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Currently, the enterprise performance becomes a hot topic because it inherently captures all areas of the enterprise activities that should be combined so that the enterprise is prosperous in the long term and has a long-term perspective of existence. New approaches to measure and evaluate the enterprise performance are being implemented, which come from the traditional system based on financial indicators, and also other aspects of a non-financial character are added to them. The modern way of performance evaluation is based on the assumption that the company is efficient if it is able to achieve pre-defined strategic objectives. A new set of financial and non-financial performance indicators are identified, which helps to monitor and control decision-making and strategy realization in small and medium industrial enterprises. This paper shows the importance and necessity of the use of the non-financial indicators in measuring the enterprise performance. These indicators are nowadays commonly used tools for the performance evaluation in all areas of the enterprise. The concepts of ISO (International Standardization Organization) standards, TQM (Total Quality Management) concepts, and Balanced Scorecard concept belong among the most common concepts defining the necessity of measuring with the non-financial indicators and describing also the concrete areas of the enterprise evaluation.  相似文献   

李昌圣  李娟 《学理论》2009,(25):88-89,110
法律作为经济的直接保障,始终是随着经济形态的变化而变化,从古至今绝没有一成不变的法律形态、法律意识。马克思的《资本论》不仅揭示了资本主义经济关系的本质,即在貌似平等的自由竞争下强权们悄然无声的压榨着劳苦大众,也批判了资本主义法律对客体的非正义。马克思启示性的论述无论是对于资本主义法权关系的理解,还是对于其法律实践的发展都具有十分重要的价值。  相似文献   

Stepping Into the Fray: When Do Mediators Mediate?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article, I analyze the conditions that promote the request, offer, and occurrence of mediation between enduring rivals. Although the mediation literature has devoted considerable attention to the form that mediation takes, the approaches that mediators use, and the conditions under which it is successful, little attention has been given to the conditions under which mediation is most likely to occur. The results of the analysis point to a disconnect among enduring rivalries between the factors that the literature highlights as promoting mediation success and those that promote the onset of mediation. This disconnect is particularly apparent in the conditions that prompt third-parties to offer mediation .  相似文献   

欧洲绿色政治合法性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色政治是20世纪后期欧洲社会运动中涌现出的一种新的政治理念。它宣传生态保护、反对战争和穷兵黩武,主张世界和平,反映了人们向往更加公正、平等、民主、和平的政治愿望,从而在社会实践中被广为接受且持续发展,在一些方面也为各国现行政治体制的改革和完善提供了借鉴。对其合法性的研究必然便于我们深入了解绿色政治的内涵,也有助于我们在新时期更好地加强党的执政能力建设。  相似文献   

中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO),地方政府如何面对,是摆在我国各级地方政府面前的一个重要课题。目前各地都在制定“应对之策”,出台“行动计划”,那么到底应当如何“应对”和“行动”才不失合理,更是值得认真研究的问题。1.从世贸组织的性质看,入世必然伴随着政府职能的压缩和精减,市场功能的扩展和强化。地方政府的首要任务是搞好自身改革。世界贸易组织是当今世界上专门处理国与国之间贸易规则的国际组织,其实质内容体现在《WTO协议》及相关的若干附件中。这些协议及附件是由世界上绝大多数国家通过多边谈判签署的,用以约束…  相似文献   

China is on the rise in Southeast Asia with its giant economy, modern military, and influential diplomacy potentially establishing a potential Chinese hegemony in the region. If such growth is not challenged by another regional power, the balance of peaceful stability will be tilted and economic development hampered. Thus, another rising power, India must face the challenges that a powerful China brings to the table. With its developing economy well-equipped armed forces and subtle diplomacy, it has the tools and capability to balance the distribution of power in Southeast Asia. This study analyzes and dissects the influence of both India and China in Southeast Asia and its impact on the future of the region. It focuses on the tangibles and intangibles that India needs to hurdle and overcome to provide China with a worthy challenger. It also brings into perspective the role of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as a catalyst in India-China relations. As a bloc, ASEAN has the potential to be a vibrant economy and important personality in the region. How ASEAN will be able to cope with a rising China and a fast-developing India will also be addressed in the study. Finally, how the development and stability of the region can be maintained in spite of the brewing rivalry between China and India is also an important aspect of this study.  相似文献   

