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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book reviews in this article: Internationalising the Seabed By Roderick Ogley . Seeing Green : The Politics of Ecology Explained . By Jonathon Porritt . Green Politics : The Global Promise . By Fritjof Capra and Charlene Spretnak . The Green Movement in West Germany . By Elim Papadakis . Greening the Tories : New Policies for the Environment . By Andrew Sullivan . Conservation and Change : Policy for the Environment . What Kind of Growth : People or Profits . By Duncan Smith . Labour's Charter for the Environment . Capitalism since World War II: the making and breakup of the great boom . By Philip Armstrong , Andrew Glyn and John Harrison A Socialist Anatomy of Britain . Edited by David Coates , Gordon Johnston and Ray Bush . Local Socialism ? Labour Councils and New Left Alternatives . Edited by Martin Boddy and Colin Fudge . The Politics of Socialism : an essay in political theory . By John Dunn . Against Socialist Illusion: a radical argument . By David Selbourne . Public Life and Late Capitalism: toward a socialist theory of democracy . By John Keane . Capitalism and Social Democracy . By Adam Przeworski . Policy , Power and Order: the persistence of economic problems in capitalist states . By Kerry Schott . Order and Conflict in Contemporary Capitalism . Edited by John Goldthorpe . The Politics of Local Socialism . By John Gyford . The Aims and Outcomes of Social Policy Research . By Patricia Thomas . How Democracies Perish . By Jean -François Revel . The Crawford Papers . Edited by John Vincent . The British Empire in the Middle East 1945-1951: Arab Nationalism, the United States, and Postwar Imperialism . By Wm . Roger Louis . Packaging the Presidency: a history and criticism of presidential campaign advertising . By Kathleen Hall Jamieson .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1982,53(3):351-380
Book review in this article: Arguments for Democracy . By Tony Benn . Edited by Chris Mullin . Breaking the Mould ? By Ian Bradley . The Future of Socialism . By Anthony Crosland . The Socialist Agenda . Edited by David Lipsey and Dick Leonard . Face the Future . By David Owen . Politics is For People . By Shirley Williams . The Strategy of Equality : Redistribution and the Social Services . By Julian Le Grand . The Question of Separatism . By Jane Jacobs . Financing Devolution Within the United Kingdom : A Study of the Lessons from Failure . By David Heald . Anthony Eden . By David Carlton . Knowing Right from Wrong : The Insanity Defense of Daniel Mc Naughtan . By Richard Moran . Retreat from Power : Studies in Britain's Foreign Policy of the Twentieth Century . Volume One : 1906–1939. Volume Two: After 1939. Edited by David Dilks . Sadat . By David Hirst and Irene Beeson . Poverty and Famines : An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation . By Amartya Sen . An Evolutionary View of Economic Growth . By Ashok S. Guha . The European Transition from Oil : Societal Impacts and Constraints on Energy Policy . Edited by Gordon T. Goodman , Lars A. Kristoferson and Jack M. Hollander . The Global Politics of Arms Sales . By Andrew J. Pierre . From Dessalines to Duvalier . Race , Colour , and National Independence in Haiti . By David Nicholls . Mussolini . By Denis Mack Smith . Contemporary Terror : Studies in Sub-state Violence . Edited by David Carlton and Carlo Schaerf . Revolt from the Center . By Niels Meyer , Helveg Petersen and Villy Sorensen .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this article:
Localism and Centralism in Europe: The Political and Legal Bases of Local Self-Government . By Edward C. Page.
Liberty and Community: Canadian Federalism and the Failure of the Constitution . By Robert C. Vipond.
Reluctant Partners: Implementing Federal Policy . By Robert P. Stoker.
Affirmative Action at Work: Law, Politics, and Ethics . By Bron Raymond Taylor.
Repealing the War Powers Resolution: Restoring the Rule of Law in US Foreign Policy . By Robert F. Turner.
Agenda For Excellence: Public Service in America . By Patricia W. Ingraham and Donald F. Kettl, eds.
The Budget-Maximizing Bureaucrat: Appraisals and Evidence . By Andre Blais and Stephane Dion, eds.
