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施珵 《德国研究》2020,(4):78-94
环境法典编纂作为破除环境法律破碎化现象的有效方案可以提升环境法的简洁协调性,也是推动环境法治的路径之一。德国虽然在两次环境法法典化运动后依然未能颁布环境法典,却为我国提供了有效借鉴经验。德国环境法典编纂过程中面临的是否展开环境法典编纂、以何种形式展开环境法典编纂以及环境法典调整范围边界界定等核心问题,尤其值得我国参考。我国环境法典编纂过程中应当重点研究法典编纂模式选择、环境法典调整范围等问题,结合我国国情寻找合适的环境法典化道路。  相似文献   

法典化是法律体系成熟的基本标志。历史上,为了确保行政法的灵活性,法国行政法抛弃了法典化的进路,形成了判例法传统。“二战”之后,面临行政法民主化和体系化的压力,法国开启了行政法的法典编撰之路。《公众与行政机关关系法典》的编撰,一定程度上扭转了法国行政法的判例法传统,改变了法国行政法在法典化浪潮中的孤立地位。该法一方面对最高行政法院发展的一般法律原则和形成程序方面的重要立法予以重述,另一方面也对立法和实践中多样化的实体和程序规则进行了澄清和统一。《公众与行政机关关系法典》的编撰过程和制度创新,对于我国正在推动的行政法典编撰,在目标设定、重点内容、规则弹性以及对司法机关的倚重,都具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

试论德国能源安全法律及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
龚向前 《德国研究》2006,21(4):37-42
由于能源供应形势紧张,德国将能源安全作为重要的立法目标。除《能源法案》确立能源供应安全作为基本目标之一外,德国制定了多项专门的能源安全法律,以应对和防范能源供应体系的中断。德国还将能源安全与反垄断法、环境法等进行协调,在诸多法律价值目标之间达成适当考虑供应安全的平衡。我国应该借鉴德国能源安全的立法经验。  相似文献   

陶建国 《德国研究》2013,28(2):68-79
为了落实环境保护上的协动原则,有效预防环境污染问题,德国建立和完善了环境团体行政公益诉讼制度。立法上对环境团体提起公益诉讼规定了诉讼资格和起诉条件,只有符合相关规定的环境团体方可行使诉权。德国环境团体公益诉讼在很多方面有别于其他国家,这是由于各个国家对环境团体公益诉讼地位的定位不同而形成的。受欧洲法院相关判决的影响,德国于2012年进一步修改了相关法律,取消了提起诉讼必须存在个人权利受到损害之要件。环境行政公益诉讼依据行政诉讼程序进行审理,立法上并未规定过多的特别程序规则。  相似文献   

夏新华 《德国研究》2005,20(4):48-51
在德意志民族文化土壤中形成的德国法律文化体现了德意志民族的个性,具有鲜明的特性:第一,德国法律文化体现了日耳曼固有法文化与罗马接受法文化的双重性;第二,德国法律文化存在着国家主义、团体主义的价值追求倾向;第三,德国法律文化崇尚思辨理性,强调法典化和立法技术;第四,德国法律文化也体现了法学理论与法律实践的结合.  相似文献   

近些年有不少环境犯罪案件存在罪责刑不相适应、同案不同判的问题,引发了社会舆论的高度关注。从环境犯罪案件的特殊性出发,分析轻刑化趋势中出现的困境来源于环境犯罪的行政从属性定位错误和过度强调刑罚预防功能。环境犯罪轻刑化趋势具有理论依据和现实需要。以提高环境法治效果为目标,环境刑事司法中应当明确环境法益、坚持宽严相济的刑事政策、增加法律解释检视程序、重视环境犯罪酌定量刑情节等。  相似文献   

综观德国环境团体诉讼制度之立法变迁历程,按照中心任务的不同,可划分为立法论证、立法实践探索与制度框架形成三个阶段,由此建构了一套拥有独特功能定位、设计思路与内容结构的制度体系。本文基于法社会学与法教义学相结合之研究视角,回顾各时期德国环境团体诉讼立法实践,剖析制度植根的德国社会、经济、政治、文化与法律土壤,解读欧盟法对德国制度演进所造成之冲击。以问题导向为比较法研究之起点,为深陷环境执法困境、寻求环境行政公益诉讼制度完善的中国提供经验参照。  相似文献   

