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Leading the Way     
正The port city of Guangzhou is poised to spearhead the Belt and Road Initiative Alan Murray,editor of Fortune magazine,announced that the 2017 Fortune Global Forum will take place in Guangzhou,capital of south China’s Guangdong Province,at a press conference on September 13.Guangzhou was chosen as the host city for  相似文献   

The 14th October,1999 saw me landing in Beijing for the start of a visit organised forme by Her Excellency Zhang Songxian,Ambassa-dor of the People's Republic of China to Trinidadand Tobago.I was the guest of the Chinese Peo-ple's Association for Friendship with ForeignCountries whose representatives had in place aprogramme of meaningful activities in the citiesof Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.  相似文献   

Invited by the CPAFFC, Mayor Arturas Zuokas of Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, led a delegation and visited Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai from July 30 to August 7.It was the first time for the mayor and his  相似文献   

<正>Guangdong could be an ideal testing ground for economic innovation By Bryan Michael Galvan Captains of foreign industries gathered at the warm capital of south China’s Guangdong Province,Guangzhou,to set forth plans for increased investment and cooperation in China.This year,"innovation"was the most repeated topic at the  相似文献   

The Biannual Meeting of Presidents of China’sPeople’s Associations for Friendship withForeign Countries was held in Guangzhou fromFebruary 22 to 24, 2006. The main tasks of themeeting was to exchange information and experi-ence, discuss how the friendship associations im-plement the spirit of the “May 20th” speech madeby President Hu Jintao, innovate thinking on workand improve working method so as to make newcontributions to the cause of socialism with Chi-nese characteristics in th…  相似文献   

On February 2, 2002 while Beijing was celebrating the Spring Festival, the Granting Meeting of the 14th Busan Asian Games Honorable Propagate Ambassador was held in Guangzhou Plaza, Beijing.There were four people who Were named Honorable Propagate Ambassadors for the 14th Asian Games. to be held in Busan, Korea. They were Zhang Baifa, the former deputy-mayor of Beijing and the deputy-director of the Capital Planning Board: Li Ziliu,  相似文献   

<正>On March 18,2011,a retum banquet for Honored Guests of Kenya Ailways was a big success in the Westin Hotel,Guangzhou.One hunched and thily palticipants,inclucling Tang Xiaomi,  相似文献   

The Measures on Aid and Management for Urban Vagrants and Beggars, issued by the State Council in mid-July, took effect on August 1. It marks a further improvement of China's mechanism to aid urban vagrants and beggars. The new regulation has been enacted to replace the two-decade-old Measures for the Internment and Deportation of Urban Vagrants and Beggars. This policy reform has stemmed from the astounding case of Sun Zhigang, a young man that was brutally beaten to death while in custody at the Guangzhou Detention Center.  相似文献   

No one would believe that Donghaochong Stream,now a leisure site for Guangzhou's residents,used to be a smelly,stagnant waterway of filth; it was a stain on the city's image in the run-up to the Guangzhou 2010Asian Games.After a year of intensive water purification work,the 3-km stream has been transformed into the Seine of south China-the water is cleaner and businesses,including Starbucks and other cafés,have sprung up on its banks for tourists and citizens to enjoy.  相似文献   

<正>On Dec 5, the 2021 Imperial Springs International Forum opened in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. It was co-hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Australia China Friendship and Exchange Association, the People’s Government of Guangdong Province and the World Leadership Alliance Club de Madrid.  相似文献   

Athletes defy the boundaries posed by their physical conditions to compete at the 2010 Asian Para Games in Guangzhou Guangzhou was a milestone in the life of many disabled athletes. To them, the 2010 Asian Para Games in the capital city of China's Guangdong Province meant much more thanmedals.  相似文献   

<正>On Dec 5 and 6, the 2021 Imperial Springs International Forum was successfully held in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, co-hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Australia China Friendship and Exchange Association, the People’s Government of Guangdong Province and the World Leadership Alliance Club de Madrid.  相似文献   

ZHONGSHAN city is located by the Pearl River in Guangdong Province, an hour’s drive southeast of the provincial capital Guangzhou. Formerly known as Xiangshan, meaning "fragrant mountain," it was renamed Zhongshan in the honor of founding father of the Republic of China Sun Yat-sen after he passed away in Beijing in 1925. With beautiful street scenes and a human-friendly urban design, Zhongshan has won many national and international awards for its living environment, in-  相似文献   

正Traditional cultural practices live on in Guangzhou Xie Cuilian is an amateur performer of Cantonese Opera.Following a lifelong passion for the traditional Chinese art form which involves acting,music,singing and martial arts,she has finally become a regular actress on the stage of the Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Art Museum.Her love for Cantonese Opera began when  相似文献   

Diarra Boubacar is the first non-Chinese postdoctoral fellow in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).The Malian was bom into a family of doctors in 1964.With his passion for the complex and intriguing field of traditional medicine,Boubacar pursued his master's degree at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,in Guangdong Province,south China,and doctoral degree in Chengdu University of TCM in Sichuan Province in southwest China,where he learned from masters.  相似文献   

On Actions taken to curb false rumors online On August 25,Beijing police released a statement saying that journalist Liu Hu had been detained on allegations of fabrication and dissemination of false rumors online.Liu works for New Express,a local newspaper published in Guangzhou in south China’s Guangdong Province.The police didn’t release any further details other than stating that the case was currently under investigation.On the same day,Zhou Lubao,a blogger,was arrested in east China’s Jiangsu Province for an alleged extortion linked to the spreading of misinformation online.Zhou is suspected of posting more than 15,000 items of misinformation online within the last year.The Ministry of Public Security said that Zhou had blackmailed more than 20 separate entities and individuals.  相似文献   

One of the most fascinating journeys I have had in a life of travel was a recentbus ride from Gansu Province to Qinghai Province. A journey that took mefrom the Silk Road oasis of Dunhuang up to the remote town of Germu in thestunningly beautiful lands bordering the Tibet Plateau.Leaving Dunhuang shortly after 7.30 am just as the sun was rising, the bus passeda fort looking as though it had defended the area for hundreds of years. It was actu-ally built recently for movie productions. Ver…  相似文献   

<正>The Decision on Certain Issues on Comprehensively Deepening the Reform,which was endorsed by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC),advocates im-proving judicial protection for human rights,making human rights protection one of the practical measures for imple-menting the principle of respecting and ensuring human rights,and making improvement of the judicial protection of human rights an important part of comprehensively deepening the reform.Prof.Huang Jin,president of the China University of Political Science and Law,was interviewed by the journal.  相似文献   

The 2014 China International Friendship Cities Conference and the Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Conference are nowconvening here in Guangzhou.First of all,on behalf of the Chinese Government and in my own name,I’d like to extend warm congratulations on the convocation of the conference and a sincere welcome to all the delegates,especially foreign friends from afar.China’s international friendship city activities carried out for more than  相似文献   

XIAOZHOU Village on the southern outskirts of Guangzhou is a place of boundless opportunity - at least for Liu Jiusheng and Xie Guozheng. Liu opened his guqin (ancient zither) workshop in the village in 2007. He loves the guqin and is a skilled player. Once he bought an old one and disassembled it, finding its construction not as complicated as he had imagined. At that moment, he was struck by the impulse to make his own zithers of superb quality, and hired 26-year-old carpenter Xie to help him realize the dream.  相似文献   

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