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新型平台用工方式的多样性和复杂性决定了构建劳动者劳动权益系统性保护的必要。从系统论视角审视,新型平台用工方式冲击了我国传统以劳动关系构建起的劳动者劳动权益保护系统,突出表现为劳动从属性弱化割裂系统整体性,多层嵌套性用工消解系统层次性,内外环境互动渠道受阻影响系统开放性。研究认为,借鉴系统论相关原理,我国平台劳动者劳动权益保护的基本逻辑应遵循三条路径展开:加强系统整体性,推动劳动从属性各要素的优化重组;扩容系统层次性,构筑劳动关系分层分类保护体系;提高系统内外环境开放性,构建政府、平台、工会、平台劳动者等多元协同治理场域。将平台劳动者纳入系统保护中,推动我国劳动者劳动权益保护系统迈向更高层次的动态平衡。  相似文献   

Physical and emotional sibling violence has received minimal attention compared with other forms of familial violence. Policy related to addressing physical and emotional sibling violence is scant, whereas the occurrence of violence between siblings is rampant in many families. An overview of the knowledge base regarding this social problem is provided as a backdrop for understanding the current sociopolitical status of sibling violence. Understanding current policy and societal discourse related to addressing sibling violence is possible through Lorraine Fox-Harding's values perspective on childcare policy. The four value perspectives of laissez-faire and patriarchy, state paternalism and child protection, the modern defense of the birth family and parents' rights, and children's rights and child liberation allow insight into how sibling violence is currently viewed and the policy implications of those perspectives. Regardless of one's value perspective, actions around policy and family interventions for sibling violence is warranted. Alternatives to the current situation and consequences of not addressing violent behavior between siblings are discussed along with roles the government, parents, and children can take in addressing this oftentimes underrecognized social justice issue.  相似文献   

随着老龄化社会的到来,如何实现人口二次红利,对个人和社会都具有重要意义。研究通过对福建省9个地市586个有效样本的描述性统计,对福建省老年人再就业的状况及影响因素进行了研究。结果显示:福建省老年人的再就业处于较低水平,且城乡差距较大、职业分布不平衡,老年人再就业不仅受到老年人及其家人观念的影响,也受限于求职渠道和权益保障等条件。研究建议从政府、社会、个人等层面构建老年人再就业促进体系,包括积极发挥政府的全局导向作用、构建老年人再就业市场机制、增强老年人的劳动权益保护意识等来促进老年人的再就业。  相似文献   

就业是最基本的民生,而消除就业歧视则是实现高质量发展的关键。本研究通过梳理就业歧视 相关文献,结合劳动力市场就业歧视的主要类型及表现,分析就业歧视产生的原因及对就业市场的影响。研究发 现,随着社会发展就业歧视类型逐渐多样化,出现户籍、性别、年龄、健康等歧视,也导致我国劳动力市场分割、 人力资源流动不畅、劳动者不公平感加强等危害。研究建议,我国应完善相关就业法规,维护就业者合法权益, 打造公平公正的劳动力市场环境,促进高质量充分就业的实现。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(5):503-519

Article 23(4) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states ‘Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.’ This article documents the global legislative history of Article 23(4) trade union rights from its original drafting to interpretation by international labour standards. The history includes debates on the fundamental principles of trade union rights, the decision by ECOSOC to ignore a call to establish a permanent UN Commission on Trade Union Rights, the devolution of authority from the United Nations to the International Labour Organization, how ILO international law experts framed trade union rights as a subset of the freedom of association, and the treatment of labour relations policy, including compulsory union membership, that resulted under international human rights norms. The history is discussed as one that confines standards of policy on labour rights in the global political economy and has particular implications for the discourse on labour rights as human rights.  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》因涉及亿万劳动者切身利益而备受社会关注,它有力地推动着传统劳动关系的和谐稳定.在《劳动合同法》颁布即将十五年之际,本研究从"实践实施""社会价值""立法属性"及"立法宗旨"等角度,对其探索、实施与推动予以回顾探讨.本研究认为:《劳动合同法》是最为典型的社会法,对于"统筹社会力量、平衡社会利益、调节社会关系...  相似文献   

