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Zolpidem and driving impairment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zolpidem, a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic, was identified in the blood of 29 subjects arrested for impaired driving. Zolpidem concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 1.4 mg/L (mean 0.29 mg/L, median 0.19 mg/L). In the subjects whose cases we reviewed where zolpidem was present with other drugs and/or alcohol, symptoms reported were generally those of CNS depression. Symptoms included slow movements and reactions, slow and slurred speech, poor coordination, lack of balance, flaccid muscle tone, and horizontal and vertical gaze nystagmus. In five separate cases, where zolpidem was the only drug detected (0.08-1.40 mg/L, mean 0.65 mg/L, median 0.47 mg/L), signs of impairment included slow and slurred speech, slow reflexes, disorientation, lack of balance and coordination, and "blacking out." Although no quantitative relationship between blood concentrations and degree of driving impairment is currently possible, it is reasonable to conclude that because of its specific activity as a sleep inducer, blood concentrations consistent with therapeutic doses of zolpidem have the potential to affect driving in a negative way, and that concentrations above the normal therapeutic range would further impair a person's level of consciousness and driving ability.  相似文献   

Zaleplon, a sedative-hypnotic, was identified in the blood of a subject arrested for impaired driving. Symptoms reported were those of central nervous system (CNS) depression. The zaleplon concentration was determined to be 0.13 microg/mL. Symptoms included slow movements and reactions, poor coordination, and lack of balance. Although no quantitative relationship between blood concentrations and degree of driving impairment is currently possible, it is reasonable to conclude that because of its specific activity as a sedative-hypnotic, blood concentrations consistent with doses exceeding therapeutic concentrations of zaleplon have the potential to cause impairment of psychomotor function, and would impair a person's level of consciousness and driving ability.  相似文献   

3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA, is increasing in popularity in the United States as a drug of abuse. It has stimulant and empathogenic mood altering properties with the potential to affect psychomotor skills and impact driving. This report reviews the literature relating to the relevant psychomotor effects of the drug, the relationship between dose and blood concentrations, and studies and case reports on specific effects of the drug on driving. The latter reports include both laboratory driving simulator studies and anecdotal reports, and case series. We also report details of eighteen cases of apparent MDMA impaired driving, including six drivers whose blood tested positive for MDMA alone. Most subjects displayed muscle twitching and body tremors, dilated pupils, slow pupillary reaction to light, elevated pulse and blood pressure, lack of balance and coordination, and most were perspiring profusely. Five of the six subjects were given field sobriety tests (one leg stand, walk and turn test), and all five performed poorly. There was no clear correlation between the blood concentration of MDMA and the specific demeanor of the subject. These findings are consistent with other reports, and lead to the conclusion that MDMA use is not consistent with safe driving, and that impairment of various types may persist for a considerable time after last use.  相似文献   

Carisoprodol, meprobamate, and driving impairment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper considers the pharmacology of the centrally acting muscle relaxant carisoprodol, and its metabolite meprobamate, which is also administered as an anxiolytic in its own right. Literature implicating these drugs in impaired driving is also reviewed. A series of 104 incidents in which these drugs were detected in the blood of drivers involved in accidents or arrested for impaired driving was considered, with respect to the analytical toxicology results, patterns of drug use in these subjects, the driving behaviors exhibited, and the symptoms observed in the drivers. Symptomatology and driving impairment were consistent with other CNS depressants, most notably alcohol. Reported driving behaviors included erratic lane travel, weaving, driving slowly, swerving, stopping in traffic, and hitting parked cars and other stationary objects. Drivers on contact by the police displayed poor balance and coordination, horizontal gaze nystagmus, bloodshot eyes, unsteadiness, slurred speech, slow responses, tendency to doze off or fall asleep, difficulty standing, walking or exiting their vehicles, and disorientation. Many of these cases had alcohol or other centrally acting drugs present also, making difficult the attribution of the documented impairment specifically to carisoprodol and meprobamate. In 21 cases, however, no other drugs were detected, and similar symptoms were present. Impairment appeared to be possible at any concentration of these two drugs; however, the most severe driving impairment and most overt symptoms of intoxication were noted when the combined concentration exceeded 10 mg/L, a level still within the normal therapeutic range.  相似文献   

