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The only Arts Troupe in China that has visited more than 60 countries UNESCO Artist for Peace-China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe My dear friends, We are performers with disabilities of China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe.Among us,some cannot hear,some cannot see and some are  相似文献   

To mark the 35th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan,the Shochiku Grand Kabuki Chikama-tsu-za Troupe of Japan,composed of 75 people,made a 20-day performance tour of China starting September 3 at the invitation of the CPAFFC.It  相似文献   

Persisting in the Road They Have Taken The Shinseisakuza Troupe is one of the Japa-nese progressive art groups that began its cul-tural exchanges with China fairly early. MihoMayama, founder and chairperson of the Board ofthe Shinseisakuza Troupe and a famous Japaneseplaywright, was once received by Premier ZhouEnlai when she visited China with a Japanesedramatists' delegation in 1957. In reply to the Pre-  相似文献   

"We performed in the Carnegie Hall in New York City. Builders of the hall could not have dreamed that this premier venue for performing arts in the world would play host to us, a group of special performing artists from China. The audiences were enthralled, seeing the charms of the artists from the orient for the first time," says Zhang Jigang, art director of the China Disabled Persons' Performing Art Troupe (CDPPAT), head of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the only dancer in China to have won the Century Star title.  相似文献   

AS a large-scale,multi-disciplinary theatrical performance by the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe,My Dream was a cultural highlight of the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.It included 18 programs that ranged from music and Peking Opera,to dance dramas and musicals.Its evocation of Oriental charm,with a blending of international cultural themes,left many audiences in tears.  相似文献   

An acrobatic school restores the legend of the traditional Chinese art October 20 this year marked the 60th anniversary of the China National Acrobatic Troupe (CNAT).The grand performance,  相似文献   

PUPPE TSHOW The Quanzhou Marionette Troupe of China presents a traditional play in Jakarta,Indonesia, on March 24.Quanzhou, a city of southeast China’s Fujian Province, is home to the most sophisticated form of marionette performance in the country. The Quanzhou puppetry, rootedin  相似文献   

The six-decade journey of an acrobatic troupe On October 28,the China National Acrobatic Troupe(CNAT) and the Beijing International Art School(BIAS) opened the gate of their mysterious headquarters,inviting the  相似文献   

Dear friends,We remember that we travel all over China and visit more than 60 countries giving performances with the encouragement of audience both at home and abroad.We are gratified that China Disabled Peoples Performing Art Troupe not only succeeds in supporting ourselves and our development with the incomes from commercial performances but also present joys for audience.  相似文献   

Invited by the Australia-China International Exchange Centre of Australia and the Asia Pacific Culture Connection Centre of New Zealand, a 51-member China Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe sent by the CPAFFC gave 7 performances on its tour of Canberra, Mel-  相似文献   

The China National Acrobatic Troupe (CNAT) will stage a grand circus performance in east Beijing's Chaoyang Park during the National Day holiday on October 1-7. The performance will be a breathtaking integration of entertainment, clownery, and  相似文献   

A46-member China Tibet Art Troupe orga-nized and sent by the CPAFFC and headedby Chonpel, vice chairman of the Tibet Au-tonomous Regional Government, with TsedenDolma, well-known singer and vice chairpersonof the Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee ofthe Chinese People's Political Consultative Con-ference, as chief art supervisor, made a perfor-mance tour in Australia and New Zealand fromJune 11 to June 26, 1999. The Troupe gave fiveformal performances, one informal performance,eight small-scale performances at get-togethersattracting an audience of over 10,000 people in  相似文献   

Audiences are enchanted by a North Korean interpretation of a great Chinese masterpiece North Korea’s Phibada Opera Troupe arrived in Beijing on May 3, bringing with it a Korean opera adapted from China’s classic novel A Dream of Red Mansions written  相似文献   

The Great Wall     
Honorary president of the Matsuyama Ballet Troupe Shimizu Masao said in his letter to the China Great Wall Society, "The Great Wall is not only a great structure built by the Chinese people, but also a cultural gem that belongs to peoples of the world."  相似文献   

2009 saw the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia.Various activities such as exhibitions,seminars and art performances were held throughout the year to mark the occasion. From November 21 to 29,a 53-member Russian New Siberia Art Troupe paid a friendly visit to Xinjiang,  相似文献   

正Jumping for Jordan Chinese acrobats perform in an open-air theater in Jerash, an ancient city of Jordan, on July 10.At the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the 27th Jerash Festival, a 30-member team from China’s Hebei Acrobatic Troupe visited the city and presented a stunning performance for a local audience.  相似文献   

<正>The presentation of the vanguard work,My Dream3D,the innovative production by the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe(CDPPAT),directed by Joy Joosang Park,provided the film’s domestic premiere at Beijing’s Olympic Park onApril7.The show provided an intriguing insight not  相似文献   

正China is struggling to both regulate its language and preserve various dialects On April 28, Guo Degang, a well-known crosstalk performer from the Beijing-based Deyun Xiangsheng Troupe, held a special show at the Shanghai International Gymnastic Center. The theater was far more crowded than it was in 2006 when Guo first put on a show in Shanghai.  相似文献   

At the invitation of theChina-Japan Friendship Asso-ciation (CJFA), Mr. MasaoShimizu, vice president of theJapan-China FriendshipAssocia-tion and head of the MatsuyamaBallet Troupe, visited Beijingfrom June 28 to July 3. Mr.Shimizu who had led theMatsuyama Ballet Troupe toChina many times to give per-formances since 1957 has madeoutstanding contributions to thedevelopment of Sino-Japanesefriendly relations and the pro-motion of cultural exchanges.This was his 100th visit to China.The CJFA held a cocktail partyto mark this occasion. Mr.Shimizu received the title of vis-iting professor of the BeijingUniversity and attended theopening session of the Sympo-sium on Sino-Japanese Relations.Our Staff reporter had an exclu-sive interview with him on July3.  相似文献   

To mark the 25th anniversary of the signing of the SinoJapanese Peace and Friendship Treaty, the 91-member Japanese Matsuyama Ballet Troupe gave performances of the new adaptation of Swan Lake, two in the Shanghai Grand Theatre and four in the Beijing Tianqiao Theatre, from October 7 to 18, 2003, successfully concluding their 12th performance tour in China.  相似文献   

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