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税收优先权是优先权的一种形式,但税收又是一种公法上的债权债务关系。因此,当税收优先权与其他优先权竟合时,既可以适用私法债权优先权竞合时的原则,又要考虑国家的特殊政策需要。由于涉及的优先权类型很多,且税收优先权有与其竞合的可能,故有必要对优先权进行分析,并指出税收优先权的法律地位。  相似文献   

席晓娟 《河北法学》2008,26(5):117-120
民法与税法作为两个性质截然不同的法律部门,在立法本位、调整对象、调整方法及责任承担等方面存在差异。但税收法律关系的公法之债性质,使民法与税法存在诸多联系。在税法立法本位转变为在实现国家公共职能的同时,充分保障纳税人权利的前提下,运用民法平等、意思自治、公平、诚实信用、公序良俗以及禁止权利滥用等基本原则指导税收法律关系,成为公私法融合大趋势下税法领域研究的新课题。  相似文献   

房产税改革正当性的五维建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘剑文 《法学研究》2014,36(2):131-151
房产税改革是当前我国财税体制改革中的焦点、重点和难点,其正当性建构必须得到重视。在现行法律框架下,有关土地公有制和双重征税的质疑能够化解,存量房产具有可税性。房产税改革的正当性可分解为五个维度:一是征税正当,应以完善财产税制为直接目的,组织收入的功能则需经由整体性的税费结构调整来渐进地实现。二是定税正当,应以税负适度为核心,合理确定计税依据、税率及税收优惠。三是管税正当,应完善房产评估等配套制度,建立以纳税申报为主体的新型征纳模式。四是用税正当,应强化地方财政支出的公共性,形成地方财政收支健康运转的良性循环。五是程序正当,应以制定房产税法的形式推进改革,通过改革路径的法治化和可参与化来增强其民意基础。  相似文献   

现代财政制度的法学审思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十八届三中全会提出建立“现代财政制度”,这是建立健全现代国家治理机制、实现长治久安的制度保障.传统财政制度重国家本位轻人民本位、重管理轻治理、重结果导向轻过程导向.而现代财政制度具有法治性、回应性、均衡性和公共性的品格,彰显对公共财产权的规范,进而实现对公共财产、私人财产的双重保障;其法律构造内含宪法规范、公共财产规范、分配规范和宏观调控规范四个维度.构建现代财政制度,应以点带面、循序渐进,现阶段应将改进预算制度、完善税收立法和建立事权与支出责任相适应的财政分权模式作为三大抓手.  相似文献   

The doctrine of managed competition in health care sought to achieve the social goals of access and efficiency using market incentives and consumer choice rather than governmental regulation and public administration. In retrospect, it demanded too much from both the public and the private sectors. Rather than develop choice-supporting rules and institutions, the public sector has promoted process regulation and benefit mandates. The private health insurance sector has pursued short-term profitability rather than cooperate in the development of fair competition and informed consumer choice. Purchasers have subsidized inefficient insurance designs in order to exploit tax and regulatory loopholes and to retain an image of corporate paternalism. America's health care system suffers from the public abuse of private interests and the private abuse of the public interest.  相似文献   

Since 1.7.2005 the EU Savings Tax Directive has ensured a minimum of taxation on foreign interest income by offering participating countries the opportunity either to apply a withholding tax or to exchange information on cross-border interest income. The aim of the paper is to examine why countries do not exchange information on interest income. The results suggest that the incentive to exchange information is weakened if the financial sector in a country is very profitable. A high profitability of the financial sector enables countries to maximize revenues from the corporation tax. A second reason for discouraging information exchange is related to the spillover effects on the domestic labor market. An inflow of financial capital is indirectly associated with the creation of employment and well-paid jobs. In its current form the savings tax directive enables individuals to avoid taxation, either by placing their income in non-participating countries or by investing in assets which are not part of the directive. Using German revenue data for 2005 and 2006 the paper shows that Germany receives significantly less revenue from countries applying a withholding tax. This result indirectly indicates that investors can take advantage of the directive's loopholes.  相似文献   

徐键 《法学研究》2012,(3):43-58
为实现政治统治的合法化,近现代国家在民主的基础上形成了以规范为中心的权力认知模式。建国与改革为主题的国家制度建设所呈现的渐进性和试验性,使我国在中央与地方的财政关系上,形成了规范内外不同的权力生长与存续机理。碎片化的规范,赋予了地方在特定领域内的财政自主权。同时,依赖政治过程的分散化策略,引致了权力的制度外溢,形成了诸多所谓的"事实上的财政自主权"。尽管正当的制度只能逐步建设和改进,但如果始终存在超越于法律规范之上的权力,法治秩序终将会崩裂。地方财政自主权,必须在规范主义的立场上循序形成。  相似文献   