新型迷奸药γ-羟基丁酸(GHB)及相关物质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
γ-羟基丁酸及相关物质的滥用日渐流行,同时由于其强烈的镇静及健忘效果常被用作迷奸药。在人体内γ-羟基丁酸的天然存在和摄入后的迅速消除,使得体内γ-羟基丁酸及相关物质的检测和浓度评价变得困难。本文就γ-羟基丁酸及相关物质的理化性质、合成、滥用、内源性产生、药理学、药效学、中毒与死亡、临床应用、在DFSA案件中的使用、检测方法等诸多问题作一综述,以期为法医毒物分析等相关领域的实际检案和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this work, the interconversion of GHB and GBL in a variety of aqueous media was studied. The effects of solution pH and time were determined by spiking GHB or GBL into pure water and buffered aqueous solutions, and determining the GHB and GBL contents at various time intervals. The degree of GBL hydrolysis to GHB was determined for several commercial aqueous-based GBL products, and further studied as a function of time. The effects of temperature and time were also determined for five commercial beverages spiked with GHB or GBL. GHB and GBL contents were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). GHB and/or GBL confirmations were made using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and/or infrared spectroscopy (IR). Solution pH, time, and storage temperature were determined to be important factors affecting the rate and extent of GBL hydrolysis to GHB. Under strongly alkaline conditions (pH 12.0), GBL was completely converted to GHB within minutes. In pure water, GBL reacted to form an equilibrium mixture comprising ca. 2:1 GBL:GHB over a period of months. This same equilibrium mixture was established from either GHB or GBL in strongly acidic solution (pH 2.0) within days. A substantial portion of GBL (ca. 1/3) was hydrolyzed to GHB in aqueous-based GBL products, and in spiked commercial beverages, after ambient storage for a period ranging from several weeks to several months. Heat increased and refrigeration decreased the rate of GBL hydrolysis relative to ambient conditions. These studies show that hydrolysis of GBL to GHB does occur in aqueous-based solutions, with samples and time frames that are relevant to forensic testing. Implications for forensic testing and recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

A reference standard for gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) free acid is not commercially available, making its analysis in forensic exhibits more difficult. GHB free acid is typically encountered in aqueous solution and in the presence of the lactone, gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), presenting difficulty in Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis. The strong infrared (IR) absorptivity of the GBL carbonyl band, the shifting of the GBL carbonyl band in aqueous solutions, and the position of the O-H bend for water can mask the main carbonyl band for GHB free acid. Model solutions of beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BHB) and GBL were studied in order to further understand the masking of the GHB free acid carbonyl band in FT-IR analysis. The use of second derivative FT-IR spectroscopy was shown to provide resolution of the free acid carbonyl band, and a presumptive test for GHB free acid was developed and applied. An extension of this work included preparing, for use as a standard reference material, small amounts (< or = 10 mg) of GHB free acid. Preparation was based on the instantaneous reaction of GHB's sodium salt with a stoichiometric amount of hydrochloric acid in aqueous solution, and subsequent isolation of the free acid in neat liquid form. Both FT-IR and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the neat reference material were obtained and used to verify its identity. The isolation of GHB free acid from actual forensic exhibits is also presented, with identity confirmation using FT-IR.  相似文献   

A new microcrystal test for the detection of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is described. The silver/copper reagent consists of an aqueous solution of 0.1 g of cupric nitrate and 0.1 g of silver nitrate in 10.0 mL water. While some crystals form upon evaporation of the reagent, the test forms distinctive crystals for GHB and does not form crystals with some commonly encountered controlled substances. The reagent was also tested against some controlled substances that have similar biological activity to GHB, including flunitrazepam, and some barbiturates. No crystals were observed with these compounds. A blind test was performed to determine if GHB could be discriminated from the other compounds. Two of ten unknowns were correctly identified as GHB--one solid, one liquid. One GHB sample was not identified as GHB and the remaining seven non-GHB samples were not identified as GHB. The reagent is therefore selective for GHB, but not extremely sensitive.  相似文献   

