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Education program plays an important part in transmitting public administration knowledge to future administrators. What constitutes the “core” knowledge is presumably determined by societal expectations. Using Public Administration education in Taiwan as an example, this study finds that there exists a “crisis of identity” which concerns the proper role of administrators -- generalists vs. specialists. Public Administration education program in Taiwan, oriented toward a liberal arts education, has failed, according to some, to provide well trained and qualified students for the public services. The current education programs have resulted in a disjointed process in which the diffusion of public administration knowledge is discontinuous.  相似文献   

《Communist and Post》2000,33(1):7-47
In its first decade of post-communist independence, Poland achieved far more than most dared believe in 1989. Despite domestic political and economic turmoil, it has joined Europe as a new member of NATO and a prospective member of the EU. This article traces the evolution of Polish foreign policy since 1989 over four time periods: First, the early uncertainties from 1989 to 1992 when Warsaw — caught between a reunifying Germany and a collapsing USSR — was intent on solidifying its relations with Central European neighbors. Second, the watershed year of 1993, which witnessed changes in every aspect of Poland's external relations — the demise of Visegrad, first moves toward NATO and EU enlargement, the emergence of serious tensions in Warsaw's relations with the East, especially Russia. Third, the years in the anterooms of Europe from 1994 to 1996, when Poland and its central European neighbors lobbied for early accession to the EU and NATO, while relations with Russia remained in the deep freeze. And fourth, the period since 1997, in which Warsaw has been negotiating its “return to Europe”, joining NATO in 1999 and actively pursuing membership in the EU. These gains have not come quickly or easily; rather, they demonstrate a hard earned consistency in Poland's foreign policy agenda, despite numerous changes in domestic politics, as well as an increasingly realistic vision of the country's place in post-Cold War Europe.  相似文献   

Andrew Ezergailis, The Latvian Impact oh The Bolshevik Revolution. The First Phase: September 1917 to April 1918. East European Monographs, no. 144. Boulder, Col.: East European Monographs, 1983. Pp. 432. $30.00. Distributed by Columbia University Press.

Romuald J. Misiunas and Rein Taagepera, The Baltic StatesYears of Dependence, 1940–1980. Berkely‐Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1983. Pp. 333. $27.50.

Orest Subtelny, The Mazepists: Ukrainian Separatism in the Early Eighteenth Century. East European Monographs, no. 87. Boulder, CO: East European Quarterly, 1981. Pp. 280. $20.00. Distributed by Columbia University Press.

Bohdan Krawchenko, ed. Ukraine after Shelest. Edomonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, 1983. Pp. 119. Paper.

Andrei S. Markovits and Frank E. Sysyn, eds. Nationbuilding and the Politics of Nationalism: Essays on Austrian Galicia. Cambridge: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, distributed by Harvard University Press, 1982. Pp. 343.

Linda Gordon, Cossack Rebellions: Social Turmoil in the Sixteenth‐Century Ukraine. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1983. Pp. xiv, 289. $39.50. Maps. Illustrations.

Mykola Horbal. Detail pischanoho hodynnyka: Poemy i pisni. New York: Sucas‐nist, 1983. Pp. 398.

Bohdan Boychuk, Virshi, vybrani i peredostanni. New York: Sucasnist, 1983. Pp. 189.

Zapisy. Volume 17. (Byelorussian Institute of Arts and Sciences), New York, 1983. Pp. 248.

Jack Nusan Porter, Jewish Partisans: A Documentary of Jewish Resistance in the Soviet Union during World War II. 2 vols. Washington University Press of America, 1982. $12.75 each. Paper.

Jack Nusan Porter, The Jew as Outsider: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Collected Essays, 1974–1980, Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982. Pp. 232. $10.50, pap.

Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two‐party Communism. Parcham and Khalq. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1983. Pp. xviii, 242. $10.00.

Gregory Guroff and Fred V. Carstensen, eds. Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983. Pp. 372. $40.00, cloth; $12.95, paper.

Mikhail Agursky, Sovetskii Golem. London: Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd., 1983. Pp. 73.

Mark R. Elliott, Pawns of Yalta: Soviet Refugees and America's Role in Their Repatriation. Urbaha, Chicago, London: University of Illinois Press, 1982. Pp. 287. $17.95.

Richard Georg Plashka and Karlheinz Mack, Wegenetz Europaischen Geistes: Wissenschaftszentren und geistige Wechselbeziehungen zwschen Mittel ‐und Siidosteuropa vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Vienna: Verlag fur Geschichte and Politik, 1983. Pp. 498. O.Sh. 580.

Roland Breton, Lob der Verschiedenheit: Die EthnieVolk und Volksgruppe in der Gesellschaft der Gegenwart. Trans, from the French by Liesl Ehrlich and Erna Appels. Vienna: Wilhelm Braumuller Universitats‐Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1981. Pp. 100.

S.R. Williamson and Peter Pastor, eds. Essays on World War I: Origins and Prisoners of War. New York: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press, Distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 1983. Pp. i‐xvii, 3–164.

John R. Lampe and Marvin R. Jackson, Balkan Economic History, from 1550–1950: From Imperial Borderlands to Developing Nations. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1982. Pp. xviii, 728. $37.50.

Norman Davies, Cod's PlaygroundA History of Poland. 2 vols. Vol. 1: The Origins to 1795; Vol. II: 1795 to the Present. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982. $30.00 set. Paper.

Roman Szporluk, The Political Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk. East European Monographs, no. 85. Boulder, CO: East European Quarterly, 1981. Pp. VII, 244. $17.50. Distributed by Columbia University Press.

