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李宇 《法学论坛》2012,(5):121-127
商业信托与普通信托有重要区别,委托人的地位与角色大相径庭。中国《信托法》借鉴日本法模式,赋予信托委托人诸多权利,可称为委托人法定权利模式。委托人的此种法律地位,虽适合于普通信托,但不符商业信托的功能及需求。原因之一在于对商业信托的特殊情形考虑不周,误植入仅适合于普通信托之规则。委托人法定权利模式之弊端,无法以增设委托人义务等方案予以补救,较为彻底的解决之道应为:委托人不对商业信托及其受益人享有权利。  相似文献   

“专利信托”业务的现实意义及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国"专利转化难"的现状 21世纪世界将全面进入知识经济时代,知识将代替金融资本成为经济发展的直接资源,拥有知识产权的技术创新是推动经济增长的主要动力,专利是其中最重要的组成部分.自1985年4月1日<专利法>实施以来,我国的专利事业取得了举世瞩目的成就.1985年~1999年,我国专利申请量以年平均18.9%的速度增长,截止2000年1月11日,我国专利总量突破100万件,专利授权总量达到50多万件,标志着我国已进入世界专利申请大国的行列.  相似文献   

于朝印 《现代法学》2011,33(5):37-44
商业信托是商事信托的一种具体形式,商业信托具有偿性、组织性及财产独立性等法律特征。赋予商业信托法律主体地位实际上是国家立法政策及价值选择问题,在理论上不存在障碍。美国的成文法商业信托取得完全的法律主体地位是一个长期的历史选择。随着商业信托在中国越来越多地被应用,应当逐步规定商业信托的法律主体地位,这有助于解决商业信托领域中存在的信托财产所有权、受托人有限责任、商业信托正确设立等方面存在的一些理论与实践问题。  相似文献   

票据是以支付金钱为目的的一种有价证券.在当今的票据交易中,几乎所有的票据都是由银行或者其他的金融机构来实行付款的.即持票人通常将票据交给往来银行(或称开户银行),接受委托的银行通过票据交换中心实现票据的支付结算.票据作为有价证券,具有提示和回收两个特性.  相似文献   

从激励机制探讨知识产权信托交易模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在市场经济条件下,知识产品只有转化为生产力才能体现其价值。我国传统的科技奖励制度不利于知识产品向现实生产力的转化。以知识产权的私法特性为视角,探讨知识产权制度在激励科技创新方面具有根本性,并指出知识产权激励机制是知识产权交易模式创新的基础,而我国传统的知识产权交易方式具有成本高、风险大等不足,因此选择新的交易模式弥补传统交易方式的缺陷迫在眉睫。信托交易模式的应用是知识产权交易模式的一种突破。  相似文献   

The Bahamian archipelago has been influenced by a wide array of settlers (Lucayans, Eleutherian Adventurers, British Loyalists, Creoles from the United States and African slaves) throughout its short but dynamic history. Nevertheless, the Bahamas remains poorly characterized genetically and little is known about each group's contribution to the island chain. In the current study, the population of New Providence was analyzed based on 15 autosomal STR loci routinely employed in forensic DNA fingerprinting applications. A comparison of this collection with African groups reveals similar genetic profiles to West African populations from Equatorial Guinea and Angola, possibly resulting from the importation of slaves from West African ports during the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Although the New Providence collection exhibits strong genetic affinities to the two US African American reference populations, the detection of unique alleles among them may necessitate the utilization of population-specific databases in forensic cases especially when the STR profiles include these specific variants.  相似文献   

家族企业的治理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多学者分别从关系、能力或信任等不同角度对家族企业的治理模式进行了有意义的描述,但这些分析的视角往往比较单一,并不能很好地解释各种因素之间的联系,与家族企业的实际运作模式并不完全相符。实际上,关系、能力与信任都会对家族企业的治理模式产生影响,且这些因素是相互作用的,综合地对企业的用人制度和管理方式产生影响。能否获得信任是家族企业人员能否获得某个岗位的重要影响因素,而关系和能力又是能否获得信任的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