Divided We Govern: Party Control, Lawmaking and Investigations, 1946–1990 . By David R. Mayhew.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Ministers And Mandarins . By William Plowden . Transforming Central Government . By Patricia Greer . Policy And Change . Edited by Randall Smith And Jane Raistick Arguments For a New Left . By Hilary Wainwright . Modern European Socialism . By Lawrence Wilde . Social Democracy in a Post -Communist Europe . Edited by Michael Waller , Bruno Coppieters and Kris Deschouwer . Townscape with Figures : Parnham —Portrait of an English Town . By Richard Hoggart . A. J. P. Taylor : The Traitor within the Gates . By Robert Cole . A. J. P. Taylor . By Adam Sysman . The Return to Incomes Policy . Edited by Ronald Dore , Robert Boyer and Zoe Mars . Making the Peace : Public Order and Public Security in Modern Britain . By Charles Townshend . The Ecology of Commerce : How Business Can Save the Planet . By Paul Hawken . Responding to Global Warming : the Technology , Economics and Politics of Sustainable Energy . By Peter Read . The Politics of Dispossession : The Struggle for Palestinian Self -Determination 1969–1994. Law , Process and Custody : Prisoners and Patients . By Genevra Richardson . The Politics of Decentralisation : Revitalising Local Democracy . By Danny Burns , Robin Hambleton and Paul Hoggett . Citizens and Cities : Urban Policy in the 1990s. By Dilys M. Hill . Whose Utility? The Social Impact of Public Utility Privatization and Regulation in Britain . By John Ernst . Humour and History . Edited by Keith Cameron .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Organizing the Presidency. By STEPHEN HESS.
Inside the Think Tank: Advising the Cabinet, 1971–1983 . By TESSA BLACKSTONE and WILLIAM PLOWDEN.
The Postmodern President: The White House Meets the World. By RICHARD ROSE.
Private Power and Centralization in France: The Notaires and the State. By EZRA N. SULEIMAN.
The Changing Politics of Local Government. By JOHN GYFORD, STEVE LEACH and CHRIS GAME.
Constitutional Dialogues: Interpretation as Political Process. By LOUIS FISHER.
Taming the Prince: The Ambivalence of Modern Executive Power. By HARVEY C. MANSFIELD, JR.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1987,58(4):448-469
Book review in this article: Hugh Dalton . By Ben Pimloit The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton , 1940–45, and The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton , 1918–40, 1945–60. Edited By Ben Pimloit Prime Minister : The Conduct of Policy Under Harold Wilson and James Callaghan 1974–1979. By Bernard Donoughue . RAB: The Life of R. A. Butler . By Anthony Howard . Where There's A Will . By Michael Heseltine . Star Warriors . By William J. Broad . Weapons in Space . Edited By Franklin Long , Donald Hafner and Jeffrey Boutwell . The Strategic Defense Debate : Can “Star Wars ” Make Us Safe ? Edited By Craig Snyder . Space Weapons and International Security . Edited By Bhupendra Jasani . Star Wars in a Nuclear World . By Lord Zuckerman . World of Secrets : The Uses and Limits of Intelligence . BY Walter Laqueur . The Agency : The Rise and Decline of The CIA. By John Ranelagh . The Central Intelligence Agency : History and Documents . Edited By William M. Leary . The Ties That Bind : Intelligence Cooperation Between The UKUSA Countries The United Kingdom , The United States of America , Canada , Australia and New Zealand . By Jeffrey T. Richelson and Desmond Ball . Political Parties in The American Mold . By Leon Epstein . The Decline of Popular Politics . By Michael Mcgerr . The Breakdown of Democratic Party Organization , 1940–80. By Alan Ware . The Decline of American Political Parties , 1952–1984. By Martin P. Waitenburg . The Special Relationship : Anglo -American Relations Since 1945. Edited By Wm . Roger Louis and Hedley Bull . The Audit of War : The Illusion and Reality of Britain as a Great Nation . By Corelli Barneit .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(4):453-472
