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随着经济全球化的发展,各国劳动关系都发生了巨大的变化,工会也遇到了前所未有的挑战。如何在市场竞争中如此激烈的形势下,既要保持国家和企业的竞争力,又能维护劳动者的权益,是各国工会急需解决的重大课题。本届论坛以“变动中的劳动世界与工会的未来”为主题,对亚洲与会各国和地区的劳动关系进行了分析和研究,并注重探讨了工会在劳动关系中应当发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

世界贸易组织的前身是关税与贸易总协定。这个“协定”有着“富国俱乐部”的味道。后在经济全球一体化的推动下 ,更名为国际贸易组织。我国是发展中国家 ,历经十五年的努力 ,终于加入了这个“俱乐部” ,但我们对此应有清醒的认识。并在具体运作中应争取获得“双赢”。  相似文献   

《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):39-46
Literature for young people has changed greatly since Severzteeiztlz Suinrner and Fifreerz were published. Society has changed greatly, too, in the last few decades. Many modern books reflect society's involvement with drugs, sex, alcohol, and violence. Teenagers will read a great variety of stories and view different images of themselves and their times.  相似文献   

Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.' In these few words the taciturn Mafia boss Don Lucchese in The Godfather Part III highlights the inextricable link between money and power, which together represent most significant influences on society and gender throughout history. Until the 1960s the very title for this article would have been regarded as a contradiction in terms. With few notable exceptions, women and finance did not mix, largely because they were not given the opportunity to do so. Today, women represent a significant force for change in the financial services industry, both as a target market for financial products and as key employees within the financial institutions. To place the power of financial institutions in an economic context, pension funds and life assurance funds together own about two-thirds of the UK stock market, with a further tranche owned by other collective retail funds, such as unit trusts and open-ended investment companies. As a result, the investment companies that manage these funds effectively control British industry, and are the channel through which the funding for future businesses must flow. The simple fact is, therefore, that the boards of British companies are answerable on a more regular basis to private fund managers than they are to financial regulators or the government itself.  相似文献   

《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(3-4):143-156
Changes in career patterns of residential child care workers in Israel during the last fifty years are described and ana- Iyzed. Using identity theory and organizational knowledge about careers to generate questions from historical materials, the paper then argues that the present low status of child care work in Israel is related to ( 1 ) the changing social mandate of residential care and changing kinds of clients in the system and (2) the lack of fit between existing needs and models of practice.  相似文献   


The ways in which the French author and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir (1908–1986) has been portrayed in Norwegian print media have undergone significant changes since she was first introduced to the Norwegian reading public in the 1940s. But how—and why—did her image evolve? This article explores the interplay between the words and phrases used to depict de Beauvoir in Norwegian print media and her seminal essay Le deuxième sexe (1949) and different translations in Norway. By analysing how de Beauvoir is depicted, I aim to produce a better understanding of her multiple and changing images in Norway, and to show how they may be related to the different translations of her best-known work and to her changing status. The transformation of de Beauvoir—from being considered outdated and dependent on Sartre during the 1940s and 1950s, to being highly valued and recognized as an author and memorialist, significant philosopher, and popular feminist icon at the turn of the millennium—is partly a result of the different translations of her major work. At the same time, it could be claimed that her changing image prepared the ground for the translations.  相似文献   

The vicissitudes of one small feminist organisation are used to illustrate the problems of others, even in the context of a period when attention has supposedly been directed at women. The prejudices and problems experienced have, however, come from other women as well as from men, and these require examination in order to be overcome. The objectives of the organisation are outlined, with several informal strategies that have evolved through the experience of putting the objectives into effect.  相似文献   

Processes of class formation in rural Fiji have been suggested in a number of recent works. Land accumulation has been seen as a vital part of this and the effects observed have included landless‐ness and poverty. However, this article suggests that the limits to such land accumulation may have been reached in some areas. Because Fiji has retained a form of communal tenure over most of its land, indigenous Fijians have been able to resist continued loss of land through leasing. This is not because they are opposed to commercial agriculture or individual gain but more because their effective sovereignty over land has been lost to the state and returns to leasing are minimal.  相似文献   

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