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Neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is an uncommon disease that rarely presents as sudden unexpected death of a previously healthy newborn. Clinical manifestations are variable; signs and symptoms may be subtle and nonspecific. Neonatal infection may present with mucocutaneous (skin, eye, and/or mouth), disseminated, or central nervous system disease. Morbidity and mortality are dependent upon disease presentation and treatment. The infection is most frequently transmitted during the peripartum period, although the majority of mothers have no known history of HSV infection at the time of delivery. Findings at autopsy include gastrointestinal or mucocutaneous ulcers, diffuse hepatic necrosis, adrenal necrosis, pneumonitis, and splenic necrosis. Characteristic intranuclear viral inclusions are identified on microscopic examination. Coinfection with bacterial organisms may contribute to death. Autopsy examination with appropriate ancillary studies, including cultures, is critical given that many infants lack cutaneous manifestations of disease and remain undiagnosed prior to death.  相似文献   

Hepatic hemangiomas are usually detected incidentally when investigating for other nonrelated pathologies. When symptomatic, they are usually large and cause symptoms such as abdominal discomfort or other digestive issues. Occasionally, uncommon presentations such as bleeding with coagulopathy (Kasabach–Merritt syndrome) or even fever of unknown origin may occur. As hepatic hemangiomas are benign, they do not result in tumor emboli and pulmonary thromboembolism due to hepatic hemangiomas is extremely rare. This is a case report of a rare case of a female with no known past medical history who presented with sudden death due to pulmonary thromboembolism, possibly as a result of an underlying giant hepatic hemangioma. Incidentally, she also had three other tumors—pancreatic cystic lymphangioma, cerebral capillary telangiectasia, and papillary thyroid carcinoma, and their potential contribution to the cause of death will be discussed.  相似文献   

Aluminum phosphide is one of the commonest poisons encountered in agricultural areas, and manner of death in the victims is often suicidal and rarely homicidal or accidental. This paper presents an unusual case, where two humans (owner and housemaid) and eight dogs were found dead in the morning hours inside a room of a house, used as shelter for stray dogs. There was allegation by the son of the owner that his father had been killed. Crime scene visit by forensic pathologists helped to collect vital evidence. Autopsies of both the human victims and the dogs were conducted. Toxicological analysis of viscera, vomitus, leftover food, and chemical container at the crime scene tested positive for aluminum phosphide. The cause of death in both humans and dogs was aluminum phosphide poisoning. Investigation by police and the forensic approach to the case helped in ascertaining the manner of death, which was accidental.  相似文献   

We report a fatal case of airway obstruction caused by spontaneous retropharyngeal hematoma (RH) in the setting of treatment with dipyridamole. A 90-year-old woman presented with cervical swelling, neck and chest ecchymoses, and complaints of dyspnea. She suffered cardiopulmonary arrest in the ambulance, and her death was confirmed after transportation to the hospital. The major finding of postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) prior to autopsy was widening of the prevertebral soft tissue. The results of the autopsy indicated that the cause of death was mechanical asphyxia, secondary to pharyngeal and laryngeal compression caused by the RH. There were no evident injuries, medical interventions, or particular diseases, suggesting the spontaneous cause of the RH. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a fatal case secondary to spontaneous RH that was revealed through PMCT imaging.  相似文献   

We report a case of fatal intoxication from 1,4‐butanediol (1,4‐BD), which was ingested by a young and “naïve” gamma‐hydroxybutyrate (GHB) consumer during a party with the co‐ingestion of alcohol, cannabis, and methylene‐dioxy‐methamphetamine. The following drug concentrations were found using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry on autopsy samples and on a cup and a glass found at the scene: 20,350 mg/L (bottle) for 1,4‐BD; 1020 mg/L (femoral blood), 3380 mg/L (cardiac blood), 47,280 mg/L (gastric content), and 570 mg/L (vitreous humor) for GHB. The concentration of GHB is difficult to interpret in forensic cases due to the possibility of an endogenous production of GHB. The variable tolerance of the user may also modify the peri‐ and postmortem GHB concentrations. This case underscores the need to have many different sources of toxicology samples analyzed to avoid the hypothesis of endogenous production of GHB.  相似文献   

The cases of battered woman syndrome (BWS) are very common in India. The majority of the women suffer battering by their family members especially in‐laws. The injuries occurring each time indicate their being battered, but on being questioned about these happenings, a mismatched history being given by them is the major indication of BWS. In many of the cases, the injuries present over the body either in healing stages or in association with skin diseases may mislead the forensic pathologists and investigating agencies. One such rare autopsy was conducted where the healing lesions of the chronic fungal infections were mistaken as the injuries of chronic torture. The case is presented here to remind to the forensic pathologist about the possibility of the signs of chronic fungal infections in dead, which can mimic the torture, and to discuss its medicolegal implications.  相似文献   