Book reviewed in this article: The Member of Parliament and the Administration . By David Coombes . The Kerensky Memoirs —Russia and History's Turning Point . By Alexander Kerensky . Uganda : The Development of its Laws and Constitution . By H. F. Morris and James S. Read . The French Army in Politics 1945–1962. By John Steward Ambler . The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle . By David Schoenbrun . Japan 1931–45: Militarism , Fascism , Japanism ? By Ivan Morris . Democracy in Prewar Japan : Groundwork or Facade ? By George O. Totten . Intellectuals in Politics : John Stuart Mill and the Philosophic Radicals . By Joseph Hamburger . Speaking European (The Anglo-Continental Cleavage). By W. Horsfall Carter . Economic Advice and Presidential Leadership : The Council of Economic Advisers . By Edward S. Flash , Jr . Law and Social Change in Ghana . By William Burnett Harvey . The British Monopolies Commission . By C. K. Rowley . Leslie Mitchell : Lewis Grassic Gibbon . By Ian S. Munro . Foreword by Hugh Mac Diarmid . The Spanish Republic and the Civil War , 1931–1939. By Gabriel Jackson . Whatever Will Happen to the National Plan ? By Ralph Oppenheimer and Harold Lind .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1993,64(2):252-268
Book reviewed in this article: The Enterprise Years : A Businessman in the Cabinet . BY David Young . Upwardly Mobile. by Norman tebbit . Ministers Decide : A Memoir of the Thatcher Years . By Norman Fowler . My Style of Government . By Nicholas Ridley . Right at the Centre . By Cecil Parkinson . Staying power . By Peter Walker . A Sparrow's flight . By Lord Hailsham . Kill the Messenger . By Bernard ingham . The View From No. II: Memoirs of a Tory Radical . By Nigel Lawson . Britons : Forging the Nation 1701–1837. By Linda Colley . Myths of the English . Edited by Roy Porter . Beaverbrook: a life . By Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie . Murdoch . By William Shawcross . Vers Une Nouvelle Europe ? Towards a New Europe ? Edited by Mario Telo .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Health Services Since the War Vol. i Problems of Haelth Care : The National Health Service Before 1957. By Charles Webster . Ruling Performance : British Governments from Attlee to Thatcher . Ed. by Peter Hennessy and Anthony Seldon . Advising the Rulers . Ed. by William Plowden . Ministers and Ministries By Richard Rose , with chapters by Peter Bell , Richard Parry and Ian Thomas . The Unprincipled Society . By David Marquand . Superpower Diplomacy in the Horn of Africa . By Samuel M. Makinda . Military Power and Politics in Black Africa . Ed. Simon Baynham . The Militarization of South African Politics . By Kenneth W. Grundy . Endgame in South Africa ? By Robin Cohen . Apartheid's Second Front . By Joseph Hanlon . Beggar Your Neighbours . By Joseph Hanlon . The Political Economy of Revolution Nicaragua . Ed. by Rose J. Spalding . Conflict in Nicaragua . A Muliidimensional Perspective . Ed. by Jiri Valenta and Esperanza Du?n . Nicaragua , Revolution and Democracy . By Jo? ; Luis Cokaggio . Youth and Society : Perspectives from Papua New Guinea . Ed by Maev O'Collins . Women In Politics in Papua New Guinea . Ed Maev O'Collins . Law and Order In a Changing Society . Ed. by Louise Morauta . The Challenge : Economics of Perestroika . By Abel Aganbegyan . The Soviet Economy : Problems and Prospects . By Padma Desai . Soviet Agriculture . By Zhores Medvedev . The German Greens : A Social and Political Profile . By Werner Hülsberg The Green Party in West Germany : Who Are They and What Do They Really Want ? By Manuel Dittmers . Prospects for Africa . A special report by Save the Children and the Overseas Development Institute . The Greening of Africa . By Paul Harrison . Imposing Aid : Emergency Assistance to Refugees . By B. E. Harrell -Bond . The imf & Ghana . The Confidential Record . Ed. By Eboe Hutchful . The Tears of the White Man . Compassion as Contempt . By Pascal Bruckner . Politics: a Work in Constructive Social Theory . By Roberto Mangabeira Unger . Social Theory : Its Situation and its Task . False Necessity : Anti -Necessitarian Social Theory in the Service of Radical Democracy . Plasticity into Power : Comparative -Historical Studies on the Institutional Conditions of Economic and Military Success . Church and Politics in a Secular Age . By Kenneth N. Medhurst and George H Moyser . The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers : Economic Change and Political Conflict from 1500 to 2000 By Paul Kennedy . James Connolly : A Political Biography . By Austen Morgan .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Advice and Consent: The Development of the Policy Sciences. By PETER DE LEON.
