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Brief introduction to Shaanxi provincial conditionsLocated in the hinterland area of the Shaanxi province borders Inner Mongolia to the north, Sichuan and Hubei to the south, Gansu and Ningxia to the west, and Shanxi and Henan to the east. It is a door to enter the vast northwest China area, occupying a key posi-  相似文献   

T HE famous historical and cultural town of Jingsheng, site of the well-known Wang Family Mansion and mil- lennia-old Zishou Temple, is south of Taiyuan, provincial capital of Shanxi Province. Jingsheng is rich in natural resources as well as cultural relics, despite large numbers of historical sites having been destroyed in an earthquake in the early 14th century. The buildings still standing date back to the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Jingsheng was among the fi rst group of Chinese…  相似文献   

Sincerely Shanxi     
BORDERED by Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi,Henan and Hebei, Shanxi Province is pro-tected by the Great Wall in the north, themighty Yellow River in the west and south,and the Taihang Mountain range in the east.Throughout China's history these protective barri-ers have allowed Shanxi to prosper and grow. Thus,  相似文献   

Shanxi is an importantbirthplace of the Yellow RiverCulture. The Culture of Shanxi hasmade an important contribution tothe forming and the development ofthe Chinese civilization. The ancientCulture of Shanxi emits a splendidbrilliance in the treasure house ofCultures across China and the world.There are many relics and a deepsedimentation of Culture within theboundaries of Shanxi. According toarcheological excavations, Dingcun(the present Xiangfen County)  相似文献   

Shanxi is one of the important origins of the Chinese nation and enjoys an abundance of historical and cultural resources. The popular saying "Shanxi is a microcosm of the Chinese civilization" refers mainly to earliest Chinese southern Shanxi--the activities of the Yao, Shun and Yu were concentrated in South Shanxi. The 5,000-year-old civilization has yielded a considerable number of treasures to Shanxi, among which, 119 sites are under national protection--the highest figure in China. S…  相似文献   

THE Drung is one of China's smallest ethnic groups. Most of its 5,000 number live in the isolated Drung River valley region of Yunnan Province. Enclosed by Gaoligong Mountain in the east, Dandanglika Mountain in the west and south and bordering Tibet in the north, dense snow makes their habitat inaccessible for six months of the year. The Drung believe that everything on earth has a soul. They are hospitable to visitors, and go to great pains to offer them gifts. They still farm by the slash-and-burn method, as more modern agricultural  相似文献   

THE Yellow River running through northern Ningxia has created the greatest abundance of all the river valley areas along the vastplain that accounts for 41 percent of theregion's territory. Fertile soil and rich water resources have made it one of Chi- na's major granaries. Conditions here contrast sharply with those in Ningxia's larger mountainous south, whose main topographical features are gullied loess mesas. Here, the local mean temperature is 6 degrees Celsius, water resources av- era…  相似文献   

THE term “Jinshang” or “Shanxi merchant” is a tribute to Shanxi merchants during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. The industry and wisdom of Shanxi merchants over centuries elevated some to the level of business magnate. The Chang family in Shanxi's Yuci is a perfect example of the Jinshang.  相似文献   

Prof. Feng Bianxi, a leader in Shanxi of hepatobiliary and pancreatic researches, is the Director of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Section of Shanxi People's Hospital. Mr. Feng graduated in 1970 from the Medical Department of Shanxi Medical University; in 1979 enrolled as a graduate student for master degree by Tianjin Medical University under the tutelage of Prof. Wu Xianzhong, an academician of China Engineering Academy; and in 1987 as a visiting scholar studied in the world famous …  相似文献   

LOCATED on the North China Plain, Taocheng District comes under Hengshui City jurisdiction. It's also the city's political, economic and cultural center, and is just 250 kilometers south of Beijing and Tianjin, north China's major trading port. To its south lie Xingtai and Handan, huge coal, iron and steel production bases, and 100 kilometers west is Shijiazhuang International Airport. Taocheng is 180 kilometers to the west of Huanghua and Binzhou ports on the Bohai Bay and a major transportation hub in the regions surrounding  相似文献   

