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Limited research has investigated the long-term effects of childhood emotional abuse on later forms of parenting. This study utilized a person-centered approach to explore the relation between retrospectively-reported maternal childhood emotional abuse and observed parenting behaviors during a conflict discussion. Data were collected from 53 caregiver-child dyads with children ages 8–11. Results of a model-based clustering procedure (Mclust; Fraley and Raftery 2006) identified three parenting styles (negative, at-risk, positive) that were based on five observed parenting behaviors (emotion regulation, anger, hostility, psychological control, and psychological unavailability). Results indicated that higher levels of childhood emotional abuse were reported by women in the at-risk and negative parenting subgroups. Mothers in the negative parenting and at-risk parenting clusters exhibited greater levels of emotional abuse when compared to the positive parenting cluster. Possible implications are discussed, and results underscore the importance of emotionally abusive developmental experiences in the understanding of risk for maladaptive parenting behaviors.  相似文献   

Although recent literature has focused considerable attention on the link between empathic deficits and violence in studies of childhood aggression and sexual assault, relatively few studies have directly examined the relationship of empathic deficits to domestic violence. This study examined a multimodal construct of empathy as proposed by M. H. Davis (1980) and it's relationship to frequency of various types of intimate partner violence in a sample of domestically violent male perpetrators (n = 104). Preliminary results suggest that multiplicative patterns of empathic ability correspond to different types of violence. Moreover, patterns of empathic ability were more useful in predicting various expressions of intimate partner violence than were the empathic factors when considered individually.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether fathers who have been convicted of a violent offense transmit criminal and violent behavior more strongly than fathers who were convicted, but never for violence. First, a more traditional approach was taken where offending fathers were divided into two groups based on whether they had a violence conviction. Secondly, Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was performed to identify two classes of fathers, one of which was characterized as violent. Sons of fathers in this class had a higher risk of violent convictions compared with sons whose fathers were in the other class.  相似文献   

曹理 《北方法学》2013,7(1):152-160
上市公司关联交易治理重点因股权结构而异,英美等少数股权分散国家为管理层,包括我国在内的多数股权集中国家则为控制股东。鉴于控制股东所主导的关联交易具有利益冲突与经营效率的双重属性,欧陆国家的法律对其采取兴利除弊的治理策略。通过董事会和监事会审批机制确保决策效率,依靠司法任命特别检查人和派生诉讼机制维护少数股东权益,在公司集团中引入特别规则以提升公司价值,实现了公平与效率的动态平衡,值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

Through this article, I explore the issue of tolerance in the Western thought from a rhetorical perspective. I assume that the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights reflects the framework in which Europeans democracies argue and think today. Consequently, I analyze the Universal Declaration with the help of Toulmin’s model in order to put its backing into light, and compare it to the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man. This backing, I argue, echoes the contemporary vision of tolerance in Western democracies. Afterwards, I therefore analyze the concept of tolerance in a multicultural world. This reflection comes within the scope of the current researches in rhetoric as they were launched by Perelman’s Treatise on Argumentation first published in 1958. Having inherited from the 19th-century renewed interests in linguistics and semiotics, the contemporary researches assume an evolutionary and anthropological perspective on rhetoric and argumentation, seen as natural activities of human beings. This discipline, notably developing in the school of Brussels in argumentation [See Danblon, Emmanuelle, La Fonction Persuasive, Paris: Armand Colin, 2002], inspires itself both from Aristotle’s works and from the cognitive movement in contemporary linguistics. It seeks to establish a link between the emergence of rationality and rhetoric and takes its grounds in cognitive sciences as well as anthropological studies, philosophy, logics and theories of emotions. At present, it addresses several issues such as the status of rationality, persuasion and the place of rhetoric and argumentation in contemporary societies. Additional support was provided by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article takes issue with the longstanding oppositional themes of harmonisation versus regulatory competition in European company law. Instead of embracing one approach over the other in exclusivity, the article draws attention to the persisting mixture of approaches to an emerging European-wide law regulating the business corporation. Against the background of an ongoing struggle over identifying the goals and taboos of the European legislator's mandate in regulating the company, the argument put forward here is that this very struggle is reflective of the nature of the evolution of company law in an 'integrating Europe and a globalising world'. European attempts of developing European company law as part of a larger initiative of improving the Union's potential for innovation and competition are thus likely to meet with the challenges that contemporary Nation States are facing when adapting their modes of regulation and representation to the demands of an increasingly complex and decentralised fields of market activities. Situating the law of the business corporation within the larger theme of European integration on the one hand, and of issues of market regulation, domestic, transnational, and international, on the other, suggests the adoption of a systems theory-based approach to understanding the boundaries of law in this multilevel and multipolar process.  相似文献   

1995年,英国十分成功地建立了国家罪犯DNA数据库,该库利用犯罪案件中检材样本的DNA-STR分型结果与从犯罪嫌疑人以及已被判决的罪犯处获得比对样本进行DNA比对识别,确定罪犯。多位点PCR分型技术系统的引进使用,允许同时分析十组独立的位点,该系统更有利于对样本迅速的分型,更有利于利用计算机建立了庞大的DNA数据库。  相似文献   

