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"9.11"后美国南亚政策的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在确定阿富汗塔利班政权为军事打击的目标后,美国对其南亚政策进行了大幅回调,将"扬印抑巴"改为"重巴顾印",在一定程度上扭转了美印关系急剧升温、美巴关系每况愈下的局面.随着反恐战争的进一步深入,如何平衡美印、美巴关系,将是摆在美国面前的棘手问题.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001, U.S. government and military leaders often articulated distinctly pro-American themes in their public communications. We argue that this national identity discourse was at the heart of the U.S. government's attempt to unite the American public and to mobilize support for the ensuing "war on terrorism." With this perspective, we content analyzed Time and Newsweek newsmagazines for the five weeks following September 11 to identify potential communication strategies employed by government and military leaders to promote a sense of U.S. national identity. Findings suggest (a) that government and military officials consistently emphasized American core values and themes of U.S. strength and power while simultaneously demonizing the "enemy," and (b) that journalists closely paralleled these nationalist themes in their language.  相似文献   

The passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in November 1993 signified the acceptance of Mexico as an equal trading partner with the United States and Canada. However, accepting Mexico as an equal partner challenged a deeply ingrained U.S. image of Mexico as inferior, childlike, dependent, and suspicious. How was it possible for the U.S. public and its congressional representatives to accept equal economic integration with a country that embodied such a negative image? Addressing this dilemma through a constructivist approach, this article argues that the existing image of Mexico remained intact. The passage of NAFTA instead resulted from a discursive construction of NAFTA that emphasized a positive U.S. self-image through American myths thereby allowing the simultaneous acceptance of Mexico as inferior and as an equal trading partner. American myths and other representational elements constructed NAFTA for the American public and created a policy success for President Clinton. This article relies on an empirical investigation of newspaper advertisements to demonstrate how myths contributed to the discursive construction of NAFTA.  相似文献   

Wang: We have discussed issues concerning the influence of "overthrowing Saddam" at the regional level and its trend. Next, it is necessary for us to go deeper and discuss it at the global level. It is very clear that "striking Iraq," "overthrowing Saddam," and "transforming  相似文献   

自由主义与美国对外政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,在美国对外政策思想研究中,国内外学界的关注目光偏重于新保守主义,在一定程度上忽视了自由主义思想,从而落后于美国政治和对外政策舆论方面的某些变迁趋向。本文回顾了自由主义的历史,认为自由主义与现实主义、“杰克逊主义”并列为美国外交思想传统的三大主题,至今在美国仍具有广泛的舆论市场,并在其对外政策中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Washington's relationships with the “leveraged allies” preferred by realists—those countries that have little choice but to follow America's lead—have long been considered more reliable than in its relationships with the “natural allies” favored by idealists: prosperous, democratic nations that share the goals and interests of the United States. President Bush's foreign policy requires these natural allies, but many U.S. government officials are more wary. Uganda under President Museveni is a model “natural ally” candidate, with its relatively humane and democratic internal policies, but its greater capacity to act without American leverage, approval, or supervision is likely to worry realist career diplomats.  相似文献   

The U.S.Presidential campaign in2004revealed a phenomenonof high"polarization"in American society,and it also exposed thesharp competition between the two political forces liberal and con-servative.Finally more of the constituency voted for Bush,hence Mr.Bush won re-election.This has not only changed the Bush family's fateof"winning a war but losing election,"but also helped Bush clean uphis psychological shadow of his"presidency"decided by the SupremeCourt in the last general election.As …  相似文献   

美国对外政策与俄美关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战后特别是“9·11”以来,美国始终谋求巩固由它领导的单极秩序及其超级大国地位,导致许多国家对美作为“世界领袖”的民主性及其管理世界的方法产生了怀疑。目前,俄美之间对共同利益还缺乏一致性的评价,也没有准备好建立平等的战略伙伴关系。其中一个重要原因就是两国对全球化时代的挑战与威胁,以及两国活动中的全球性因素有不同理解。美对外政策使国际关系进一步复杂化,美国应将建立新的国际秩序和确定它在其中的作用尽快提上议事日程。新的国际秩序应该是世界大国重奏“协奏曲”,并使之成为改变当代世界和在各个领域维系平衡的基础。  相似文献   

The U.S. Presidential campaign in 2004 revealed a phenomenon of high “polarization“ in American society, and it also exposed the sharp competition between the two political forces--liberal and conservative. Finally more of the constituency voted for Bush, hence Mr. Bush won re-election. This has not only changed the Bush family‘s fate of “winning a war but losing election,“ but also helped Bush clean up his psychological shadow of his “presidency“ decided by the Supreme Court in the last general election. As a “wartime president, undoubtedly Bush will become greater political confidence for his second term.……  相似文献   

