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In this article we present the schools of thought comprising Critical Management Studies (CMS), explore their implications for public administration, and provide an alternate definition of democratic governance. We synthesize and describe the “modern stream,” inspired by the Frankfurt School, and the “postmodern stream,” associated with poststructuralist authors. Despite significant epistemological and ontological differences, these perspectives complement each other and cast new light on democratic governance. We present the respective theories of Foucault and Habermas, explore their implications for public administration, reconcile their views on power as a basis for a normative definition for so‐called good governance, and redefine the concept of “democratic governance.”  相似文献   

公安行政的基本法律关系是公安行政权力与公民权利之间的关系。公安行政的基本价值目标就是确立权利本位的范式,实现公安行政权力与公民权利之间的理性、动态的平衡。同时,为了实现权利与权力的平衡,必须把职责本位作为公安行政的价值取向,从而使公安机关真正做到依法行政、执法为民。  相似文献   

塔洛克的<独裁政治>、温特罗布的<独裁的政治经济学>等专著开始尝试提供独裁政治的经济学理论,使公共选择理论的研究范围不仅包括民主政治,而且也包括独裁政治,也就是包括全部政治行为,从而大大拓宽了公共选择理论的研究范围.然而,塔洛克和温特罗布都忽视了意识形态对于独裁者实施统治的巨大作用,因而其理论难以适用于古代东方的独裁政治.具有漫长的封建独裁历史的中国应该有较多的学者为公共选择理论的新发展做出贡献.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper summarizes the results of a survey of ipac members carried out in the winter of 1987–88. Members' views were sought about the education and training of good senior public servants, administrative change and reform and the sources of innovation in public administration. In spite of great diversity in background and present condition, the members showed a high degree of unity in regarding public administration as a practical activity very much under the control of administrators. It is a world of nuances, where change does occur, but never quite as planned and seldom according to theory. Sommaire: Cet article résume les résultats d'une enquête menée auprès des membres de I'IAPC pendant I'hiver de 1987–1988. On a demandé les opinions des membres sur la formation et le développement des cadres supérieurs du secteur public, sur le changement et la réforme des administrations et sur les sources de I'innovation administrative. Malgré la grande diversité de formation et de carrières, les membres ont affiché un degréélevé d'unité de pensée concernant I'administration publique comme activité pratique dominée par les praticiens. C'est un monde de nuances où le changement se fait, certes, maisjamais exactement comme prévu et rarement sous la gouverne d'une théorie.  相似文献   

行政强制是国家管理社会活动的重要手段,由于管理活动的多样性与变动性,为了达到既定的行政目标,裁量在行政强制设定与实施中均有必要与体现.基于行政强制的高危性,防止裁量在强制活动中被滥用,应当以行政过程论为视角,尊重事前、事中、事后监督的原则,抓住实体法规制与程序法规制的两个方向,全面建构立法统制、行政统制、社会统制与司法统制的逻辑体系,从而保证强制裁量既有一定的活性,又有法律的正当性.  相似文献   

当前公共性话语的兴起已成为不可辩驳的事实,公共哲学、政治学、社会学、公共管理学、公共伦理学、公共经济学,甚至城市建筑学和艺术学等学科领域对它都给予了不同程度的关注和探讨。在不同学科的语境下,公共性概念有着不同层次和范围的界定。公共性概念多维度的阐释表明公共性本身还是一个问题,对它缺乏学科的规范的讨论。从政治学的角度看,公共性问题的兴起内含着政治现代性因素,对公共性的确切内涵应从政治学的规范视角来研究。  相似文献   

Through interviews with 25 school board trustees in Ontario, this article contributes to the growing literature that explores the politics-administration dichotomy at the local government level in Canada. While existing literature is oriented from the perspective of the local government administrator, we examine the relations between local government politicians and administrators from the orientation of the former to determine how they navigate the dichotomy, particularly in a context where it is arguably more contested. We identify six informal practices trustees adopt in representing constituents and confronting tensions inherent in their role, namely: navigating, influencing, listening, translating, informing, and uploading.  相似文献   

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