依法维权, 就是工会依据宪法和法律的规定, 维护工会自身和职工的合法权益, 其本质上是同维护全国人民总体利益一致的。依法维权是工会在向社会主义市场经济转变时期必须肩负的社会责任。该文剖析了工会和职工权益保障方面面临的挑战, 指出了当前突出依法维权应做好的几方面的工作  相似文献   

一百年前爆发的伟大二七斗争是中国共产党领导的全国第一次工运高潮中的重大事件。这场伟 大斗争铸就了二七坚毅斗争精神,残酷的阶级压迫积聚了这一精神的火种,争自由、争人权的口号燃起了这一 精神的火焰。二七坚毅斗争精神是对伟大建党精神的传承和弘扬,因为它源自伟大建党精神,是对伟大建党精 神的践行和拓展,推动了党的精神谱系的传承与发展。在新时代新征程上继续传承与弘扬二七坚毅斗争精神, 就要坚持党对工人运动的领导,坚持党的思想理论的武装,坚持斗争的正确方向,坚持增强斗争的本领,坚持 开拓创新,依靠顽强奋斗打开工运事业发展新天地。  相似文献   

劳动者私生活安宁权的生成,既得益于《民法典》的颁行,又源于网络化时代劳动者私生活安 宁权益保护的迫切需求。从权利性质上看,劳动者私生活安宁权兼具自由权和社会权双重属性。然而,在当下 其权利实现却面临诸多困难,表现为与雇主监督管理权的矛盾及冲突,《民法典》隐私权保护框架的不周延性 以及劳动法保护规范的滞后性。研究建议,就劳动者私生活安宁权的实现路径来看,一是要对《民法典》的保 护路径予以细化和调整,二是要在劳动法中创制新的制度与规则对劳动者进行特别保护。与此同时,应遵循 “两 步走”策略,以协调《民法典》保护与劳动法保护之关系,从而充分实现劳动者的私生活安宁权益。  相似文献   

如果从人权和公民权利的角度出发,就不能仅仅把"职工合法权益"理解为职工所拥有的、直接与劳动关系和劳动过程有关的权利,而应该理解为职工作为人、作为公民所拥有的、受到宪法保护的基本人权和公民权.不言而喻,工会也应当是这种意义上的"职工合法权益"的代表者和维护者.  相似文献   

2021 年,中国正式实施三孩政策,并提出要完善三孩政策配套措施。由于我国女性就业率居世 界前列,三孩政策下企业用工成本上升与女职工生育保护之间的矛盾将会更加突出。基于全国工作场所产假及 哺乳期女职工权益保护问卷调查数据和深度访谈资料,本研究在系统梳理国内外工作场所生育保护相关法律制 度的基础上,对深度访谈和调查问卷加以呈现和分析,并对完善我国产假和哺乳制度及其配套设计提出政策建 议:在全社会植入生育保护的理念;全面评估和改善我国的生育假期制度;发挥政府、雇主和工会三方机制作用, 落实工作场所生育保护;适应女职工哺乳需求,创新工作场所哺乳保护。  相似文献   

近年来,我国生育政策进行了几次调整,体现了国家对人口再生产在社会发展中重要性的认同,但是生育率未能得到有效提升,而女性在劳动力市场遭受歧视的现象依然广泛存在.研究认为,生育与工作家庭的冲突是我国生育现状的主要影响因素,而"全面三孩"政策可能加剧这种冲突.研究建议:应以人口再生产与物质生产理论为基础,重新审视人口再生产在...  相似文献   

工会工作总体思路的提出,是中国工会向市场化转型和走向改革的标志.总体思路的确立是一次思想大解放,是向社会主义市场经济过渡中工会改革的最主要的成果.工会十三大用"维护职工合法权益"把"两个维护"的理论统一起来,增强了工会工作总体思路的针对性和可操作性.2001年修改通过的<工会法>把工会工作总体思路以法律的形式正式确定下来.工会十四大进一步强调工会服务于党的中心任务的主要手段是维护,这就把工会履行基本职责与党的中心任务统一起来,使工会工作总体思路更趋完善.  相似文献   

