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我国东西部中小企业集群的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐人杰 《法制与社会》2011,(16):186-187
企业集群现象在全世界范围内普遍存在。中小企业集群是企业之间柔性专业化分工、结成紧密的合作网络、植根于当地不断创新的社会文化环境的空间组织体系。本文从产业经济学的角度,阐述了我国中小企业集群存在的必要性和重要性,并结合我国现在中小企业集群的发展现状,分析我国中小企业集群发展中存在的问题,并提出初步建议。  相似文献   

张正丹  丁辉 《刑警与科技》2006,(10A):136-137
美国波特教授在《国家竞争优势》一书中提出产业集群的概念,并用产业集群的方法分析一个国家或地区的竞争优势。珠三角的安防产业链已经形成了一个产业集群,成为我国安防产业的重要发源地和产品集散地。这个产业集群除了安防企业之外,还包含原材料供应商、深圳安防行业协会、科研机构、政府和其他相关机构等。  相似文献   

<正>【本刊讯】国务院2月17日在其网站公布的《国务院关于推进物联网有序健康发展的指导意见》提出,到2015年,实现物联网在经济社会重要领域的规模示范应用,突破一批核心技术,初步形成物联网产业体系,安全保障能力明显提高。《指导意见》指出,发展壮大一批骨干企业,培育一批"专、精、特、新"的创新型中小企业,形成一批各具特色的产业集群,打造较完善的物联网产业链。  相似文献   

中小企业融资难日益成为困扰其发展的瓶颈.这其中既有企业自身的不足所致,又有金融机构运营机制和政府职能缺失的原因.要从根本上解决融资难的问题,就必须转变融资理念,创新融资方式;加强立法和执法,为中小企业融资创造良好的金融环境;搞活金融市场,拓展中小企业贷款空间;加快中小企业融资综合服务体系建设,为中小企业融资提供保障;建立融资补偿机制,完善各种优惠政策;提升企业核心竞争力,弥补自身融资缺陷.  相似文献   

浅析中小企业的人力资源管理问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中小企业已成为振兴国民经济的新兴力量。但从人力资源的角度来看,仍存在许多缺陷与不足。中小企业要想在竞争中实现企业由小到大的嬗变,科学有效的人力资源管理必不可少。  相似文献   

羊琳琳 《法制与社会》2013,(34):44-44,46
由于中小企业自身的特殊性,经济规模小、竞争力弱、抗风险性差等因素,中小企业发展面临诸多难题.其中,沉重的税收负担严重制约中小企业生产和发展.为扶持中小企业发展,各国均通过立法给予税收优惠.我国当前开展的“营改增”税制改革,对中小企业的税负产生了新的影响.本文认为有必要,在“营改增”的背景下探讨如何构建中小企业增值税税收优惠法律制度,更好的缓解“税痛”,创造一个公平的税收环境.  相似文献   

全球经济一体化速度加快,价值链条不断变化,产业集群在经济全球化和产品区域化趋势的推动下,已成为引领世界经济发展的主要形式.国外著名产业集群的成功经验对我国发展产业集群有很大的示范作用,为此有必要分析我国产业集群的具体情况,借鉴国外成功集群经验,进行路径创新,使我国产业集群嵌入国际价值链,参与国际竞争.  相似文献   

羊琳琳 《法制与社会》2013,(31):192-193
现代企业的两重结构中,中小企业成为市场经济主体的重要组成部分,是国民经济发展的强劲动力.由于中小企业自身的特殊性,经济规模小、竞争力弱、抗风险性差等因素,中小企业发展面临诸多难题.为应对金融危机,减轻中小企业税收负担,我国新出台了《中小企业划型标准》,这使得我国中小企业的法律界定更加清晰,对中小企业提供税收优惠更加具有针对性.本文从解析新《中小企业划型标准》入手,以税收优惠为视角探讨保障中小企业生存权和发展权的法律价值.  相似文献   

大中小企业两重结构产生了市场本身无法解决的产业和竞争等中小企业问题,中小企业法通过国家对中小企业进行组织、经济、技术等各方面的扶持,保障产业结构平衡与市场的有效竞争。中小企业法具有组织性、规制性、引导性,其以发展、公平、安全等价值契合于市场经济,属于宏观调控法。  相似文献   

江苏省中小企业规模上存在的主要问题是:规模经济利用不足,企业规模不合理的比重过大,单个企业的规模水平不高,企业规模组织程度较低。调整中小企业规模的对策似应为:以完善市场为中心深化经济体制改革,完善并实施产业规模政策和技术政策,以结构调整为契机提高企业规模经济水平,推进企业联合组成企业集团,以及制定企业规模调整方针。  相似文献   

在研究中小企业融资政策的众多文献中,"建立中小企业信用担保体系"的观点相当流行,我国的法律法规更是将其制度化.但是本文认为,目前支持建立我国中小企业信用担保体系的观点在理论上是难以成立的.同时,从实践来看,我国中小企业融资困难有着特殊的体制原因,而建立中小企业信用担保体系的做法并没有触动相应体制的改革.因此,在我国现有的制度环境下,大力发展中小企业信用担保机构的做法并不可取.对中小企业的信贷支持需从完善中小企业信用评级制度、利率市场化和银行治理机制的改革等方面着手.  相似文献   