The Reach and Grasp of Policy Analysis: Comparative Views of the Craft. By RICHARD HOFFERBERT.
Governing Education: A Sociology of Policy Since 1945. By ANDREW McPHERSON and CHARLES D. RAAB.
Privatising the World. By OLIVER LETWIN.
La France Face au Sud: Le Miroir Brise. By JACQUES ADDA and MARIE-CLAUDE SMOUTS.
The President and Civil Rights Policy: Leadership and Change. By STEVEN A. SHULL
The Political Limits of Environmental Regulation: Tracking the Unicorn. By BRUCE YANDLE.
L'Etat en Amerique. Edited by MARIE-FRANCE TOINET.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1974,45(2):252-269
Book reviewed in this article Karl Marx : His Life and Thought . By David MClellan . Karl Marx : Grundrisse . Karl Marx : The Revolutions Of 1848. Karl Marx : Surveys From Exile . Elite Accommodation in Canadian Politics . By Robert Presthus . Complaints Against Doctors . By Rudolf Klein . Herbert Morrison : Portrait Of a Politician . By Bernard Donoughue and G. W. Jones . Marx and the Marxists . By David Childs . Marx's Socialism . Edited by Shlomo Avineri . The Western Marxists . By Neil Mcnnes . Karl Marx : Man and Fighter . By Nicolaievsky and Maenchen -Helfen . Czechoslovakia before Munich . The German Minority Problem and British Appeasement Policy . By J. W. Bruegel . Germany and the Approach of War 1914: Delusion or Design ? Edited by JOHN Röhl .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
All Organizations are Public: Bridging Public and Private Organization Theories . By BARRY BOZEMAN
Accountability and the Business State: The Structure of Federal Corporations . By FRANCIS J. LEAZES, Jr.
The American Political Economy: Macroeconomics and Electoral Politics . By DOUGLAS A. HIBBS, Jr.
The Strategic Presidency: Hitting the Ground Running . By JAMES P. PFIFFNER
The Catholic Church in World Politics . By ERIC O. HANSON
Local Government in the German Federal System . By ARTHUR B. GUNLICKS  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1994,65(1):104-123

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(2):206-229
Book reviewed in this article: English History : 1914–1945. By A. J. P. Taylor . The Liddell Hart Memoirs . The Clydesiders . A Left Wing Struggle for Parliamentary Power . By Robert Keith Middlemas . Government and the Railways in Nineteenth -Century Britain . By Henry Parris . The Railways and the Nation . By A. J. Pearson . Dark Ghetto : Dilemmas of Social Power . By Kenneth B. Clark How Colour Prejudiced is Britain? By Clifford S. Hill . Crisis in the West . By Drew Middleton . NATO in Transition . By Timothy W. Stanley . NATO in Quest of Cohesion . edited by K. H. Cerny and H. W. Briefs . Detente : Cold War Strategies in Transition . Edited by Eleanor Lansing Dulles and Robert Dickson Crane . de Gaulle . By Alexander Werth . John F. Kennedy . Portrait of a President . By Hugh Sidey . Three Faces of Fascism . By Ernst Nolte . Translated by L. Vennewitz . Politics in the Congo : Decolonization and Independence . By Crawford Young . Castroism : Theory and Practice . By Theodore Draper . Obstacles to Change in Latin America . Edited by Claudio Veliz . French Electoral Systems and Elections Since 1789. By Peter Campbell . Viscount Bolingbroke . By Jeffrey Hart . The Works of Joseph de Maistre . By Jack Lively . Writers and Politics . By Conor Cruise O'Brien .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector. By D avid O sborne and T ed G aebler
Public Policy in Australia. By G. D avis , J. W anna , J. W arhurst & P. W eller
Microeconomic Reform in Australia. By P eter F orsyth (ed.)
