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对于标题里带有"疑"、"或"、"传"的悬疑新闻,有人一针见血地指明推波助澜者的微妙心态:"懒,又不肯负责,还什么都想占便宜." 毋庸讳言,"悬疑新闻"与新闻真实性原则背道而驰.捕风捉影甚至无中生有,容易误伤报道对象,对新闻当事方造成困扰或名誉损害,造成难以挽回的影响.个别媒体在热点议题、公共事件上演绎悬疑剧情,不仅可能扰乱舆论秩序、打破人心安宁、有损社会安定,还会因其危害具有隐蔽性而带来更大的伤害.  相似文献   

1930—1940年代,以燕京大学、复旦大学和中央政治学校新闻教育为代表的中国大学新闻教育在模仿西方尤其是密苏里新闻教育办学模式的基础上,通过不断实践创造出了符合各校自身发展实际,因应时代、社会和国家要求的不同办学模式。本文以这一时期上述三所大学新闻系为例,通过比较研究不同模式的办学宗旨与目标、课程设置、教师选择、培养成果,揭示民国时期大学新闻教育不同办学模式带给我们的共同启示。  相似文献   

语气词"吧"在祈使句中的作用是明示协商的交际意图,祈使句中的"吧"字出现与否,既与说话者的身份地位有关,更与说话者的交际意图密切相关.  相似文献   

"新闻侵权"概念产生于以报纸、杂志、广播、电视为代表的传统媒体时代,侵权行为的研究也主要围绕上述四种大众传播媒介进行.以互联网为代表的新媒体兴起后,随着传播活动的不断丰富,侵权主体界定和侵权构成要件认定的困难使这一概念从外延和内涵上很难完整解释新媒体时代出现的新的侵权行为.本文提出"信息侵权"的概念,将其与'新闻侵权"进行比较,并从必要性和可能性入手进行分析.  相似文献   

法制新闻在上个世纪末到本世纪初的最近几年才成为新闻学的一个新的分支学科,而这种新产生体系的不完整性,导致了各种不规范现象大量存在于法制新闻的报道中,其主要的是客观最大化和视觉冲击力间的矛盾.不同媒介的不同表现形式,所表现出来的矛盾形态也有所不同,从平衡两者之间的目的出发,应该从新闻标题的制作、正文的撰写、与电视节目特有的影像制作等方面,解决法制新闻中客观最大化和视觉冲击力之间的矛盾.  相似文献   

一、新闻行政案件中证人、第三人问题笔者认为,新闻行政案件主要包括三大类:第一类是新闻治安行政案件.它是指因新闻媒介的传播行为被控告侵犯了公民、法人或其他组织的人身权特别是名誉权而构成的案件,受案主体是公安机关;第二类是新闻治安案件转化为一般行政诉讼案件.受案的主体由行政执法机关即公安机关转入审判机关即人民法院;第三类是新闻行政复议案件或新闻行政诉讼案件.它是新闻主管机关或管理机关的具体的行政行为被控侵犯了法定新闻工作者权利而构成的案件,受案主体分别是行政复议机关或人民法院.需要说明的是,上述三类案件中的责任者都要承担广义上的行政法律责任,只有第三类案件的责任者才承担狭义上的行政法律后果,即新闻行政法律责任,也应该包括证人和第三人负有的责任.  相似文献   

论新闻侵权的抗辩事由   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
新闻侵权抗辩事由是用以对抗新闻侵权行为构成要件的工具,它具有独特的构成机制和功能,不能为新闻侵权行为构成要件所包容,具有独立性。新闻侵权抗辩事由主要表现为新闻活动所产生的信息具有可靠来源和具有新闻价值,前者从新闻源上、后者从新闻质上阻却了新闻活动的违法性。  相似文献   

中国的改革开放和现代化建设使新闻舆论监督成为社会良性发展不可缺少的重要力量.但是,我国的新闻界在走向法制化的同时面临着重重困难:新闻"权力"的异化、正义与良知被遗弃、部分新闻工作者没有社会责任心、假新闻泛滥、有偿新闻屡禁不止、新闻官司倍增……在保持新闻自由和社会责任的天平上,我们应该向哪一方倾斜,或者是怎样才能保持双方平衡呢?新闻活动中新闻自由与社会责任的关系是怎样的呢?  相似文献   