Development of a strategy to foster strong economic growth was seen by the international community as a key aspect to nation building and sustaining the end of the armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tax policy was a key aspect of the strategy, but the very decentralized institutional arrangements and limited cooperation between the governments complicated the design. This paper reviews and assesses the indirect tax structure that has been the focus of the first five years. Among the findings are the importance associated with creating destination-based revenue attribution, the strong tendencies for tax competition, the unwillingness to accept formula-based revenue distribution, and the high administrative and compliance costs that result from structuring a system to achieve all of the necessary goals in a decentralized government context.  相似文献   

秦守勤 《行政与法》2006,(12):26-28
本文以社会主义和谐社会构建为背景,阐述了经济法的公平理念是机会公平与结果公平,形式公平与实质公平的统一。在具体制度安排方面,从财政制度、税收制度、社会保障制度、市场竞争制度四个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

罗马人的税赋——从起源到戴克里先登基   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文力图开拓罗马公法之一的罗马税法新领域,分析了罗马人承受的公共负担的类型,他们承担的直接税和间接税,以及罗马法中国税和地税的划分,得出罗马人的税负不重的结论。进而探讨罗马国库收入的税外来源,最后质疑了罗马人"螺丝钉论"。  相似文献   

韩龙 《现代法学》2022,(1):144-161
建立对标世界最高开放形态的海南自由贸易港,是我国扩大开放的重大战略。为此,相关规定为海南自由贸易港货物贸易提供了多种税收优惠,但WTO《补贴与反补贴协定》将政府放弃应征收的收入纳入补贴,从而为此类税收优惠埋下了WTO合规隐患。在自贸港间接税优惠中,自贸港企业“两头在外”生产加工所用原辅料免税,貌似与WTO《补贴与反补贴协定》禁止的出口补贴相契合,但因符合该协定第1项注释规定的补贴例外,并不构成补贴。然而,由于生产设备作为资本货物不符合该项补贴例外,故自贸港企业自用生产设备进口免税易被认定为补贴。对此,海南应行使自贸港法规制定权,建立适用于自贸港的税制和税率,以避免专向性补贴。此外,进口料件加工增值内销免征关税,与《中国加入WTO议定书》的内容相悖,亦易被认定为进口替代补贴。欲避免之,需要变自贸港增值比例要求为自贸港原产地要求,并进行配套改革。  相似文献   

Although its rules are complex, the publication of Revenue Procedure 95-10 will substantially facilitate the use of LLCs in those states with statutes that permit significant flexibility in the structuring of LLCs. Previously, the only way to assure that LLCs in those states would be classified as partnerships for income tax purposes was to obtain a private letter ruling from the IRS, often resulting in lengthy delays. The new revenue procedure should provide sufficient guidance in the vast majority of cases to allow tax counsel to determine the appropriate treatment for tax purposes without having to seek an IRS private letter ruling.  相似文献   

浅论国际避税地法律制度的新模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来 ,市场经济发达国家为维护本国的税收权益 ,通过国际经济组织的联合行动 ,采取种种法律手段 ,推行避税地对策税制 ,以图抵制传统避税地以低税或免税为主要形式的“有害税收竞争”。但在经济全球化条件下 ,一些欧美市场经济发达国家在坚持推行避税地对策税制的同时 ,先后通过修改税法 ,在本国境内实行税收优惠 ,大力吸引外资 ,发展本国经济。这些欧美市场经济发达国家的所作所为 ,实际上已经使它们逐渐堕变为新型的“避税地”。这种避税地法律制度新型模式的产生和发展 ,不仅更加加剧了发达国家与发展中国家之间和税收权益的竞争 ,而且给构建一个公平、有序的国际税收秩序带来了重重的障碍。  相似文献   

Optimal Law Enforcement with a Rent-Seeking Government   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyzes public and private law enforcement whenthe government is motivated by rent seeking. A rent-seekinggovernment seeks primarily to maximize revenue. The articleconcludes as follows: (1) if offenders have sufficient wealth,a rent-seeking government is more aggressive than a social-welfare-maximizinggovernment in enforcing laws against minor crimes (such as parkingviolations) but more lax in enforcing laws against major crimes;(2) competitive private enforcement is usually better and neverworse than monopolistic private enforcement; (3) The choicebetween competitive private enforcement and public enforcementdepends on which is cheaper and on the severity of the offense.  相似文献   

