from University of Illinois. Currently studying the friendships and peer relations of children and adolescents.Received Ph.D from Johns Hopkins University. Currently studying loneliness and close relationships.  相似文献   

Based on current theories of depression, reciprocal links between loneliness and depressive symptoms are expected to occur. However, longitudinal studies on adolescent samples are scarce and have yielded conflicting results. The present five-wave longitudinal study from mid- to late adolescence (N=428, M age at T1=15.22 years; 47% female) examined the direction of effect between loneliness and depressive symptoms, using cross-lagged path analysis. In addition, the robustness of these prospective associations was tested by examining the role of the Big Five personality traits (i.e., extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness) as explaining factors and moderators. Results indicated that loneliness and depressive symptoms influenced one another reciprocally, and these reciprocal associations were not attributable to their mutual overlap with personality traits. In addition, neuroticism was found to be a moderator, in that the bidirectional effects between loneliness and depressive symptoms were only found in adolescents high in neuroticism. Practical implications are discussed, and suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified Emotional Separation and Personal Control as two sets of home leaving indicators that are associated, respectively with relatively troubled and relatively untroubled parent-adolescent separation. As expected, among late adolescent males, parental divorce was highly related to endorsement of Emotional Separation as an important composite indicator of having left home. For females, being a firstborn was associated with endorsing Personal Control as an important composite indicator of home-leaving. Findings were interpreted as supporting previous research which has indicated that males experience more adjustment problems after parental divorce than females.Received Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Current research interests are parent-adolescent separation and perceptions of loneliness.Received Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Current research interests are adolescent-parent separation and evaluation research.  相似文献   

Psychological health in adult populations has been conceptualized as being comprised of two distinct, though related, dimensions: well-being and distress. Research into adolescent psychological health, however, has been dominated by a single factor approach with well-being and distress defining opposite ends of this continuum. Measures of psychological health were administered to 345 late adolescents. A series of confirmatory factor analyses supported an oblique two-factor model of psychological health with measures of anxiety and negative affect defining a distress construct and measures of positive affect, satisfaction with life, and happiness defining a well-being construct. A measure of depression loaded on both well-being and distress. It is concluded that although these two dimensions are highly correlated, they are distinguishable in adolescent samples. It is suggested that to avoid confusion in the literature authors should take more care in labeling the aspects of psychological health that they wish to assess.  相似文献   

This study investigates the different roles played by protective factors and risk factors—and by particular protective and risk factors—when the concern is with accounting for adolescent problem behavior than when the concern is with accounting for adolescent pro-social behavior. The protective and risk factor literature on adolescent problem behavior reveals considerable conceptual and operational ambiguity; an aim of the present study was to advance understanding in this domain of inquiry by providing a systematic conceptualization of protection and risk and of their measurement. Within the systematic framework of Problem Behavior Theory, four protective and four risk factors are assessed in a cross-national study of both problem behavior and pro-social behavior involving large adolescent samples in China (N = 1,368) and the US (N = 1,087), in grades 9, 10, and 11; females 56 %, US; 50 %, China. The findings reveal quite different roles for protection and risk, and for particular protective and risk factors, when the outcome criterion is problem behavior than when it is pro-social behavior. The protective factor, Controls Protection, which engages rule and regulations and sanctions in the adolescent’s ecology, emerges as most important in influencing problem behavior, but it plays a relatively minor role in relationship to pro-social behavior. By contrast, Models Protection, the presence of pro-social models in the adolescent’s ecology, and Support Protection, the presence of interest and care in that same ecology, have no significant relationship to problem behavior variation, but they are both the major predictors of variation in pro-social behavior. The findings are robust across the samples from the two very diverse societies. These results suggest that greater attention be given to protection in problem behavior research and that a more nuanced perspective is needed about the roles that particular protective and risk factors play in reducing problem behavior and in promoting pro-social behavior.  相似文献   

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