Y uci, in central Shanxi, is an ancient city steeped in history and culture. It possesses a rich trove of cultural relics and tourist resources. A s is w ell know n, how to preserve and utilize resources has an im portant, even decisive, bearing on the developm ent trend of a region. Lying sm ack in the center of Shanxi, Y uci is also a transport hub intersected by 5 truck railroads and 7 m ajor highw ays. From M ay of 2000, Y uci em barked on an am bitious objective of building itself into …  相似文献   

<正>Clear Water Feeds the Yellow River Outlook Weekly Issue 48, 2022The Fenhe River, the second largest tributary of the Yellow River, runs through China’s Shanxi Province from north to south. Due to over-exploitaon, its eco-system has suffered great damage. To solve the water shortage problem,Shanxi provincial government has implemented water transfer projects and established a unified mechanism for water management. For water conservaon,  相似文献   

JINZHONG Prefecture incentral Shanxi Province isknown for its historic sitesand tourist facilities. It nowoffers a Shanxi Merchant FolkloreTour. The tour takes in ten touristspots, including the ancient city ofPingyao; Shuanglin and Zishoutemples; Mianshan, Wujin andShigao mountains; and the Qiao,Qu, Cao and Wang family mansions.Pingyao Ancient CityPingyao is representative ofthe ancient county towns of theHan ethnic group in the CentralPlains area, and is the best preserved county…  相似文献   

<正>Fishing ban for ecological purposes starts on the Pearl River Since April1,a two-month ban on fishing has been imposed on the Pearl River valley in south China.It is the first fishing ban in this area with the purpose of preserving biodiversity in China’s third longest  相似文献   

Aland of abundance,Shannan Prefecture is the granary of Tibet and a cradle of its civilization for nurturing the unique Yalong culture.Located in southern Tibet,Shannan Prefecture nestles in the river valley between Mt.  相似文献   

NANNING, the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southwest China, is a beautiful city with a lively culture and centuries-old history. It is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer and has a sub-tropical climate. Abundant sunshine and precipitation fill the city with luxuriant plant life. Its lush green landscape has earned Nanning the name of Green City.  相似文献   

THE four-square-kilometer Jincheng Economic Development Zone (EDZ) in southeastern Shanxi Province has everything it takes to serve as a prime manufacturing hub: it is traversed by the north-south Taiyuan (Shanxi)-Jiaozuo (Henan) Railway; is adjacent to several major roads, including National Highway 207, the Jincheng-Changzhi (Shanxi) Expressway, the Jincheng-Jiaozuo Expressway, the Jincheng-Yangcheng (Shanxi) Expressway and the Jincheng-Zhang- lukou (Henan) Highway; and boasts a modem infrastructure, supported by a comprehensive range of services and a skilled workforce, guaranteeing that every investment will quickly yield results.  相似文献   

Zhongshan,south China’s Guangdong Province,is the hometown of Dr.Sun Yat-sen,the man who initiated China’s democratic revolution in the early 20th century. Situated in the southern part of the Pearl River Delta and covering an area of 1,800 square km, Zhongshan is geographically connected with Guangzhou,the provincial capital,to the north, and is in the vicinity of Hong Kong and Macao. Zhongshan is famous for its large population of overseas returnees and is home to a natural environment conducive to living and working.  相似文献   

In recent years, with the rapid development of its economy, Shanxi has made tangible improvements over its investment environment. An all- directional and three- dimensional transportation and information network has taken shape including railroad, highway, air route and telecommunications. Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi, and other major cities of the province have built or renovated a number of hotels and restaurants— more than 30 of them rated as star- level— whose service is gradually impr…  相似文献   

THE Beijing Railway Administration is at the hub of national communications. Its five sub-administrations are Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan and Datong. The railway network under its administration covers the two municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin, the two provinces of Hebei and Shanxi and parts of Shandong and Henan. The 21 trunk lines and 57 feeder lines of  相似文献   

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