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冯殿美  杜娟 《法学论坛》2006,21(2):105-111
我国虽于1997年修订刑法时将证券市场严重的内幕交易、泄露内幕信息行为犯罪化了,但新刑法颁布以来的司法实践证明,关于此罪的规定很少被适用,刑法的预防、威慑和惩罚功能并没有得到很好地发挥,这与日益严重的内幕交易、泄露内幕信息的犯罪现实形成鲜明对比。笔者以为,造成这一现象的原因之一是刑法规定本身的不完善以及刑法、附属刑法、行政法规之间缺乏应有的衔接和协调而导致司法操作的困难。本文立足于刑法180条(修正案)的规定,对内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪在主体、客观方面、处罚等方面存在的相关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

论内幕交易罪   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要论述了内幕信息和内幕信息知情人员的含义和范围 ,内幕交易罪的客观方面及内幕交易罪的主观方面。  相似文献   

程皓 《法学评论》2006,24(4):136-141
刑法第180条的罪名应确定为“内幕交易罪”和“泄露内幕信息罪”两个罪名,而不是选择性罪名。在认定上,内幕交易行为,以“利用内幕信息”为必要手段;在证明上,应当采取推定的方法。“建议他人买卖”的行为也是内幕交易罪的行为方式之一。“非法获取内幕信息人员”只能限定为以非法手段获取内幕信息的人员,而不能扩大到以偶然方式获取内幕信息的人员;对“非法获取内幕信息人员”的处罚,也只能限于第一次内幕信息获得者。在主观方面,本罪只能由故意构成,且不以特定目的为成立要件。  相似文献   

2005年我国对《证券法》进行了修改,但是经过有关内幕交易的相关条款仍显不足和欠缺可操作性。证券内幕交易行为极其复杂,在这里我们从内幕交易人员、内幕信息这两个核心要素进行分析,提出完善建议。  相似文献   

张庆侠  冯建生 《河北法学》2011,29(8):184-188
内幕交易可谓是证券市场上的"毒瘤",随着对其危害性认识的不断深入,各国纷纷立法对其加以规制。但如何准确界定内幕交易这一证券交易欺诈行为,对于各国监管者而言却非一件易事。通过对中美两国相关立法及判例的比较研究,要对内幕交易有一个准确的认识,至少应从内幕人员、内幕信息和内幕交易行为三个方面加以深入把握。  相似文献   

近年来我国证券市场内幕交易行为屡屡发生,公司的高管频频"出轨",大量的内幕交易事件破坏了证券市场正常的交易秩序,也影响投资者的信心。本文从我国对内幕交易行为主体、内幕信息的范围特征及形成时间、获利数额等方面的规定来分析立法中的缺陷及实践中存在的问题,进而提出一些自己的观点,以期进一步促进我国相关立法的完善,维护证券市场的繁荣和稳定。  相似文献   

内幕交易罪是一种典型的证券犯罪。但是由于其行为隐蔽,再加上证券行业的专业特性,在司法实践中,对于内部交易罪的认定存在着一定的困难。本文从内幕交易主体、内幕信息、内幕交易行为、行为情节这四个方面来进行对内幕交易罪的司法认定进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文以对内幕交易的构成及认定为切入点,分析了我国内幕交易的立法现状以及监管过程中存在的问题,并结合我国实际提出了加强内幕交易行为规制的建议。  相似文献   

杨泽 《法制与社会》2013,(23):87-88
内幕信息界定是认定某交易行为是否构成刑法第180条关于内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪的关键,虽然《刑法修正案七》于2009年对《刑法》第180条进行了修订,但修订后的刑法中关于此罪的规定很少适用,这与日益严重的证券犯罪现实形成鲜明对比。造成这一原因在于刑法依托的法律、行政法规对内幕信息的认定标准上存在缺陷,本文试借鉴英美法的理论,立足我国现行立法的规定,对内幕信息中的非公开性标准进行探讨并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

肖中华 《法治研究》2016,(4):113-121
《证券法》、《刑法》及其司法解释对“内幕信息的知情人员”主要是从外延上限定范围,实践中应当以交易行为时行为人是否具有与特定的内幕信息相关的管理监督地位、职务或者业务作为标准进行实质界定。无论是主动还是被动地从内幕信息知情人员处获取内幕信息,均可称为“非法获取内幕信息的人员”。判断涉案信息是否内幕信息,应当依法以重要性和秘密性为标准,客观、相对确定性是对重要性特征的实质解释、合理延伸。明示、暗示他人从事相关交易活动属于泄露内幕信息行为,但明示、暗示近亲属交易或者从他人交易中获利的应以内幕交易定性。泄露内幕信息只能是故意行为。特定主体之间进行大宗交易不可能成立内幕交易罪。  相似文献   

