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The authors report on the estimation of the age of an unidentified deceased adolescent in connection with the body's identification. A physical examination by a forensic physician and an examination by a forensic dentist, including determination of the dental status and an X-ray of the teeth were used to estimate the age. In addition, an X-ray of the left hand as well as an X-ray and MRT scan of the clavicles were carried out by forensic radiologists. Combining the results of the individual examinations, the age of the deceased was estimated to range between 18 and 21 years. In the course of the police investigation it was found out that the deceased was 20 years and 7 months old. This has led to the conclusion that combined use of methods allows the age even of adolescents to be determined with relatively high accuracy and a minimum of time and effort.  相似文献   

Comparing skeletal structures between antemortem and postmortem chest radiographs is widely used by forensic specialists from many disciplines to positively identify unknown decedents. However, validity assessments of this method have been fairly limited. This study had three objectives: 1) to quantify the reliability of ante- and postmortem chest radiograph comparison for decedent identification; 2) to identify useful radiologic features supporting decedent identification; and 3) to recognize sources of error in decedent identification related to use of comparative radiographs. A forensic pathologist, a forensic anthropologist, and two radiologists participated in the study. Our results showed that chest radiograph comparisons proved reliable, if basic decedent information was provided, and antemortem and postmortem radiographs were adequately positioned and exposed. A "morphological approach" using normal anatomical structures for comparison may provide the most efficient method for accurate identification.  相似文献   

目的建立规范化无名尸体的档案,完善公安刑事侦察破案机制,为侦察破案及司法审判服务。方法建立无名尸体信息登记表,并24h内登录上网,同时建立无名尸体信息撤销表,要求12h内撤消完毕。结论可快速查找无名尸体的尸源。  相似文献   

The postmortem changes in the bodies of two individuals were so advanced that the usual identification methods could not be applied; one had drowned and the other died by burning. Antemortem roentgenograms--up to 10 years old--and postmortem X-ray plates were compared and the bodies thus identified. This was possible because the skeleton shows individual, highly specific markers that do not change during life or after death.  相似文献   

The general toxicology unknown often presents challenges and interests to toxicologists. A systematic analytical approach to search for drugs or poisons is presented here. The preliminary screening analyses were as follows: alcohol by gas chromatography (GC), ethchlorvynol colorimetric analysis, enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT), basic drug screening by GC, and neutral and weakly acidic drug screening by GC. Other additional analyses were performed depending on the special circumstance of each individual case and the results of these preliminary analyses. Positive findings were confirmed by computerized gas chromatography/mass spectrometry when practical. Quantitation was performed by GC whenever possible.  相似文献   

The present case describes the identification of an unknown corpse recovered from water by means of two osteosynthesis plates with serial numbers. This method of identification is compared with the pros and cons of other possibilities of identification using medical findings. Although in Western Europe osteosynthesis material is normally removed some months after the operation, autoptic exposure of a suspicious bone may occasionally allow valid, fast and convenient identification of the body, especially if osteosynthesis material with different serial numbers was used.  相似文献   


This article examines issues related to pretrial publicity's role in the free press‐fair trial debate. First, the article provides a comprehensive review of existing research examining the effects of pretrial publicity on case outcomes. Second, it examines the presentation of prejudicial publicity items in a sample of newspaper stories on capital cases, identifying the types of factual and emotional publicity presented and suggesting areas that need to be more closely scrutinized in future research. The article concludes that cases that ultimately result in sentences of death receive both more and different types of pretrial publicity than cases that result in lesser sentences. The current state of empirical pretrial publicity knowledge, and the presentation of death cases, are discussed as they relate to the balancing of First and Sixth amendment rights.  相似文献   

Identification of unknown bodies by using CT images of frontal sinus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of the study was to define a simple system for the identification of unknown bodies by using CT images of frontal sinus and to discuss whether it was worth to add measurements to the system or not. The system was including simple features as F (presence or absence of frontal sinus), S (intersinus and intrasinus septum) and S (scalloping), and named as FSS system. Measurements selected for the study were width, height, anteroposterior length, total width of two sinuses, the distance between the highest points of the two sinuses and the distance of each sinus to its maximum lateral limit. The study was conducted retrospectively on the paranasal CT scans of 100 cases (38 male and 62 female) who had no apparent sinonasal pathology. All the features and measurements were coded according to the system defined by the authors for each case and coded formulas were compared. At least 93% of the formulas could be eliminated for a case by using FSS system. The rate of success was increased to 98% by adding measurements. Contrary to objective criteria of FSS system, measurements were prone to bias. Therefore, in practice success rate would be expected to be lower than calculated. In the study population, instead of making 100 measurements, eliminating the most of the cases with FSS system and later discriminating the rest by pattern matching was seen logical.  相似文献   

