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Premier Zhou Enlai was a firm supporter and great promoter of Africa's national liberation cause. He was also the founder and architect of the edifice of Sino-African friendship. He made monumental contributions to the African nations in their effort to emancipate themselves from colonialism, strive for and safeguard  相似文献   

compared with that of his predecessors, Abe's shrine visit is even worse in nature and in terms of motivation. He is the first serving prime minister to visit the shrine in an official capacity, instead of a private one aimed at playing down its political significance. He chose the occasion to report his work to the souls, so as show his determination to whitewash the atrocities of Class A criminals in the Second World War.  相似文献   

In April this year, US President Barack Obama delivered a speech in the Czech capital, Prague, stating America's commitment to build a world without nuclear weapons. He said that as a nuclear power and the only country that had used nuclear weapons in actual combat, the United States should bear "moral responsibility". He alsopledged that the United States would take concrete steps towards a world without nuclear weapons, including negotiating a new nuclear weapon reduction treaty with Russia by the end of this year,  相似文献   

<正>[Editor's Note] At the invitation of CAFIU, Mr. Ransdorf, member of the European Parliament and Honorary President of Czech-China Friendship Association, headed a delegation to visit China from September 12 to 18. He was  相似文献   

Reform and opening is, in essence, a second revolution. --- Deng Xiaoping A historic reorientation took place in 1978,when Deng Xiaoping stood out asthe chief architect of reform and opening.He started the country on its own indus-trial restructuring.China has had dazzling annual growth of 9.7 percent(1978-  相似文献   

The Beijing Olympics has focused unprecedented worm attention on China this year. Many people hail the Games as an occasion that showcases China's growing contribution to world development and harmony. But intent on politicizing this global event, a few modern Cassandras still cling to the flawed China Threat theory. In this paper, the author traces the origins of this fallacious theory. He sees it as a product of Western empiricism viewed through an historical and philosophical prism. He argues that the assertion of threat arises from a generalization of historical facts. The assertion links China's growing clout with declining Western dominance in international affairs. Starting with the myth that peace is possible only among democracies, the theory predicts the inevitability of conflict between the West and China, a country with an alleged expansionist tradition and under an authoritarian system.  相似文献   

<正>President Xi Jinping delivered a comprehensive and forward-looking speech at the 20th National Congress.He delivered the speech at a time when the world is facing multifaceted and complicated challenges.The world is struggling to overcome the challenges of COVID-19,climate change,poverty,  相似文献   

<正>In July 2013,CAFIU hosted the 2013"Understanding and Cooperation"Dialogue,which attracted hundreds of foreign representatives from dozens of countries.The most distinguished one of the foreign representatives would be former President of Nigeria H.E.Olusegun Obasanjo.Mr Obasanjo attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.He  相似文献   

<正>Who is Carr?His full name is Robert Carr,and he is now Dean of the Australia-China Relations Institute of the University of Technology Sydney.He served as the Australian Foreign Minister from March of 2012 to September of 2013.Before that,he was a professional politician,one  相似文献   

In the US presidential election held on November 5, 1996, Bill Clinton defeat-ed the Republican candidate Bob Dole with an overwhelming majority of 379electoral votes-against Dole's 159 votes. He has hence become a president to go be-yond the century and the first Democratic president gaining re-election after the  相似文献   

In the general election held in March 1993,the Australian Labor Party headedby Paul Keating won a major victory over John Hewson,leader of the oppositioncoalition.Shortly after Keating resumed office,he reaffirmed that Australia wasset to speed up its economic integration with Asia.He thus pushed a step forwardhis strategy of an all-round reorientation towards the Asia-Pacific and made it thefundamental natonal policy of the Australian government.  相似文献   

Fu Mengzi is Research Professor and Director of the Institute of Ameri-can Studies , China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations(CICIR) .Mr .Fu hasfocused his researchon Sino-U.S.relations andU.S.foreign policy.He isthe chief editor of the following books :U.S. Global Strategy at the Era ofCounter-Terrorism(2004) ,AmericanThink Tanks(2003) ,andThe Strategic Arena of Asia-Pacific : TheDevelopment of Major Powers and Their Relations(2001) . His recentpapers include…  相似文献   

