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目的获得吸毒者唾液和尿液检材中甲基苯丙胺浓度分布及胶体金试剂条初筛情况。方法液相色谱串联质谱法获得吸毒者唾液和尿液检材中甲基苯丙胺浓度,通过胶体金试剂条检测获得初筛情况。对两者结果进行比对分析。结果采用直接沉淀蛋白法和液质MRM扫描法检测,唾液线性范围是1~100ng/m L,线性相关系数0.9987,检出限是0.1ng/m L,定量限是1ng/m L;尿液线性范围是1~100ng/m L,线性相关系数0.9943,检出限是0.5ng/m L,定量限是1ng/m L。唾液和尿液检材按一定比例稀释,使浓度在线性范围内。采用唾液和尿液四种型号甲基苯丙胺胶体金试剂条初筛,直接点样,目测判断结果。结论胶体金试纸条初筛尿液检出率为79%左右;唾液检出率大概为81%,两种试剂条结合使用,检出率可以提高到93%以上。结合此次初筛结果和仪器确认浓度可以发现:灰区设置和灵敏度的设置对检出率有一定影响,建议提高灵敏度以满足筛查工作需要。  相似文献   

Day D 《The Personnel journal》1983,62(11):916, 918-916, 919

Management needs to ensure successful selection procedures throughout the company because selection is a critically important management function that ultimately influences the success or failure of the enterprise. Poor decisions in staff selection can reverberate throughout the organization by dampening staff morale, wasting valuable time, and reducing productivity. Staff selection consists of several identifiable stages of activities. Although selection can be broken into specific steps, the complexity of human behavior limits the usefulness of the cookbook approach. An emphasis solely on procedural stages provides the form without considering the substance. Nor is it possible to identify all the problem areas possible. With these limitations in mind, this article examines common and critically important problem areas in staff selection and suggests ways of handling or correcting them.  相似文献   

Justice is important because it facilitates effective cooperation and thereby enables superior forms of social coordination. On the bilateral level people are better able to resolve conflicts if they can refer to shared justice rules. When third parties are needed to facilitate cooperation they can function more effectively when the parties agree that they are exercising their authority through fair procedures;? finally, people are more willing to engage with collectivities when they evaluate them as acting through a shared conception of justice.? Overall justice is central to facilitating cooperation and the key to its success is that there is a consensus about what is just among those involved. This is equally true of the relationship between people who are negotiating about the price of a product or service and people who are members of large-scale communities, organizations, or societies.  相似文献   

In common with some other work on the topic of theft of electronic products, the approach of project MARC is to lay considerable responsibility for these crimes at the door of the electronics manufacturers. This seems misplaced and appears to stem from an insufficient appreciation of the nature and drivers of the global consumer electronics market and an ineffective dialogue with the manufacturers. Many options for additional security are possible, but the global nature of the market, the ever-diminishing product lifetimes of electronic products and consumer reluctance to ascribe a high value to such features complicates their introduction. Thought should be given to the establishment of a new quasi-official body to bring together the stakeholders to create a constructive dialogue between interested parties.  相似文献   

有效监督与法律遵循   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应飞虎 《河北法学》2003,21(2):22-26
有效监督能促进法律被普遍遵循 ,无效监督则往往使法律形同虚设。影响监督绩效的主要因素有监督主体的动力不足、压力缺乏及组织瑕疵、制度对被监督主体的利益赋予不足、监督信息不对称、监督路径配置不当以及监督资源最高效率使用的制度不足等。因此必须进行相应的制度创新 ,构建低代价的、有效的监督体系 ,以促进法律的遵循。  相似文献   

自我国监管部门引入合规监管方式以来,有效合规管理大体形成了两种相对独立的制度模式。其中,日常性合规管理是企业在行政监管部门的指导和监督下,以预防相关合规风险为主要出发点,建立常态化的合规管理体系;合规整改则是企业在行政机关、司法机关的执法压力下,或在国际组织采取制裁措施的情况下,以减轻处罚或者取消制裁为目标,针对业已暴露的违法、违规或犯罪行为,采取有针对性的合规整改措施。在确保企业有效防控合规风险方面,这两种合规管理模式各有其制度结构和公司治理功能,也存在着各自的优劣得失。在企业合规管理体系的建构方面,这两种模式既可以相互转化,也可以相互补充和完善。  相似文献   