目的 对毒品案件样本进行N-甲基-3,4-亚甲二氧基卡西酮(bk-MDMA)确证检验.方法 采用阴离子检测、颜色反应、气质联用(GC/MS)、核磁共振(NMR)、傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)等方法对毒品案件中白色晶体样本进行剖析确证.结果 快速筛查结果提示样本为具有亚甲二氧基结构的仲胺物质的盐酸盐,经GC/MS、NMR、FTIR检验,确证样本为bk-MDMA,系3,4-亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺(3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetmaine,MDMA)的卡西酮类似物.结论 采用本文所用方法可以对毒品案件样本中N-甲基-3,4-亚甲二氧基卡西酮成分进行确证,该药具有滥用的可能性应引起相关部门的重视.  相似文献   

The identification of unknown human remains by comparison of ante mortem and post mortem radiographs has found wide acceptance in recent years. This report documents two recent cases in Hong Kong in which unequivocal positive identifications were achieved by comparison of radiographs. In both cases, comparison of radiographs was the only available means of establishment of personal identity. The first case involved the identification of a very badly burned body of a 22-year-old male by the matching of the ante mortem and post mortem radiographic images of the cranial base (in particular the sella turcica), hard palate, paranasal air sinuses, mastoid air cells, the lambdoid suture, and the upper molar teeth as revealed on comparable lateral skull films. The second was the identification of a deliberately mutilated torso of a 28-year-old female by comparison of the radiographic images of the lumbar spine, pelvis, and head of the femur as revealed on plain abdominal films taken before and after death. While evidence of injury or surgery did not figure in either of the identifications, the presence of a mild scoliosis and the absence of the twelfth ribs aided identification in the latter case. Emphasis is placed in this account on the value of radiographic comparison as a means of identification because it draws upon the matching of intricate and highly individual patterns of external and internal bony anatomy that are stable over long periods of time. In cases where ante mortem radiographs and photographs are available, establishment of personal identity by comparison of radiographs is deemed preferable to identification by photographic superimposition because radiographic comparison permits the matching of a potentially larger number of unique anatomical features and is less time consuming and technically exacting.  相似文献   

本文针对巨额财产来源不明罪若干疑难问题进行研究 ,认为巨额财产来源不明罪在客观上应表现为不作为的行为方式 ,而不是持有 ;该罪在司法证明上并无重大突破 ,只是在立法上的证明责任转移 ;该罪在设置方面的缺陷问题 ,根源于其前置制度的缺失 ,需要在实践中予以弥补  相似文献   

Two hundred and ten cadavers ranging in age from 25 to 60 were studied. Thirty subjects from each five-year interval were selected, and data were collected using the mandibular anterior and premolar teeth after extraction. Sections ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 mm were measured by a stereo microscope with a precision of 0.1 mm. The following factors were determined: attrition, periodontosis, root resorption, secondary dentine apposition, cementum apposition, and translucency of the root. Statistical analysis used the sum of ranks of the dental factors as an independent variable in a linear regression model to estimate the age of the cadaver. Among the different mandibular teeth, the sum of ranks of the first premolar factors had the best correlation coefficient with age. The sum of the dental factors presented a better model than each of the factors alone. The first premolar is recommended as the first step in the estimation of age.  相似文献   