Prokop Drtina, ?eskoslovensko muj osud. Kniha ?ivota ?eského demokrata 20. století. 2 Vols. in 4 books. Toronto: Sixty‐Eight Publishers, Corp., 1982. Pp. 719. $28.00.

Wolf Oschlies, Rumäniens JugendRumäniens Hoffnung. [Jugend in Osteuropa, Band 3]. Köln/Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1983. Pp. 271 +xii. DM 48.

Z. J. Kosztolnyik, Five Eleventh‐Century Hungarian Kings: Their Policies and Their Relations with Rome. East European Monographs, no. 79. Boulder, CO: East European Quarterly, 1981. Pp. 288. $20.00. Distributed by Columbia University Press.

Jon V. Kofas, Authoritarianism in Greece: The Metaxas Regime. East European Monographs, no. 133. Boulder, CO: East European Quarterly, 1983. Pp. 192. $20.00. Distributed by Columbia University Press.

Andrew L. Zapantis, Greek‐Soviet Relations, 1917–1941. East European Monographs, no. 111. Boulder, CO: 1982. Pp. 635. Distributed by Columbia University Press.

Kitty Weaver, Russia's Future: The Communist Education of Soviet Youth. New York: Praeger, 1981. Pp. 228. $21.95.

Donald Quataert, Social Disintegration and Popular Resistance in the Ottoman Empire, 1881–1908. Reactions to European Economic Penetration. New York University Studies in Near Eastern Civilization, No. 9. New York and London: New York University Press, 1983. Pp. xxii, 2.05. Tables. $35.00.

Joseph Chada, The Czechs in the United States. SVU Press, 1981. Pp. 234.  相似文献   

Managing the New Public Services. Edited by David Farnham and Sylvia Horton. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1993. Pp. 282. £35 hb, £11.99 pb.

Rediscovering Public Services Management. Edited by Leslie Willcocks and Jenny Harrow. McGraw‐Hill, London, 1992. Pp. 341. £18.95 pb.

Not For Profit, Not For Sale ‐ The Challenge of Public Sector Management. By Michael Starks. Policy Journals, Newbury, 1991. Pp. 168. £25 hb, £9.95 pb.

Public Sector Management. By Norman Flynn. 2nd edition, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, 1993. Pp. 203. £29.95 hb, £10.95 pb.  相似文献   

《Communist and Post》2014,47(2):179-190
Whilst most of the literature focusing on the Korean peninsula has concentrated on how to achieve unification through confidence-building measures, dialogues, negotiation and diplomacy, little attention has been paid to how a unified Korean identity, a core component of any potential reunification scheme could develop and be sustained. The paper addresses this gap by: (1) defining what national identity is, and how Korean identities have been formed, (2) outlining how both South and North Korea have understood and used the concept of national identity, (3) suggesting possible grounds on which the two Koreas could build a new, common national identity.  相似文献   

What purpose should Brazil’s armed forces serve in upcoming years? Democratization, the end of the Cold War, and Brazil’s economic crisis have prompted an unprecedented debate over this question by narrowing the range of tasks that the Brazilian military can pursue. This article investigates civilian and military support for various possible military roles and analyzes their compatibility with civilian control. It argues that the political weakness of the current government, the economic crisis, and growing social unrest militate against an expansion of the military’s conventional external defense mission and in favor of non-combatant domestic functions. This has begun to occur despite military enthusiasm for the former and military reservations about the latter. The military’s adoption of multiple domestic assignments in a country with a tradition of military interventionism poses risks to civilian control.  相似文献   

Cool Japan’ is an instance of Japanese government's nation branding exercise as part of its soft power projection in which the unique selling point is identified as Japanese national identity. In this paper, I examine the relationship between Cool Japan and Japanese national identity and highlight a tension in the construction. Cool Japan is about emphasizing Japan's attractiveness for public diplomacy, while the top-down nature of the branding undermines the imagery that the branding is designed to convey. I show that policy elites resolve this tension by invoking the traditional Japanese identity narratives that construct Japan into both a non-Western and an un-Asian entity, reproducing the myth of Japanese uniqueness. I argue that the elite narratives surrounding Cool Japan readily replicate the language reminiscent of prewar identity construction. Despite the contemporary popularity of manga and anime, the purported ‘coolness’ of these products are framed within older constructions of Japanese Self that can trace their pedigree back to the nineteenth century. Using the minutes of committee meetings, policy documents, as well as media interviews given by policy- and business elites, I show that Cool Japan is effectively a twenty first century rendition of the familiar Japanese identity construction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critique of the essentialist notions of any community as a pacifist or militant community by examining the long history of the cycles of violence and non-violence in the evolution of the Sikh community in the Indian subcontinent. The theoretical premise of the paper is that communities' resort to violence and non-violence is determined by their strategic perspectives to achieve their politico-economic goals and not from any doctrinal adherence to violence or non-violence. The paper attempts a panoramic view of over 500 years of Sikh history (1469 – 2006) and offers a reinterpretation of that history by locating cycles of violence and non-violence in their historical context. It then provides a politico-economic perspective on violence and non-violence in their struggle for identity and political power. It focuses more on an analysis of the recent political conflict between Sikh militants and the Indian state, and concludes by drawing out the policy implications of that analysis for the politics of the modern Indian state regarding the Sikhs of Punjab. It identifies federal arrangements and human rights as issues of key importance in the political economy of this relationship.  相似文献   

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