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L'administration publique De CAROLLE SIMARD et LUC BERNIER. Le management public: comprendre et gérer les institutions de I'État Québec Résumé de I'ouvrage Whose North? Political Change, Political Development, and Self-Government in the Northwest Territories By MARK O. DICKERSON. Breaking the Shackles: Deregulating Canadian Industry By WALTER BLOCK and GEORGE LERMER, eds. L'éthique et la politique au Canada1 De JANET HIEBERT Les relations de pouvoir dans les lois. Comparaison entre les gouvernements du Québec de 1944 à 1985 De VINCENT LEMIEUX. Public Employee Compensation and its Role in Public Sector Strategic Management By GILBERT B. SIEGAL. City Management in Canada: The Role of the Chief Administrative Officer By T. J. PLUNKETT. Managing Local Government: Public Administration in Practice By RICHARD D. BINGHAM. Why Meech Failed: Lessons for Canadian Constitution-Making By RAYMOND BRETON Exemplary Public Administrators: Character and Leadership in Government Edited by TERRY L. COOPER and N. DALE WRIGHT.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Political and Administrative Responses to Sami Self-determination: A Comparative Study of Public Administrations in Fennoscandia on the Issue of Sami Land Title as an Aboriginal Right By LENNARD SILLANPÁÁ. Budgeting, Policy, Politics: An Appreciation of Aaron Wildavsky Edited by NAOMI CAIDEN and JOSEPH WHITE. The Institutionalized Cabinet: Governing the Western Provinces Channels of Influence: CBC Audience Research and the Canadian Public Canadian Television Policy and the Board of Broadcast Governors, 1958–1968 National Health Care: Lessons for the United States and Canada Agencies, Boards and Commissions in Canadian Local Government  相似文献   

Histoire de l'administration publique québécoise, 1867–1970 By James Iain Gow . Canadian Public Administration: Problematical Perspectives By Robert F. Adie and Paul G. Thomas. Réflexions sur Tart de se gouverner Par Louis Bernard. The Long Road to Reform: Restructuring Public Education in Quebec By Henry Milner . Regional Economic Development: Canada's Search for Solutions By donald J. savoie . Northern Development: The Canadian Dilemma By Robert Page Grand Illusions: The Politics of the Keynesian Experience in Canada 1945–1975 By Robert m. Campbell .  相似文献   

Everybody Knows: Cynicism in America, william chaloupka The New Public Organization. Monographs on Canadian Public Administration ‐ No. 24, KENNETH KERNAGHAN, BKIAN MARSON and SANDFOKD BORINS Le commerce international: théories, politiques et perspectives industrielles, EMMANUEL NYAHOHO et PIERRE‐PAUL PROULX. Comparing Federal Systems, RONALD L. WATTS Stretching the Federation: The Art of the State in Canada, ROBERT YOUNG  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Un État Réduit? A Down-sized State? Edited by ROBERT BERNIER and JAMES IAIN GOW. Governance in a Changing Environment Edited by B. GUY PETERS and DONALD J. SAVOIE. La reforme de la constitution au Canada Par ANDRE TREMBLAY. Corporate Decision-Making in Canada Edited by RONALD J. DANIELS and RANDALL MORCK. How Ottawa Spends 1996-97 Life Under the Knife. Carleton Public Policy Series No. 18. Edited by GENE SWIMMER. Special Operating Agencies: Autonomy, Accountability, and Peformance Measurement By J. DAVID WRIGHT. Ontario Hydro at the Millennium: Has Monopoly's Moment Passed? Edited by RONALD J. DANIELS. Maintaining a Competitive Workforce: Employer-Based Training in the Canadian Economy By DEREK HUM and WAYNE SIMPSON. Hard Choices or No Choices: Assessing Program Review/L'heure des choix difficiles: L'évaluation de I'Examen des programmes. Limiting Rights: The Dilemma of Judicial Review By JANET L. HIEBERT.  相似文献   