China’s central government undertook a major tax regime reform in 1994 that was characterized by fiscal federalism. In hindsight, it may be seen to be more emphatic on the revenue side than on the expenditure side. It has achieved a certain success both for revenue shifting and inflation-fighting purposes. However, the reform and its subsequent follow-ups have not clearly addressed some fundamental issues in China’s government finance system, such as overhauling the function of government finance and redrawing lines between the center and subnational governments with regard to their fiscal responsibilities and duties. Moreover, movements towards fiscal federalism may have actually increased fiscal burdens on the economy, especially on domestic sectors of the economy. Coupled with enhanced policy support to China’s external development, fiscal federalism may have further helped accelerate resource shifts towards the external sector, thus resulting in an unprecedented rapid expansion in China’s exports since the mid-1990s.  相似文献   

The European Commission has recently set up a framework that facilitates the access to the courts by victims of antitrust injury, even in the absence of a ruling by a competition authority (so-called stand-alone private damages, or SPD, actions). Here, I study a game where both public and private antitrust enforcement play a role. Plaintiffs face information acquisition costs (evidence-gathering) if they want to bring an SPD action, but they do not internalise the opportunity cost of the courts?? resources. First, I show that any gain in deterrence has to be traded off against costly litigation and enforcement costs, and that these tradeoffs are heterogeneous across market sizes. Second, taking the competition authority??s actions as exogenous, SPDs can improve welfare only if the competition authority is sufficiently effective: private damages are a complement to (good) public enforcement, not a substitute. Third, a resource-constrained competition authority, upon the introduction of SPDs, should investigate a larger proportion of industries (even at the cost of a higher error rate). That is, whilst a ??hands-off?? approach might have been warranted absent SPDs, this is no longer true once stand-alone actions are introduced.  相似文献   

税收法定主义原则与政府税收立法权的界定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白彦锋 《河北法学》2004,22(10):73-76
税收法定主义原则是税法的首要原则。根据这一原则,税收要素、税收程序基本方面的立法权都应由议会机关保留。政府部门只有对税收程序中的具体问题制定行政法规的权力。即使在授权立法的情况下,对政府部门的授权也只能针对个别、具体的事项。  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework for the analysis of gatekeeping in tax enforcement, whereby independent auditors are assigned the duty of attesting taxpayers’ returns. The equilibrium of the market for gatekeepers’ services is characterized, as well as taxpayers’ and auditors’ optimal behavior. The paper identifies the conditions under which the introduction of a mandatory attestation system is likely to be desirable.The results of the paper suggest that: (1) collusion may disrupt the gatekeeping system if the compounded liability of the auditor and the taxpayer is not sufficiently high; (2) a more extended delegation of the enforcement power to private auditors is generally desirable; (3) the cartelization of the gatekeepers’ market has definitely detrimental effects; and (4) when the probability that erroneous attestations are detected and sanctioned depends on the effort exerted by a public enforcer, multiple equilibria may arise, due to the substitutability of public and private monitoring.  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework for the analysis of gatekeeping in tax enforcement, whereby independent auditors are assigned the duty of attesting taxpayers’ returns. The equilibrium of the market for gatekeepers’ services is characterized, as well as taxpayers’ and auditors’ optimal behavior. The paper identifies the conditions under which the introduction of a mandatory attestation system is likely to be desirable.The results of the paper suggest that: (1) collusion may disrupt the gatekeeping system if the compounded liability of the auditor and the taxpayer is not sufficiently high; (2) a more extended delegation of the enforcement power to private auditors is generally desirable; (3) the cartelization of the gatekeepers’ market has definitely detrimental effects; and (4) when the probability that erroneous attestations are detected and sanctioned depends on the effort exerted by a public enforcer, multiple equilibria may arise, due to the substitutability of public and private monitoring.  相似文献   

徐键 《北方法学》2011,5(2):70-79
《宪法》和《预算法》赋予了地方政府一定的财政自主权。以此为基础,地方政府通过调整支出结构、提高支出效率,为地方居民提供符合本行政区域实际情况的公共品与服务,并调控经济运行状况。分税制改革减少了地方的财政自主权,从而导致地方支出效率的降低。法律和中央政府为地方政府设定强制性支出责任,旨在遏制因地方支出效率降低产生的公共支出结构扭曲和区域间支出水平差异等状况。但是,强制性支出责任在客观上却进一步降低了地方的财政自主权,从而陷入新的恶性循环。赋予地方政府充分的财政自主权,是优化地方支出结构、提高地方支出效率的基础性制度依赖;强制性支出责任仅具有辅助性功能。两者不能本末倒置。  相似文献   

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