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近年来,娱乐圈毒品犯罪屡见不鲜,毒品犯罪相关问题不断出现在公众眼前。随着大量毒品流入国内,毒品数量居高不下,涉毒人数普遍增多,新型毒品犯罪案件不断出现,毒品犯罪率逐年增长,我国面临的毒品犯罪形势越来越严峻。分析毒品犯罪现实问题,研究毒品犯罪相关法律规定,提出毒品犯罪防治对策,有助于打击我国毒品犯罪,帮助人们远离毒品诱惑,建立安全无害的和谐社会。  相似文献   

运输毒品,是指明知是毒品而非法运输的行为。运输毒品行为根据运输目的的不同可以分为为贩卖而运输毒品、为转移而运输毒品以及为吸食而运输毒品。并非所有的运输毒品行为都构成运输毒品罪,认定运输毒品时应结合其目的分别以贩卖毒品罪、运输毒品罪和非法持有毒品罪定罪处罚,但是,如果为吸食而运输的毒品数量较小则不作为犯罪处理。  相似文献   

毛发毒品的分析在毒品检验中具有独特优势,而毛发与毒品的结合状况及毒品聚集于毛发的机制影响其检测的准确性和灵敏性。对毒品与毛发的结合位点、毒品与毛发结合的差异性因素以及外界因素对毒品与毛发结合的影响进行了综述。  相似文献   

当今世界,毒品已成为人类的公敌。国际毒品泛滥给全人类的健康和世界各国的政府工作提出了严峻的挑战。为控制毒品违法犯罪活动日益蔓延的势头,消除毒品危害,世界各国和地区纷纷制定严厉的法律制裁毒品违法犯罪活动,其中,不少国家把吸食、注射毒品行为规定为犯罪,用刑法的手段打击吸食、注射毒品行为,遏制毒品违法犯罪蔓延发展,并取得了显著的成效:近年来,我国毒品违法犯罪活动日益猖獗,毒品蔓延较快,关于设立吸食、注射毒品罪的呼声越来越大。因此,对设立吸食、注射毒品罪进行研究和探讨很有必要,这对于推动完善我国毒品犯罪的立法和打击毒品犯罪活动的司法实践以及参与国际礼会的禁毒斗争等,都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

窝藏毒品,不仅为毒品犯罪分子隐匿直接罪证,给揭露、证实、打击毒品犯罪制造困难,而且窝藏行为直接将毒品置于个人非法控制之中,留下危害人民、毒化社会的隐患。从这个意义上来认识,窝藏毒品罪本身就是毒品犯罪。全国人大常委会《关于禁毒的决定》适时地增设了窝藏毒品罪这一新罪名,为打击窝藏毒品的犯罪提供了有力的法律依据。 一、窝藏毒品罪的概念、特征 窝藏毒品罪,是指明知是毒品而替毒品犯罪分子藏匿、转移、隐瞒的行为。 1、窝藏毒品罪的犯罪对象,是指行为人替其他毒品犯罪分子藏匿、转移、隐瞒的毒  相似文献   

近来年,毒品犯罪在我国呈迅速蔓延扩大的态势,毒品受灾区波及全国70%的县市,全社会都在疾呼禁毒,打击毒品犯罪任重而道远。在与毒品犯罪作斗争中,毒品检验无论在查禁吸毒、贩毒、制毒以及毒品中毒案性质的认定中都充分发挥着技术破案的重要作用,并为突破犯罪嫌疑人口供、为案件起诉、定罪量刑提供科学可靠的证据。对毒品来源进行同一认定,是侦查毒品案件的客观要求,是进一步发挥毒品检验技术工作为禁毒斗争服务的重要举措。为加快发展毒品同一认定工作,笔者就毒品同一认定中的若干问题谈一些粗浅的想法,供同行参考。1毒品同一…  相似文献   

毒品纯度与毒品犯罪的定罪量刑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒品是人类共同的敌人,滥用毒品给人类社会造成了巨大的损失,因此,世界绝大多数国家都将毒品犯罪作为严重的犯罪予以打击。在对毒品犯罪的定罪与刑罚处罚中,毫无疑问,所涉案件的毒品数量是最为重要的指标之一。在司法实践中,毒品犯罪分子手中的毒品一般都含有杂质,有的是受设备、技术条件限制,制造出来的毒品本来纯度就不高,  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市毒品犯罪案件总数有下降趋势,但大要案件突出,犯罪特点及犯罪人员出现一些新的变化。重庆特殊的地缘因素、庞大的毒品消费市场以及打击毒品犯罪的难度较大使禁毒的形势更加严峻。要通过构筑毒品流入流出防线,斩断毒品流通网络,迫使毒品消费市场萎缩,有效遏制重庆市毒品犯罪态势的恶化。  相似文献   

受全球毒品违法犯罪浪潮的波及,我国毒品违法犯罪形势日益严峻。作为我国毒品违法犯罪有机组成部分的女性毒品违法犯罪也呈现出逐年增多的趋势。女性毒品违法犯罪问题已成为社会关注的焦点。一、女性毒品违法犯罪的现状及特点(一)毒品犯罪案件数量持续增长,女性毒品犯罪不断增多1981年到1991年我国共查处毒品案件1.29万余起。2000年公安机关共破获毒品犯罪案件9.6万多起。2001年至2004年破获毒  相似文献   

本文认为,《禁毒决定》规定的毒品犯罪共有:走私毒品罪,贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪,非法持有毒品罪,包庇毒品犯罪分子罪,窝藏毒品罪,窝藏毒品犯罪所得的财物罪,掩饰、隐瞒出售毒品获得财物的非法性质和来源罪,非法运输、携带制毒物品进出境罪,非法种植毒品原植物罪,引诱教唆、欺骗他人吸食、注射毒品罪,强迫他人吸食、注射毒品罪,非法提供毒品罪12个罪名。指出在处罚毒品犯罪时要准确地把握《决定》第11条和第14条的法定情节,正确地适用附加刑以及恰当地运用处罚毒品犯罪共犯的原则。  相似文献   

