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法律必须认真对待习惯——论习惯的精神及其法律意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洪涛 《现代法学》2011,33(2):16-25
习惯由个人习惯(含本性和习性)与社会习惯(含习俗、惯例)构成。个人习惯是社会习惯的根基和源头,是习惯的核心和力量之源。习惯的精神是个人性而不是社会性。习惯精神个人性的法律意义在于它能改善法律自身的内部结构,强大其功能,为法律顺畅运行提供了最基本的内部力量、广泛的人性基础、深厚的合法性根基及其获得合法性的自然化机制。法律要想获得人们普遍而有效的遵循,必须认真对待习惯。  相似文献   

"赔命价"习惯法:从差异到契合——一个文化社会学的考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"赔命价"习惯法是藏族习惯法的重要组成部分,至今仍然在藏区的故意杀人、故意伤害、过失致人死亡等刑事案件的处理中发挥着重要作用。但自20世纪90年代以来,"赔命价"习惯法遭到了学界和实务界前所未有的批判与否定,之所以如此,是因为"赔命价"习惯法与刑事制定法在基本理念上存在较大差异。然而,用发展的眼光来看,"赔命价"习惯法在强调限制死刑的适用、刑事和解的积极意义以及赔偿刑事被害人等方面,与刑事法治具有一定的契合之处。因而,一方面,应当认清"赔命价"习惯法与国家刑事制定法冲突的真正原因,另一方面,应当通过刑事和解制度来实现刑事制定法对"赔命价"习惯法的规范化诱导。  相似文献   

Privacy has become big news. Our society has an epidemic of identity theft, loss of personal data, blast faxing, and data mining. The wave of new privacy litigation has led to a wave of privacy insurance litigation, particularly with respect to coverage for blast faxes—unsolicited and unwanted facsimiles which bombard businesses and individuals. The main debate results from the fact that while the advertising injury section of the general liability policy provides some coverage for invasion of privacy, the new privacy causes of action do not necessarily fit the insurance policy's coverage. For example, while blast faxes invade the recipient's privacy or seclusion, insurers assert that the faxes do not involve the publication of secret material. To meet this problem, insurers are writing new tech or cyber policies that provide far more expansive coverage for privacy.  相似文献   

In July 2007 the English and Scottish Law Commissions published the consultation paper Insurance Law – Non-disclosure and Breach of Warranty (hereafter LCCP) which sets out in detail the Commissions' provisional proposals for the reform of insurance contract law with particular reference to the key areas of utmost good faith, warranties and agency. This article analyses, from a critical standpoint, the LCCP's principal conclusions and recommendations. It begins by noting, as a means of demonstrating that the current reform process should be informed by modern industry practices, that the ways in which modern insurance contracts are concluded differ significantly from those when insurance law was last reviewed by the Law Commission in 1980. The article then discusses the dichotomy between consumer and business insurance given that this distinction underpins the LCCP and its approach towards reforming the pre-contractual duty of good faith. By way of backdrop to the analysis, we consider the approach taken towards reforming the law governing intermediaries acting for prospective assureds during the disclosure process. Finally, the proposed rules for warranties and similar terms are examined. It is argued that the proposal to retain continuing warranties in business insurance contracts will, if implemented, represent a missed opportunity to rid insurance contracts of terms long criticised as draconian and disproportionate in their effect.  相似文献   

对原始法、罗马法和普通法的考察表明,法律与习俗之间具有十分密切的关系。然而,长期流行的发生学解说和法源论解说不仅没有注意到,甚至在某种程度上遮蔽了习俗对于法律的正当性意义。为此,需要在对西方习俗与法律关系历史传统进行细致梳理的基础上,提出法律与习俗关系的正当性解说,即认为法律的正当性建立在习俗的基础上,若不符合习俗,法律便没有效力或减损其效力。习俗本身的正当性基础可以归结为习俗的两种内在品质:即习俗体现着人民同意与渐进理性。  相似文献   

李可 《时代法学》2007,5(2):109-115
习惯法与国家法的二元分立在中外法制上均有体现,此种分立植根于社会与国家之间的相对分离。即便如此,在总体目标一致的情况下,习惯法与国家法之间也存在一种互动关系。  相似文献   

