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辛亥革命结束了封建专制统治,政治行政制度也随之产生变革.民国时期的云南少数民族地区政治行政制度在各个方面都发生了较大变化,但是,由于云南少数民族地区政治、经济、文化发展上的不平衡性,使其政治行政制度呈现出多元特征不仅存在历史发展阶段上的差异,而且内在结构和外在形式也各具特点.政治行政制度变革向云南边疆民族地区的拓展和羁縻制在云南少数民族地区的残存,充分体现出这一点.  相似文献   

唐朝羁縻府州制及与南诏政权政治行政关系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐朝建立后,为更有效地加强对少数民族的政治统治和行政管理,设置了羁縻府州,将封建王朝少数民族政治行政管理制度提高到一个更新更完善的程度。南诏政权是唐代重要的少数民族地方政权之一。一方面,唐王朝通过羁縻府州制将南诏政权及其范围内的少数民族纳入皇权一统的政治行政体制之中;另一方面,南诏政权又随着形势的变化不断地试图实行区域割据,对中央政权表现出反叛趋向与行为。然而从总体上讲,唐朝与南诏的关系,体现了各民族交往进一步加强,推动了统一的多民族国家的形成与发展。  相似文献   

中国少数民族传统行政制度的变迁与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立前夕,人类由低向高纵向演进的社会历史发展形态,被中国少数民族在同一时空中以横向展开,使原始公社制、奴隶制、封建地主制等前资本主义诸社会形态同时并存,从而构成了中国少数民族行政管理制度的多元模式.随着社会主义制度在民族地区的建立和民族社会的发展,中国少数民族传统多元结构的行政管理制度模式已被民族区域自治行政管理制度所代替,实现了我国民族地区行政管理制度的历史变迁.当前,在计划经济向市场经济体制转换的过程中,在政治体制改革进一步深入的背景下,继承和发扬少数民族传统行政制度文化的优秀内含并使之与现行行政管理模式有机结合,已成为我国少数民族自治地方行政管理制度发展的基本特点.从这一特点出发,可以大致勾勒出我国少数民族地区行政管理制度的走向轮廓.  相似文献   

契丹辽国在吸取历代王朝政治统治和行政管理经验教训的基础上,建立起一整套适合自己特点的政治行政管理模式,其中最有特点的是"两面官制".这是一种契丹辽国式的羁縻官制.它与以往历代王朝的羁縻官制不同的地方在于,以往历代王朝的羁縻制的羁縻对象大都是少数民族;而契丹辽国的"两面官制"的羁縻对象不仅包括少数民族,更包括汉族.  相似文献   

先秦时期是我国民族形成与发展的重要时期.其民族行政制度文化具有鲜明的特点.一是变更性,包括民族的变更性,行政权力的变更性、行政区划的变更性、行政管理机构的变更性.二是不完善性.先秦时期是民族形成与发展的时期,也是国家形成与发展时期,因此,其行政管理制度尚不完善.三是兼容性.这种兼容性表现在先秦诸朝采取兼而容之的灵活政策,实行对不同民族和地区的政治统治和行政管理,四是过渡性.先秦时期不仅是民族和国家形成的时期,也是社会政治经济制度发生变更的重要时期,封建制取代奴隶制,最终确立了封建皇权的政治统治和行政管理制度,并将少数民族纳入这一框架体系之中.  相似文献   

云南民族地区古代社会行政制度上存在着两种制度.即“羁縻制”和“郡县制”,在一定程度上满足了全国统一的要求。适应了云南多民族地区的特殊情况,控制了大民族主义与地方民族主义的对立和斗争,有利于国家的统一和云南民族地区的发展。  相似文献   

皇权统治下的少数民族行政管理制度的二元结构,其含义包括两层意思。一是在确立皇权统治条件下,统治阶级以郡县制度为基本组织形式和管理手段对少数民族进行政治统治和行政管理。与此同时,皇权影响又受到时空地域的制约,对于尚不能或尚不宜直接统治和管理的少数民族地区,以一  相似文献   

中国少数民族传统行政管理制度多元结构探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经济社会发展的不平衡性,使中国少数民族社会呈现出一幅多彩的历史画卷,人类由低向高纵向演进的社会历史发展形态,被中国少数民族在同一时空中横向展现出来。这种历史景观就构成了中国少民族传统行政管理制度的多元特征,造成这一历史结果的原因是多方面的,其中重要的因素是自然地理环境、经济因素和文化因素。随着民族社会发展,尤其是民族区域自治制度的实施,中国少数民族多元结构的传统行政制度,在经过新制度改造升华后,被纳入社会主义民族行政管理体制。  相似文献   

