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针对城市生产安全事故应急能力进行评价,以便为我国城市生产安全应急救援系统的建设和改进提供决策依据,切实加强各级政府管理和控制生产安全事故的能力,也就具有重大的理论意义和实践价值.  相似文献   

针对城市生产安全事故应急能力进行评价,以便为我国城市生产安全应急救援系统的建设和改进提供决策依据,切实加强各级政府管理和控制生产安全事故的能力,也就具有重大的理论意义和实践价值.  相似文献   

共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求,退役军人是共同富裕不可或缺的群体。妥善安置退役军人有利于预防和解决该群体的贫困问题,是关乎新时代国家安全、社会稳定和全民共同富裕的国家重点工程。然而,通过建构指标并进行实证评估发现,当下退役军人安置保障能力存在价值引领偏颇、知识储备欠缺、技术应用生疏等不足,这或许将会对实现共同富裕、维护军队和社会稳定带来潜在风险。论文基于实证分析结果和系统组织理论,设计了退役军人安置保障的多维复合型能力强化模式,该模式以关注退役军人安置保障特点为前提,立足新时代、新机构和新挑战,实施价值、知识和技术的多维度强化,旨在克服退役军人安置保障能力困境并最终达到共同富裕目标。  相似文献   

对城市灾害进行了分类,总结其危害性,并分析了城市灾害的致灾机制;阐述了城市灾害应急管理程序"四阶段"的关系及内涵;从城市灾害的预防和准备、灾害响应、灾后恢复与评价三方面对城市灾害应急管理措施进行了探讨.认为加强防灾意识、灾害监测与预警、制定应急预案、演练应急预案是做好城市灾害预防与准备的重要组成部分;为做好城市灾害的响应工作应成立应急机构和指挥中心、启动应急预案、按照一定程序处理灾害,并及时认真对应急管理进行总结和评价.  相似文献   

本文通过构建对外贸易可持续发展能力的评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法对我国对外贸易可持续发展进行了综合分析和评价,结果表明:我国对外贸易正朝着可持续发展的方向发展,但是还存在着对外贸易系统结构不合理、经济、社会和环境三者的相互协调性差、对外贸易可持续发展的后劲不足等问题.为实现我国对外贸易的可持续发展,应进一步加强贸易环保及其科技投入;努力改善贸易结构和拓展贸易领域;大力实施科技强贸战略,提高出口商品和服务的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

加强投资发展软环境建设,改善软环境是区域经济发展的必要条件,也是经济欠发达地区实现跨越式发展最为紧要的任务。要改善投资发展软环境,需摸清投资发展软环境的真实状况,建构一套结合城市软环境自身特点的软环境评价体系。在考核评价体系的具体设计上要坚持多元化评价主体的选择,坚持差异化软环境评价对象的划分,坚持定性与定量相结合的评价指标的选取,坚持多样化评价方法的运用,坚持规范化城市投资发展软环境评价相关制度的建设。  相似文献   

改革开放特别是党的十六大以来,在中国特色社会主义事业的不断发展过程中,各级司法行政机关充分履行法制宣传、法律服务和法律保障职能,为维护社会稳定、推动经济发展、促进社会公平、服务保障民生作出了重要贡献,生动展现了科学发展观的真理力量。笔者结合浙江省司法行政系统贯彻落实科学发展观的实践,就整合职能资源、发挥职能优势、提高服务保障科学发展能力,谈一点体会。  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市主导产业——资源型产业的衰退是历经工业化国家所共同面临的问题,以立法推进政府财政援助政策是各国实施资源型城市产业振兴的主要手段。我国政府十分重视资源枯竭型城市的可持续发展工作,加大了对衰退产业中央财政援助政策的实施力度,但效果却并不容乐观,究其根源,立法缺失为原因之一。以日本依法实施财政援助机制,实现衰退产业成功转型为例,提出了构建衰退产业财政援助政策法律化的若干建议。  相似文献   

对大型资源型企业经济转型发展的效果进行评价,对于发展循环经济,促进矿区实现可持续发展至关重要。在对几种典型的评价方法进行比较和改进的基础上,根据典型案例的具体情况,运用适应于对大型资源型企业经济转型发展进行综合评价的方法评价了其经济转型发展的效果,以期为同类企业经济转型发展的效果进行科学评价提供一个范例与思路的同时,也能为政府对大型资源型企业的经济转型发展进行科学考核提供可靠的依据以及为企业找出经济转型发展过程中存在的不足与偏失、改进今后的工作提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

The changing nature of policy variables specific to any planned developmental programme often leads to conflicting decisional problems regarding the identification of thrust areas. Hence the inherent requirement is for a composite index which eases out such ambiguous choice issues. The present paper introduces the measure of sectoral importance which is capable of encompassing different variables with their associated weights and ranks sectors in an economy based on such a measure. However, the term importance suggests the qualitativeness and subjectivity involved in defining such a concept and thus establishes the need for the concepts of fuzzy mathematics. The theory of fuzzy subsets is capable of dealing with qualitative variables within a quantitative framework. The sectoral importance measures derived from the sectoral output linkages, employment multipliers and value added multipliers, have been represented as fuzzy subsets, or to be precise, as fuzzy numbers. A comparison of these numbers through the binary approach of determination of the measure of relative strength provides the basis for the ranking of sectors. The novelty of the approach lies in its simplicity and flexibility in treating qualitative factors which characterise most decision support socio economic planning problems. The validity of the exercise has been tested by applying it to the economy of West Bengal, a State of India.  相似文献   

Since most sensor pattern noise based image copy-move forensics methods require a known reference sensor pattern noise, it generally results in non-blinded passive forensics, which significantly confines the application circumstances. In view of this, a novel passive-blind image copy-move forensics scheme is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a color image is transformed into a grayscale one, and wavelet transform based de-noising filter is used to extract the sensor pattern noise, then the variance of the pattern noise, the signal noise ratio between the de-noised image and the pattern noise, the information entropy and the average energy gradient of the original grayscale image are chosen as features, non-overlapping sliding window operations are done to the images to divide them into different sub-blocks. Finally, the tampered areas are detected by analyzing the correlation of the features between the sub-blocks and the whole image. Experimental results and analysis show that the proposed scheme is completely passive-blind, has a good detection rate, and is robust against JPEG compression, noise, rotation, scaling and blurring.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to find an accurate estimation of chronological age using a small number of selected teeth. For this purpose, the method devised by Nolla [C. Nolla, The development of the permanent teeth, J. Dent. Child. 27 (1960) 254-266.] was used: the development of each of the teeth was determined according to this method on 374 radiographs, 195 of boys (mean age 8.59) and 179 of girls (mean age 8.75). The 28 variables representing the calcification stages were analyzed using cluster analysis followed by multivariate analysis (multiple linear regression model). Patient age was considered to be a dependent variable. Our study showed that antimere teeth are the most homogeneous as regards stages of development. The prediction was more accurate for boys and girls below 10 years of age, using teeth 21, 43 and 46 from boys and teeth 21, 46 and 47 from girls. These teeth accounted for 80% total variance of chronological age for dental calcification. Standard error was +/-1.4 years for boys and +/-1.2 years for girls. When the age of the children remained completely unknown, the best estimates were provided by teeth 43, 47, 46 and 44 from boys and teeth 44, 47 and 43 from girls.  相似文献   

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