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隆冬时节,新年的气氛给消费行业带来了些许暖意,其中古越龙山、顺鑫农业、泸州老窖等知名酒企,接连发出涨价公告,颇有要在2022年打一场价格翻身仗的架势。在新冠肺炎疫情常态化下,人们的消费能力与消费意愿大打折扣,此时的涨价策略不禁让人担心,涨价真能挽回企业失去的利润吗?  相似文献   

我国社会中女性地位较低的刻板印象,正在被一系列消费数字所改变。尤其在新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,不同人生阶段、不同职业女性的一系列购买举动,更是凸显了女性强大的消费意愿。  相似文献   

伍洲奇 《法人》2020,(4):28-31
亚洲国家最先受到新冠肺炎疫情的冲击,通过全力"围剿",目前疫情已经得到初步遏制。但是,随着新冠肺炎疫情在欧美持续暴发,如何防范新冠肺炎疫情从欧美返回亚洲,成为亚洲各国防疫新课题。为了进一步控制疫情蔓延,在3月30日至4月3日的"亚洲政党共抗疫情网络专题会"上,亚洲各国政党特别就疫情防控展开对话,以期推动亚洲各国加强经验分享和抗疫合作。  相似文献   

2020年,是中国医疗卫生行业经历重大考验的一年。置身其中的人们,经历了许多事件,有太多值得铭记,有太多值得反思和探讨。以下是记者视角中的十大事件。新冠肺炎患者免费治疗新冠肺炎疫情发生以后,党中央国务院高度重视,提出要打赢疫情防控的总体战、阻击战。国家医疗保障局、财政部联合印发"关于做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情医疗保障的"通知。  相似文献   

从"不忘初心、牢记使命"的铮铮誓言,到"我将无我、不负人民"的铿锵实践,在新冠肺炎疫情防控期间,吉林省吉林市千鹏人民调解委员会迎难而上,积极防疫,采取灵活多样的服务措施,满足人民群众在疫情防控期间对矛盾纠纷化解及法律服务的需求,让小小调委会发挥了大作用。  相似文献   

截至2021年1月27日,全球累计新冠肺炎确诊人数已经突破1亿,人类和新冠病毒的斗争已超过一年。随着疫情的变化和发展,我们对新冠病毒的认识逐渐加深,对传染病防控有了更深刻的认识。与此同时,世界各国研究机构都在致力于破解新冠病毒病理,加速推进药物和治疗手段的相关研究。新冠病毒非常"狡猾",常常通过免疫逃逸挑战现有有效解决方案。WHO突发卫生事件规划执行主任瑞安发出预警:"疫情进入的第二年,情况可能会更加严峻"。  相似文献   

近日,广东省江门市江海区人民法院为一起涉医疗器械公司案件开通“绿色通道”,对该案优先办理,迅速解冻该公司被查封财产,让其全力投入防疫物资生产。这是新冠肺炎疫情防控期间,人民法院司法助力企业发展的一个缩影。从新冠肺炎疫情发生初始,最高人民法院就迅速成立应对新型冠状病毒防控工作领导小组,安排部署人民法院防控疫情具体措施。全国法院立足审判职能,积极服务和保障疫情防控工作大局.依法严惩利用疫情危害公共安全和市场秩序的犯罪行为,坚决维护经济社会大局稳定。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎是一种危及人的健康的急性传染病,已成为"国际关注的突发公共卫生事件"。国外传染病疫情防控的案例和实践探索对我国应对和处置新冠肺炎具有借鉴作用。突发疫情防控不是某一个国家或地区的事情,而是需要加强国际合作,依靠国际社会的集体力量,才能有效遏制新冠肺炎蔓延扩散的趋势。基于此,我们必须在维护国家主权和自身合法利益的基础上,建立健全突发疫情防控技术合作机制、完善突发疫情风险防范机制、建立突发疫情信息共享机制和疫情防控对话机制等,通过多边或双边合作,把整个疫情控制住,尽早恢复民众的正常生产生活秩序。  相似文献   

王磊 《中国司法》2020,(3):42-43
我国新冠肺炎疫情防控工作不断取得新进展,这期间行政执法工作任务艰巨、成绩突出。严格规范公正文明的行政执法对于推进新冠肺炎疫情防控工作至关重要,疫情防控期间的行政执法与常态下的行政执法相比有一些不同特点,充分认识这些特点对于提高行政执法水平、推进疫情防控工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黑龙江省伊春市中级人民法院用疫情防控一线工作的实际行动擦亮胸前的法徽,让法治精神和人民法院队伍形象持久闪耀。2020年初,来势汹汹的新冠肺炎疫情呈现扩散的严峻形势,以习近平同志为核心的党中央,及时发出抗击疫情的人民战争动员令、战斗令。  相似文献   

