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Part IIWhen the People’s Repub-lic of China was foundedEdgar Snow and Helen Foster Snowin 1949, Edgar Snow was one ofthe earliest and most insistentAmerican voices for US recogni-tion of China’s new government(see Israel Epstein’s speech onOct.18, 2000). In 1959, he againfelt that the recognition of the PRCwould lead to the negotiation ofdisputes including the Taiwanquestion that were still pendingbetween America and China.In the 1950s, Snow was oneof the many China experts in th…  相似文献   

We gather here today to mark the 100th birthday of our genuine and esteemed friend Edgar Snow. This year also coincides with the 60th anniversary of the victory of the World's Anti-Fascist War as well as the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in China. It is against this historical background that I would like to talk about Edgar Snow's unique contribution of communicating to the world about the Chinese revolution. Edgar Snow is the most widely read and influential American journalist on 20th century China. He was the first American journalist who in 1936 risked his life and broke through the Kuomintang blockade visited Bao'an in the Northwest and gave the first authentic account of  相似文献   

Helen Foster Snow, an outstanding Americanwoman who was a long-time friend of theChinese people, left all of us forever on January11,1997. Heartfelt condolences were extended withprofound respects from both sides of the Pacific inher native country and here in China.Helen first came to China in 1931 when shewas 23 years old. She married Edgar Snow in thenext year and, the two of them working as journal-ists in China and across the Far East, both were  相似文献   

正American actress talks about the Snows and the Long March Edgar Snow,the first Western journalist to give a full account of the history of the Communist Party of China(CPC)following the Long March,visited the CPC’s revolutionary base area in northwest China in 1936.His book Red Star Over China remains a seminal account of the historic event and is a must-read for  相似文献   

正Snow Day Children attend the World Snow Day activity at a resort in Beijing on January 17.Twenty ski resorts across China organized activities for World Snow Day,which is part of the international FIS Campaign Bring Children to the Snow.It is an annual snow festival for children and their families.  相似文献   

正Scholars from China and the United States exchange views on the influence of Edgar Snow and his works ‘Edgar Snow put a human face to the Communist Party of China(CPC)and introduced the CPC leadership to international and domestic audiences.  相似文献   

Chinese people's old friend Edgar Snow lived in China most of the time from 1928 to1941. He travelled a great partof China, knew the sufferings ofthe Chinese people for whom heshowed deep sympathy. He wasthe first foreign journalist who wentto the Soviet areas in Northern  相似文献   

The 8th Edgar Snow Sympo-sium sponsored by the USEdgar Snow Memorial Fund washeld in Kansas City, Missouri,Edgar Snow's hometown, onOctober 2 and 3,1998. The ChinaSociety for the People's Friend-ship Studies (CSPFS) sent a del-egation headed by Ling Qing, vicepresident of the CSPFS, to attendthe symposium.  相似文献   

Author: Edgar SnowPrice: 15 yuanPages: 190Publisher: Liberation Army Publishing House"The story of Mao's life is a rich cross-section of a whole generation, an important guide to understanding the sources of action in China." This statement by Edgar Snow in his 1936 Autobiography of Mao Zedong (hereinafter referred to as the autobiography) explains exactly why China has periodically experienced Mao Zedong "fever," even in recent years. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Mao's decea…  相似文献   

Helen Foster Snow, anAmerican friend, passedaway in the United States inJanuary, 1997. To cherish thememory of her contribution topublicity of the Chinese revolu-tion and construction and Sino-US friendship, the Chinese Peo-ple's Association for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) and China Society forPeople's Friendship Study(CSPFS) held a meeting in theGreat Hall of the People on Oc-tober 14, 1997. Attended the  相似文献   

正Officials and scholars from China and the United States discussed collaborating on higher education during the 15th Edgar Snow Symposium held at Peking University in October,stressing that educational cooperation should be a two-way street.Excerpts of their speeches follow:  相似文献   

The 12th Edgar Snow Symposium was held in Kansas City,Missouri State of the United States from October 18 to 19,2006.The China Society for People's Friendship Studies sent a delegation headed by its Vice President Mei Ping to attend it.Tong Zhiguang,former president of the Export-Import Bank of China and former vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation(now the Ministry of Commerce),Fan Jinshi,director of the Dunhuang Research Institute,and Jiang Chengyu,professor of biology and biochemistry at the Research Institute of Basic Medical Science under the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,were specially invited by the American side to attend the symposium.  相似文献   

More than a year has elapsed since the official es-tablishment of the China Friendship Peace andDevelopment Foundation (CFPDF) on May 15,1996.To review the past and make a plan for its futuredevelopment, the CFPDF held its first annual coun-cil meeting in the auditorium of the Chinese Peo-ple's Association for Friendship with Foreign Coun-tries (CPAFFC) on June 23, 1997. More than 50council members in Beijing attended the meeting.  相似文献   

ON January 5, 2013, the 29th China Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival opened in Harbin. It was an occasion for celebration for local residents as well as tourists from China and abroad. The crowds gathered to admire the icy artistic wonders on display and revel in the festivities. Ji Bingxuan, secretary of the CPC Heilongjiang Provincial  相似文献   

THE Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation comesto the PRC every year,and its members havebeen all over China .They thus witness China’sdevelopment,and pass on their observations tothe American people,promoting mutual understand—ing and friendship.This year.the China Society for  相似文献   

Photo News     
January 12,2015Launch in the Palace Museum of the app that makes moving pictures based on the famous painting Han Xizai’s Evening Banquet.The picture shows a group of actors from the Han Tang Ensemble performing in the app.January 11,2015Beijing residents enjoy skating on frozen Kunming Lake.January 6,2015Domestic and overseas tourists flock to the Snow Sculpture Exhibition on Sun Island,part of the annual Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin,capital city of Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province.  相似文献   

Karamay Snow Lotus HotelXinjiang, in northwest China, has lushpastureland, and a long history of grazing, whichhas shaped its unique culinary culture. The dis-tinctive Xinjiang flavor has become very popularin Beijing, and the Karamay Snow Lotus Hotel,whose main ingredients are all transported fromXinjiang, is one of the city's restaurants special-izing in Xinjiang cuisine.Rainbow Mutton is a Snow Lotus Hotel spe-cialty. The main ingredients are high-grade mut-ton and mutton chops, that…  相似文献   

The year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Austria.On the evening of May 6,the CPAFFC and the Austrian Embassy jointly held a reception and a concert in the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing in celebration.  相似文献   

August 8, 2008 will see the grand opening o1 the ⅩⅩⅨ Olympic Games in Beijing, when athletes from over 200 countries and regions will gather in the capital.
With a 3,000-year history, and serving as China's capital for about eight centuries, Beijing boasts a number of historical sites and a rich cultural heritage. Over the last 800 years, it has been the political and cultural center of China, and it is now emerging as one of the world's most bustling metropolises.  相似文献   

<正>First Snow Zhangjiakou in Hebei Province sees its first snow in 2015 on January 14.The snow hit many places in the north of China,including Beijing and Hohhot,capital city of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.But the snow in Beijing was very light.The city’s meteorological station recorded snowfall of less than 1 mm.  相似文献   

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