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本文从辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的立场出发,剖析了形式主义的种种表现及对思想政治工作的危害,挖掘了形式主义产生的根源,并据此提出了克服形式主义的对策.  相似文献   

徐信贵 《行政论坛》2011,18(2):92-96
在消费经济日益繁荣的过程中,消费品致人伤害的事件频繁发生。目前,我国在消费领域的危害管控上尚乏较为完善的制度。在20世纪五六十年代,美国也曾有相似的经历。美国通过CPSC的消费危害信息披露制度,实现了对民众消费安全较为周全的保障,其在消费危害行政预警方面积累了诸多经验值得借鉴。其主要启示是:立法的精细化,类型化管控原则的贯彻以及经费保障与人员配置,等等。  相似文献   

公务员收入分配是整个社会收入分配的重要组成部分.始自2006年7月开始的我国第四次公务员工资改革,最明显的效果就是规范了补贴方式,但是,由于一些地方政府背离了中央关于公务人员工资改革的初衰,使得公务人员"规范补贴"不规范,对此必须予以重视并采取相应措施进行治理.  相似文献   

On Liberty provides the classic defence of what has come to be known as Mill's harm principle and yet that principle is commonly believed to be at odds with Mill's equally famous discussions of paternalism and good samaritanism. Moreover, the alleged inconsistencies are often said to expose the inadequacies not only of Mill's anti-paternalism and good samaritanism but his harm principle as well. This paper offers a re-interpretation of these three aspects of On Liberty . It attempts to show both the unity of Mill's thought and how the contemporary relevance of his ideas has been misunderstood.  相似文献   

John Stuart Mill’s famous “harm principle” has been popular in the limitation of freedoms within human rights jurisprudence. It has been used formally in court cases and also informally in legal argumentation and conversation. Shortly, it is described as a very simple principle that amounts to the notion that persons are at liberty to do what they want as long as their actions do not harm any other person or society in general. This article questions whether it is legitimate to use the harm principle in cases concerning the limitation of religious freedom within education. For example, can the exemption of a learner from sex education (based on religious objections) be denied based on the argument that such an exemption will cause harm? In order to answer this question, the meaning, origin and use of the harm principle are investigated. This article also discusses four main criticisms against the use of this principle in general and in cases of religious freedom of learners in education.  相似文献   

Manipulation checks are often advisable in experimental studies, yet they rarely appear in practice. This lack of usage may stem from fears of distorting treatment effects and uncertainty regarding which type to use (e.g., instructional manipulation checks [IMCs] or assessments of whether stimuli alter a latent independent variable of interest). Here, we first categorize the main variants and argue that factual manipulation checks (FMCs)—that is, objective questions about key elements of the experiment—can identify individual‐level attentiveness to experimental information and, as a consequence, better enable researchers to diagnose experimental findings. We then find, through four replication studies, little evidence that FMC placement affects treatment effects, and that placing FMCs immediately post‐outcome does not attenuate FMC passage rates. Additionally, FMC and IMC passage rates are only weakly related, suggesting that each technique identifies different sets of attentive subjects. Thus, unlike other methods, FMCs can confirm attentiveness to experimental protocols.  相似文献   

恐怖主义活动的社会心理危害及对策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
恐怖主义活动的社会心理危害形成机制是一种连锁反应,恐怖主义活动产生恐怖效应,恐怖效应引发不良社会心理,不良社会心理引起社会心理动荡,社会心理动荡影响社会稳定.应提高对恐怖主义活动社会心理危害的认识,树立反恐意识、加强反恐警戒,了解恐怖主义活动目的与动机,进行反恐心理与行为训练,提高民众心理素质、增强心理承受力,积极应对恐怖袭击、及时疏散不良情绪,做好恐怖后心理援助.  相似文献   

The AFP Drug Harm Index was developed to provide a single measure that encapsulates the potential value to the Australian community of AFP drug seizures. The index represents the dollar value of harm that would have ensued had the seized drugs reached the community. In the five years from 1998–99 to 2002–2003, the AFP and its partners saved the Australian community approximately $3.1 billion in harm through its disruption of illicit drug importations. Because the Harm Index is based on the benefits associated with an estimated reduction in consumption, it can be generalised to measuring the benefits of other drug interventions.  相似文献   

治理黑恶势力"保护伞"作为扫黑除恶专项斗争的关键环节,是党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争向基层进军的"战略要地"。科学地探讨黑恶势力"保护伞"的危害与治理路径,对全面从严治党和加强基层治理具有重要意义。黑恶势力"保护伞"的危害突出表现为阻碍生产力的发展,恶化社会关系的良性互动,扭曲健康的社会意识,弱化上层建筑的公信力。治理黑恶势力"保护伞"要多策并举,要坚持党对治理工作的全面领导以强化治理根本保证,坚持以人民为中心治理方向以赢取治理民意基础,完善治理黑恶势力"保护伞"的体制机制以提升基层治理效能,加强治理黑恶势力"保护伞"的意识形态宣传以营造治理良好氛围,从而形成治理黑恶势力"保护伞"的多维合力以凝聚治理各方力量。  相似文献   

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