Shen M  Liu XQ  Liu W  Xiang P  Shen B 《法医学杂志》2006,22(1):48-51
目的探索毛发中外源性GHB的检测及判断的可行性,为涉GHB的鉴定提供方法和依据。方法建立毛发中GHB的GC/MS分析方法,并通过动物实验,考察毛发中内源性GHB的质量分数范围、外源性GHB在毛发中的时间过程以及给药剂量、毛发颜色与毛发中GHB的质量分数关系。结果豚鼠和中国人黑色毛发中内源性GHB质量分数分别为(3.01±1.41)ng/mg(n=28)和(1.02±0.27)ng/mg(n=20);摄GHB后毛发中GHB质量分数明显增加且与给药剂量呈正相关性;GHB在毛干中呈窄带分布;深色毛发中GHB质量分数高于浅色毛发。结论毛发中GHB的检测适用于GHB滥用和中毒的法医毒物学鉴定;根据毛发中的GHB质量分数和毛发分段分析可判断GHB的来源。  相似文献   

In forensic evidence, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) has frequently been encountered in one of its salt forms (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), but has also been encountered in its free acid form (GHB). Owing to the physical properties, encounters of the free acid have been largely restricted to forensic exhibits comprising aqueous solutions, such as acidic beverages that have been "spiked" or formulated with GHB salts or gamma-butyrolactone (GBL). The analysis of GHB free acid presents particular difficulties including the potential for altering the original proportions of GHB free acid, GHB carboxylate, and GBL in the course of analysis, and discrimination between GHB free acid and carboxylate forms. In this work, the formation of GHB free acid in aqueous solutions (water and/or D2O) was studied as a function of solution pH. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1HNMR) and Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) measurements were obtained on freshly prepared mixtures of NaGHB and HCl stock solutions representing a series of points along the GHB titration curve. Both 1HNMR and FT-IR were shown to track the changing proportions of GHB free acid and carboxylate forms as a function of pH, while simultaneously monitoring for the formation of the lactone (GBL). The results were consistent with acid-base conversion behavior for a carboxylic acid. 1HNMR was shown to provide an ideal means for analysis of aqueous-based GHB/GBL forensic exhibits based on simple dilution of the neat liquid exhibit, without altering the original proportions of GHB free acid, carboxylate, and GBL in the samples.  相似文献   

A 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) method for the determination of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-hydroxybutyrolactone (GBL) in human serum and urine using spiked samples has been developed. The method gives linear responses (correlation coefficients of 0.99 or greater) over the concentration range 0.01 mg/mL to 4.0 mg/mL in urine and 0.3 mg/mL to 2.0 mg/mL in serum. No sample pretreatment is required. Studies of the chemical interconversion of GBL and GHB showed hydrolysis of GBL to be rapid at pH 11.54, slower and less complete (30% hydrolysis) at pH 2.54 and slowest at pH 7.0, reaching 30% hydrolysis in about 40 days. No esterification of GHB was observed at any pH.  相似文献   

Somnophilia, the desire to have sex with an unconscious, sleeping, or comatose person who is unable to respond, is a sexual paraphilia that is seldom reported. The underlying desire is often overshadowed by the act of sexual violation and when using GHB or GBL to induce unconsciousness, as in the case presented here, the victim might not even be able to recall, for certain, that they have been sexually violated. A case study is offered of a somnophile who adulterated drinks to render young men unconscious, so he could rape them in that state, before progressing to administering drugs anally on the pretext of applying lubrication to the anus to facilitate sexual intercourse. The offender's fetishistic compulsion to have sex with unconscious men propelled him to experiment with the means by which he surreptitiously administered drugs to his victims in order to deepen their comatose state.  相似文献   