目前,全球正面临着新冠病毒肆虐引发的当代最大公共卫生危机的挑战。为了应对全球重大疫情,维护人类健康,保障人类福祉,各国政府、非政府机构、大学、科研院所、司法机构等近期就知识产权如何应对新冠病毒联手行动,纷纷出谋划策,制订并实施了一系列新举措,使知识产权成为抗击新冠病毒肺炎的一个有效法律工具。  相似文献   


This study examined elder mistreatment victims’ experiences at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on their COVID-19 awareness and unmet needs. San Francisco Adult Protective Services (APS) caseworkers conducted phone interviews with clients or collaterals (client’s family, trusted other, or service provider) to inquire about clients’ awareness of COVID-19 and unmet needs. Nine-hundred-and-thirty-four (71%) of 1,313 APS’ past clients or their collaterals were interviewed, with 741 (79%) responding positively to COVID-19-awareness questions, and 697 (75%) having no unmet needs. Binary logistic regression with Firth adjusted maximum likelihood estimation method revealed that older persons (p?<?.05), self-neglectors (p?<?.05), and victims of neglect (p?<?.05) were less aware of COVID-19. Unmet needs varied by mistreatment type. Victims of isolation were more likely to have medical needs (p?<?.05), while victims of emotional abuse were more likely to report loneliness (p?<?.001). Case notes reflected clients who were well-prepared for the pandemic, versus those who required additional assistance to follow preventative measures of the COVID-19 pandemic to stay home. Although the majority of San Francisco APS’ past clients experienced no unmet needs at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the prolonged length and intensity of the pandemic could have exacerbated this vulnerable group’s situation. Collaboration between service providers is key in assisting victims experiencing unmet needs to live safely in a public health crisis, especially underserved victims of specific ethnic backgrounds.


Qian Liu 《Law & policy》2023,45(3):292-310
This study analyses the legal consciousness of Chinese citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic when the authoritarian state invoked heavy penalties to deter noncompliance with its excessive COVID-19 restrictions. China used the approach of “killing the chicken to scare the monkey,” publicly punishing those who violated restrictions in order to deter noncompliance. This article explains why ordinary citizens supported this selective application of the law, as well as how the possibility of being the “chicken” contributed to their compliance (or noncompliance) with excessive COVID-19 restrictions. It suggests that the uncertainty and unpredictability of law in the authoritarian state bred fear, which then led to compliance, regardless of the lack of procedural fairness. People's dissatisfaction with the rules, however, led them to tolerate and even support the noncompliance of people they trusted.  相似文献   


Relatively few studies have considered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on intimate partner violence (IPV) advocates or the agencies where they work. In this study, based on United States IPV advocates’ experiences working with survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted interviews to explore: 1) personal challenges and resilience working as IPV advocates during the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) how agencies adapted to the pandemic to support IPV survivors and advocates; and 3) specific needs and challenges of culturally-specific agencies. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 53 IPV advocates from June to November 2020. Participants were included if they worked directly with survivors, identified as an IPV advocate, worked at a US-based agency, and spoke and understood English. We created a sampling matrix to ensure adequate representation from IPV advocates serving survivors from communities which have been marginalized. Interviews were conducted through a virtual platform by a trained member of the research team. We used an inductive thematic analysis approach, with weekly coding meetings to resolve discrepancies in coding. Five themes emerged from the data: 1) IPV advocates described how working as an IPV advocate during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted them personally; 2) agencies developed new methods of addressing IPV advocates’ needs; 3) agencies developed new solutions to address pandemic-related client needs; 4) transitioning advocacy work to virtual formats created challenges but also opportunities and; 5) pandemic limitations and impacts compounded pre-pandemic challenges for culturally specific agencies. IPV advocates are frontline workers who have played essential roles in adjusting services to meet survivor needs during the COVID-19 pandemic while simultaneously coping with pandemic impacts on themselves and their agencies. Developing inter-agency collaborations and promoting advocates’ safety and wellbeing during future public health crises will help support IPV survivors.



Stalking involves repeated unwanted communication, harassment, and intrusive behaviour. This brief report draws on a service evaluation undertaken immediately prior to and during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic creates a paradox when considering safety in the home, but it is important to recognise the dangers this presents to many victims of stalking. The information presented in this report is based on existing literature and early evidence from semi-structured interviews and discussions with 15 victims and six practitioners. Whilst lockdown measures might appear to be a time when victims are less accessible to their stalkers, early evidence from this study suggests that their vulnerability is increased. Technology has helped to facilitate stalking behaviours by providing stalkers with new approaches to control, humiliate, threaten and isolate their victims. Some lockdown restrictions have provided increased opportunities for stalkers to monitor their victims and the professional uncertainty and recognition around stalking has continued, coupled with delays in the criminal justice system. The COVID-19 crisis has reversed gains made by stalking victims and has imprisoned some victims in their homes making their whereabouts easier to monitor. Stalking behaviour has not ceased as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions and the risk of harm to victims remains significant. Effective practice, policy and legal responses are required for both the victims and perpetrators of stalking during the pandemic and afterwards.