中德环境民事法律责任的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中德环境民事法律责任的比较汪学文内容提要内容提要:环境保护的法律建设在中德两国有着各自的发展过程。由于两国的国情不同和经济发展的速度差异以及法律制度本身的区别,从而形成了不同的环境保护立法框架体系和内容。为了将环境保护的立法、标准和管理目标及优先秩序...  相似文献   

欧盟《一般数据保护条例》具有明显的功能主义的立法特征,体现了数据问题的复杂本质——保护法益的多样性。这包括数据主体对数据的支配权,数据控制者和处理者对数据的使用收益权,也涉及国家(地区)的数据主权。《一般数据保护条例》借助市场地原则和个人数据处理概念拓宽适用范围;遵循保护前置理念构建数据主体权利,将类型化的数据保护前置到数据收集、处理阶段,确立了数据可携权、删除权等非绝对性权利;引入了数据"归属"不排斥"利用"的跨境传输规则。该条例存在价值困境和技术困境,这是经济全球竞争格局下法律价值序列的平衡所提出的最大挑战。数据立法区域竞争的实质是数字经济的全球竞争,而法律价值序列处于变动平衡和重组之中,是立法者对市场竞争优势、经济长期发展和社会目标实现的不同选择和不同追求。数字技术引发的问题绝不限于是否立法,更在于采取何种价值序列、以何种方式立法,及如何与既有法律监管体系相协调。无论采取何种数据立法模式,技术路径绝非可取之策,机械分离数据主体和数据控制者,采取单一价值取向的个人数据保护法的立法模式,亦非数字时代的最佳选择。  相似文献   

德国第一部全国性最低工资法出台,这究竟是证实了德国传统工会运动陷入危机,还是表明其出现了新的希望?本文回顾德国最低工资法的形成过程,分析不同主体在其中所起的作用,指出不能简单地认为最低工资立法等同于工会在传统集体谈判中的失败。最低工资立法的推动,无疑是工会面临挑战时的防御性措施,特别是在低工资工作较为集中的行业中工会对集体谈判覆盖率和影响力下降的弥补。但与此同时,在社民党与新自由主义妥协的政治环境下,德国工会试图通过这一立法重新定位自己的身份、改进社会功能,通过提升公共形象和话语在公民社会中寻求更广泛的联盟。通过积极推进和持续介入最低工资标准的制定,工会强调这一新制度是对行业性集体谈判的补充。重要的是,传统的制度和团结仍然是工会运动的核心,无论通过立法还是谈判的方式,劳工团体对产业关系产生实际影响的能力才是关键。  相似文献   

论欧盟法的性质及其对现代国际法的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包括建立欧盟的国际条约、欧盟自己制定的各项立法以及欧盟各国的相关国内法在内的欧盟法是现代国际法发展的突出表现,这种发展不仅表现在欧盟法扩大了现代国际法的调整范围,还表现在欧盟法在国际法和国内法的转化机制上创设了一种"自动"模式。通过这种自动的转化机制,将欧盟由一个国际组织渐次演变成一个统一的"国家"。欧盟法对现代国际法的贡献必将对国际法发展的历程产生重要影响。  相似文献   

随着欧洲一体化的逐步深入,欧洲环境侵权法律适用法的统一已成为必然趋势。在《罗马条例Ⅱ》出台前,欧洲国家在环境侵权法律适用领域的立法与实践很不统一,《罗马条例Ⅱ》的出台在很大程度上结束了这种不统一状态。条例第7条采用总括式立法方式,调整除核损害之外的各种类型的环境损害的法律适用问题。值得关注的是,条例不仅调整环境损害所导致的个人损害的法律适用,同时还调整生态损害的法律适用。在连结点选择问题上,条例采用有利原则,这样不仅有利于保护受害人,同时也有利于促进环境保护。  相似文献   

Despite arguments to the contrary, the state continues to defiantly resist efforts to “extend the reach of legality”, especially as it pertains to attempts to bound the use of organised violence within international legal mechanisms. Yet this defiance is something of a paradox, where the evolution of the modern laws of war are characterised by a contradictory pattern. By focusing on important junctures in the short evolution of the codification of the laws of war it will be argued here that the writings of Swiss jurist Emer de Vattel provide the best insights into this contradictory development.  相似文献   

