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A retrospective study was undertaken of all cases of death due to suicidal electrocution in Sydney, Australia between 1996 and 2005. A total of 25 cases were identified with 20 cases (80%) as a result of direct attachment to an electrical outlet and five cases (20%) as a result of immersion in a body of water with an electrical appliance. Twenty of the 25 individuals were men (mean age = 57 years, range 22-90) and five were women (mean age 67, range 53-88). At least 35% of decedents were either currently working or had worked as electricians. Electrical timers had been used in eight (32%) cases, the fuse blown in one case, but the remaining 16 (64%) bodies were "live" on arrival of witnesses or electricity personnel. This study demonstrates the phenomenon of electrical suicide as a regular occurrence in Sydney. We highlight the need for investigators and emergency workers to remain vigilant upon discovery of electrical suicides, due to the fact that most bodies remain electrically active after death.  相似文献   

In forensic practice, decapitated bodies are predominantly associated with decapitation by wheels of trains or with postmortem dismemberment following homicide. In the suicidal context, decapitation accounts for less than 1% of total suicide. Apart from decapitation by trains, other encountered methods involve suicidal hanging and vehicle-assisted ligature suicide. Reported here is a unique case of suicidal decapitation in a 45-year-old man using a tractor loader at the foot of a silo, on his farm. The head was recovered in the loader and there were several impact spots from the loader as well as blood on the silo wall. The autopsy revealed a complete decapitation wound with the severance plane located between the third and fourth cervical vertebra. A 1.5 cm wide abrasion on the anterior part of the neck and abrasions under the chin were noted. This very unique case of intentional suicidal decapitation is the first reported case of a planned system intended to create decapitation outside the unique case of homemade guillotine and the more common decapitation by train.  相似文献   

An unusual case of suicidal ligature strangulation is described. The victim is a 42-year-old white male who devised a very elaborate ligature mechanism comprised of thin wire, a plastic tub filled with water, and a combination of other common objects to commit suicide while in custody. A brief review of the literature follows.  相似文献   

Tumescent liposuction is a common cosmetic procedure that is performed as an outpatient service in physician's offices and is largely believed to be safe. The protuberant areas of the body containing the undesirable fat deposits are injected with normal saline containing lidocaine and epinephrine for pain control and hemostasis, and the waterlogged cells are suctioned out via cannula through a small incision. We recently encountered three cases in which deaths were attributed to this procedure. Two showed fat embolization in the lung and one died from fluid overload. The osmium tetroxide post-fixed lung sections showed fat emboli in the interstitial capillaries and arterioles. We reviewed the recent literature and found that pulmonary thromboemboli, fat embolization, fluid overload, and lidocaine and epinephrine intoxication are found at autopsy in many cases. Forensic pathologists responsible for determining the cause and manner of death should become familiar with the postmortem findings and risks of liposuction therapy and communicate them to their clinical colleagues and communities.  相似文献   

Suicides that occur in custody are rare and thus require extensive forensic analysis. Asphyxia by hanging is the most common means of suicide: at least 87.5% of successful suicides are committed in this way. A unique case of suicide in custody is presented in which a prisoner slashed his wrist with an eyeglass lens. The evidence and proceedings that led to this suicide are reviewed and the data are compared with known behavioral patterns. The world literature concerning suicide while incarcerated is reviewed.  相似文献   

In a strict and conservative society like Malaysia, the number of cases of infanticide has continued to occur. The authors present two typical cases of infanticide in Malaysia. Case 1 concerned a body of a fully mature newborn fetus disposed in a rubbish bin. The head was traumatically amputated by the rubbish truck's compactor. The umbilical cord was still attached to the body, with no reddening around the insertion. The severed neck showed features consistent with post-mortem amputation. The significant finding was expanded crepitant lungs, which floated in water. The histology of the lungs showed expanded alveoli. It was concluded that the baby had been born alive, but no cause of death could be elicited. Case 2 concerned a decomposed mature newborn found in a scrub forest. The internal organs showed advanced putrefaction, the lungs being collapsed, congested, and hemorrhagic, typical of decomposed lungs. No conclusion could be made about the state of birth or the cause of death because of the putrefied state of the body. The two cases illustrate the typical cases and problems faced by pathologists locally and probably elsewhere in the world. Most of the bodies are found in a putrefied state. Pathologists have to ascertain not only maturity and live birth but also the cause of death, which may be very subtle or masked by putrefaction. The problems of diagnosis of live birth are discussed.  相似文献   