Liu W  Shen M  Xiang P  Bu J  Wu HJ 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):120-2, 129
OBJECTIVE: To establish an analytical method for the determination of GHB in beverages using GC/MS and LC/MS/MS. METHODS: After beverage samples with GHB-d6 as the internal standard were extracted with ethyl acetate, then the extracts were derivatized with N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA), at last the derivateized extracts analyzed by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. After beverage samples with GHB-d6 as the internal standard were diluted by mobile phase then directly analyzed by LC/MS/MS. Results The limit of detection was 0.2 microg/mL and both relative standard deviations for between-day and within-day assays were < 8.54% in GC/MS. The limit of detection was 2 microg/mL and both relative standard deviations for between-day and within-day assays were <8.62% in LC/MS/MS. Conclusion These methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis were found to be sensitive, accurate, rapid and suitable for the forensic toxicology to test of GHB in real cases.  相似文献   

刘伟  沈敏  向平  卜俊  吴何坚 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):120-122,129
目的建立饮料中γ-羟基丁酸(GHB)的分析方法。方法检材以GHB-d6为内标,加入酸性氯化铵饱和溶液调节pH值<4,用乙酸乙酯提取、离心后取有机层,水浴下吹干,经BSTFA衍生化后,用气相色谱/质谱联用仪测定。检材以GHB-d6为内标,经流动相稀释、离心后,吸取上清液用液相色谱-串联质谱仪测定。结果GC/MS测定饮料中GHB的检出限为0.2μg/mL,日内精密度和日间精密度小于8.54%;LC/MS/MS测定饮料中GHB的检出限为2μg/mL,日内精密度和日间精密度小于8.62%。结论饮料中GHB进行定性定量分析。方法灵敏、准确、快速,适用于法庭毒物分析中饮料中GHB的检测。  相似文献   

目的建立尿液中γ-羟基丁酸(gamma-hydroxybutyric acid,GHB)及其前体物质1,4-丁二醇(1,4-butanediol,1,4-BD)和γ-丁内酯(gamma-butyrolactone,GBL)的液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC-MS/MS),为相关案件提供依据。方法以GHB-d6、MOR-d3为内标,尿样经甲醇沉淀蛋白后通过液相色谱分离,电喷雾离子源进行离子化,多反应监测模式对各化合物进行检测。结果 GHB及其前体物质1,4-BD、GBL的检出限分别为0.1、0.1和2μg/m L,准确度为87.6%~98.1%,日内及日间精密度均小于15%,基质效应大于80%。结论所建立的分析方法灵敏度高、简便快速、专属性强、可靠性高,可为司法鉴定实践中涉及GHB的案件提供技术支持和基础数据。  相似文献   

Blood, brain, and hair GHB concentrations following fatal ingestion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the increasing incidence of illicit use of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), little information is available documenting levels of the drug in GHB fatalities. We measured GHB levels in postmortem blood, brain and hair specimens from a suspected overdose case by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) following solid phase extraction (SPE) and derivatization with bis(trimethyl-silyl) trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA). Examination found 330 microg/mL GHB in femoral blood and 221 ng/mg GHB in frontal cortex brain tissue, values higher than those typically reported in the literature. The hair shaft was negative for GHB whereas the plucked root bulbs with outer root sheath attached (2,221 ng/mg) and root bulbs after washing and removal of the outer root sheath (47 ng/mg) contained the drug. Our results are consistent with an acute single dose of GHB and, as the toxicology screen was negative for other drugs of abuse, emphasize the significant danger of this drug.  相似文献   

A fast and efficient procedure has been developed for the analysis of total mercury in human tissues and blood using a hydride vapor generator system coupled to an atomic absorption spectrometer (HVG-AA). Tissue and blood samples were digested in a pressurized microwave decomposition system and the digest diluted prior to formation of free mercury vapor and analysis by atomic absorption. Recovery studies performed on 10 spiked/unspiked pairs of human liver and on 10 spiked/unspiked pairs of human blood samples yielded average recoveries of 99.7% (CV=0.4%) and 101.2% (CV=0.5%), respectively. The method detection limit for liver and blood was 50 microg Hg/kg and 12.5 microg Hg/l, respectively. The "normal" concentrations of mercury in human liver and blood are 33-490 microg Hg/kg and 0.6-59 microg Hg/l, respectively [1]. This method is able to determine mercury poisoning levels and may also be applied to detect mercury near the lower levels of these "normal" ranges, using the standard addition method approach.  相似文献   