作为政治上层建筑,民主不仅仅是一种机制和程序,更重要的是一种国家制度,它是人类实现自身解放的途径,政治解放造成的政治国家与市民社会的内在矛盾决定了资产阶级必然为社会主义民主所取代;民主价值的实现是与国家制度紧密相联的,资产阶级民主与无产阶级民主在基本制度、价值理念等方面是不同的。社会主义制度真正实现了多数人的统治,改变了民主只是社会少数人进行社会统治的技巧和机制的历史现象,为民主的进一步发展、完善以至最终消亡奠定了基础。  相似文献   

中国自古以来就是一个统一的多民族国家。中华民族在长期的历史发展过程中 ,创造了璀璨的物质文化、精神文化和制度文化。作为制度文化重要内容的民族职官制度文化 ,以其丰富的内容、多姿的形态展现在世人面前。先秦时期是中华民族职官制度文化形成、发展的重要时期 ,其不仅对以后的中国职官制度 ,而且对历朝历代的民族职官制度产生重大影响。  相似文献   

Several prominent budget systems of past years, such as the Planning Programming Budget System and Zero-Base Budgeting, are no longer popular as comprehensive systems, each system has had a continuing effect on current practices. This article comments on the usefulness of several features of budget systems particularly from a management perspective. It also offers several criteria for design of budget systems which, it is hoped, would help prevent some of the problems that have been encountered in the past.  相似文献   

The significance and potential of systems theory and complexity theory are best appreciated through an understanding of their origins. Arguably, their originator was the Russian philosopher and revolutionary, Aleksandr Bogdanov. Bogdanov anticipated later developments of systems theory and complexity theory in his efforts to lay the foundations for a new, post-capitalist culture and science. This science would overcome the division between the natural and the human sciences and enable workers to organise themselves and their productive activity. It would be central to the culture of a society in which class and gender divisions have been transcended. At the same time it would free people from the deformed thinking of class societies, enabling them to appreciate both the limitations and the significance of their environments and other forms of life. In this paper it is argued that whatever Bogdanov's limitations, such a science is still required if we are to create a society free of class divisions, and that it is in this light that developments in systems theory and complexity theory should be judged.  相似文献   

Saunders  Cheryl 《Publius》1995,25(2):61-80
Constitutions alone do not make or break federations. In anyevent, they are not static, and evolve over time through judicialreview and political understandings, even in the absence ofconstitutional change. Nevertheless, institutions, principles,and procedures for which constitutions provide are significantinfluences on federations. This article examines some key featuresof federal constitutional arrangements in different federalsystems: the status of the constituent instrument; the divisionof powers between the orders of government; the scope of economicunion; regional disparity; and the relationship of federalismto the rest of the system of government. Today, there is a wideand widening variety of federal structures in systems aroundthe world. Borrowing is tempting, but should be done with care;federalist elements are closely linked with other aspects ofa system of government and with the historical, political, andeconomic setting in which it has been developed.  相似文献   

Australia's third sphere of government is local government, consisting of about 675 councils nationally, responsible for an average of 6 percent of total public sector expenditure (around $18 billion) annually. This article reviews key integrity issues confronting local government, based on experience in NSW and Queensland. Current issues confirm integrity to be a significant concern manifesting in a large variety of forms, both in council administration and in local government politics. A new generation of responses are increasingly tailored to recognising local government as a permanent, elected sphere of government, accounting directly to the public, while, supported by state regulators, individual councils also pursue better practice in the management of their own administrations.  相似文献   

This article compares the use of referendums across political regimes over time in Europe. It does so on the basis of a new typology that differentiates between policy domains and degrees of abstraction. The analysis shows different patterns in referendum use between authoritarian regimes, countries in transition and democracies. In addition to the variation in policy domains, the findings indicate different institutional features within the polity types: the process of initiation, the turnout in referendums and the rate of approval. The empirical evidence draws on an original dataset of 620 referendums organised at national level in Europe between 1793 and 2017.  相似文献   

论地区制度竞争   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于地区自主权利的扩大、中央制度安排的权利下放和多种可能选择的制度组合的客观存在,就为地方政府在制度选择上,提供了多种可能性。各个地方政府为了促进本地社会经济利益最大化,在制度的选择上,总是会选择能够促进本地社会经济发展和使本地与其他地区的竞争能处于优势的制度,其他地区也按照这个逻辑来设计和安排制度,势必导致地区之间在制度选择和安排上的竞争。地区之间的制度竞争可以优化制度体系,加速制度变迁,降低制度设计安排成本,提高制度效益,增强区域竞争能力。但是地区制度竞争也不可避免地会导致许多负面影响。因此,有必要研究其一般性规律,进行适当引导和规范。  相似文献   

In this paper the central ideas and history of complexity theory and systems theory are described. It is shown how these theories lend themselves to different interpretations, and different interpretations lead to different political conclusions.  相似文献   

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