Coronary arteritis is rare but can be fatal either by itself or in conjunction with other diseases. The authors report cases of three men in whom coronary arteritis was an interesting finding that may have caused or contributed to death. One 45-year-old man collapsed at work, another 56-year-old man was found dead in his parked car, and one 80-year-old man had a recent cerebrovascular accident. All three men had coronary arteritis, arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, some form of myocardial disease, and fatty liver change. Two had different lung diseases. The findings suggest that coronary arteritis may be an independent cause of death, part of a systemic disease, or, as these three cases illustrate, part of a constellation of cardiac and cardiovascular pathologies with a possible relation to other medical conditions. Coronary arteritis is an important finding in forensic pathology and merits consideration in a case of unexplained death.  相似文献   

喉气管支气管炎是一种罕见的上呼吸道感染,病变主要涉及上呼吸道声门下至支气管部位,发病多见于学龄前儿童。患者常见的,瞄床表现为喘呜,犬吠样咳嗽甚至呼吸窘迫。严重的喉气管支气管炎可导致急性呼吸道阻塞引起呼吸功能衰竭死亡。喉气管支气管炎所导致猝死在法医学实践中较为罕见。本文回顾了喉气管支气管炎相关的文献报道并结合2例典型喉气管支气管炎急性发作导致猝死的案例进行综述,主要探讨喉气管支气管炎患者临床表现、尸体检验以及法医病理学检查特征。  相似文献   

Suicides or suicide attempts with power saws (band, circular or chain saws) are rather rare events and only a few case reports exist in the forensic literature. The use of a band saw, in particular, has been extremely rare in cases of suicide.We report two cases of suicide that occurred in the same suburban area, three years apart. In each case, the victim was a carpenter and had a history of psychiatric disorder and/or of prior suicide attempts.We summarize the findings of the death scene investigations, the pertinent autopsy findings, and also summarize the world literature pertaining to suicide committed with power saws.  相似文献   

Water intoxication (WI) is a rare condition that originates from over-consumption of water, with a potentially fatal outcome. Increased water intake (polydipsia) is followed by urination of high amount of diluted urine (polyuria) which are the main initial symptoms of WI. We present four case reports of WI. Two of them are unusual pediatric clinical cases using medical documentation and police case files, one of which is related to child abuse, and the other to a psychiatric disorder. The other two cases are fatal adult cases submitted to autopsy from a psychiatric hospital. Also, we present a diagnostic algorithm for polydipsia and polyuria before death. WI is usually seen in patients with psychiatric disorders, victims of child abuse or torture, drug abusers or it can be iatrogenically induced.  相似文献   

Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are the main class of doping agents and their consumption produces adverse effects involving several organs and systems. Three cases of sudden cardiac death (SCD) and one of death due to congestive heart failure of previously healthy athletes who were AAS users are herein reported. Concentric cardiac hypertrophy with focal fibrosis (one case), dilated cardiomyopathy with patchy myocyte death (two cases) and eosinophilic myocarditis (one case) were observed and most probably relate to the final event. Molecular investigation for viral genomes was positive in one case (Ebstein virus). Our data confirm previous findings, showing that the most typical cardiac abnormality in AAS abusers is left ventricular hypertrophy, associated with fibrosis and myocytolysis. An exceptional cardiovascular substrate was represented by the case with drug induced eosinophilic myocarditis. These features are at risk of ventricular arrhythmias as well as congestive heart failure. The cause-effect relationship between AAS abuse and cardiac death can be established only by a rigorous methodology with the use of standardized protocols, including precise morphological studies of all target organs to search for chronic toxic effects. Laboratory investigations should focus on AAS searching on a wide range of biological matrices to demonstrate type, magnitude and time of exposure.  相似文献   

The death of a young healthy man, 11 days after he sustained minor trauma, illustrates the potential disaster of undiagnosed necrotizing fasciitis. Difficulty in early diagnosis often arises because the skin is initially spared and only later becomes secondarily involved. In this case, because of the lack of external manifestations, the diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis was not considered until the postmortem examination. Necrotizing fasciitis should be considered a potentially serious problem that can follow minor trauma and eventually lead to death. The need for a high index of suspicion to make this diagnosis, along with the medicolegal implication of a diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis, are both addressed in this report. Also of note is the fact that this patient was treated with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for pain and inflammation, which has recently been reported to be associated with an increased incidence of fulminant evolution of necrotizing fasciitis.  相似文献   