强化内部治理 有效解决“执行难”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
执行难是长期困扰人民法院工作的重大问题,社会高度关注,群众反映强烈。执行难问题的产生和长期存在,是各种因素相互交织、各种矛盾相互作用的集中体现。既有法治环境欠佳、社会信用体系不健全、立法相对滞后等外部因素,也有执行队伍素质不高、机制不畅、力度不够等内部因  相似文献   

陈瑞华 《政法论坛》2022,(1):87-103
有效合规整改的基本目标,是涉案企业建立一套有效预防犯罪的管理机制,达到企业依法依规经营的效果。为实现这一目标,企业合规整改应与日常性合规体系搭建具有本质的区别,将合规整改的针对性和体系化进行有机的结合。对于一个涉嫌犯罪的企业而言,一旦被纳入合规监督考察的对象,一般应引入四项基本的合规整改要素:一是在认罪认罚的前提下停止犯罪行为,积极配合刑事追诉行动,采取补救挽损措施,处理责任人;二是查找犯罪原因,发现造成犯罪发生的制度漏洞、管理隐患和治理结构的缺陷;三是针对上述漏洞、隐患和缺陷,进行有针对性的制度纠错和管理修复,切断犯罪发生的因果链条,避免同一犯罪的再次发生;四是建立一种整体的、全面的和长远的预防犯罪机制,引入有针对性的专项合规管理体系。  相似文献   

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - Transnational climate governance has mainly been preoccupied with climate change mitigation, both in practice and as studied in...  相似文献   

The systematic analysis of postmortem samples is one of the most challenging tasks in forensic toxicology. For determining cause of death, analysis of different tissues can be indispensable. Automation of these analyses would increase reproducibility and therefore lead to more reliable and comparable results. Recent developments in analytical toxicology and the availability of automation devices for various analytical stages, such as sampling, preliminary testing, sample extraction, chromatographic separation, identification, and data processing are examined and discussed. At present only parts of the analytical procedure have been automated-however, the goal should be the integration of these parts into a single, continuous process. Currently, only one "fully-automated" procedure for the comprehensive screening of blood and urine (excluding sample pretreatment, which remains separate) has been published. But it can be expected that automation of analytical procedures in forensic toxicology will indeed progress, even with regard to the very complex screening of postmortem samples.  相似文献   

Pretrial screening of defendants for competency to stand trial and responsibility at the time of the crime reduces unnecessary hospitalization. It can be developed on a statewide basis at little cost, resulting in great savings. Such programs should be established in every state.  相似文献   

This article aims to expose the anxiety of abused women in Ghana by defining domestic violence within their culture. A survey conducted among 50 women clients of the Legal Aid Clinic of the International Federation of Women Lawyers in Ghana revealed that wife beating, to some extent, is an acceptable norm of the society. These battered women are more likely to define their experiences as a form of discipline at the hands of their husbands rather than domestic violence or wife battering. An examination of their social practices demonstrates that tradition is the most important reason why Ghanaian women accept the obvious disparity between their lifestyles and that of their male counterparts. Their traditional folk tales narrates stories about a man beating his wife to maintain law and order; while Ghanaian folk and highlife songs revolve around themes that encourage this mastery of wives and male superiority. The existence of domestic violence in all Ghanaian communities highlights the need for social reforms and substantive equality for Ghanaian women. Initial solutions include emphasis on public education, which fosters awareness and social change through women's organizations that work within communities. Once educational efforts have been established, long-term solutions such as adopting legislation to help battered women, as well as educating the police and the judiciary about domestic violence can then be integrated into Ghanaian society.  相似文献   

This article will address the legal obligations of employers in non-union settings toward employees who request pregnancy leave, parental or medical leave, workers' compensation leave, and other forms of disability leave. Specifically, this article will address the legal standards set forth under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, various state pregnancy and family leave acts, workers' compensation retaliatory discharge authority, and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. In addition, this article will provide practical guidance for employers in formulating effective leave policies that provide the maximum amount of operational flexibility while at the same time minimizing the risk of costly and excessive litigation.  相似文献   

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