The MPs' expenses scandal of 2009 was one of the most controversial Parliamentary events of modern times. It had a profound impact on public perceptions of MPs and led to the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009. Little academic consideration has, however, been given to the legislative origins of the scandal and the role of ministers and MPs in the creation of the system for MPs' expenses under the Finance Act 1984. Using official documents obtained by Freedom of Information requests, we construct a comprehensive historical analysis of how – without one word of debate in Parliament and only minimal media coverage – ministers and MPs created a special statutory scheme for their own benefit, which they had effective control of and which exempted their expenses claims from the rules applying to other UK taxpayers and the jurisdiction of the Inland Revenue.  相似文献   

美国的政治过程是由一批权力中心的运作来体现的美国是典型的多元主义政体国家,这一强调个人和公民社会权利的政治体制表现为权力中心的多元化。多元主义政体在美国的形成不是偶然的,而是由美国独特的历史背景、自由主义的政治哲学、人们对纯粹民主政治可能导致弊端的担心以及美国利益多元化等多方面因素决定的。了解美国政治本质特征及其成因,有助于我们认识美国政治和美国政府的决策过程。  相似文献   

This article uses a new dynamic ideal‐point estimation method that incorporates smoothing techniques to construct a more detailed account of Senate polarization. The results reveal that the Senate polarized in two distinct phases. Member replacement accounts for nearly all of the increase from the early 1970s through the mid‐1990s after which ideological adaptation emerges as the dominant force behind polarization. In addition, I find that a few brief periods of intensified partisanship account for most of the increase in polarization since the mid‐1990s, suggesting that these episodes have had significant and lasting effects.  相似文献   

The Factors Act 1823 was the first major statutory exception to the rule nemo dat quod non habet in English law. The limited existing analysis of this Act suggests that it came about through the lobbying actions of merchants. This article demonstrates that the Factors Act 1823 was actually a compromise, and was considered a mere stepping-stone for further reform. The additional role of government policy in the development of the Factors Act 1825 is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

中国信托立法缺陷及其对信托功能的消解   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
盛学军 《现代法学》2003,25(6):139-143
中国信托立法有关财产权转移及信托业管制的规定存在一定的缺陷。隐藏在这些缺陷背后的是我国传统民法观念与信托这一新兴财产权制度之间的冲突以及固有的金融监管体制与领域宽泛的信托业之间的冲突。不能积极协调甚或漠视此等制度冲突 ,不仅不利于法制的统一 ,同时亦难免消解信托制度自身的积极功能  相似文献   

"不道"罪是"十恶"之一,在中国传统法律中占有极为重要的地位."不道"罪的流变过程分为发展期(时间段处于隋朝之前)和成熟期(时间段在隋朝之后)两个阶段.在发展期之中,以汉代作为分界线,首先通过对比汉律和唐律的"不道"罪之内容,说明"不道"罪从汉代至隋唐代是沿着由繁到简的路线发展的;其次通过考察"不道"与"道"之关系,说明"不道"罪的起源与宗教现象有密切联系,并且,说明汉代之前的"不道"罪涵盖着广泛的内容,其发展规律也是从整体向局部过渡的.  相似文献   

Reginald Marsden argued that Sir Henry Marten, while judge of the High Court of Admiralty, had in 1633 entertained the first action for civil salvage ‘in the modern sense’. But Marsden could find little evidence among the formal Admiralty decrees of the seventeenth century that sea-coasters or mariners had regularly used this new plea in the central court to seek rewards for saving ships and cargoes. A sampling of the court's Act Books, however, reveals that Admiralty judges may well have ruled in more than 200 salvage cases from the time of Sir Henry's innovation until the end of the century. In some of these cases, moreover, Sir Richard Lloyd, a late-Stuart judge, abandoned the ancient custom of rewarding salvors with half of what was saved and developed instead the modern and equitable practice of adjusting awards according to what salvors had done and risked in rescuing the property of others.  相似文献   

The article seeks to explain the emergence of the view that English law contains a fundamental divide between public and private law. I propose to explain the divide, not as a conceptual distinction, grounded in the internal rationality of law, but as a response to the potential problem of political legitimacy arising from the fact that in the domain of private law courts are constantly engaged in making substantive law. That by itself shows that the divide between public and private law is politically motivated, but I further argue that the prevailing view of law among proponents of the divide revives Dicey's conception of the common law within the narrower domain of private law. Since Dicey's views are widely believed to be motivated by his political views, if I am right, this lends support to the conclusion that the views of defenders of the divide are grounded in similar political positions.  相似文献   

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