A list of drug levels found in cases of fatal self-poisoning is presented here. These are all cases where only one drug was found and the cause of death in each case was attributed to an overdose of that particular drug. For each case a full drug screen was carried out. In general thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was used as the initial screening technique and any positive findings were then confirmed by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). When the drug had been positively identified, the blood level was measured.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):288-313
The War on Drugs popularized a set of policies and practices that dramatically increased the number of drug arrests, particularly for low-level drug offenses. The War’s tactics have affected Americans of every race; however, minorities have been most dramatically affected. There are several explanations for the observed racial disparity in drug arrests, but relatively little research directly tests these explanations. In this study, we test three common explanations of racial disparities in drug arrest rates. We find that racial disparities in drug arrests cannot be explained by differences in drug offending, nondrug offending, or residing in the kinds of neighborhoods likely to have heavy police emphasis on drug offending. Our findings are most consistent with explanations focusing on racial bias in drug sanctions.  相似文献   

The originators of the Miami drug court incorporated acupuncture into the substance abuse treatment regimen that has been widely imitated in hundreds of drug courts since 1989. Although there is some evidence to suggest that acupuncture may be an effective adjunct to treatment more generally, research has not yet examined its role and impact in the drug court setting. This paper describes an effort to study the impact of acupuncture on offender behavior and progress in treatment in the Clark County, (Las Vegas) Nevada Drug Court using a prospective modified experiment, where 336 new participants were randomly assigned to acupuncture and no-acupuncture conditions. However, significant treatment contamination hindered straightforward analysis, as nearly 40% of the control group received at least some acupuncture. To compensate for the treatment compliance problem, two-stage least-squares (2SLS) regression is employed with original group assignment as an instrumental variable and acupuncture exposure as a predictor. Results indicate no significant difference along a range of criminal justice and treatment outcomes, with the exception of one measure of treatment progress. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the findings and the need to design studies that are better able to separate the effects of acupuncture from other treatment and court interventions.  相似文献   

运输毒品罪虽然与走私、制造、贩卖毒品罪相提并论,但是,相对于走私、制造、贩卖毒品罪来说,运输毒品罪行为类型比较多,针对其不同的六种行为类型应当进行不同的定罪与量刑的分析,这能使运输毒品罪的定罪量刑真正做到合理、合法、合情。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined juvenile drug courts’ effect on adulthood recidivism. Utilizing a twelve-year average follow up time, adult recidivism rates were compared between previous juvenile drug court participants and a comparison group of juveniles who participated in traditional probation. Linear regression models indicated limited recidivism effects of drug court on arrests or convictions into adulthood. The findings suggest that gender and race may play a role in how justice-involved juveniles interact and experience juvenile drug court, highlighting the need for gender-responsive and culturally responsive policies, practices, and programs within juvenile drug courts. Recommendations are made regarding future research areas and ways to potentially improve long-term juvenile drug court outcomes.  相似文献   

高珊琦 《法律科学》2006,24(6):137-142
吸毒者涉毒案件在毒品犯罪中占有较大比重,其定性与处罚为司法实践所重点关注,其间,既涉及罪与非罪之界定,也涉及此罪与彼罪之区分,当具体分析认定:吸毒者为了自己吸食、注射而非法持有较大数量毒品的,应以非法持有毒品罪论处;对以贩养吸者持有毒品的,应根据其持有毒品的目的、数量,结合证据使用规则,分别以贩卖毒品罪、非法持有毒品罪或者非罪定性处理;对吸毒者已经吸食、注射之毒品不得再计入非法持有毒品的数量之中。  相似文献   

互易毒品与贩卖毒品之间是一种交叉关系,将互易毒品行为一律不作为犯罪处理或一律作为犯罪处理,在方法论上存在错误,由此而划定的互易毒品的内涵,也为罪刑法定原则所不容。根据互易毒品的形式与实质,结合现行刑法关于涉毒犯罪的规定,确立"相对说"将成立买卖关系的高纯度与低纯度毒品、硬性毒品与软性毒品以及相同纯度但数量不等毒品间的互易,作为贩卖毒品罪处理,其他情况的互易毒品行为不作为犯罪处理,才是合适的。  相似文献   

在当前药品安全的严峻形势下,刑法作为保障药品安全的最后一道防线,应当进一步强化对药品安全的保护作用。尽管《刑法修正案(八)》对药品安全的本罪进行了相应的修改,但现行刑法关于药品安全本罪的规定依然存在犯罪归属体系错误、主观罪过范围过窄、犯罪行为规定不全面、罚金刑规定过于原则、资格刑缺失等不容忽视的问题,针对这些问题刑法还应当作出进一步的修正,以期实现对药品安全的周全保护。  相似文献   

Many illicit drugs involve the use of paraphernalia, and the presence of paraphernalia found at the scene of death may suggest that the death is drug‐related. Few sources of objective data are available regarding the prevalence of drug paraphernalia found at the scene of drug‐related deaths or the likelihood of a death with drug paraphernalia found at the scene to be drug‐related. This study reviews the deaths which were investigated by the Bexar County Medical Examiner's Office in an attempt to provide objective data. Over 4000 deaths with scene investigations were reviewed, and the presence of paraphernalia was found to be strongly associated with the death being drug‐related, heroin‐related, or cocaine‐related with the relative risk for each being 5.0, 15.4, and 6.6, respectively. This confirms that the presence of drug paraphernalia at the scene of death strongly suggests the death to be drug‐related and in particular heroin‐related.  相似文献   

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