The preponderance of evidence from reports on climate change suggests that China and East Asia will face major environmental challenges, most of them unwelcome. In the following article, Paul G. Harris, associate professor of politics at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, introduces some of the underlying ethical considerations with regard to climate change justice and equity. He explores how justice is part of the broader international politics of climate change, the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change, its 1997 Kyoto Protocol and the ongoing negotiations concerning how to implement it. The emphasis is on the more practical debates, their codification in international instruments, and the ways in which East Asian countries perceive them. Harris concludes that increasing knowledge of the uncertainty and adversity from climate change has raised awareness among East Asian countries, but concerns about justice and equity mean that worries about climate change do not translate easily into national action.  相似文献   

The fourth European Working Conditions Survey carried out in the autumn of 2005 across 31 countries, including the 27 EU member states by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions revealed the seriousness of the problem in Turkey, which ranks third among the 31 countries surveyed for incidents of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in the workplace in Turkey has come under spotlight recently with the rapid emergence of such claims, publication of studies and surveys, passing of EU acquis compatible laws and governmental circulars offering expanded protection against workplace harassment. These developments are expected to create an awareness and an increase in the already growing number of harassment-related lawsuits in Turkey that may help to reduce widespread silence on the matter.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the enactment of public participation in rulemaking within the European Union and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development countries. It relies on an original dataset of administrative procedural acts and administrative laws concerning the making of delegated legislation. As 12 out of 39 countries enacted a procedure of notification, publication, and consultation between 1995 and 2015, the study focuses on courts while controlling for other domestic institutional determinants of legislative adoption and countries’ interdependence. The empirical findings show that countries with a highly independent judiciary system are less likely to enact a comprehensive provision for public participation in rulemaking. This finding highlights a paradox, namely that political systems are more likely to adopt rulemaking to enhance democratic legitimacy if they are characterized by a judicial system that does not actively pursue the legality of rulemaking.  相似文献   

本文所探讨的是在全球金融危机环境下,欧洲不同国家经济衰退的原因,将欧洲不同住房模式的抗压性反应与其对应的经济衰退状况进行关联研究,目的是通过实证比较研究证明,不同的住房模式对金融资产泡沫膨胀具有显性的推动或抵御的作用。更为重要的是,当金融危机已经出现后,不同住房模式的抗压反应之差异将影响到不同国家的经济衰退,同时也影响到其对应国家的金融稳定。  相似文献   

Grassroots environmental activism among Latin America's poor has altered the debate over environmental policy, social welfare, and citizenship. Yet the question remains whether this social mobilization of the poor is part of a larger trend toward broader environmental concerns and democratic political participation, or a shortlived movement susceptible to the same pressures that have dissolved community mobilization in the past. This article compares Brazil with other Latin American and European countries in surveys of environmental awareness, concerns, and reported behavior. It finds that Brazilians residing in the urban periphery link their own local environmental concerns to more global considerations, and that concern for and activism on environmental issues is positively related to wider community involvement.  相似文献   

European Union member states have different nationality laws. Those with overseas dependencies control access there to European Parliament (EU) voting rights. Gibraltar and French Polynesia are two dependencies in which the existing situation is contested. Gibraltar's British citizens live on EU territory and therefore resent their exclusion from European elections. French Polynesia on the other hand is outside the European Union. Its citizens regard voting for the EP as at best irrelevant; its leaders wish to create a category of French overseas citizenship exclusive of European voting rights. This article compares the two situations and suggests some possible solutions.  相似文献   

Sir Ronald Sanders 《圆桌》2015,104(5):563-571
Africa has been divided into four groups of states by the European Union in the negotiation of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) that will define the relationship between Africa and Europe in the future. The EPAs are unfair. They demand reciprocity between the EU countries collectively and each African country individually and they set conditions that will be demanded by any other country or groups of countries with which African countries seek trade arrangements. Further, separate EPAs among different groupings of African countries will undermine Africa’s wider integration efforts, leaving it in thrall to EU companies. In their present form the EPAs are not in Africa’s interest and will unnecessarily undermine the potential for Europe’s improved relationship with the continent.  相似文献   

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