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In both developed and developing countries, governments finance, produce, and distribute various goods and services. In recent years, the range of goods provided by government has extended widely, covering many goods which do not meet the purist's definition of “public” goods. As the size of the public sector has increased steadily there has been a growing concern about the effectiveness of the public sector's performance as producer. Critics of this rapid growth argue that the public provision of certain goods is inefficient and have proposed that the private sector replace many current public sector activities, that is, that services be privatized. Since Ronald Reagan took office greater privatization efforts have been pursued in the United States. Paralleling this trend has been a strong endorsement by international and bilateral donor agencies for heavier reliance on the private sector in developing countries.

However, the political, institutional, and economic environments of developing nations are markedly different from those of developed countries. It is not clear that the theories and empirical evidence purported to justify privatization in developed countries are applicable to developing countries.

In this paper we present a study of privatization using the case of Honduras. We examine the policy shift from “direct administration” to “contracting out” for three construction activities: urban upgrading for housing projects, rural primary schools, and rural roads. The purpose of our study is threefold. First, we test key hypotheses pertaining to the effectiveness of privatization, focusing on three aspects: cost, time, and quality. Second, we identify major factors which affect the performance of this privatization approach. Third, we document the impact of privatization as it influences the political and institutional settings of Honduras. Our main finding is that contracting out in Honduras has not led to the common expectations of its proponents because of institutional barriers and limited competitiveness in the market. These findings suggest that privatization can not produce goods and services efficiently without substantial reform in the market and regulatory procedures. Policy makers also need to consider carefully multiple objectives at the national level in making decisions about privatization.  相似文献   

This note re‐examines the economic model of optimal international borrowing for LDCs proposed by Gemmell [1988]. Pursuing a rigorous methodology, this note derives alternative optimal debt functions, and discusses the sufficient conditions under which the optimal debt level is positive. Interesting implications of the analysis in this note, inter alia, rest in identifying the appropriate role of social inter‐temporal consumption preferences in a more realistic setting, and in perceiving, unambiguously, the tendency of ‘overborrowing’ by LDCs that only service their debts over long periods.  相似文献   

Developing countries have suffered most of the financial crises in the context of the process of economic and financial globalisation. Both current and previous crises have revealed that unpredictability is a feature common to all the episodes which occurred during the process of globalisation. Although certain alarms went off, any of those external financial crises were actually predicted by the advanced methods in use for prediction and country risk analysis. Taking into consideration the information above, the aim of this paper is to check the ability to foresee external financial crises in developing countries of both the country risk index published by Euromoney and the Credit Ratings variable included therein. We have focused on the external financial crises that took place between 1992 and 2011, that is, in a full globalisation era. The results are negative. It appears that neither the index nor the sovereign ratings are able to reflect early enough the vulnerabilities that arise previously to the setting off the crisis episodes. This leads us to conclude that the existing models of country risk have limits. Thus, it would necessary to develop new instruments to measure this risk, considering uncertainty as an essential feature of the current economic and financial environment.  相似文献   

This article surveys recent attempts to measure and analyze household savings behaviour in developing economies. Studies of the relationships between savings and current income, permanent income, wealth, interest rates, the price level, household demographic characteristics, occupation, income distribution, direct taxation, and other factors are reviewed and evaluated.  相似文献   

The Urban Informal Sector: critical perspectives on employment and housing policies. Edited by Ray Bromley, Oxford: Pergamon. 1979. (First published in 1978 in World Development Vol 6 No 9 pp 1031–1200). £12.00

Casual Work and Poverty in Third World Cities. Edited by Ray Bromley & Chris Gerry, Chichester: John Wiley. 1979. 323 pp. £13.50

Urbanisation and Urban Growth in the Caribbean: an essay on social change in dependent societies. Malcolm Cross, Cambridge University Press. 1979. 174 pp. £10.50. £3.95 pb

People and Housing in Third World Cities: perspectives on the problem of spontaneous settlements. D J Dwyer, New York: Longman. 1979. (First published in 1975). 286 pp. £4.95 £4.95 pb

Urbanisation and Social Change in West Africa. Josef Gugler & William G Flanagan, Cambridge University Press. 1978. 235 pp. £10.00. £3.95 pb

Urban Development in the Third World: policy guidelines. John D Herbert, New York: Praeger. 1979. 238 pp. £12.25

