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The Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway Second Line Project is the longest high-standard railway construction project in West China. It is also China's longest passenger railway. In recent years, following the Southern Xinjiang, Northern Xinjiang and Lanzhou-Xinjiang Double-Track railway projects, several more have gotten underway in the Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

WITH a history spanning more than two centuries,Peking Opera is regarded as the jewel in the crown of Chinese culture.Born in Beijing in the mid-19th century,it absorbed facets of a variety of performing arts from different provinces including Anhui,Hubei,Shaanxi,Jiangxi,Jiangsu,and Hebei.In  相似文献   

WITHIN traditional Chinese aesthet- ics there is actual and virtual appre- ciation of beauty.The Chinese concept of beauty is re flected in the thoughts of Laozi, a con temporary of Confucius (551-479 B.C and arguably China's most profoun philosopher. To him, the pursuit of hu man knowledge in the changing worl was an endless vocation. He wrote i the Dao De Jing (The Scripture of Eth ics), "Great sound is hard to hear, grea form has no shape," inferring that tru beauty and greatness ex…  相似文献   

Female Roles Makeup for the Jan or female role in Peking Opera endows the actress with an oval face; pointed chin, arched eyebrows, almond shaped eyes, and a rosebud mouth - the idealized Chinese concept of feminine beauty. Whether naturally round or angular, an actress's face can be made to appear perfectly oval with the help of a hairpiece (pian- zi), pasted to her forehead and temples. Other aesthetic attributes are created with the help of white face powder, rouge, lipstick, and black ey…  相似文献   

&&An MA in Peking Opera  相似文献   

BY the turn of the19th century,Beijing's status as economic,po-litical and cultural capital had attracted so many theatrical troupesfrom Shaanxi,Anhui,and Hubei that it resembled a multi-facetedperformance venue.The Anhui Opera troupe initially arrived at theinvitation of the imperial court,but its popularity soon extendedfrom the nobility to the common people.Lesser-known companies came on theirown initiative,and their warm reception encouraged many,in common with theAnhui Opera company,to…  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Municipal Government of Marmande, France and the Festival de Sylvanes, a Chinese Peking Opera troupe, drawn mainly from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts and sent by the CPAFFC,visited France from August 19 to 31 to introduce the quintessence of Chinese culture through their performances.An additional purpose was to promote exchanges between the two countries in theatrical arts and culture,thus enhancing mutual  相似文献   

THE Peking Opera Mei Lanfang, performed by the Beijing Peking Opera Troupe to the accompaniment of the German Symphony Orchestra, played in Berlin in late April 2006. The opera was an aspect of the Cultural Reminiscences per-  相似文献   

新年前夕,北京市政协学习委员会在中国京剧院举办了京剧艺术讲座,市政协常委、中国京剧院院长吴江以"漫谈京剧文化"为题,应邀作专题艺术讲座.  相似文献   

TRADITIONALLY, Peking Opera performance techniques are passed on through succeeding generations of the families of its master exponents, ensuring that excellent performance techniques carry on. It was in the 1790s that this quintessence of Chinese culture emerged in Beijing to be enjoyed on all social levels, from the imperial courtiers to rickshaw drivers, to farmers. Several hundred troupes and countless theaters were established throughout the country, and at its peak, Peking Opera comprised 15 major schools named after its most famous exponents. They included the Tan (Tan Fuying), Mei (Mei Lanfang), Ma (Ma Lianliang), Xun (Xun Huisheng), and Qiu (Qiu Shengrong) schools.  相似文献   

<正>Beijing’s oldest theater kicks off its drama season in November Zheng Yi Ci Theater-the oldest tradi- tional Peking Opera theater in Beijing-will launch its 2011 Drama Season on November 23 in order to celebrate the 100th show of Peking Opera Mei Lanfang Classics and the 300th anniversary of the theater.  相似文献   

In the midst of jubilation of the Spring Festivalof the year of rabbit, a delegation of the ChinaPeking Opera Theatre organized and sent by theCPAFFC made a 18-day performance tour in theUnited States, travelling 5,000 kilometers and giv-ing ten performances in four cities with an audi-ence of about 4,000 people. This friendly perform-ing tour in the new spring was warmly welcomedby American friends especially by Chinese-Ameri-cans. I and Ms. Liu Changyu, head and deputy headof the delegation, felt proud for winning friendshipand success for the motherland.Peking Opera is an exotic flower of the tradi-  相似文献   

周传家 《北京观察》2005,(12):49-51
"人文奥运"不是空洞的口号,关键在于通过各种形式和手段弘扬以人为本的人文精神.  相似文献   

周传家 《北京观察》2005,(12):52-53
京剧是民族艺术的突出代表,作为形成于北京并流播全国、走向世界的大剧种,她是博大精深的中华文化的结晶,是源远流长的戏曲艺术孕育出的骄子.  相似文献   

Flash Hits China     
A new mass culture has come into vogue in China -Flash. As a cartoon producing software developedby the American company Macromedia, Flash was originally expected to be confined to professional computer circles, but now enjoys popularity among a far greater scope of users than was ever expected.This phenomenon can be attributed to the popularization of the computer and net in China, where the numbers of computers and netizens have increased to over 10 million and 20 million respectively.Net …  相似文献   

"名录"制度与非物质文化遗产保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立非物质文化遗产代表作名录体系是非物质文化遗产保护的重要制度与措施之一。目前,我国已正式公布了第一批国家级非物质文化遗产代表作名录,各省、市、县级非物质文化遗产代表作名录体系也正在建立之中。然而,"非物质文化遗产代表作名录"制度仅是一种自上而下的制度安排,尚未成为社会各群体普遍的制度要求。在实践中,"名录"背后隐藏着巨大的经济利益,"申遗"甚至变成了地方政府的"寻租"行为。这种经济理性只有转变为文化自觉,名录制度才能真正成为非物质文化遗产保护的有效制度。  相似文献   

正Local Xinjiang government promises young people a better future by improving educationOn the afternoon of September 16, 18-year old Nurbigul Tohti sat quietly in the art room of No.4 Middle School of Kuqa, part of Aksu Prefecture in south Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Her eyes were fixated on the face sketch in front of her.  相似文献   

AccordingtotheMinistryofEducation(MOE),theavailabilityofhigherleamingexaminationsforselftaughtadultshasencouragedmoreyoungandmiddle-agedpeopletopursuehighereducation.Lastyearal0ne,atotalofl2millionselftaughtstudentsacrossthecountryt0okpartinexamina-tions,andmorethan350,0O0oftheparticipantsobtainedhigherlearningdegrees.Nearly6,5mil-lionpeopleappliedforsimilarexaminationsduringthefirsthalfofthisyeararecordnumbersinceChinaresumedthesystemofrecruitingc0llegestudentsthroughnationalentranceexamina…  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese version of Broadway’s musical sensation set to run for six months The Chinese version of Mamma Mia!,one of the most popular musicals in the world,has come to China,to demonstrate the charm of the musical to Chinese citizens in three major cities in 2011.  相似文献   

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