Competition policy has great relevance to all the firms in any economy. Even though it is unlikely that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have enough market power to constrain competition through a misuse of such power, they may still face prosecution if they are involved in a boycott of competitors or suppliers, price-fixing, output-restriction and other monopoly agreements. This article discusses antitrust issues pertaining to SMEs with a focus on China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) and its implementation rules. Contrary to the popular view that SMEs benefit from competition laws, evidence shows that they are reluctant to get involved in antitrust litigation against large firms partly because of the high legal costs involved. There is an urgent need to promote an awareness of antitrust compliance in China and to educate SMEs about the need to avoid breaching the new antitrust law and its associated regulations. In the meantime, SMEs should take full advantage of the antitrust laws to fight against the abuse of market dominance directed at them, and to gain equal opportunities to market access.  相似文献   

The paper examines how firms in three regional clusters in Norway dominated by shipbuilding, mechanical engineering and electronics industry, respectively exploit both place-specific local resources as well as external, world-class knowledge to strengthen their competitiveness. From these case-studies we make four points: (1) Ideal-typical regional innovation systems, i.e., regional clusters surrounded by supporting local organisations, is rather uncommon in Norway. (2) External contacts, outside of the local industrial milieu, are crucial in innovation processes also in many SMEs. (3) Innovation processes may nevertheless be regarded as regional phenomena in regional clusters, as regional resources and collaborative networks often have decisive significance for firms' innovation activity. (4) Regional resources include in particular place-specific, contextual knowledge of both tacit and codified nature, that, in combination, is rather geographically immobile.  相似文献   

中美竞争法律制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义市场经济的顺利发展,有赖于竞争机制的形成和运转。竞争法作为维护市场经济公平有效的手段,在市场经济国家中占有十分重要的地位。中国加入世贸组织,对竞争法律制度的完善尤为重要。比较中美两国的竞争法律制度及其差异原因,由美国社会市场经济法制建设中得到的若干启发,可有效促进我国竞争法的建设和完善。  相似文献   

谭玲 《政法学刊》2007,24(2):42-45
商业贿赂行为是不正当竞争行为的一种。竞争是市场经济的产物,是市场经济最基本的运行机制,没有竞争就无法实现资源的合理配置,故市场经济是竞争经济。然而,市场本身并不能保证竞争的自由和公平,所以会伴随着不正当竞争行为的出现,商业贿赂行为亦如此。商业贿赂行为扰乱了市场经济秩序,破坏了公平竞争环境,桎梏了市场健康发展。但目前我国法律和行政规章在商业贿赂的立法规范上存在缺失和局限,需要重新审视并作出相应的调整。  相似文献   

从欧盟竞争法看中国的反垄断法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国加入WTO后 ,面临着和世界经济全面接轨 ,却存在着一个巨大的法律真空 ,即缺乏对竞争机制的全面有效保护。无论是从生存还是发展的角度出发 ,中国都急需制订一部竞争法。欧盟竞争法虽然来源于美国反垄断法的思想 ,但是它吸收了其内部成员国的国内法的合理内核 ,同时兼顾两大法系的协调问题 ,顺应竞争法的新的发展趋势。毫无疑问 ,欧盟竞争法对于中国的反垄断立法具有一定的启示和借鉴意义  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article examines two new directions of EC competition law, by taking the example of Merger Control. The first is factual, since the Commission has accepted an increased role for economic analysis under the new Regulation. The second examines the role that EC competition law could play in the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy objectives. At present, both directions interact with one another, as the importance and the aims of competition rules depend to a large extent on the economic theory when applying legal rules. Traditionally, the EU has rejected the creation of an industrial policy that is considered to be inefficient. But the intensification of international competition has to induce the EU to open up the debate in relation to the meaning to be attributed to a 'European industrial strategy'. To accomplish a 'dynamic and competitive' European economy, current policies, mainly competition policy, should consider taking into account international competitiveness by resolving the question of the economic theoretical context used to review mergers.  相似文献   

反垄断法作为市场经济社会的“经济宪法,”维护近现代商品生产社会的市场经济秩序、“有效竞争”市场结构。在历经百年的反垄断立法和实践中,确立了“本身违法”原则、合理原则、域外适用的“效果原则”。我国反垄断法的制定,应科学借鉴反垄断普遍主义法理论、法原则,规范我国社会主义市场经济秩序、竞争关系。  相似文献   

Within any type of system, the actors in the system inevitably compete over resources. With competition comes the possibility of conflict. To minimize such effects, actors often will partition the system into geographic territories. It is against the larger ecological backdrop of competition and conflict that we examine territory formation among urban street gangs. Although previous studies have examined the social and built environment where gangs form, and how the presence of a gang influences local levels of violence, we know little about how competitive interactions are tied to the formation and maintenance of gang territories. We use formal spatial Lotka–Volterra competition models to derive hypotheses about competition‐driven territory formation. By using data on 563 between‐gang shootings, involving 13 rival street gangs in the Hollenbeck Policing Division of Los Angeles, we show that violence strongly clusters along the boundaries between gangs in a way that is quantitatively predicted by the theory. The results suggest that even weak competitive interactions between gangs are sufficient to drive gang territory formation without recourse to other processes or assumptions.  相似文献   

促进吉林省民营经济产业集群的健康、可持续发展,必须以龙头企业为依托打造吉林省民营经济优势产业集群,强化与引导产业集群内的专业化分工,通过技术创新增强产业集群的整体实力,充分发挥行业组织的桥梁和纽带作用,加强企业家队伍建设,培养创新型人才,充分发挥政府的引导和扶持作用。本文运用产业集群的理论,分析了吉林省民营经济产业集群发展的现状和存在的问题。提出了吉林省民营经济产业集群发展的思路与对策。  相似文献   

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