Current Good Practices and New Developments in Public Service Management: A Profile of the Public Service of Canada Public Administration Illuminated and Inspired by the Arts Edited by CHARLES T. GOODSELL and NANCY MURRAY. Resource and Environmental Management in Canada: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty Edited by BRUCE MITCHELL. Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Canada: Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning? Edited by GENE SWIMMER and MARK THOMPSON. The Art of Judgment: A Study of Policy Making By SIR GEOFFREY VICKERS.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Images of Organization:By gareth Morgan Business and Politics: A Study of Collective Action:By william d. coleman Tommy Douglas: The Road to Jerusalem:By thomas H. McLEOD and ian mcleod. City Polic Making in Theory and Practice. the Case of Toronto's Downtown Plan:By FRABCES FRISKEN Policy Evaluation for Local Government:By terry busson and philip coulter Telecommunications: A Strategic Persective on Regional, Economic and Business Development:Edited by maurice f. estabrooks and rudolphe h. lamarche Histoire de I'administration publique québécoise 1867–1970:Par james iain Cow A Guide to Hazardous Materials Management:By aileen schumacher Hazardous Waste: Confronting the Challenge:By CHRISTOPHER HARRIS, WILLIAM L. WANT and morris A. ward The Higher Civil Service in Belgium and in Industrialized Countries: Recruitment, Career and Training:Brussels: International Institute of Administrative Sciences  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Strategic Design and Organizational Change: Pacific Rim Seaports in Transition:By Herman L. Boschken. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 1988. Pp. xvi, 234; Index. $29.95 (cloth) Leadership, Organizations and Culture:By Peter B. Smith and Mark F. Peterson. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 1988. Pp. 208 When Public Sector Workers Unionize:Edited by Richard B. Freeman and Casey Ichniowski. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1988. Pg. 419 Spolls of Power: The Politics of Patronage:By Jeffrey Simpson. Toronto: Collins Publishers. 1988. Pp. 406. $27.95 (cloth)  相似文献   

Public Schools and Political Ideas: Canadian Educational Policy in Historical Perspective By RONALD MANZER. Educational Choice: Necessary But Not SuffIcient By BRUCE W. WILKINSON. Administrative Law in Canada Dr SARA BLAKE. The Future of Fiscal Federalism Edited by KEITH G. BANTING. Alberta's Local Governments: Politics and Democracy By JACK MASSON with EDWARD C. LESAGE JR. La gestion Publique dans une économie sans frontières Par RODNEY DOBELL et PHILIP STEENKAMP. Radiodiffusion et société distincte: des origines de la radio jusqu'à la Révolution tranquille au Québec De MICHEL FILION. Postmodernism and Organizations Edited by JOHN HASSARD and MARTIN PARKER. Beyond Nimby: Hazardous Waste Siting in Canada and the United States. By BARRY C. RABE. Handbook of Trainin and Development for the Public Sector De MONTGOMERY VAN WART, N. JOSEPH CAYER et STEVE COOK.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: A Government Reinvented: A Study of Alberta's Deficit Elimination Program Edited by Christopher j. bruce, ronald d. kneebone and kenneth J. mckenzie. Don Mills The Future of Governing: Four Emerging ModelsPar b. guy peters The Maltese Public Service, 1800–1940: The Administrative Politics of a Micro–StateBy Codfrey a. PIROTTA Provinces: Canadian Provincial Politics >Edited by Christopher dunn In Pursuit of the Public Good: Essays in Honour of Allan J. MacEachen Edited by tom kent Globalization and Marketization of Government Services: Comparing Contemporary Public–Sector Developments Edited by Andrew massey Organizational Performance and Measurement in the Public Sector: Toward Service, Effort and Accomplishment Reporting Edited by arie halachmi Monitoring Performance in the Public Sector: Future Directions from International Experience Edited by john mayne  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Patron State: Government and the Arts in Europe, North America and Japan:Edited by Milton C. Cummings, Jr. and Richard S. Katz Culture, Governments and Markets: Public Policy and the Culture Industries:By Steven Globerman Report of the Task Force on Broadcarting Policy:Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services The Politics of Canada's Airlines: From Diefenbaker to Mulroney:By Garth Stevenson. Medicare, at Maturity:R.G. Evans and G.L. Stoddart The High Price of Health:By G. York Politics and the Constitution: Federalism and the Supreme Court of Canada:By Patrick Monahan. The Insiders: Government, Business and the Lobbyists:By John Sawatsky Management Policies in Local Government Finance:Edited by J. Richard Aronson Managing the Presidency: Carter, Reagan and the Search for Executive Harmony:By Colin Campbell The Higher Civil Service in Japan:By S. R. Maheshwari  相似文献   

Making Democracy Work. The Life and Letters of Luther Halsey Gulick, 1892–1993 Reviewed by J.E. Hodgetts The Saskatchewan Practice of Public Administration in Historical Perspective Reviewed by R.H. McLarty Government at Work Best practices and model programs Jacques Bec  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Rationality in Public Policy: Retrospect and Prospect. A Tribute to Douglas G. Hartle. Canadian Tax Paper No. 104 Edited by RICHARD M. BIRD, MICHAEL J. TREILBOCK and THOMAS A. WILSON. Precarious Values: Organizations, Politics and Labour Market Policy in Ontario By THOMAS R. KLASSEN. Les relations du travail au Québec de michel leclerc et michel QUIMPER The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification By MICAHEL POWER Bureaucratic Language In Government and Business ROGER W. SHUY. From Bureaucracy to Public Management: The Administrative Culture of the Government of Canada By O.P. DWIEDI and JAMES IAIN GOW.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Public Management in a Borderless Economy; By Rodney Dobell and Philip Steenkamp Memoirs; By Pierre Elliot Trudeau . The Downing Street Years; By MARGARET THATCHER. The Legal Framework of Government; Dr Gregory Tardi . Taking Power: Managing Transitions/Prendre le Pouvoir: La gestion des transitions gouvernementales; Edited by Donald J. Savoie . Getting It Right: Regional Development in Canada; By R. Harley Mcgee . Gender Images in Public Administration: Legitimacy and the Administrative State; By Camilla Stivers .  相似文献   

