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从区域产品技术创新系统与区域工艺技术创新系统视角,将区域高技术产业创新系统分为两个部分,基于协同理论和二象对偶理论,将区域产品(工艺)技术创新系统划分为状态子系统和过程子系统。其中前者代表的是创新绩效情况,后者代表的是创新资源协同情况。并根据子系统进一步阐述区域高技术产业创新系统的二象特征,构建高技术产业创新系统协同度模型。在此基础上,采用黑龙江省2007—2014年高技术产业的技术活动数据对区域高技术产业创新系统进行协同度测量。实证结果表明:黑龙江省高技术产业创新系统协同度并不高,尤其是工艺创新系统有序度一直偏低,可以通过提升工艺创新资源协同水平等方式,达到提升技术创新能力的目的。  相似文献   

钱学森在系统科学的研究中,与国内外同行比较居于光荣的学术地位.他所提出的开放的复杂巨系统理论和从定性到定量综合集成方法对马克思主义哲学作出了一系列重要的理论贡献.从辩证发展的观点看,钱学森的这种理论和方法论也需要继续前进和完善.  相似文献   

正马克思主义哲学的发展是一元性的,还是多元性的?这是马克思主义哲学史研究中的一个基础性问题。对这个问题的不同解答,决定了我们对马克思主义哲学史料的选取,对不同国家和民族的马克思主义哲学形态的评价,对马克思主义哲学史上杰出哲学家的评价,也决定了我们书写马克思主义哲学史的方式。可以说,从20世纪90年代到今天,我国的马克思主义哲学史研究中发生的种种争论都是由人们对这个  相似文献   

Australia is sometimes regarded as having well‐developed systems for protecting and promoting public integrity. Nevertheless the functioning of modern integrity systems is not particularly well understood, in Australia or internationally, and to be complacent about their state of health is obviously to court danger. In this introduction Frank Costigan, who as a royal commissioner in the 1980s pioneered new strategies for exposing institutional corruption and organized crime, introduces the results of the Australian National Integrity System Assessment — a collaborative Australian Research Council project seeking better ways of mapping and evaluating the institutions and processes dedicated nationally to ensuring integrity and accountability. The result is a new blueprint for key reforms and continual improvement in Australia's integrity systems over coming years.  相似文献   

建设创新型国家作为中国社会新时期的发展战略,其内涵不仅仅局限于技术和微观经济制度的创新层面,更需要一种全方位的社会制度的变革和观念的革新.要大力提升整个社会的自组织能力,推动整个社会的管理体制、生产和生活方式的变革;要适应时代的复杂性和不确定性,探索创新的内在规律,建立一种学习型战略,增进战略思维能力.  相似文献   

对于检察学概念的界定和检察学理论体系的构建,学界一直众说纷纭.作为一门研究检察制度和检察活动及其规律的科学,检察学的独立法学学科的地位还没有得到普遍认可,基本理论研究还较为薄弱.因而从宏观上入手探讨检察学这门学科所应承担的学科使命,并在此基础上提出检察学理论体系应当包括检察权的基本原理、公诉权的基本理论、检察制度、检察工作、国外检察制度和实践的研究等内容,对于检察学的理论研究走向规范化将具有一定的理论借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This article examines the contribution of policy diffusion to create a regulatory system against money laundering in China. A two‐level analysis of transnational interactions and domestic law making shows how Communist Party prerogatives shape the insertion of multilateral norms into the legal system. In a contentious process of local accommodation, transnationally engaged technocratic bodies, turf‐conscious bureaucracies, and powerful party organs struggle to reconcile the goals of promoting global economic expansion, gaining international recognition, and absorbing innovative regulatory tools while preserving tight domestic control. In effect, Chinese policymakers try to utilize policy diffusion as a mechanism for negotiating and promoting the nation's global rise. Yet, when it comes to implementation, global regulatory standards are weakened or even neutralized through discretionary enforcement. The depth and robustness of normative assimilation therefore remain uncertain.  相似文献   

This article presents a new, publicly available data set covering all budget support (BS) suspensions in the period 1999–2014. The data set covers 239 BS suspensions, involving 18 donors and 40 recipient countries. This article shows an aggregate picture of these suspensions, including the reasons why donors suspended, which donors have been active in suspending their BS, and which countries have been undergoing these aid sanctions. From this aggregate picture some patterns drawn out, substantiate a couple of things that have surfaced in the literature already. With 42% of BS suspensions in the Democracy and Human Rights category, it is clear that democratic governance has been a pertinent reason to legitimize BS suspensions. The large number of suspensions in some countries also indicates the unpredictability of budget support. The data set and the user guide can be downloaded at www.uantwerp.be/budget-support-suspensions .  相似文献   

This article surveys developments in recent social theory in the course of outlining a new rationale for Politics following the subject's own expansion and in the light of developments in post-empiricist thought. It suggests reasons for thinking of Politics as a cultural rather than a positive science. It outlines a number of core or primary political problems which comprise the intellectual foundations of the discipline. It suggests, overall, that Politics is especially concerned with maintaining and improving the viability of human association(s) in the light of conditions created by the rise and expansion of complex societies.  相似文献   

Christophe Morin 《Society》2011,48(2):131-135
Neuromarketing is an emerging field that bridges the study of consumer behavior with neuroscience. Controversial when it first emerged in 2002, the field is gaining rapid credibility and adoption among advertising and marketing professionals. Each year, over 400 billion dollars is invested in advertising campaigns. Yet, conventional methods for testing and predicting the effectiveness of those investments have generally failed because they depend on consumers’ willingness and competency to describe how they feel when they are exposed to an advertisement. Neuromarketing offers cutting edge methods for directly probing minds without requiring demanding cognitive or conscious participation. This paper discusses the promise of the burgeoning field of neuromarketing and suggests it has the potential to significantly improve the effectiveness of both commercial and cause-related advertising messages around the world.  相似文献   

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