Urbanisation in Papua New Guinea: a study of ambivalent townsmen. Hal B Levine & Marten Wolfzhan Levine, Cambridge University Press. 1979. 161 pp. £8.95. £3.95 pb

Networks and Marginality: life in a Mexican shantytown. Larissa Adler Lomnitz, London: Academic Press. 1977. (First published in Spanish in 1976.) 230 pp. £13.65

Million Cities of India. Edited by R P Misra, New Delhi: Vikas. 1978. 405 pp. £10.95

The Management of Squatter Upgrading: a case study of organisation, procedures and participation. David Pasteur, Farnborough, England: Saxon House. 1979. 232 pp. £11.50

Cities of Peasants: the political economy of urbanisation in the Third World. Bryan Roberts, London: Edward Arnold. 1978. 207 pp. £4.50 pb

An Urban Profile of the Middle East. Hugh Roberts, London: Croom Helm. 1979. 239 pp. £14.95

Urban Planning in Rich and Poor Countries. Hugh Stretton, Oxford University Press. 1978. 220 pp. £4.50. £2.25 pb

Manchester and Sao Paulo: problems of rapid urban growth. Edited by John D Wirth & Robert L Jones, Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1978. 234 pp. np

Housing Asia's Millions: problems, policies and prospects for low‐cost housing in Southeast Asia. Edited by Stephen H K Yeh & A A Laquian, Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 1979. 243 pp. $12.00  相似文献   

This article reviews the growing literature on financial reform in developing countries. We draw both on the theoretical contributions outlining the case for and against liberalisation as well as on the experience of many developing countries with liberalisation. We argue that the existence of market failures in financial markets hampers the liberalisation process and indeed suggests that the simple liberalising strategy envisaged in much of the literature is inappropriate. We argue instead for an alternative strategy which integrates some aspects of liberalisation with the development of appropriate financial institutions designed to serve best the needs of the real economy.  相似文献   

This article addresses three issues. First, it argues that the use of trade related investment measures (TRIMs) by LDCs can only be analysed in the context of their dealings with transnational corporations (TNCs). Second, it considers the applicability of existing GATT rules to TRIMs and shows that they are inadequate and can pose difficulties for LDCs seeking foreign direct investment by TNCs. Third, it suggests a framework for regulating TRIMs as one element of host‐TNC relations. The article concludes with proposals for enhancing the capacity of LDCs in their dealings with TNCs.  相似文献   

Perhaps one of the most pervasive phenomena among teenaged females today is “teenage fertility”. The purpose of this article is to describe teenage fertility as it relates to developing countries. The study attempts to pose the problem by considering a large number of developing nations for which data are available and by describing the levels and trends in teen fertility rates.  相似文献   

This article shows that higher interest rates increase the extent of financial intermediation while increased financial intermediation raises the rate of economic growth. Further, increases in interest rates have favorable effects on investment efficiency and on economic growth. It is noted, however, that excessively high interest rates will have unfavorable economic effects. Such a situation can be avoided if the liberalization of the banking system takes place under conditions of monetary stability accompanied by the government supervision of banks. Bela Balassa has been professor of political economy at the Johns Hopkins University and consultant at the World Bank since 1966. His recent books includeNew Directions in the World Economy (Macmillan, 1989) andComparative Advantage, Trade Policy and Economic Development (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989).  相似文献   

This article re-examines the relation between privatisation and economic growth. Previous studies that have attempted to measure this relationship have concluded that privatisation has had a sizeable positive effect on economic growth. Our study uses data for 63 developing countries over the time period 1988–97. It uses the framework of an extreme-bounds analysis (EBA) to conduct a cross-country growth regression analysis. Our findings contradict earlier results, but reaffirm the view that effective competition and its regulation may need to accompany privatisation to make a positive impact on economic growth.  相似文献   

In the past, aggregative studies and forecasts have dominated manpower planning in developing countries. Such exercises, however, tend to assume away or ignore a host of institutional factors that have far‐reaching influences on the determination of wages and employment and on the efficiency of labour markets. Consequently, this paper argues that disaggregated manpower research, focussed on current problems and conditions in employment markets, would be far more useful to economic development policies than the sort of abstract macro‐planning aimed at forecasts of long‐term manpower requirements which has been highly fashionable during the last decade.