The Responsible Public Servant By KENNETH KERNAGHAN and JOHN W. LANGFORD. Getting the Pink Slip: Severances and Firings in the Senior Public Service Toronto. Privatisation and Deregulation in Canada and Britain De J. RICHARDSON. Public Enterprise Performance Evaluation: Seven Country Studies De R. WETTENHALL et C. O'NUALLAIN, éditeurs. Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It By JAMES Q. WILSON. Two Nations, One Money? By DAVID E. W. LAIDLER and WILLIAM P. ROBSON.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Innovating with Integrity: How local heroes are transforming American government:Bysandford Borins Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden:Edited by Linda Briskin and Mona Eliasson Le processus budgétaire au Québec:de GUY LACHAPELLE, LUC BERNIER et PIERRE P. TREMBLAY (sous la direction de) Governance through Social Learning: By Cues Paquet Lesbian and Gay Rights in Canada: Social Movements and Equality‐Seeking, 1971–1995: By Miriam Smith Local Government in Canada: By C. Richard Tindal and Susan Nobes Tindal Deliberative Democracy in Australia: The Changing Place of Parliament: By John Uhr Constitutional Construction: Divided Powers and Constitutional Meaning: By Keith K  相似文献   

Uncle Sam and Us: Globalization, Neoconservatism, and the Canadian State By Stephen Clarkson . Building Consensus for a Sustainable Future: Putting Principles into Practice By Gerald Cormick , Norman Dale , Paul Emond , S. Glenn Si Curdson and Barry D. Stuart . The Trouble with Democracy: A Citizen Speaks Out By William D. Gairdner . State Work: Public Administratfon and Mass Intellectuality By Stefano Harney . Improving Governance: A New Logic for Empirical Research By Laurence E. Lynn , Jr ., Carolyn J. Heinrich and Carolyn J. Hill . Agenda‐Setting Dynamics in Canada By Stuart N. Soroka .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Comparative Urban Politics: Power and the City in the United States, Canada, Britain and France By MICHAEL KEATING Sovereignty or Security? Government Policy in the Canadian North, 1936–1950 By SHELAGH D. GRANT Public Purse, Public Purpose: Autonomy and Accountability in the Groves of Academe By JAMES CUTT and RODNEY DOBEL Governing Canada: Institutions and Public Policy Edited by MICHAEL M. ATKINSON Local Government Reorganization in Canada Since 1975 By ANDREW SANCTON Municipal Consolidation in Canada and its Alternatives By ALLAN O'BRIEN Policy and Politics in Canada: Institutionalized Ambivalence By CAROLYN J. TUOHY  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Border Crossings: The Internationalization of Canadian Public Policy eidited by Andrew E Johnson, Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec Parallel Paths: Fiduciary Doctrine and the Crown-Native Relationship in Canada Michael R. Hudson Focused Quality: Managing for Results By HARVEY K. BRELIN, KIMBERLY S. DAVENPORT, LYELL P. Jennings and paul f. murphy. Delray Beach Reluctant Democrats: The Transition to Self-Government in the Australian Capital Territory By PHILIP GRUNDY, BILL OATES, LYNNE REEDER and ROGER wettenhall. Reinventing Government or Reinventing Ourselves The Role of Citizen Owners in Making a Better Government by hindy lauer schachter Diversity: A Business Advantage. A Practical Guide By phebe-jane poole. Ajax:  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Innovation Systems in a Global Context: The North American Experience: Edited by Robert Anderson, Theodore Cohn, Chad Day, Michael Howlett and Catherine Murry Managing the Environmental Union: Intergovernmental Relations and Environmental Policy in Canada: Edited by Patrick C. Fafard and Kathryn Harrison Ethics in the Public Service: The Moral Mind at Work: By Charles Carofalo and Dean Ceuras Democracy Beyond the State? The European Dilemma and the Emerging Global Order: Edited by Michael Th. Greven and Louis W. Pauly The New Public Service: By Paul C. Light Public Service: Callings, Commitments and Contributions: Edited by Mark Houen The Republican Option in Canada, Past and Present: By David E. Smith Vouchers and the Provision of Public Services: Edited by C. Eugene Steuerle, Van Doorn Ooms, George Peterson and Robert D. Reischauer Digital Mythologies: The Hidden Complexities of the Internet: By Thomas S. Valovic Cinderella's Slippers? The Role of Charitable Tax Status in Financing Canadian Interest Groups: By Kernaghan Webb  相似文献   

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