公安法医在疫情期间随时会接触到未知名或疫情史不明确的尸体,尤其是死因不明的尸体需要进行尸体解剖,不可避免地要全程面对新冠病毒感染的高风险,笔者依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》等相关法律法规、新型冠状病毒及肺炎的特点、疫情防控工作指引和公安部《关于规范新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控期间现场勘查处置工作的指导意见》,结合本地公安法医鉴定工作实际,通过死因不明的尸体解剖工作流程上,对前期准备、人员防护、解剖操作、后期消毒及物资配备等方面进行探索,提出在新冠疾病疫情期间公安法医尸体解剖处置及防护建议,供一线法医和司法鉴定人员参考。  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and China’s regularized pandemic prevention and control, leading legal scholars from China, North America, and Eurasia participated in The 6th International Conference on Human Rights Protection under Pandemic Prevention and Control. Participants engaged in fruitful discussions on the normative necessity and practical relevance of the principle of proportionality in justifying their current governments’ anti-pandemic measures. Focusing on pandemic-related human rights conditions and rule of law challenges in global contexts, this article summarizes the participating scholars’ speeches through the integrated lens of human rights and the jurisprudence of health law in the COVID-19 containment phase. Speeches can be divided into six topical dimensions, involving normative utility, governance logic, reasonable limits, constitutional criteria, viable approaches, and post-pandemic challenges with respect to the principle of proportionality. To provide a more policy-relevant and theoretically sound framework for a community of common health for mankind, this article succinctly concludes with a series of overlapping consensus on the application of the principle of proportionality in the fight against the pandemic. This consensus, tentatively named the “Renmin Human Rights Consensus,” builds on five interrelated elements and generates five human rights assertions and a series of specific principles of health law.  相似文献   

Governmental responses to the COVID-19 global pandemic have generated numerous constitutionals, policy, legal, and political-economic debates. Scholarly engagements with the sociolegal and policy consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have been dominated by discussion on the role of emergency powers, the suspension of individual civil liberties, the suspension of economic rules in order to guarantee economic survival, and social regulation of public spaces and of workplaces. This paper aims to explore how a critical sociolegal scholarship can contribute to a more sophisticated understanding of the role of law in creating the unequal conditions that propitiated the COVID-19 pandemic and that might enable further crises. This introduction offers a roadmap for theorizing the limits of law, the operationalization of emergency powers and the different policies implemented by global south and north countries in response to the pandemic. This introduction is structured as follow: (1) provides a general overview of the law and society tradition and its engagement with the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) engages with three key consequences of the pandemic, labor, and the lockdown; colonial implications; and the limits of law; (3) introduces the papers in this special issue; (4) sketches a proposal for the critical sociolegal scholarship of law and crises.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a chain of socioeconomic effects worldwide. China’s social and economic operations and labor market have also been suffered because of this global crisis. During hard times, flexible employment becomes an important means for stabilizing employment. However, the pandemic also exposed the problems ensuing from insufficient legal protection for flexible workers. First, there are some gaps and defects in the labor and social security laws in terms of their scope and applicability to flexible workers. Second, there were limitations in the support and protection policies for flexible workers at the early stages of the pandemic. Although the government implemented measures soon after the outbreak of COVID-19, their role is still constrained by the legal lacunae in protecting flexible workers. As flexible employment will continue to play a significant role in China’s labor market, the State Council issued a far-reaching official document in July 28, 2020 to support it. This document indicates the directions for providing better legal protection for flexible workers, which contains expanding the legal scope and enriching the legal protection. Based on the realities and latest policies, the legal protection for flexible workers should be systemically improved in the future.  相似文献   

Previous evidence demonstrates that a public health crisis triggers and intensifies domestic violence, especially against women. The pandemic of COVID-19 supported this observation, as the world witnessed an increase in domestic violence. China has witnessed a similar trend. While the Chinese government is applying a stringent model of virus control measures over COVID-19 when compared to certain other countries, many questions remain: How is this impacting the situation of domestic violence in China? What has China done to combat domestic violence during COVID-19? What can we learn from the Chinese experience? This article intends to answer these questions by reviewing reports and media coverage and conducting interviews with stakeholders. First, it examines causes of domestic violence during COVID-19. Second, it analyses the types and features of domestic violence during COVID-19. Third, the article intends to discover the current difficulties in combatting domestic violence. Fourth, it presents good practices for specific local areas. Last, it concludes with recommendations for tackling domestic violence during public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, by understanding the Chinese experience.  相似文献   

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