In this retrospective study, we report the epidemiological characteristics of all poisoning deaths in Epirus, Greece, from 1998 to 2010; we present the toxicological findings and the statistical evaluation of the results. This is the first detailed scientific report on all the officially certified poisoning deaths concerning part of the Greek population. A total of 126 poisoning fatalities were recorded, 67 of them being mono‐intoxications (53.2%). The cause of poisoning was as follows: drugs of abuse (60%); carbon monoxide (19.8%); pesticides (9.5%); corrosives (4.8%); pharmaceuticals (4.8%); and spider bite (0.8%). The most frequently detected poisonous substances were as follows: heroin (65 cases), ethanol (55), benzodiazepines (42), carbon monoxide (25), cocaine (17), cannabinoids (17) and pesticides (12). Increasing tendency in poisoning death rates was recorded, due to an increase in accidental poisoning deaths attributed mainly to drugs of abuse (total, accidental, and drugs‐of‐abuse poisoning death rates per 100,000 inhabitants per year were 1.87, 1.19, and 0.79, respectively, in the period 1998–2002 and 3.97, 3.41, and 2.55, respectively, in the period 2007–2010).  相似文献   

Abstract: The Japanese method of inquest, which depends mostly on external examinations, may misdiagnose a considerable number of accidental deaths and suicides as death by disease. We conducted computed tomography (CT) scans of 80 cases for which police concluded death by disease or natural causes based on police investigations into the circumstances and results from external examinations. The cause of death was clearly determined by CT scan in 17 of 80 cases. Ten cases underwent autopsy after the police suspected criminality based on results of the CT examinations. The results suggest CT scan may be a tool for preventing a number of overlooked crimes and accidents in Japan. However, it cannot be a perfect tool for discerning between death by disease and other causes of death without cooperation from the investigative agencies and subsequent forensic examinations such as autopsy and toxicological tests.  相似文献   

We present the case of a 91‐year‐old woman lived alone at her home with two domestic dogs, that is,, a Labrador Retriever and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and found dead. The investigation of the scene revealed that the Bull Terrier's jawbone and chest were covered with blood. The autopsy revealed multiple, histologically confirmed, life‐threatening skin and bone lacerations without scavenging marks. The punctures and tearing of each of the wounds on the skin were compatible with bites. A left humeral fracture and multiple fractures of the right facial bones were observed. The death was attributed to external hemorrhages due to several dog bites. A veterinary physical and behavioral examination indicated that the Bull Terrier was involved in the attack. A domestic predation hypothesis was deemed here most likely due to the presence of food supplies at the scene, the dog's previous history of attack, and the breed of the dog.  相似文献   

The case being reported is one of a shotgun fatality with a thoracic back wound. A 23-year-old man was shot from a distance with trajectories going from back to front and on a nearly horizontal level. These findings observed in the autopsy could represent homicide, but scene investigation and police records were interpreted and it became clear that the case was suicide. Thus, this case shows that the determination of the manner of death requires a careful forensic investigation including autopsy findings, scene investigation, and reconstruction of the events.  相似文献   

Abstract: In March 2009, a new strain of influenza A/H1N1 virus was identified in Mexico, responsible for a pandemic. Worldwide, more than 13,500 patients died, most often from acute respiratory distress syndrome. Because sudden death cases were rare, involving mostly young apparently healthy persons, influenza A/H1N1 (2009)‐related deaths may be misdiagnosed, which can raise medico‐legal issues. Case history: we report on an unexpected out‐of‐hospital death involving a young male with no past medical history and no vaccination. Fever was his only symptom. Laboratory tests: histology showed patchy necrotic foci with mononuclear inflammation in the lungs. The heart was histologically normal, but virological analyses using molecular biology on frozen myocardial samples showed high virus load. In conclusion, this case report shows that influenza A/H1N1 (2009) virus can be a cause of sudden cardiac death in the young and demonstrates the importance of quantitative virological analyses for the diagnosis of myocarditis.  相似文献   

We aimed to obtain an outline of the nature and number of fatal poisonings which still appear to affect widely the population in Turkey. A total of 5921 forensic autopsies were performed between 2007 and 2011 in Ankara and nearby cities and 366 of them were fatal poisonings (219 male, 147 female). Most of the cases were between 41 and 60 years old (n = 84). Most of the fatalities were reported during winter months (48.1%). Carbon monoxide exposure was the most common reason (66.7%) within all the causes followed by medicine and narcotics (13.9%). Postmortem blood alcohol concentrations in ethyl and methyl alcohol poisonings were 385.1 ± 61.9 and 206.8 ± 138.9 mg/dL, respectively. The most common location of deaths was home (71.3%). Fatal poisonings have been a growing global problem because of some shortcomings about the socioeconomic conditions and increasing illicit drug abuse. The level of education, socioeconomic conditions, and legal approaches are very important for the prevention fatal poisonings.  相似文献   