The Invisible State: The Formation of the Australian State 1788–1901. By A lastair D avidson
The Political Impact of the High Court. By D avid S olomon
News Not Views: The ABC, the Press and Politics 1932–1947. By N eville P etersen
Corporatization and Privatization: Lessons from New Zealand. By I an D uncan and A lan B ollard
Public Administration and Management in Small States: Pacific Experiences. By Y ash G hai (ed.)
Australian Public Sector Management. By D avid C orbett  相似文献   

Tage Erlander: Serving the Welfare State. By OLOF RUIN (translated by Michael E. Metcalf).
Ethics for Policymaking: A Methodological Analysis. By EUGENE J. MEEHAN.
Ethics for Public Managers. By HAROLD F. GORTNER.
The Responsible Public Servant. By KENNETH KERNAGHAN and JOHN W. LANGFORD.
The Environmental Contexts of AIDS. By MARIE A. MUIR.
The Catastrophe Ahead: AIDS and the Case for a New Public Policy. By WILLIAM B. JOHNSTON and KEVIN R. HOPKINS.
Hostile Brothers: Competition and Closure in the European Electronks Industry. By ALAN CAWSON, KEVIN MORGAN, DOUGLAS WEBBER, PETER HOLMES and ANNE STEVENS.
Politics, Markets and America's Schools. By JOHN E. CHUBB and TERRY M. MOE.
The Symbolic Presidency: How Presidents Portray Themselves. By BARBARA HINCK-LEY.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1994,65(3):354-371
Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Community : a Feminist Critique of the Liberal -Communitarian Debate . By Elizabeth Frazer and Nicola Lacey . Gender and Party Politics . Edited by Joni Lovenduski and Pippa Norris . Democracy and Difference . By Anine Phillips . Engendering Democracy . By Anne Phillips . Government by the Market ?the Politics of Publichoice . By Peter Self . Fred 0. Muller JR., & Jeffrey Paul . Liberalism and the Economic Order . Edited by Ellen Frankel Paul . Public Policy and the Nature of the New Right . Edited by Grant Jordan & Nigel Ashford . Common Sense : a New Constitution for Britain . By Tony Benn and Andrew Hood . The History of the City of Sheffield : vol. 1 Politics , vol. 2 Society , vol.3 Images . Ed. by Clyde Binfield , David Martin , Richard Childs , Roger Harper , David Hey and Geoffrey Tweedale . Understanding the New European Community . By William Nicoll and Trevor C. Salmon . Europe the Strange Superpower . By David Buchan . The Frontier of National Sovereignty . By Milward , Lynch , Romero and Sorensen Citizenship and the European Community . By Elizabeth Meehan . The United States of Europe . By Ernest Wistricht . The European Imperative ; Economic and Social Cohesion in the 1990s. By Stuart Holland . Powek on the Back Benches ?: The Growth of Select Committee Influence . By Derek Hawes . Law , Process and Custody . By Genevra Richardson . Justice and the Genesis of War . By David A. Welch . a History of Warfare . By John Keegan . Political Thought in Ireland Since the Seventeenth Century . Ed. by D. George Boyce , Robert Eccleshall and VIncent Geog -Hegan . Northern Ireland : the Choice . By Kevin Boyle and Tom Hadden . De Valera : Long Fellow , Long Shadow . By Tim Pat Coogan . Straight Left : An Autobiography . By Paddy Devlin . Heresy : the Battle of Ideas in Modern Ireland . By Desmond F. Foster . Ireland Today ; Anatomy of a Changing State . By Gemma Hussey . In Search of a State ; Catholics in Northern Ireland . By Fionnuala 0. Connor . Northern Ireland ; Sharing Authority . By Brendan O'Leary , Tom Lyne , Jim Marshall and Bob Rowthorn .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1994,65(2):214-233
