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Japanese Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma resigned in early July after making controversial remarks about the U.S. atomic bombings during World War II. While speaking at a Chiba Prefecture university on June 30, Kyuma said that those bombings ended the war, and that “it could not be helped.” His remarks drew criticism from the Japanese, especially those who survived the two atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After Kyuma resigned, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration appointed Yuriko Koike, the country’s national security adviser, as Japan’s first female defense minister. Beijing Review talked with foreign affairs experts in China and the United States about whether Kyuma’s remarks will put a damper on U.S.-Japanese relations.  相似文献   

China boasts a large population,a vast land,a long history and a rich cultural heritage.As a result,it has unique political institutions.Every government in Chinese history has tried to cope with disasters and special challenges of an expanding population and territory in order to maintain the legitimacy of their rules.During this long history,the Chinese people have formed a distinctive political ideology.The Chinese are far-sighted and attach more importance to the whole rather than to the individual parts.They place political stability and prosperity at an important position.The prosperous dynasties of the past were all governed by strong and open-minded governments.  相似文献   

THE massive population,vast territory and rich cultural heritage formed during the course of China’s long history all prescribe its need for a political pattern distinct from that of other countries.The main tenets defining the legitimacy of each administration throughout Chinese history have  相似文献   

Nanjing Municipal People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (NMPAFFC) has carried out people-to-people friendly contacts in various forms with rich contents and scored noticeable achievements in recent years.  相似文献   

LessonsFromtheWarAgainstJapanFIFTYYEARSagotothemonth,EmperorHirohitodeclaredtheunconditionalsurrenderofJapan.Tocommemoratethe...  相似文献   

正ON February 27,the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed a decision on ratifying two memorial days–September 3 to commemorate the victory of Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,and December 13 to honor victims of the Nanjing Massacre.Japan’s response was predictable.Although it didn’t brazenly slander China,it described adding these events to the calendar as"suspicious."  相似文献   

<正>Better ties with China could help Japan’s economic recovery The Japanese political merrygo -round has spun out yet another new prime minister. On August 30, Yoshihiko Noda replaced Nao to Kan to become Japan’s third prime minister in the last two years and sixth in the last five years. Observers are  相似文献   

LATIN America and the Caribbean (Latin America in short hereafter) is one of the first regions in the developing world to have institutionlized party politics.Alongside their political, economic and social development in the last 30 years,most Latin American countries have seen  相似文献   

正The ruling coalition eyes opportunity to rewrite the country’s pacifist constitutionCompared to the hot weather of summer, the upcoming parliamentary election in Japan’s upper house[on July 10]seems cooly contested. Only 389 candidates will fght for 121 seats, 44 participants fewer than in the last such election in 2013.A Japanese media  相似文献   

<正>Hopes for the Japanese economy remain high despite the severe blow it has suffered The tragic impact of the massive March 11 earth-quake on the northeast coast of Japan has filled the newswires across the world.Those  相似文献   

<正>Radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi plant will have long-lasting global implications It started with an earthquake that led to a tsunami that caused one of the worst uclear power disasters in history.As Japan reels from this trio of disasterst he catastrophe continues as its Fukushima  相似文献   

正My daughter,who is now studying for her master’s degree at Japan’s Waseda University,always asks me:most people I meet in Japan are quite amiable,and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo is liked by the Japanese people,so why does China accuse Japan of deviating to the right?Shigeru Ishiba,Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan,who used to be Japan’s defense minister,also posed a question to me during a China-Japan  相似文献   

冷战结束以来,台湾与东盟国家进一步加强彼此间在政治关系领域的互动和交流,双方的政治关系取得了一定的进展和提升。在两岸成功签署ECFA之后,台湾—东盟关系的发展趋向更受到各界的广泛关注。尽管台湾与东盟政治关系的进展在很大程度上是经济利益驱动的结果,但客观上台湾与东盟政治关系的提升和加强在很大程度上增加了中国大陆的外交成本。因此,考察冷战后台湾与东盟政治关系的发展演变,对于制定相关对策具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

正SINCE the unveiling of new evidence of biological experiments on humans conducted by the Japanese army in China in the fi rst half of the last century,the brutality of Imperial Japan and its militarism have been universally denounced.The testing of chemical and biological weapons on live humans by Unit 731of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II is among the most savage acts in human history.A post-war investigation conducted by the United States showed that,in 1943 alone,over800 people fell victim to Unit 731’s tests.By 1945,the number was around  相似文献   

解放战争时期是中国共产党最终确立执政地位的重要时期和关键阶段,解放战争这一特殊历史时期政治生态的变化演进,充分证明了中国共产党是历史的选择和人民的选择这一科学论断。  相似文献   

1872-1874,从谋划出兵到中日签订《北京专条》,日本政府的对外目标经历了一个不断调整和变化的过程,大致可分为三个阶段:第一阶段留守政府中以外务卿副岛等为代表的“外征派”积极策划一条明确的殖民路线,目标直指略取台湾东部少数民族地区,甚至台湾全岛;第二阶段以大久保为代表的“内治派”主政,方针转向“慎重殖民路线”,为缓解国内士族的不满情绪,选择发动一场小范围的局部“征台”行动,对殖民略地持慎重观望态度;第三阶段是对中交涉时期,策略变化为以实际军事占领为条件讹取利益,具体而言,以索取军费为主,以在琉球或朝鲜方面谋取利益为辅。总之,日本此次侵台的主要动机并非为解决琉球归属问题,其本质是为了缓解国内情势、带有对外殖民意图的军事侵略。  相似文献   

中国人民抗日战争是中国人民伟大的民族解放战争,也是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。在中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60年后的今天,我们有可能从更加广阔、更加全面的视角,评价中国人民抗日战争在世界反法西斯战争中的地位和作用。从世界反法西斯战争的全局来看,中国人民抗日战争有四个鲜明特点,对世界反法西斯战争作出了四个方面的重要贡献;在提高中国的国际地位上,发挥了重大作用。  相似文献   

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