为观察微小隐孢子虫P23基因真核重组质粒在He La细胞中的表达及免疫小鼠血清抗体产生情况,通过设计特异性引物,利用PCR技术,对微小隐孢子虫卵囊基因组DNA进行P23基因扩增;将扩增产物插入真核表达载体p VAX-1中,构建重组真核表达质粒p VAX1-P23,转染He La细胞,运用间接免疫荧光法及Western-blot技术,验证重组质粒在He La细胞中的表达情况;将重组质粒p VAX1-P23免疫小鼠,用间接ELISA检测小鼠血清特异性抗体产生情况。结果显示,成功地扩增了长度约为336 bp的微小隐孢子虫P23基因;双酶切和序列测定结果显示,构建的真核重组表达质粒p VAX1-P23中外源基因序列和插入位置正确;间接免疫荧光法及Western-blot分析显示,p VAX1-P23真核重组表达质粒在He La细胞中被成功表达;小鼠免疫重组质粒2周后,即可检测到抗体产生,直至第8周试验结束。结果表明成功地构建了真核重组表达质粒p VAX1-P23,该重组质粒能在He La细胞和小鼠体内表达,并诱导小鼠产生显著的体液免疫反应,为进一步开展隐孢子虫P23蛋白特性研究、研制抗隐孢子虫病核酸疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

As mankind faces a growing number of “common threats,” “common crisis awareness” has emerged within the international community. People have begun to realize the very nature of non-traditional threats and their impact on the global village, and to demand responses to those threats in the form of “shared security.” Based on traditional security theories and contributions in the fi eld of peace studies, a constructivist “transitional form” of Western theories has taken shape. Various “independent forms” of non-traditional security theories have subsequently been created, and they all share the common value orientation of “constructed security.” The key to achieving “shared security” lies in how to deal with “heterogeneous” phenomena in the international community. China’s security ideals and diplomatic style are unique when compared with those of the Western world. Chinese concepts such as “Bao He Tai He”(great harmony is preserved in union), “Wan Guo Xian Ning”(the myriad states all enjoy repose), “He Er Bu Tong”(harmony but not sameness), and “Tian Xia Da Tong” (unity of the entire world) all embody rich intellectual resources and the core values for “shared security.” Recently, Chinese scholars have contributed to the growing discourse on “shared security” by proposing such theoretical frameworks as the “New Tian-Xia Doctrine,” “the Common Security of Human Beings,” “the Common Security of Multiactors,” and “the Deepening of Global Governance.” Finally, the author proposes a reexamination of China’s diplomatic practices and argues that “shared security” is not only theoretically valid for non-traditional security but also very feasible in practice.  相似文献   

Zheng He, a famous navigator and diplomat in theperiod ofEmperor Chengzu ofthe MingDynasty, ledgiant fleets and made seven voyages across the vastocean. The historical influence and significance ofhis voyages far exceed China, Southeast Asia andthe vast India Ocean. His voyages, spreading theChinese nation's civilization and image of peace farand wide, can be regarded as experiences for refer-ence and inspiration for today's peaceful develop-ment ofChina and the development ofthe current i…  相似文献   

On July 12, Mr. Li Zibin, Deputy Director of the Office of the Leading Group under the State Council for the Development of the Western Region(now Vice-Minister of the State Development Planning Commission), delivered a speech at the International Seminar on Business Oppor-tunities and Policies for the Development of China抯 West. He introduced to people of various circles both at home and from abroad about the progress, focuses and policies concerning the development of the West.…  相似文献   

The Shinzo Abe cabinet took on some new thinking in its foreign policy when it started to function: it made some readjustments to the foreign policy of his predecessor Junichiro Koisumi. Abe tends to be more moderate and pragmatic in concept and action in diplomacy. He has made a good beginning with some initial achievements. As Abe and Koizumi are from the same Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) that is getting more and more  相似文献   

Fu: Changes in the ties between America and Russia depends on both Washington and Moscow and especially are closely related to the national destiny and strategy of Russia. I think to make a necessary analysis would provide us with an important reference for prediction of relations between America and Russia. Ji: Putin's reelection is within prediction in Russian presidential election in March 2004. He made outstanding achievements in his first term , laying a foundation in terms of spirit …  相似文献   

News in Brief     
August: (1)At the invitation of "Moral Re-armament" Swiss Foundation, a 3-member CAFIU delegation headed by Council Member Zhu Junfa attended "Moral Re-armament" International Conference from August 13-20 at Caux, Switzerland. (2)CAFIU Deputy Secretary-General He Liansheng met with Mme. Takeda Sachiko, Present of Kansai Association for Japan-China Exchange and Dialogue, and other members of the delegation on August 17. (3)Invited by CAFIU, a 86-member "Dawn" Women's Chorus f…  相似文献   

China has such a vast territory with a huge population and a diversity of localconditions that Mao Zedong once compared the country itself to a“mini U-nited Nations.”In an article entitled“Ten Major Relations”written in 1955,Maodevoted two entire separate sections to analyze how to treat central-local andcoastal-interior relations,issues closely related to the development of the national e-conomy and preservation of national unity.He recognized the importance of mobi-lizing the initiative of the localities,yet the highly centralized planning system made  相似文献   

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