How should we explain the recent unilateralist turn in U.S. foreign policy? Some accounts treat growing American unilateralism as a passing aberration attributable to the neoconservative ideology of the Bush administration. This paper, by contrast, traces U.S. unilateralism to the structural effects, at home and abroad, of the end of the Cold War. Internationally, the removal of the Soviet threat has undermined the "institutional bargain" that once guided relations between the U.S. and its major allies. Absent Cold War imperatives, the U.S. is less willing to provide collective goods through strong international institutions and other states are less likely to defer to U.S. demands for special privileges that exempt the U.S. from normal multilateral constraints. Domestically, the end of the Cold War has weakened the ability of presidents to resist the appeals of powerful veto players whose interests are threatened by multilateral commitments. These factors suggest that American unilateralism may have deeper roots and more staying power than many expect.  相似文献   

美国政治制度的核心是两党制.民主、共和两党往往假国家利益之名,从各自狭隘观点出发,肆意歪曲事实,以维护本党派的政治利益,在对华关系问题上,表现尤为明显.两党争斗、相互牵制,制约着美国的对外政策走向.但党派纷争也能使美国公众得以借助政党势力影响外交决策.  相似文献   

The demographic shift in America may well strengthen U.S. foreign policy, as well as military capability and economic competitiveness. In a globalized world, America's ethnic diversity, the innovation that comes from bringing the best and the brightest from around the world to this country, and the fact that a diverse population becomes a stakeholder class could all work to ensure that the United States remains the most influential nation in the world.  相似文献   

宗教对美国政治向来具有较大影响。20世纪90年代以来,尤其是“9·11”以后,美国内的基督教保守派势力上升,美国的对外政策凸显宗教因素。宗教势力往往直接影响美国的大选结果,对美国外交政策的影响是复杂且长期的。  相似文献   

美国共和党外交理念刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、共和党外交政策回顾二战以来 ,美国共和党与民主党执政时间都是 2 8年。在外交上 ,共和党往往给人留下强硬派印象 ,其一贯特点是强调实力外交地位 ,奉行现实主义对外政策 ,但始终带有明显的保守主义意识形态色彩。2 0世纪 60年代末 ,一向以反共著称的共和党人尼克松当选总统。作为现实主义者的尼克松知道与美国的意识形态宿敌接触符合其国家利益 ,只有缓和才能赢得喘息之机 ,但应以实力地位为前提。他一上台就与中苏两个共产党国家搞缓和 ,以争取喘息的时间。同样 ,里根也以反共著称。里根政府采取强硬的对苏政策 ,实施推回战略。它认为…  相似文献   

U.S. foreign policy thinking is based ultimately on the particular historical experience and cultural legacy of the American founding, and at the very base of that founding is the preeminence of Anglo-Protestantism. The religious heritage of the United States, a sixteenth century blend of a theological reformation and the rise of modernity in the Enlightenment, has endowed American politics with a predisposition for egalitarian, anti-hierarchical, and contractual forms, and that disposition applies as well to foreign affairs. The syntax, but not the content, of Anglo-Protestantism shapes basic attitudes particularly when political elites face crisis situations, but it is institutionalized in government and society at all levels. Six examples from the post-World War II period illustrate the case.  相似文献   

美国军工集团与中美关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国军工集团在美国政治特别是对华政策制定中具有举足轻重的作用。冷战结束以来 ,在鼓吹“中国威胁”、游说国会武力助台 ,以及向美国政府兜售反扩散“双重标准”等方面 ,都直接影响着美国政府的对华政策。  相似文献   

"Congressional foreign policy entrepreneurs" are those legislators who initiate their own foreign policy agendas. These individuals seek to frame policy discussions and mobilize public and interest group interest; to direct congressional agendas toward specific foreign policy issues; to structure and influence the formulation of foreign policies by the executive branch; to revise, refocus, or reformulate foreign policies; to generate alternative and replacement foreign policies; and to fill policy vacuums with their own preferred foreign policies. This paper examines the evolution and impact of such entrepreneurs across the periods of the Cold War Consensus (1946–1967), the Cold War Dissensus (1968–1989), and the Post-Cold War (1990–2000). The paper first provides an overview of the concept of foreign policy entrepreneurs. It then turns to case studies of entrepreneurial initiatives from three prolific entrepreneurs whose careers span the post-World War II era: Senators Jacob Javits, Edward Kennedy, and Christopher Dodd. Together, the overview and cases shed light on the different avenues and activities that entrepreneurs use to address their preferred issues and the impact entrepreneurs have on policy, as well as highlight changes in both over time.  相似文献   

思想库影响美外交政策的十大途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
思想库出“点子”影响政治领导人,造“主义”引导百姓,这就是美国思想库在政府政策酝酿、形成、决策、评估中起着举足轻重作用的真实写照。在某种程度上说,美国的思想库“似乎就是政府实实在在的一部分,总统的智囊对政府机构的影响甚至不如它们”。因此,有人把美国的立法、行政和司法称为三种权力,将媒体称为第四种权力,而思想库则是第五种权力。但也有人把思想库称为继立法、行政和司法之后的第四种权力。由此可见,美国思想库在政府决策制定中的影响之大。  相似文献   

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