Utilizing a database of standards for forensic casework is a valuable resource. Undoubtedly, as more standards (and corresponding information about the specimens) are collected, there is a greater certainty of identification when a questioned and a known item cannot be distinguished after a series of analyses. The United States Secret Service and the Internal Revenue Service National Forensic Laboratory jointly maintain the largest known forensic collection of writing inks in the world, which is comprised of over 8500 ink standards collected worldwide, dating back to the 1920s. This study was conducted to evaluate the reliability of matching arbitrarily purchased pens with known inks from a database. One hundred pens were randomly obtained from a variety of sources and their respective ink compositions were compared with standards. Eighty-five of the inks were determined to be suitable for comparison utilizing optical examinations and thin-layer chromatography. Three of the inks did not match any of the specimens on record; one of these inks was similar to an ink from an identical brand of pen that was in the database, but had a modified formulation.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):749-757
In recent years, students in police academies and higher education institutions around the world have worked together to analyse cold cases including long-term missing persons cases in collaboration with investigators and prosecutors. In 2020, three European organisations, the Police Expert Network on Missing Persons (PEN-MP), AMBER Alert Europe and Locate International, succeeded in connecting these educational organisations enabling them to work collectively on cases and conduct cold case analyses (CCA) across international borders. The International Cold Case Analysis Project (ICCAP) learning objectives were to 1) collect the necessary information about the victim, 2) reconstruct the crime, and 3) investigate trace control.In a learning objective-based evaluation using Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing, 76 participating students from the German and International ICCAP teams were asked to complete a pre- and post-review questionnaire to self-assess their personal competence development. Participants reported significant increases in competence in all evaluated areas, thus demonstrating that authentic and relevant collaborations can enrich the learning environment, promote the use of professional skills, and provide significant knowledge exchange opportunities between academia and industry.Drawing on case studies of cold case missing persons' investigations and unidentified found remains, this article shares how university academics, students and community volunteers can work together nationally and internationally to find out what has happened to missing people and how we can more effectively identify the previously unidentified. In so doing, we share the expertise required to progress these cold cases and provide recommendations to support other institutions and organisations in adopting this innovative approach.  相似文献   

98 cases of unidentified corpses found in the region of Frankfurt/M. during the period 1981-1986 were investigated. The different methods used in the investigation processes were compared. The most important results: 1. The condition of the body had very little influence on the time required for identification. 2. The estimated ages tended for ages up to 50 years to be too low and for ages of 50 years and over too high. 3. Visual recognition of the deceased and comparison of finger prints proved to be the most successful methods and provided the best results. 4. In more than half of the cases distinguishing bodily features, clothing and jewelry were helpful in the identification procedure; in 9% of the cases they alone formed the basis of identification. 5. Abductions were carried out in only 30% of the cases, 43% of which led to conclusive results.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropological examinations typically involve the analysis of human skeletal remains, but in cases where samples are very small and/or physically compromised, it may first be necessary to determine whether the material is even osseous or dental in origin. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is a technique that reveals the elemental composition of materials and is hypothesized to have utility in such cases. XRF analysis was conducted on a variety of tissues and materials in unaltered and altered (damaged) states. With few exceptions, osseous and dental tissues in unaltered and altered conditions contained characteristic levels of calcium and phosphorus, while other materials did not. Materials could be accurately identified as osseous or dental in origin based on the calcium and phosphorus levels identified by XRF, and we therefore conclude that XRF analysis is a valid and effective means of determining osseous or dental origin of unknown material.  相似文献   

Defining corruption has proven to be such a difficult challenge that many contemporary analysts pass over the question as quickly as possible. But while definitions are too important to be dismissed as an analytical concern, a single one-dimensional definition that will satisfy all observers will never be found. Rather than proposing yet another definition, this article explores five dimensions of the concept: corruption as social decline, as deviant behavior, as a logic of exchange, as a system of measurable perceptions, and corruption as shadow politic. All help us view corruption within actual social settings; all lend further detail to the sorts of contrasts among concepts and usages that Arnold Heidenheimer explored in his work. In the end one of the most important aspects of the issue is that of trust, which not only helps us understand how corruption functions in actual cases but also underscores the reasons why we must continue to fight it.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the identification on the base of X-ray of frontal sinuses. These sinuses, developed in puberty doesn't change its shape during aging. Differentiation of the size and shape of sinuses is remarkable and probably is one of the individual features of the man. The system of classification of sinuses is proposed, basing on the area size, shape and symmetry. In the current everyday practice all X-ray radiograms are destroyed after five years of storage in Poland. For identification purpose all radiograms of sinuses and A-P punctures of skull should be stored in radiology departments, and arranged according to proposed classification system. The case is presented, in which the pictures of skull were the base of successful identification of skeleton.  相似文献   

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