新闻文体是新闻报道的结构方式与话语体式,其嬗变背后包孕着记者新闻实践的逻辑以及整个新闻业的观念变迁。新闻文体范式是不同性质新闻文体规范的提炼与表征,着眼于"怎么写",强调跳脱具体的新闻文本,观照文体形态以及技巧背后的文体观念。结合新闻文体发展的内在理路和外在形态,1949年以来的新闻文体发展史依循新闻与政治、文学(文化)的互动关系,也契合新闻文体内生逻辑的自洽性,其实质是"宣传范式"、"文学范式"与"专业范式"三种文体范式相互勾连、交织与融通,彼此借鉴、吸纳与改造的过程。三大范式并非完全按照时间线索渐次出现,也不是简单迭代关系,相反,它们有时会共生于同一阶段,有时会共存在于一家媒体之中,有时甚至会出现在同一篇新闻文本之中。  相似文献   

刘杰 《法学家》2007,(3):147-152
对日本信息公开法上的知情权的宪法依据,日本法学界认识不一致.一些学者认为宪法第21条规定的"表现的自由"等条款为知情权的宪法依据,也有学者认为宪法序言中"国民主权"表述为知情权依据.信息公开法未使用"知情权"概念,而强调"国民主权"和政府的"说明责任".国民主权与知情权属不同层次的概念,在法律条文中同时出现并不矛盾.为保护和发展公民权利,"知情权"应当在信息公开法中得到确认.  相似文献   

Data from a 1997 survey of 2, 250 Florida residents are used to assess whether and how the reality of crime influences the relationship between watching TV news and fear of crime. Local crime rates, victim experience, and perceived realism of crime news operationalize the reality of crime and are included in ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates of the TV news and fear of crime relationship. These measures of reality are also used as contexts for disaggregating the analysis. Local and national news are related to fear of crime independent of the effects of the reality of crime and other controls. Local news effects are stronger, especially for people who live in high crime places or have recent victim experience. This contextual pattern of findings is consistent with a conclusion that TV news is most influential when it resonates the experience or crime reality of respondents.  相似文献   

For decades, scholars have increasingly been concerned with media representations of crime. Content analyses have chronicled pervasive distortions in media representations of crime. Many have argued these issues are particularly troubling in the news, as it supposedly provides an invaluable democratic service, spurring many theories of crime news production. Classic works often conceptualized crime news as either a product of dominant ideologies and top–down power, or journalistic routines and values, coupled with reflexive agency by journalists. More recently scholars have argued for hybrid perspectives. However, such hybridized approaches often brusquely treat the role of ideology in crime news. This article rethinks the role of ideology in crime news production, particularly the ways in which various ideologies interact and mutually strengthen each other.  相似文献   

A Massachusetts decision applying the US fair use principlesto unlicensed broadcasts of news photographs highlights thespecial protection given to news photographs, but not news videos,under UK copyright law.  相似文献   

The Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Health News Index, a series of 39 surveys with a total of over 42,000 respondents from 1996 through 2002, measures how closely Americans follow major health stories in the news and what they understand about the issues covered in those stories. On average, four in ten adults reported following health news stories closely. The public reports paying the most attention to stories about public health, followed by health policy and disease-related stories. While knowledge about health news varies, individuals who follow health news stories closely are significantly more likely to give the correct answer to knowledge questions about those stories.  相似文献   

This study examined the criteria news media use to evaluate the newsworthiness of homicide incidents occurring between the years of 1997 to 2005. By examining how particular race, gender, and race/gender intersections of offender-victim combinations affect news coverage decision-making, this study attempted to identify the most important criteria of newsworthiness. This article contributes to the growing body of newsworthiness of crime research by examining how cultural typification of victims and offenders affects news media coverage of homicides in Newark, New Jersey, a unique research location in which Blacks make up the majority of the population and Hispanics are the dominant population minority. The results provide partial support for Lundman's (2003) conclusion that cultural typification based on race and gender is an important criterion of newsworthiness.  相似文献   