The theme of the paper is substantiated with reference to the organization and workings of labour markets in West Malaysia. It is found that institutional and economic factors peculiar to that country have resulted in three ‘insulated’ labour markets, one each for Malays, Chinese and Indians, with practically no mobility of labour across insulated markets, even in widely divergent supply‐demand conditions. The final sections of the paper briefly examine the implications of insulated markets for manpower and economic policies.  相似文献   

The traditional methodology, as established by the International Monetary Fund, for measuring tax effort over time and in relation to estimated taxable capacity, is based on the tax ratio. The objects of the article are: (a) to demonstrate that government policy can not be deduced from the buoyancy of tax revenue as reflected in the observed rates of growth or relative magnitudes of the tax ratio; and (b) to propose an alternative measure based directly on policy determined discretionary changes in tax structures, with which the IMF taxable capacity measure, correctly interpreted, could be complementary.  相似文献   

The majority of studies on risk factors for suicide have been conducted in developed countries, and less work has been done to systematically profile risk factors in developing countries. The current paper presents a selective review of sociodemographic, clinical, and environmental/situational risk factors in developing countries. Taken together, the evidence suggests that the profiles of risk factors in developing countries demonstrate some differences from those in developed countries. In some developing countries, at least, being female, living in a rural area, and holding religious beliefs that sanction suicide may be of more relevance to suicide risk than these factors are in developed countries. Conversely, being single or having a history of mental illness may be of less relevance. Risk factors that appear to be universal include youth or old age, low socioeconomic standing, substance use, and previous suicide attempts. Recent stressful life events play a role in both developing and developed countries, although their nature may differ (e.g., social change may have more of an influence in the former). Likewise, access to means heightens risk in both, but the specific means may vary (e.g., access to pesticides is of more relevance in developing countries). These findings have clear implications for suicide prevention, suggesting that preventive efforts that have shown promise in developed countries may need to be tailored differently to address the risk factor profile of developing countries.  相似文献   

Until now, suicide prevention efforts have been limited in developing countries, although there are pockets of excellent achievement. Various universal, selective, and indicated interventions have been implemented, many of which target a different pattern of risk factors to those in developed countries. In the absence of sufficient mental health services, developing countries rely heavily on nongovernment organizations (NGOs) to provide crisis interventions for suicidal individuals, as well as proactive interventions aimed at raising community awareness and building resilience. Often these NGOs work within a social and public health framework, collaborating with others to provide nested suicide prevention programs that are responsive to local community needs. There is a clear need to develop appropriate, relevant and effective national suicide prevention plans in developing countries, since, to date, only Sri Lanka has done so. These plans should focus on a range of priority areas, specify the actions necessary to achieve positive change in these priority areas, consider the range of collaborators required to implement these actions, and structure their efforts at national, regional, and local levels. The plans should also promote the collection of accurate data on completed and attempted suicide, and should foster evaluation efforts.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the patenting practice of patent holders resident in industrialized countries in Africa. It is confined to such patents taken out by Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tanzania, and the states whose patent legislation is administered by the Office Africain et Malgache de la Propriété Indus‐trielle (OAMPI): Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Dahomey, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Malagasy Republic, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Togo, and Upper Volta. These countries account for nearly four‐fifths of the total patents in force andlor applied for in Africa (excluding Rhodesia and South Africa).1

In particular, the paper tries to throw some light on the importance of developing countries for foreign patenting, the motivation of foreign patent‐holders to take out patents in these countries, the actual transfer of patented technology, and the reasons for the lack of such a transfer. The paper complements the extensive work on foreign technology and foreign patents in Latin America, especially by C. V. Vaitsos [1972] and the Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena [1971]. It also seeks to test the theoretical assumption that patents in developing countries support the transfer of technology.2  相似文献   

The usage of unreliable statistics is common in development economics, particularly in research on income distributional issues. It is widely believed, for example, that the distribution of income in Taiwan equalised dramatically between the early 1950s and about 1980. Under close examination it is clear much of the evidence advanced is flawed, the treatment of data by a number of analysts is puzzling, and links between export‐orientation and inequality trends are flimsy. It is argued that economists should be far more concerned about data problems in their research.  相似文献   

This article describes an approach developed to assess the institutional capacity of whole governments. It discusses the evolving context in Latin America and the Caribbean for public sector reforms and the impact of structural adjustment and globalization on international agency policies on the issue. It reviews national and sectoral organizational networks, the profile of a modern public administration, and the definition of public management horizontal and vertical systems; explains how integration of horizontal management system reforms is attained at the ministry level, and addresses the issue of performance management and use of an elite managerial and technical corps. Finally, it describes techniques used to plan changes in strategies.  相似文献   

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