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Process of fauna investigation in medicolegal examination of putrefactive and skeletonized bodies is subdivided into several stages connected with collection of evidence material at the scene of cadaver discovery, with laboratory analysis, getting of additional data, evaluation of investigation results and reasoning of conclusions.  相似文献   

We report on the colonization of an adult human corpse by three insect species at 3350 m (11,000 ft) in elevation. The adult silphid Thanatophilus coloradensis (Wickham), adults of the blow fly Calliphora coloradensis (Hough), and larvae and adults of Lucilia silvarum (Meigen) were all collected from the victim's body which had been wrapped in plastic. The victim was found in late June in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. This paper provides additional confirmation of the taxa utilizing a human corpse at high elevations in Colorado.  相似文献   

目的尸体角膜随死后时间延长发生的形态学变化是规律性较好的指标,常用来判断死亡时间(postmortem interval,PMI)。本文尝试用机器视觉代替人的肉眼主观判断,收集尸体样本以建立通过人体角膜图像推断PMI的模型。方法收集实际案例建立包含505例人体死后角膜图像的数据库,PMI范围为0.24h(约死后14min)至492h(约死后20.5d),大致分为三类(依次为:0~<6h、6~<20h、20h及以上)或二类(0~<15h、15h及以上);使用由华盛顿大学陈天奇博士提出的Xgboost模型分别进行二分类与三分类分析;使用多种卷积神经网络模型分别进行分类和回归学习,并通过比较最终选择了由微软研究院提出的ResNet模型进行分析。结果Xgboost在三分类时预测准确率依次为71.8%、40.7%、65.7%,二分类时为90%、48.5%。ResNet分类模型中,精准率、召回率在三分类时分别依次为:81%、75%,30%、50%,61%、71%,二分类时为:70%、92%,76%、38%。ResNet回归模型中,比较整个模型的预测结果,0~6h内的预测值与真实值较为接近,均值误差为0.5616,均方误差为0.5873,6h之后开始出现较大误差。结论分类和回归模型都在0~6h之内得到了很好的结果,说明在此时间段内,角膜图像噪声较低,可预测性强。  相似文献   

目的建立检测尸体组织中三甲胺-氮(TMA-N)含量的方法。方法大鼠肌肉组织样本100mg经预处理后,将三甲胺(TMA)抽提于无水甲苯中,与苦味酸作用,形成黄色的苦味酸三甲胺盐,用分光光度计在410nm处检测吸光度,标准曲线法计算TMA-N含量。结果在1~10mg/L范围内,光密度(OD)值与TMA-N浓度呈现良好线性关系(R2=0.9991,P<0.001)。平均日内差2.37%,平均日间差3.2%。加样平均回收率98.4%;大鼠死后即刻至7d,尸体肌肉组织中TMA-N含量由0.115mg/L上升至18.073mg/L,随死后时间延长呈现增加的趋势。结论死后尸体组织中的TMA-N含量可用分光光度法检测。  相似文献   

Competitive ELISA method for ephedrine assay in biological fluids is developed. Anti-ephedrine antibodies obtained by rabbit immunization with conjugated antigen ephedrine-protein and ephedrine complex with horseradish peroxidase were used as reagents. ELISA in combination with chromatographic methods may be used in medicolegal and narcological practice.  相似文献   

Determination of sex and estimation of stature are important aspects of forensic identification of an unknown individual. In the absence of pelvis the sex is assessed from long bones and cranium as they both provide high accuracy in sexing. The present study is an attempt to assess sex and stature from long bones of the forearm using recently deceased forensic cases in Istanbul, Turkey. The sample is composed of 80 males and 47 females with an average age of 36 and 30 years, respectively. Length measurements from the radius and ulna were obtained by exposing the epiphyseal ends of the long bones in a fashion similar to dry long bones. Discriminant function statistics showed a sex determination accuracy as high as 96%. Regression analysis was used in stature estimation from these two bones. Ideally osteological remains are necessary to make standards for osteological identification. These materials are not always easy to obtain and those available seem to be less ideal when they do not represent a current population. Forensic anthropologists therefore should develop techniques that utilize autopsy remains.  相似文献   

The spectrophotometric method for the determination of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) in blood reported by Fretwurst and Meinecke was modified so as to give the same values of percentage HbCO (HbCO%) as those determined by the oxygen electrode method. Values of HbCO% of nine practical samples determined by both the oxygen electrode method and the present method were nearly identical regardless of the presence of methemoglobin (Met-Hb) in blood. The present method is suitable for forensic practice.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of MN antigens in dried blood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MN phenotypes of experimentally prepared dried blood samples, some as old as six months, were obtained using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, electroblotting, and monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

相关部门有无权力为无名尸索赔?理论界、实务界及各自内部各抒己见、争论不休。由于立法的不完善,各地人民法院在认识及司法实践中意见绝然相反。本文首先对无名尸民事权利的内涵作法理分析,认为应设立无名尸民事权利保护制度,然後通过封中国现行法律规定及其缺陷的深入透析,认为应从法律上明确无名尸民事权利的保护制度,最后以中国现行法律制度、法律精神为基础,从审判程序上提出具体的保护途径。  相似文献   

A total of 793 forensic medical conclusions concerning corpses found in vestibules are analyzed. The circumstances of death were unknown in the majority of cases. Causes other than injuries were responsible for the majority (72.4%) of deaths: coronary diseases, hanging, alcohol intoxication, or general hypothermia. Strikes with blunt objects and falling on the staircase or floor rank second among causes of death. Injuries caused by falling from staircase and cases with this cause suspected were responsible for 9.6% deaths. Murders with acute objects and guns were recorded in 6% cases. For facilitating differential diagnosis, a list of signs and injuries occurring as a result of falling from staircase and main causes of death in such injuries, made with consideration for the place where the corpses are found, is offered.  相似文献   

It is shown based on the historical and legal analysis that the designation of the child's status as a newborn infant throughout the period of its neonatal life till violent death "at or immediately after births" is the exclusive prerogative of the law-enforcement authorities. An original approach has been developed and recommended for the introduction into the expert practice. According to this proposal facts and arguments in the "Expert conclusions" should be formulated so as to avoid mentioning the child as newborn and to indicate only the duration of its extrauterine life. Such an approach leaves it to the law-enforcement authorities to decide in each concrete case whether the child should be designated as a newborn infant or not.  相似文献   

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