Herein, we present a case of 53‐year‐old psychotic woman with acute esophageal necrosis (black esophagus), who was found lying on the floor in the living room of her flat. Pillboxes of antipsychotic drugs were located in the bin. External examination of the body was unremarkable. On internal examination, we found acute esophageal necrosis. Histologically, there was complete epithelial necrosis with focal involvement of muscularis mucosae, dense infiltrate of leukocytes, and ulcerations without any viable cells. There was no evidence of underlying organic diseases or trauma. Toxicological analysis revealed a fatal blood level of antipsychotics (haloperidol, zotepine, and chlorprothixene). Death of the deceased was attributed to fatal intoxication with three various types of antipsychotics. As far we know, this is the first described association between so‐called black esophagus and fatal blood level of neuroleptics.  相似文献   

A 53‐year‐old woman suffering from radicular pain due to cervical herniation underwent a spinal surgery consisting of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with an implantable titanium cage. Five hours after the procedure, the patient developed cervical swelling and dyspnea. An emergency surgery permitted evacuation of a deep cervical hematoma and intubation of the patient, who died some minutes later. The family of the deceased lodged a complaint with the public prosecutor because of unclear circumstances of death. After analysis of the medical records by two forensic pathologists, a medicolegal autopsy was ordered. Massive retropharyngeal and mediastinal hematomas were diagnosed. Pathological study confirmed acute cervical hemorrhage, but failed to detect the source of bleeding. The forensic pathologists concluded that death was due to mechanical asphyxia secondary to pharyngeal compression by the cervical hematoma. To the best of our knowledge, death secondary to retropharyngeal hematoma in this neurosurgical context is rarely encountered.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present study, ultrastructural analysis of mitochondrial deposits (black dots within mitochondria) as a method for the detection of early acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was evaluated. In 24 patients with AMI and six controls, analysis was performed in the heart of infarcted patients and noninfarcted controls. In the infarction area in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)‐diagnosed AMI, the percentage of positive mitochondria was significantly higher compared to corresponding heart tissue in control patients and compared to noninfarcted areas within these patients. Also in patients with a clinically diagnosed AMI but no LDH decoloration, a significant higher percentage of positive mitochondria was found in the left ventricle compared to controls and noninfarcted areas. In patients with AMI, an increase in mitochondria with deposits was found in the infarction area compared to controls and noninfarcted tissue within the same patient, suggesting that electron microscopical changes in mitochondria can be used for the diagnosis of AMI less than 3 h old.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 48‐year‐old woman was found dead on a chair in her living room. She had received dialysis every day because of chronic renal failure for the past 15 years. On a table beside her, there was a mirror and 10‐mL syringe on a napkin. A stopper was out of place in a portion of a three‐way blood access tube established in the right cervical region, and blood coagulation was noted in the lumen. There was a bloodstained measuring cup on the floor. Autopsy findings included a large number of shunt traces in the bilateral infraclavicular fossae and upper limbs, as well as the cervical blood access terminal reaching the right atrium via the internal jugular vein to superior vena cava. Various organs showed anemia. Neither a fatal lesion nor injury was noted in the main organs. Therefore, this patient may have committed suicide by self‐bloodletting via a cervical blood access.  相似文献   

Cleistanthus collinus is an extremely toxic plant poison. We report a case of suicidal ingestion of boiled water decoction of C. collinus where the patient presented with abdominal pain and giddiness. There was persistent metabolic acidosis and fluctuation in the level of serum potassium. The ECG changes indicated a probable myocardial injury with conduction abnormality. At autopsy, the viscera were found to be congested. The toxins were detected in the viscera and blood by TLC and HPLC. Cleistanthin A and B, collinusin, and diphyllin are the principal toxic constituents of the plant. Consumption of a boiled decoction of leaves is highly toxic and, medical management of patients is mainly supportive because the molecular mechanisms of toxin action are unknown. In the recent years, C. collinus has created a considerable amount of interest because of its complex metabolites and their cytotoxic activities. Through this study, the authors have tried to highlight different properties pertaining to C. collinus.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common cancer worldwide with a great potential for metastatic spread. Hepatocellular carcinoma often arises in people with underlying viral hepatitides or liver cirrhosis and may present in various ways including abdominal pain, liver mass, and signs of hepatocellular decompensation. Many tumors may have metastasized to other organs such as the lungs, lymph nodes, bone, and adrenal glands at the time of diagnosis. However, it is uncommon for HCC to present purely due to its metastasis, such as spinal cord compression from vertebral metastasis. Here, an unusual presentation of a sudden cardiovascular collapse due to medullary and cervical cord infarction from compression of the cervical cord is presented. The importance of clinical investigations, the usefulness of postmortem computed tomography scans, and the examination of the cervical spine and cervical cord in people with no obvious cause of death after standard autopsy procedures are emphasized.  相似文献   

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