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Use of online social networking sites such as Facebook has burgeoned in the last 5 years. We examine these sites as facilitators of Online Obsessive Relational Intrusion (o-ORI)—a much-talked about, but relatively un-researched online phenomenon. We draw parallels between the types of behaviors conducted online and those identified in the literature on relational intrusion and its more extreme relative, stalking. We present a frequency analysis of students’ behavior on Facebook and find evidence of relational intrusion from both offenders and targets. The behaviors can be classified into five different categories, including: primary contact attempts, secondary contact attempts (i.e., contacting others connected to the target), monitoring or surveillance, expressions, and invitations. We conclude that Facebook facilitates behaviors that are indicative of obsessive relational intrusion and that such behaviors have implications for users’ privacy and security.  相似文献   

Some contemporary philosophers maintain we lack the kind of free will that makes us morally responsible for our actions. Some of these philosophers, such as Derk Pereboom, Gregg Caruso, and Bruce Waller, also argue that such a view supports the case for significant reform of the penal system. Pereboom and Caruso explicitly endorse a quarantine model for dealing with dangerous criminals, arguing that while not responsible for their crimes such criminals should be detained in non-harsh conditions and offered the opportunity for rehabilitation. Waller does not explicitly endorse the quarantine model, but his view is similar in significant respects. I argue that such views can too easily lead to the endorsement of legal policies which would result in more frequent punishment of innocent persons for crimes they have not committed. Thus, we should have deep moral reservations about such views.  相似文献   

I discuss six issues that may cut against the majoritarian grain. They are: (1) The U. S. Supreme Court's view of children; (2) the American Psychological Association's view of people with mental retardation; (3) the dilution of autonomy in favor of beneficence; (4) Tarasoff's undermining of fidelity to therapy clients; (5) the misuse of the PCL-R in death penalty litigation; and (6) the criminal law's rejection of determination.  相似文献   

It is argued that the application of the doctrine of undue influence to patient's decisions in the context of medical treatment is ripe for development. The doctrine is capable of providing much needed protection for vulnerable patients if developed along lines suggested by its use in other contexts. Unfortunately, the Court of Appeal has recently missed an opportunity to develop the law in this way and it may be some time before another suitable opportunity is presented to the courts.  相似文献   

Napier and Tyler (this issue) question whether moral convictions about outcomes really override the influence of procedural fairness (PF) on fairness judgments and decision acceptance. The empirical answer to this question is “yes.” When people have strong moral convictions about outcomes, perceptions of outcome fairness and decision acceptance are primarily shaped by whether the morally “correct” outcomes are achieved. Pre-decision perceptions of PF have surprisingly little or no effect on these judgments. That said, pre-outcome perceptions of PF sometimes predict post-outcome perceptions of PF, even when people have morally vested outcome preferences. We provide further details supporting the validity and superiority of our data analytic approach and argue that our original conclusions were justified.
Linda J. SkitkaEmail:

Mona Lynch 《Justice Quarterly》2019,36(7):1148-1175

“Focal concerns” is the predominant theoretical framework in criminology for explaining disparities in sentencing outcomes. While the framework has generated a large body of empirical scholarship, its postulates remain inadequately tested in the criminological literature. In this paper, I offer a conceptual and methodological critique of focal concerns as it is being deployed in a large body of sentencing research. I first trace the genealogy of the “focal concerns” concept and detail its current articulation. I then describe the body of work that has reduced “focal concerns” to a commonsense psychological construct, and illustrate the fallacies of logic and paucity of direct theory development and testing that weaken the explanatory value of the framework. I conclude by building on Ulmer’s recent call to treat criminal courts as “inhabited institutions” to assess approaches that are more social scientifically robust and empirically testable for understanding how sentencing disparity is produced.  相似文献   

未到期债权在船舶拍卖中的法律地位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
未到期债权在海事领域产生的问题日渐突出 ,但相关的海事法律法规没有对其做特别规定 ,实践中就难免出现未到期债权的法律地位不明确的状况。本文撷取其中一例加以探讨 ,即船舶拍卖中未到期债权的法律地位。运用“债权平等性”、“两分诉权”、“预期违约”等理论 ,对该类债权在船舶拍卖两个核心环节——债权登记和价款受偿——中的法律地位分别进行了详细的分析 ,并得出最终结论  相似文献   

侦讯天然具有强制性,其产生机制包括行为和情境两个方面。从比较法的角度看,基于人权保障和发现真实的需要,各国均在讯问行为和讯问情境上设置诸如沉默权、禁止非法讯问等强制性的削弱机制。我国侦讯强制性的削弱机制存在制度缺位和实效性差的问题,应立足中国特定的制度背景和实践样态选择较为契合的削弱机制。长期来看,赋予被追诉人沉默权是削弱侦讯强制性、实现侦讯法治化的治本之道。  相似文献   

Psychological Injury and Law - As the population of the USA ages, mental health practitioners are increasingly called upon to assess civil capacities. This paper provides information regarding the...  相似文献   

This article critically evaluates the recommendation that family court–based mandatory mediation incorporated in a tiered service delivery model be replaced by a mandatory screening process incorporated in a stepping stones triage model in which couples are matched with an appropriate conflict resolution proceeding. My conclusion is that implementation of this recommendation should be made contingent upon the willingness of its advocates to address concerns with the safety, process, and objectives as described herein.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Domestic violence screening should be incorporated in the larger triadic process of screening–risk assessment–risk management.
  • A Safety First Rule should be followed in screening couples into or out of conflict resolution proceedings.
  • Screening decisions must be grounded in an empirically validated method of matching couples with appropriate conflict resolution proceedings.
  • Causal mechanisms must be included as items in any risk assessment instrument used in family courts.

2008年5月22日,备受关注的"许霆案"因广东省高级人民法院的终审宣判而近乎尘埃落定(由于系特别减轻处罚,还要依法报请最高法院核准后才能生效).关于该案的定罪量刑从一开始就成为学术界讨论的热点.②有人认为,"许霆案"注定无法成为"经典".  相似文献   

When Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) is suspected in a child, a dilated eye examination by an ophthalmologist is an essential part of the medical workup, as the presence and pattern of retinal hemorrhages can have a high positive predictive rate for abusive head injury. This article proposes to review the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, natural history, sequelae, and differential diagnosis of retinal hemorrhages and other ocular lesions associated with AHT.  相似文献   

论诱使违约的构成要件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王正苍 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):22-24
诱使违约是第三人侵害债权的一种典型形式,要追究第三人的侵权责任,其核心问题在于界定诱使违约责任的构成及要件。诱使违约的成立应当包含六个要件,即合法合同债权、合同关系外第三人、主观故意、非法引诱行为、违约行为发生和因果关系。  相似文献   

针对“专利相对于病人”的问题,WTO先后通过了《多哈宣言》与“穷国购药决议”,并在此基础上对TRIPS协定进行修订,在TRIPS体制内确立了专利利益与公共卫生之间的平衡点。但是TRIPS协定修订在某种程度上是利益平衡的产物,其所提供的灵活性实际上很有限,不可能真正提供决关于医药可得性问题的“永久解决方案”。知识产权制度在发展中国家推动下受到人道关怀的制衡但总体上仍在不断扩展。  相似文献   

王正苍 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):54-57
近年采,司法实践中诱使违约的案件日益增多,法院在审理中存有不同意见,其争议涉及诱使违约民事责任的承担及其 免责事由等问题。在处理诱使违约案件中,应灵活运用不真正连带债务理论追究债务人的责任;同时在特定条件下,第三人也可以基 于一定的抗辩事由而免责。  相似文献   

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