This article reviews the complex, and sometimes conflicting, policies adopted by the law of England and Wales over the course of the twentieth century. Its aim is to highlight the fact that cohabitation is not merely a modern legal issue, but one with which both the legislature and the courts have had to grapple for decades. It argues that reform has been piecemeal and context-specific because the courts and legislature have not adopted a coherent policy toward cohabiting relationships.  相似文献   

英国仿冒法属于普通法的范畴,英国商标法则是最早的成文法之一。从起源开始,仿冒法就与注册商标法有着密切的关系,他们之间既相互联系又相互分离。商标注册是否是仿冒之诉的抗辩理由是处理商标法与仿冒法关系的重要理论问题。英国认为商标法与仿冒法平行,商标注册不能成为仿冒之诉的抗辩理由。我国应借鉴英国的观点,使商标法与反不正当竞争法的关系得以明晰。  相似文献   

如实告知义务是保险法中诚信原则的具体体现。近年,在我国司法实践中,与如实告知义务有关的保险人拒赔纠纷或投保人骗保案件不减反增。因此,透过这一表象,有必要对我国告知义务制度的合理性、规则的可行性等深层次问题重新进行审视,并对我国立法制度进一步完善建言献计,以期对我国的告知义务制度的合理构建有所裨益。  相似文献   

习惯、习惯法及公序良俗均为不确定的概念,因内涵上相互交融而难以完全区分。习惯与习惯法具有自发性、区域性、非正式性等特征,其适用可弥补成文法的不足,有利于现代民法对实质正义的追求。就功能论而言,公序良俗原则是习惯与习惯法的过滤器,起着净化习惯与习惯法的作用。也就是说,无论是习惯法还是事实上的习惯,只要违反公序良俗,均无适用的余地。  相似文献   

There has been very limited consideration to date of how the regulatory environment in England and Wales impacts on university law clinics and the solicitors who run them. This paper sets out the current regulatory framework pertaining to university law clinics and explains the restrictions and limitations it poses. It highlights the current failure on the part of the regulators to meet their statutory duty to promote access to justice in relation to university pro bono services and sets out a series of recommendations as to how clinicians and regulators can secure a more certain and enabling future for clinics.  相似文献   

本文从原因和条件的区分出发,对我国近因的传统概念提出质疑,参考英美资料,将保险法的近因界定为对保险事故的发生起决定性作用的、有效的、并且能够引起保险人承担赔付责任的原因。在此基础上分析了保险近因与侵权近因在内因与外因、存在范围、责任承担等五方面的差异,澄清了以往人们在保险近因与侵权近因问题上的误解。最后,本文又依纵向探求、横向探求规则提出了不同于传统的近因探求法,为近因的探求另辟了新径。  相似文献   

以保险合同法为核心的保险私法是我国保险法典的基础,制订符合保险私法原理和我国实际情况的保险私法应该是这次修订工作坚持的基本准则。这次修订应注重对现代保险合同法与保险组织法原理的认识与贯彻,着重对保险合同法、保险组织法及保险监管法的体系化的技术处理。  相似文献   

编纂民法典是一项十分复杂的工作,从尊重生活、承续传统出发需要处理好民法典与民事习惯的关系.我国现有宪法、法律(狭义)、行政法规、地方性法规、部门规章、地方政府规章都对民事习惯有具体规范或概括规范,涉及物权习惯、商事习惯、婚姻家庭习惯、继承习惯、丧葬习惯等民事习惯.但现有法律规定没有明确将习惯规定为一般法源,规定的内容较具体而不能涵盖全部民事行为,需要在民法典编纂时予以认真对待、恰当处理.  相似文献   

保险法上的告知义务制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周玉华 《法学杂志》2001,22(1):34-36
本文就保险法上的告知义务制度进行阐述 ,并借鉴国外的有关法规进行比较 ,同时提出了立法建议。  相似文献   

中国保险法律的修改与完善   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现行《保险法》对保险业的调整的不足和缺陷已经十分突出,需要修改完善。在修改中,除了应考虑《合同法》、《保险法》的协调外,同时应考虑保险法律的特殊性质和要求,应朝着更加开放、自由、灵活的方向迈进,要对保险业的经营加强监管,以保护被保险人的利益,维持保险市场秩序。  相似文献   

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