Book reviewed in this article: The Rise and Fall of Communism . By Richard H. Hudelson . The End of the Communist Power Monopoly . By Michael Waller . The Politics of Transition . By Stephen White , Graeme Gill and Darrell Slider . The Sovietransition : From Gorbachev to Yeltsin . Edited by Stephen White , Rita Di Leo and Ottorino Cappelli . Politics in Eastern Europe . By George Schopflin . Eastern Europe in the Postwar World . By Thomas W. Simons , JR. 2nd. Ed. Developments in East European Politics . Edited by Stephen White , Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis . Transition to Democracy in Poland . Edited by Richard F. Starr . Leo Walesa Democrat or Dictator ? By Jaroslaw Kurski . Translated by Peter Obst . Broken Bonds . The Disintegration of Yugoslavia . By Lenard J. Cohen . Contrasting us and German Attitudes to Soviet Trade , 1917–91: Politics by Economic Means . By Hilbne Seppain . Erconciling the Solitudes : Essays on Canadian Federalism and Nationalism . By Charles Taylor . The Politics of Ethnic Conflict Regulation : Case Studies of Protracted Ethnic Conflicts . Edited by John Mcgarry and Brendan O'Leary . Ethnic Conflict and International Security . Edited by Michael E. Brown. The Scar of Race . By Paul M. Sniderman and Thomas Piazza . Race , Riots and Policing : Lore and Disorder in a Multi -Racist Society . By Michael Keith . Race and Racism in Britain . 2nd ed. By John Solomos . Not Easy Being British : Colour , Culture and Citizenship . By Tariq Modood . Paying the Piper : Culture , Music and Money . By Alan Peacock . Wilson . By Philip Ziegler . Markets and Democracy ; Participation , Accountability and Feficiency . Edited by Samuel Bowles , Herbert Gintis and Bo Gustafs -Son Beyond Unemployment . By Robery Skidelsky and Liam Halligan . Trends in British Public Policy : Do Governments Make Any Difference ? By Brian W. Ohgwood .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Critical tears in Immigration: Canada and Australia Compared. By FREDA HAWKINS (Montreal
Utah and Queensland Coal: A Study in the Micro Political Economy of Modern Capitalism and the State. By BRIAN GALLIGAN
"That Community Government Mob": Local Government in Small Northern Territory Communities. By JACKIE WOLFE
Health Care and Public Policy: An Australian Analysis. By GEORGE PALMER and STEPHANIE SHORT
From Colony to Coloniser: Studies in Australian Administrative History. Edited by J.J. EDDY AND J.R. NETHERCOTE
A Policy Framework for Improving the Performance of Government Trading Enterprises. By the STEERING COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT TRADING ENTERPRISES
Engagement of External Consultants by Commonwealth Departments: Report 302. By JOINT COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(2):294-313
Book reviews in this article:
T he B ritish C onquest and D ominion of I ndia . By S ir P enderel M oon .
T he E conomic F ailure of N uclear P ower in B ritain . By A lex H enney .
T he I maginary W ar: U nderstanding the E ast -W est C onflict . By M ary K aldor .
E unomia : N ew O rder for a N ew W orld . By P hilip A llott .
T he P olitical T heory of S wedish S ocial D emocracy: T hrough the W elfare S tate to S ocialism . By T im T ilton .
S weden : S ocial D emocracy in P ractice . By H enry M ilner
I deology and S trategy : A C entury of S wedish P olitics . By L eif L ewin .
L ords of F leet S treet : T he H armsworth D ynasty . By R ichard B ourne .
R awls : A T heory of J ustice and its C ritics . By C handran K ukathas and P hilip P ettit .
S tate , C ommunity and H uman D esire : A G roup C entred A ccount of P olitical V alues . By A ntony B lack .
P olitics in the S treets : T he O rigins of the C ivil R ights M ovement in N orthern I reland . By B ob P urdie .  相似文献   

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