知情同意理论中医生说明义务的构成   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胡永庆 《法律科学》2005,23(1):91-98
医疗损害赔偿范畴内的知情同意理论是从医患关系之利益依赖模式为基础而建立的 ,具有医学伦理和医疗法律、消级性和积极性等不同层面的功能。知情同意作为医患之间的权利义务关系具有整体性 ,可构成责任基础和权利请求的独立根据。而知情同意范畴内医生说明义务 ,应以其作为有效同意之逻辑前提为宜 ,将“知情同意。作为一整体性独立义务施加于医疗机构。医生的说明义务履行充分性的判断应以理性医生标准为基础 ,并充分平衡病人标准对病人利益为保护  相似文献   

徐立 《河北法学》2004,22(12):113-115
首先介绍了当前理论界对内外勾结骗取保险金行为定性的几种主要观点,继而对各种观点进行了简要评析,并对内外勾结骗取保险金行为的定性进行了法理分析,最后得出结论:内外勾结骗取保险金的行为应以贪污或职务侵占论处。  相似文献   

当今世界的许多国家,刑事诉讼司法审查制度在防止公权力滥用、保障人权方面正发挥着越来越大的作用,也正是基于此,联合国及其他一些国际组织有关文件对此制度进行了确认。在我国刑事诉讼法面临再次修改的机遇面前,一些学者就刑事诉讼司法审查制度的条件尚存有争议。因此,在司法审查制度的概念和基本内涵的基础上,专门就其条件进行了探讨,提出刑事诉讼司法审查制度的条件外在社会机制条件和内在诉讼机制条件两个方面。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):3-23

Many past and present studies in criminology have developed out of engaged and often illegal field research—that is, field research in which the researcher of necessity crosses over into the world of criminality. Contemporary reevaluations of methodology, and specifically the role of the researcher in the research process, provide a framework for exploring anew the implications of such field research. In addition, a variety of contemporary criminological studies highlight the importance of the meanings and emotions that emerge inside criminal events, and thus confirm the need for methodologies that can situate researchers to some degree inside illegality. Drawing on Weber's notion of verstehen, this essay proposes one such situated methodology: criminological verstehen. It concludes by suggesting broader applications of this methodology in present and future criminal and criminal justice research situations.  相似文献   

李可 《时代法学》2009,7(1):59-63
通过几则案例对唐宋时期寺院内部的民事纠纷解决状况进行了考察,发现这一时期寺院内部民事纠纷的解决有浓厚的神意色彩,并且以团体内部解决为主,只有在不得已的情况下才诉诸官府。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this report, the authors present a case of suicide committed by a 66-year-old man, inside a grave at the local cemetery, with two gunshot wounds to the head. A multiple-paged, handwritten suicide note was found in an army type bag inside the victim’s car, while a second one was found in his house. Medicolegal examination of the body revealed two typical contact gunshot entrance wounds and one exit wound to the head. Toxicological analysis of the femoral blood was negative for alcohol and drugs. The history, scene and autopsy findings, along with further police investigation, indicated an obvious case of suicide. The literature is reviewed and discussed. We report this case as the place of suicide is extremely uncommon and as there is no mention of a gunshot suicide inside a grave in the current literature.  相似文献   

程序正义及其局限性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程序正义是现代法的程序结构派生出的一种伦理形态 ,其本质为程序之中的伦理、非人格化的伦理、相对化和形式化的伦理、程序化的制度伦理。现实当中的程序正义是选举、司法以及立法、行政管理正当化的观念基础 ,宪政民主体制的伦理内涵。然而 ,程序正义之不幸在于其代表的乃是强者的正义 ,因而对弱者的权利保障是宪政民主体制不可缺少的组成部分。  相似文献   

Corporate influences that threaten the independence of science and trust in research often remain hidden from the general public. For university administrators these improper influences are often tacitly accepted as simply the new reality of funding environments—something to be managed, rather than eliminated. In this article, we structurally map patterns of corporate influence that threaten to distort the independence of research. Specifically, we map relationships between the fossil fuel industry and three major Canadian institutions of higher education. We also provide case studies of institutional corruption inside two of these universities. Our findings reveal elite interlocking networks between the fossil-fuel sector and academia as well as corporate influences that serve to decrease the independence of science and trust in research.  相似文献   

The decision rules individuals use to judge wrongdoing committed inside corporations and other hierarchical organizations are not well understood. We explore this issue by asking random samples of individuals in Moscow, Tokyo, and Washington, D. C., to respond to four short vignettes describing acts of wrongdoing by people in corporations. The vignettes are experiments that manipulate the actor's mental state, the actor's position in the organization, and whether the actor's decision was influenced by others in the organization. We examine (1) the distribution of responsibility among people in the organization, (2) how individual responsibility affects the attribution of responsibility to the organization itself, and (3) cross-national differences in attributions. We find that both what the actors did (their deeds) and the position they occupied (their roles) significantly influence the responsibility attributed to them. The responsibility attributed to the organizations themselves is a function of the responsibility attributed to the actors inside the organization, but not a function of the independent variables in the experiments. Cross-national differences emerge with respect to the responsibility assigned both to individuals and to the organizations themselves. We discuss implications of these results for past and future work.  相似文献   

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