As the crisis (and the Union's response to it) further develops, one thing appears clear: the European Union post‐crisis will be a very different animal from the pre‐crisis EU. This article offers an alternative model for the EU's constitutional future. Its objective is to invert the Union's current path‐dependency: changes to the way in which the Union works should serve to question, rather than entrench, its future objectives and trajectory. The paper argues that the post‐crisis EU requires a quite different normative, institutional and juridical framework. Such a framework must focus on reproducing the social and political cleavages that underlie authority on the national level and that allow divisive political choices to be legitimised. This reform project implies reshaping the prerogatives of the European institutions. Rather than seeking to prevent or bracket political conflict, the division of institutional competences and tasks should be rethought in order to allow the EU institutions to internalise within their decision‐making process the conflicts reproduced by social and political cleavages. Finally, a reformed legal order must play an active role as a facilitator and container of conflict over the ends of the integration project.  相似文献   

Social order and security depend on mutual cooperation between the police and the public. Since the majority of crime is not detected by the police itself, informal control is needed to ensure order in society. This article aims to describe the circumstances under which people´s willingness to cooperate with the police is enhanced. Recent studies show that public compliance and cooperation with authorities who carry out criminal proceedings are linked with the extent to which people perceive these authorities as trustworthy and legitimate. Importantly, trust in police procedural fairness leads to the perception that institutions of justice are legitimate, which in turn enhances people´s willingness to cooperate with them in order to fight crime and disorder. This normative perspective is supported in many European countries. However, evidence exists that instrumental judgements, which focus on one´s self-interest and on outcomes of the justice system, could also be important in some countries. Drawing on procedural justice theory, we examine the importance of normative and instrumental factors in eliciting people´s readiness to help the police fight crime in four Central European countries: the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Hungary, and Poland. While the procedural justice pattern, i.e. the normative perspective, holds well in the Czech Republic and Hungary, in other analysed countries trust in police effectiveness or fear of crime, i.e. instrumental judgements, are relevant too.  相似文献   

Previous research by the Modena Group on Stalking (MGS) regarding awareness and recognition of stalking by police officers and general practitioners using case scenarios showed significant differences across three countries. It was also hypothesized that victims used different pathways when seeking help. To explore the experience of requesting help by victims of stalking in different European countries a detailed survey was completed by 391 victims of stalking in Belgium (n = 145), Italy (n = 126) and Slovenia (n = 120). The research confirmed the significant intensity and duration of stalking and psychological distress for victims. Victims used several pathways to survive stalking. Some victims reported that informal interventions they or family/friends implemented were effective, but the majority had to have recourse to helping agencies. Significant differences in help seeking behaviour were found between the three countries. In Belgium victims contacted the police, as well as other helping agencies, more often and more precociously than in Italy and Slovenia. Restriction orders against the stalker were considered the most effective intervention. Police were regarded as the least supportive agency, taking victims less seriously, and not being particularly effective at stopping the stalkers. Police were ranked after family/friends, lawyers and colleagues, with regards effectiveness, except in Belgium, where Police’s effectiveness was ranked second after lawyers. Stalking often requires the mobilization of multiple helping agencies by victims and it is important that victims are aware of what help is available to them and that agencies become more sensitive to their needs.  相似文献   

数字环境下恢复著作权利益平衡的基本思路   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:37  
张今 《科技与法律》2004,10(4):52-58
利益平衡是著作权法的核心目标。自诞生之日起,著作权法始终追求在作者、传播者、使用者之间维系一种平衡。著作权法的平衡从两个层面得以实现分配机制和市场机制。分配机制,系由著作权法对各方权利义务作出规定,权利限制和例外就是这种机制的核心要素;市场机制,即通过授权许可合同使权利人和使用者各自“得到自己想要的”,实现双方利益的平衡。两种调节机制在模拟环境下为利益平衡发挥了重要作用。数字环境下,著作权保护作品权利人和使用者之间的传统利益平衡如何实现?权利限制和例外规则是否适用、应作出哪些调整?使用许可合同这一平衡机制如何发挥作用?这些问题已成为数字环境下亟待解决的重要问题。本文分为两个部分。第一部分对著作权权利限制和例外的法律根据进行分析后,对如何进行调整提出了一些基本想法。第二部分分析了利益平衡的市场安排,提出一些可尝试的“获得授权”的方式。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In 1992, Tzidony and Ravreby presented a confidence interval for the total weight of a seizure of illicit drugs present in a population. Their approach has subsequently been applied by several researchers in the field. The formula on which their approach is based does, however, not fully take into account the proportion of drug units found in the sample. In this paper, a modification is presented that consistently uses the correct sample size in all terms of the confidence interval, based on the proportion of drug units found in the sample. The effective sample size is smaller than the original sample size, and this should consequently be accounted for in the estimation of the standard error and in the corresponding t -distribution. The new confidence interval is again based on the assumption that the proportion of drug units in the population is known after sampling.  相似文献   

称呼模式的跨文化研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对人的本质的不同界定是中西文化模式差异的根本所在 ,也是造成英汉称呼模式区别的深层缘由。称呼模式的跨文化研究旨在以称呼语作为切入点 ,深入剖析中西文化深层结构的差异 ,进而为跨文化交际的理解和沟通提供参照  相似文献   

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