将社会主义核心价值观融入大学生思想政治教育,是高校思想政治教育的重要内容。引领大学生培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,有助于大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,提升高校思想政治教育工作水平,提高高校思想政治理论课实效性。  相似文献   

During four intensive summer weeks, 28 students were exposed to the daily life of top political leaders (ministers and city mayors), acting as their political advisors. Real-life assignments were planned in cooperation with liaisons from the personal offices of these political leaders. The cases brought the hectic, complicated and uncertain life of political leaders into the classroom, and exposed students to the real world to an extent that they had never before experienced in a classroom. They were highly stimulated, were forced to cooperate, learned a great deal, and were reactivated as committed students of political science.

The course was based on a mix of pedagogical elements to enhance student learning such as learning by doing, problem solving, critical reflection, student collaboration, prompt feedback, time on task and active learning and applies many of the recommendations of action-based and experiential learning theory.  相似文献   

Wilkins  David E. 《Publius》1993,23(4):123-142
This article discusses the concept of political recognition(both federal and state) of Indian tribes; explains the differencebetween administrative and legislative recognition; examineswho is or should be empowered to extendfederal recognition,the Congress or the executive branch; discusses the major factorsthat have compelled the Lumbees to seek federal recognitionwhen they were already acknowledged by the state; and examinesthe major factors that have precluded them from securing completefederal recognition.  相似文献   

This article describes a lesson plan that harnessed students’ abilities to generate new teaching material by constructing country timelines. This involved crowdsourcing, or the reliance upon task inputs from a large number of people to acquire information. The plan was motivated by an approach that conceives of learning as deriving from the joint activity of individuals with shared tools, and was geared toward promoting self-instruction alongside traditional lectures and exams. By relying on independent research and individual contributions to create a new teaching resource, the course facilitated strategic reading and peer learning and promoted a research-active learning environment. The experience encourages instructors to consider ways to use distributed learning in the classroom to make students both the producers and consumers of innovative content.  相似文献   

戈丽薇 《学理论》2012,(29):247-248
如何在大学生中加强社会主义核心价值体系教育,如何把社会主义核心价值体系融入高校思想政治教育的全过程是一个迫切需要解决的课题。为此,主要有以下几点思考:以社会主义核心价值体系为核心构建高校思想政治教育课程的教学体系;以核心价值体系为基础建立高校思想政治教育实践教学;以核心价值体系为依托创新高校网络文化;以核心价值体系为指导引领高校校园文化思潮。  相似文献   

I examine the impact federal appellate courts have on state policy diffusion through the use of computational text analysis. Using a dyadic framework, I model the impact courts have on the decision to adopt a policy and, if adopted, how much text to borrow directly from another state's preexisting law. A court decision ruling a statute unconstitutional can generate up to a 28% relative reduction in the probability of adoption, and a ruling of constitutionality can both increase the probability of adoption by a similar amount and more than double the amount of borrowed text. These findings shed light on how states learn from one another.  相似文献   

在我国加入WTO、深度融入全球经济一体化发展潮流之时 ,如何抓住机遇发展文化产业 ,培育新的经济增长点 ,已成为我们应对新的技术革命浪潮和产业结构升级 ,实现跨越式发展 ,促进我国经济和社会进步必须严肃思考的问题。为了解决上述问题 ,必须转变政府职能 ,加快文化体制改革 ,加强文化立法 ,完善文化产业政策 ,强化宏观调控 ,增强企业自我发展能力。只有这样 ,才能使我国在激烈的文化竞争中占据有利地位。  相似文献   

高校作为社会的组成部分,会受到来自社会各种风气的影响。在大学生中开展廉政教育,对培养大学生的社会主义核心价值观和促进其全面发展具有重要意义。辅导员同志在大学生廉政教育工作中起到尤为重要的作用,可以从理论教学、学生管理和社会实践三个方面入手,加强大学生廉政教育。  相似文献   

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