Because gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is an endogenous substance present in the body and is rapidly eliminated after ingestion, toxicologists investigating drug-facilitated sexual assault cases are often asked to differentiate between endogenous and exogenous levels of GHB in urine samples.This study was designed to determine the effects of storage temperature on endogenous GHB levels in urine. Specifically, it was designed to ascertain whether endogenous levels can be elevated to a range considered indicative of GHB ingestion.Urine specimens from two subjects that had not been administered exogenous GHB were collected during a 24h period and individually pooled. The pooled specimens were separated into standard sample cups and divided into three storage groups: room temperature ( approximately 25 degrees C), refrigerated (5 degrees C), and frozen (-10 degrees C). Additionally, some specimens were put through numerous freeze/thaw cycles to mimic situations that may occur if multiple laboratories analyze the same specimen. Periodic analysis of the samples revealed increases in the levels of endogenous GHB over a 6-month period. The greatest increase (up to 404%) was observed in the samples maintained at room temperature. The refrigerated specimens showed increases of 140-208%, while the frozen specimens showed smaller changes (88-116%). The specimens subjected to multiple freeze/thaw cycles mirrored specimens that had been thawed only once. None of the stored urine specimens demonstrated increases in GHB concentrations that would be consistent with exogenous GHB ingestion.  相似文献   

Urinary endogenous concentrations of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), alpha-hydroxybutyric acid (AHB) and beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BHB) have been investigated for both healthy humans and diabetics by using a newly optimized GC-MS procedure. The endogenous concentrations in healthy volunteers' urine ranged 0.16-2.14 microg/ml for GHB, 0.10-2.68 microg/ml for AHB and 8.51-34.7 microg/ml for BHB. In diabetics, the concentrations ranged 0.17-3.03 microg/ml for GHB, 0.14-124 microg/ml for AHB and 4.94-4520 microg/ml for BHB. Although notably elevated BHB and AHB concentrations were observed for severely uncontrolled diabetics, their GHB concentrations ranged within or near the range seen in healthy humans. The results of this study confirm the previously suggested 10 microg/ml cutoff concentration of urinary GHB to distinguish exogenous GHB, even for uncontrolled diabetic patients suffering severe ketoacidosis.  相似文献   

In this study, forensic cases involving the use of Gamma Hydroxy Butyric acid (GHB) from the second half of 1999 through the second half of 2001 in The Netherlands (blood >5mg/l and urine >10mg/l) are described. GHB was analysed by GC-MS after lactone formation and using GHB-d6 as internal standard. The results are divided into three groups: cases of chemical submission, cases of driving under the influence and cases of unknown causes of death.GHB was found in six cases of possible chemical submission. In these cases, relatively low concentrations of GHB were found. The results show that in cases of chemical submission, urine should be analyzed, because GHB is present longer in urine than in blood. The police should collect the samples in containers that do not contain citrate as anticoagulant. Especially at low levels of GHB, the formation of GHB in these tubes hampers an interpretation of the results.GHB was found in 13 cases of driving under the influence. In contrast to the cases of chemical submission, high concentrations of GHB were found, corresponding with observations of extreme sleepiness or temporary loss of consciousness.GHB was found in 16 cases of unexplained death: the measured range of GHB concentrations in blood might correspond to effects such as drowsiness, but not to serious toxicity of GHB. In 4 of these 16 cases, the role of GHB could be excluded. In the remaining cases, the role of GHB remains unclear; more research into "background" concentrations of GHB in post-mortem material is required.The incidence of the use of GHB in The Netherlands cannot be derived from these toxicological data. As GHB is not routinely found during systematical toxicological analyses, these data may seriously underestimate the use of GHB. Therefore, information from the police to the forensic institute is essential.  相似文献   

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