A fatal case of 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD) oral ingestion is reported here, in which a 51-year-old man was found dead in his bed. According to the police report, the deceased was a known drug user. A glass bottle labeled (and later confirmed to be) “Butandiol 1,4” (1,4-BD) was found in the kitchen. Furthermore, the deceased's friend stated that he consumed 1,4-BD on a regular basis. The autopsy and histological examination of postmortem parenchymatous organ specimens did not revealed a clear cause of death. Chemical-toxicological investigations revealed gammahydroxybutyrat (GHB) in body fluids and tissues in the following quantities: femoral blood 390 mg/L, heart blood 420 mg/L, cerebrospinal fluid 420 mg/L, vitreous humor 640 mg/L, urine 1600 mg/L, and head hair 26.7 ng/mg. In addition, 1,4-BD was qualitatively detected in the head hair, urine, stomach contents, and the bottle. No other substances, including alcohol, were detected at pharmacologically relevant concentrations. 1,4-BD is known as precursor substance that is converted in vivo into GHB. In the synoptic assessment of toxicological findings, the police investigations and having excluded other causes of death, a lethal GHB-intoxication following ingestion of 1,4-BD, can be assumed in this case. Fatal intoxications with 1,4-BD have seldom been reported due to a very rapid conversion to GHB and, among other things, non-specific symptoms after ingestion. This case report aims to give an overview to the published of fatal 1,4-BD-intoxications and to discuss the problems associated with detection of 1,4-BD in (postmortem) specimens.  相似文献   

邪教自杀案件的刑法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢勤忠 《现代法学》2002,24(6):109-113
邪教组织人员相约自杀中的组织者、策划者构成故意杀人罪 ;组织和利用邪教组织、散布迷信邪说 ,蒙骗其成员或者其他人实施绝食、自残、自虐等行为 ,应以组织、利用邪教组织、利用迷信致人死亡罪论处 ;迫使、帮助邪教组织人员自杀的和散布迷信邪说教唆他人自杀的 ,应构成故意杀人罪 ;邪教组织人员以自焚、自爆或者其他方法危害公共安全的 ,应以以危险方法危害公共安全罪定罪处罚。  相似文献   

Abstract: Suicidal decapitation is seldom encountered in forensic medicine practice. This study reports the analysis of a suicide committed by a 31‐year‐old man with a self‐fabricated guillotine. The construction of the guillotine was very interesting and sophisticated. The guillotine‐like blade with additional weight was placed in a large metal frame. The movement of the blade was controlled by the frame rails. The steel blade was triggered by a tensioned rubber band after releasing the safety catch. The cause of death was immediate exsanguination after complete severance of the neck. The suicide motive was most likely emotional distress after the death of his father. In medico‐legal literature, there has been only one similar case of suicidal complete decapitation by a guillotine described.  相似文献   

Occupational deaths due to projectiles from hand tools are rare. We report 2 unusual cases of individuals killed by metallic projectiles produced by the fragmentation of the head of a sledgehammer. At initial examination, these wounds appear similar to atypical gunshot or stab wounds. Proper evaluation requires radiographic examination, scene correlation, and, when possible, comparison of metallic fragments retrieved at autopsy and tools from the scene.  相似文献   

Death due to acute alcohol poisoning lacks specific anatomical characteristics, compared with other deaths due to drug poisoning. We report three forensic cases of death from acute alcohol poisoning due to inhibition of the respiratory centre and eventual asphyxia. Blood alcohol concentrations in the three fatalities were 5.28, 3.33 and 3.78 mg/mL, respectively. Lethal doses and blood alcohol concentrations showed differences between individuals. Detailed auxiliary tests besides autopsy were undertaken. These cases show that forensic scientists should exclude other causes of death, combine the autopsy with auxiliary tests, and then make an appraisal.  相似文献   

Suffocation by inhaled gases has been reported involving a variety of gases. We report a case of suicidal asphyxiation by forced replacement of oxygen with helium by using a complex homemade mask. In this case, a young woman researched suicide on the Internet and found an advocated method of suicide using helium. To our knowledge, there is only 1 previously reported case of suicidal asphyxia by using helium.  相似文献   

When a fetus dies after its mother has suffered trauma, questions often arise about whether the fetal death was linked to the maternal injury. Many state statutes make it a criminal act to cause the death of a fetus by injuring the mother. The authors present two cases in which fetal death resulted from maternal trauma. In addition, we review the pertinent literature on this subject and offer guidelines that may help forensic pathologists evaluate these difficult and often emotionally charged cases.  相似文献   

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