《英国工人阶级状况》是一部极具现实性、批判性、革命性的纪实著作.通过深入调查,在《英国工人阶级状况》中恩格斯将资本家对工人的压迫揭露得淋漓尽致,并在其中提出了保障工人饮食、住房、医疗、受教育权利等权益保障思想.这些思想具有极强的人民性、革命性、平等性,对我国当下提升新时代工人阶级的获得感、幸福感和安全感具有重要意义.研...  相似文献   

This final article considers the evolution of women's rights concepts and mechanisms within the United Nations. Gaer writes about this subject both as an historian of and a longstanding activist for women's human rights. She provides a critical history of how “women's” rights have been separated from and connected to “human” rights within the UN.  相似文献   

新就业形态劳动者的劳动权益保障问题已成为政府和社会公众密切关注的重要问题。新就业形 态劳动者的劳动权益包括劳动就业权、劳动报酬权、劳动条件权和劳动救济权 4 类,并可以细分为 13 项权利。 本研究以外卖骑手为代表,进一步分析了新就业形态劳动者劳动就业权、劳动报酬权和劳动条件权中的社会保 障权的现状。研究发现,新就业形态劳动者的劳动就业权、劳动报酬权和社会保障权相比该群体劳动者的平均 情况都得到了改善。研究认为提升新就业形态劳动者的劳动权益保障水平需要更复杂的策略行动,包括继续发 挥好市场作用、处理好短期与长期的关系,以及政府与平台企业协同治理等。  相似文献   

农村富余劳动力向非农产业转移已成必然.由于主客观因素的双重制约,农民工终难摆脱权益困境.维护农民工的合法权益,是工会的基本职责.针对农民工的基本特征、基本现状及权益缺失的基本制因,工会应整合区域间城市总工会的维权资源,优势互补,联动维权,从落实农民工的务工岗位、培训、输送,到劳动关系的建立、履行、终止,都纳入工会组织的关怀与监控之中,将维权重心前移,形成维权系统链.构建城际间工会维权联动机制,正是农民工系统组织维权新途径的实践与探索.  相似文献   

Hukou and land: market reform and rural displacement in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scholarship about the Chinese hukou (household registration) system has focused on the advantages and entitlements associated with urban hukou. This paper shifts attention to the key entitlement provided by rural hukou – village land. While early hukou reforms were mainly designed to open up urban labor markets to rural migrants, recent reforms have also begun to open up rural land markets, by replacing hukou-based land rights with market-based rights. These reforms are designed to facilitate land concentration and the transfer of land to outside developers and agribusiness companies, which has been hindered by hukou-based land rights. Underlying the reforms is the government's agenda of promoting large-scale agriculture and urbanization, both of which require the removal of a large portion of the rural population from the land. By focusing on land rights rather than urban benefits, this paper provides a new perspective on the evolution of the hukou system, and highlights the negative implications of recent reforms for livelihood security in the countryside.  相似文献   

主辅分离、辅业改制,积极稳妥地安置富余人员是国有企业改革改制绕不开的结,也是改革改制工作必须突破的屏障。一要突破思想障碍;二要加强正确引导;三要坚持源头参与;四要把握政策依据。只有这样,企业改革改制工作才能顺利实施。  相似文献   

This article describes the political style and practice of the Australian National Council of Women (ANCW) as it developed up to 1975. The historical significance of this lies in the fact that, during the first three quarters of the last century, the ANCW was effectively the peak body representing the great majority of women's groups in this country: groups whose activities focused on politics, religion, morality, health, education, the media, philanthropy and also peace, women's economic and political rights, child welfare and legal reform. The Council spoke on behalf of these constituents to all levels of government, and internationally through the International Council of Women. It generally did not represent women associated with trade unions and the Australian Labor Party, and the politically active women amongst its leaders tended to be members of the Liberal Party. The conduct of the Council avoided party politics; its leaders co-operated with trade unionists on issues of women's rights such as equal pay, and worked as willingly with Labor governments as with non-Labor ones. An assessment of the effectiveness of the Council's political activities is therefore an assessment of the political practice and achievements of mainstream Australian feminism before the advent of radical feminism in the 1970s.  相似文献   

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