This article is a content analysis of 150 unique cases of children killing parents in the United States as reported in the electronic news media. The accuracy of online coverage of U.S. parricide incidents is assessed using two types of resources: officially reported national statistics on known parricidal incidents and the psychological and psychiatric literature on matricide and patricide. Comparisons of news accounts of media-reported U.S. parricide cases with Supplementary Homicide Report data indicate that electronic media coverage of parricide cases focused on the more sensational and unusual parricides. Analyses of these media accounts by offender age found 13 significant differences between juvenile and adult offenders. Ten of these 13 differences related to motive and Heide's parricide offender types (severely abused, severely mentally ill, and dangerously antisocial) and were consistent with the mental health-related literature in this area. The limitations and directions for future research are discussed at length.  相似文献   

Legal texts are often given interpretations that deviate from their literal meanings. While legal concerns often motivate these interpretations, others can be traced to linguistic phenomena. This paper argues that systematicities of language usage, captured by certain theories of conversational implicature, can sometimes explain why the meanings given to legal texts by judges differ from the literal meanings of the texts. Paul Grice's account of conversational implicature is controversial, and scholars have offered a variety of ways to conceptualize implicatures and Grice's maxims of conversation. Approaches that emphasize the systematic nature of implicatures can provide explanatory accounts of the gap between literal meaning and the meaning communicated in the text. For example, a theory of scalar implicature, a type of generalized conversational implicature, can account for the application of the interpretive principle known as ejusdem generis, which narrows the scope of “catch‐all” clauses located at the end of lists of items. Despite the availability of such theories, some scholars have argued that conversational implicatures are not applicable to legislation. The arguments, based primarily on the uniqueness of the legislative context and its noncooperative nature, though, do not establish the inapplicability of conversational implicatures to legislation.  相似文献   

新闻报道中隐私权的限制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄芬 《政法学刊》2006,23(4):53-57
新闻报道中当事人的隐私权的保护与新闻自由常发生冲突,隐私权的保护在特定情形下应当受到限制—新闻报道关涉公共利益及存在新闻价值时。在涉及到新闻报道的公共利益时,应当根据被报道对象的不同身份来决定隐私权受限制的程度和范围。在新闻报道关涉新闻价值时,必须严格界定新闻价值的含义。  相似文献   

Interpreting the content of the law is not limited to what a relevant lawmaker utters. This paper examines the extent to which implied and implicit content is part of the law, and specifically whether the Gricean concept of conversational implicature is relevant in determining the content of law. Recent work has focused on how this question relates to acts of legislation. This paper extends the analysis to case law and departs from the literature on several key issues. The paper's argument is based upon two points: (1) Precedent‐setting judicial opinions may consist of multiple conversations, of which some entail opposing implicata, and (2) if a particular precedent‐setting judicial opinion consists of multiple conversations, of which some entail opposing implicata, then no meaningful conversational implicatum is part of the content of that particular precedent‐setting opinion. Nevertheless, the paper's conclusion leaves open the prospect of gleaning something in between conversational implicature and what is literally said, namely, conversational impliciture.  相似文献   

This article is a content analysis of news reports of parricide cases occurring worldwide. An extensive search of online databases found coverage of more than 200 cases of children killing parents reported in the news media. Data pertaining to incidents, case-related variables (e.g., weapons used, other charges), and the processing of offenders from the initial charge through conviction and sentencing are examined. To the extent possible, media accounts are used to classify cases according to motive and Heide's three types of parricide offenders. Twelve significant differences are discussed between U.S. and non-U.S. cases of parricide with respect to characteristics of parricide incidents, motives and other areas of clinical interest in reported parricide offenders, and Heide's typology. The article concludes with a discussion of media representations of the phenomenon versus the actual occurrence, several observations that emerged from these news accounts, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

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